Black fathers are the best

Study: Black Fathers Are The Most Involved Dads In America

By Barry Burch Jr. On too many streams of media, and in too many social gatherings, the Black father has been talked about like an irresponsible wreck. The popularization of single mothers, though they are prevalent, has caused the men who are active within their homes to fall by the wayside. Not only do these […]


What Black fathers?
Fatherless Sons in the Black Community - African American Culture
CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock | PolitiFact

According to 2011 U.S. Census Bureau data, over 24 million children live apart from their biological fathers. That is 1 out of every 3 (33%) children in America. Nearly 2 in 3 (64%) African American children live in father-absent homes. One in three (34%) Hispanic children, and 1 in 4 (25%) white children live in father-absent homes. In 1960, only 11% of children lived in father-absent homes. - See more at: Fatherhood Statistics | National Fatherhood Initiative

Evidently you missed the rest of the thread and as always come in with your failed arguments. We already addressed the 72% figure as a non item and th 64% figure as a uninformed stat. My oldest daughter could have been counted among that 64% at one time after I left the situation. However, i was more involved with her than the mother she lived with. Thats how silly your stats are.

This gets to the heart of parental responsibility in the black community. In fact, you're doing it right now.

[ame=]I Take Care Of My Kids - YouTube[/ame]

Evidently you missed the rest of the thread and as always come in with your failed arguments. We already addressed the 72% figure as a non item and th 64% figure as a uninformed stat. My oldest daughter could have been counted among that 64% at one time after I left the situation. However, i was more involved with her than the mother she lived with. Thats how silly your stats are.

This gets to the heart of parental responsibility in the black community. In fact, you're doing it right now.

This is actually the heart of the matter. Cognitive dissonance occurs when you have to confront your perceptions are flawed. As a matter of fact you are doing it right now. :lol:

Psychologists have shown that when most Americans see another person, we automatically process their race, sex and age, and as a result, the traits and characteristics associated with these groups are activated. This automatic pilot, however, runs into unexpected turbulence when we encounter social information that is inconsistent with our associations.

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Why is it that when Obama tells Black men that they have to be more responsible fathers, people on the right find reasons to criticize him?
Recheck your alleged fact. Its 64%


You know you're in a desperate situation when your only move is to argue over 8%. For the record, 64% is atrocious. :lol:

The only people that are desperate are the white hill billies on a thread about black dads. Honestly, what other reason are you here for? :lol:


Could it be all those absentee fathers are overseas fighting a war for this country,thats gratitude for you,you cant be in two places at the sametime.
Why is it that when Obama tells Black men that they have to be more responsible fathers, people on the right find reasons to criticize him?

Well "O" why dont you end the wars this country's fighting and bring the men home,all the men and there wont be any absentee dads.:evil::evil:
Why is it that when Obama tells Black men that they have to be more responsible fathers, people on the right find reasons to criticize him?

Well "O" why dont you end the wars this country's fighting and bring the men home,all the men and there wont be any absentee dads.:evil::evil:

Damn, you know black men in the US are shitty fathers when the president has to get on national tv to talk about it. You must feel a tremendous amount of shame over the fact that most black men in the US aren't capable of being fathers.
Then why not answer the question? Is your answer no or yes? Are you telling me that some women (of any race) don't lie and say that they don't have a man living with them, so they can continue to collect benefits? Do you not think that there are no women who are married, have the husband in the house, yet lie to the state and say that they are separated and the husband doesn't live there, so they can continue to collect benefits?

The question is irrelevant. My answer isn't going to change the facts. The census, which is where the statistics came from, has nothing to do with distributing welfare benefits.

LOL, why are you refusing to answer an easy question? So, do you think that many of those "unwed" mothers aren't on welfare?

My mother was a single Mom with four children and she never took a dime of welfare.

So yes, there are unwed mothers that aren't on welfare and plenty of them.
This is a pretty cool thread. I love killing all the propaganda.


All I see is a childish attempt to use pictures to try and refute facts.
Do you actually think posting pics proves anything? It's no different then me posting pics of black thugs and using it to insinuate all blacks are thugs.

Your thought process is all fucked up.....
This is a pretty cool thread. I love killing all the propaganda.


All I see is a childish attempt to use pictures to try and refute facts.
Do you actually think posting pics proves anything? It's no different then me posting pics of black thugs and using it to insinuate all blacks are thugs.

Your thought process is all fucked up.....

Watch that temper. We dont want you getting an aneurysm due to unexpected turbulence.

This is a pretty cool thread. I love killing all the propaganda.


All I see is a childish attempt to use pictures to try and refute facts.
Do you actually think posting pics proves anything? It's no different then me posting pics of black thugs and using it to insinuate all blacks are thugs.

Your thought process is all fucked up.....
Amen. It is as though a black man purportedly showing interest in a black child is supposed to absolve what is probably the greatest social problems facing black America today?

Does any one have a fucking clue, or really care?
This is a pretty cool thread. I love killing all the propaganda.


All I see is a childish attempt to use pictures to try and refute facts.
Do you actually think posting pics proves anything? It's no different then me posting pics of black thugs and using it to insinuate all blacks are thugs.

Your thought process is all fucked up.....
Amen. It is as though a black man purportedly showing interest in a black child is supposed to absolve what is probably the greatest social problems facing black America today?

