Breaking: Israeli warplanes hit "another" refugee camp in Gaza Strip, killing dozens

I know about the American hostages. The problem is that the hostages would never be released as more demands from the pali's/hamas would just ensue. The islamo terrorists need to be exterminated followed by instituting a 100% depopulated 30 mile no-go zone around Israel. Ignite the Al-Masjid-al-Aqsa temple & touch of the Dome of the Gnome & islam has no viable reason to be anywhere near let alone