Does any one have a fucking clue, or really care?

Its way more than 1. I have a million or more pictures to post. Yes we have a clue but you dont want to listen because you think you are right. Since thats the case we dont give a flying fuck what you think. Does that make sense?

This is a pretty cool thread. I love killing all the propaganda.


All I see is a childish attempt to use pictures to try and refute facts.
Do you actually think posting pics proves anything? It's no different then me posting pics of black thugs and using it to insinuate all blacks are thugs.

Your thought process is all fucked up.....

Watch that temper. We dont want you getting an aneurysm due to unexpected turbulence.


What makes you think I'm pissed? I feel sorry for you. It's gotta be tough to have to defend something as simple as being a father. Most find it rewarding and look forward to it,while others...mmmm not so much. Thats a tough thing to live down.
All I see is a childish attempt to use pictures to try and refute facts.
Do you actually think posting pics proves anything? It's no different then me posting pics of black thugs and using it to insinuate all blacks are thugs.

Your thought process is all fucked up.....
Amen. It is as though a black man purportedly showing interest in a black child is supposed to absolve what is probably the greatest social problems facing black America today?

Does any one have a fucking clue, or really care?

Its way more than 1. I have a million or more pictures to post. Yes we have a clue but you dont want to listen because you think you are right. Since thats the case we dont give a flying fuck what you think. Does that make sense?

Hope you right Asc. We should see a dramatic drops in black thuggery soon because of the renascence of the nuclear black family. Sure, then a the ebony Einsteins, Darwins, and Gates will flourish and Jupiter will align with Mars...Kum-bha-yah.
All I see is a childish attempt to use pictures to try and refute facts.
Do you actually think posting pics proves anything? It's no different then me posting pics of black thugs and using it to insinuate all blacks are thugs.

Your thought process is all fucked up.....

Watch that temper. We dont want you getting an aneurysm due to unexpected turbulence.


What makes you think I'm pissed? I feel sorry for you. It's gotta be tough to have to defend something as simple as being a father. Most find it rewarding and look forward to it,while others...mmmm not so much. Thats a tough thing to live down.

You are obviously pissed. You are not fooling anyone. What makes you think this is a debate? I dont need to defend anything. We are celebrating about Black fathers.

Amen. It is as though a black man purportedly showing interest in a black child is supposed to absolve what is probably the greatest social problems facing black America today?

Does any one have a fucking clue, or really care?

Its way more than 1. I have a million or more pictures to post. Yes we have a clue but you dont want to listen because you think you are right. Since thats the case we dont give a flying fuck what you think. Does that make sense?

Hope you right Asc. We should see a dramatic drops in black thuggery soon because of the renascence of the nuclear black family. Sure, then a the ebony Einsteins, Darwins, and Gates will flourish and Jupiter will align with Mars...Kum-bha-yah.

I know I am right and thats specifically what has all you cave apes in a frenzy. You come on here spewing negativity like your opinion actually matters and get further upset seeing all the photos. Evidence is a bitch sometimes. The concept of Black fathers frightens you guys. It instinctively disturbs you and you have to attack it. Now ask yourself this question. If what you say does not matter and what we think does, why are you trying to change our minds? Now does that make any sense at all?

Watch that temper. We dont want you getting an aneurysm due to unexpected turbulence.


What makes you think I'm pissed? I feel sorry for you. It's gotta be tough to have to defend something as simple as being a father. Most find it rewarding and look forward to it,while others...mmmm not so much. Thats a tough thing to live down.

You are obviously pissed. You are not fooling anyone. What makes you think this is a debate? I dont need to defend anything. We are celebrating about Black fathers.


Have fun with your celebration.
But celebrating something that should be as instinctive as avoiding fire or breathing seems a little silly.
And besides they already have a date set aside just for that. Maybe you've heard of it.
Or is this another one of those "look at me i'm black and special" kind of things?
So do you plan on a special celebration for "black man changing diaper" as well?
Or maybe "black guy crossing at the cross walk" day?

Anyway...knock yourself out if it makes you feel better.
What makes you think I'm pissed? I feel sorry for you. It's gotta be tough to have to defend something as simple as being a father. Most find it rewarding and look forward to it,while others...mmmm not so much. Thats a tough thing to live down.

You are obviously pissed. You are not fooling anyone. What makes you think this is a debate? I dont need to defend anything. We are celebrating about Black fathers.


Have fun with your celebration.
But celebrating something that should be as instinctive as avoiding fire or breathing seems a little silly.
And besides they already have a date set aside just for that. Maybe you've heard of it.
Or is this another one of those "look at me i'm black and special" kind of things?
So do you plan on a special celebration for "black man changing diaper" as well?
Or maybe "black guy crossing at the cross walk" day?

Anyway...knock yourself out if it makes you feel better.

I think you are confused again. What you think should be celebrated is irrelevant. I'm celebrating Black Fatherhood and tearing down the misconceptions that we are not good fathers. As a matter of fact the study proves we are better fathers.

Yes I have heard of Fathers day and celebrate it with my children every year. Why do you ask?

Why are you concerned if this is a "look at me i'm black and special" kind of things? The study already pointed that out.

Why would I celebrate changing a diaper? Thats everyday stuff, done as part of taking care of a child.

Your permission is not needed but thanks for playing.

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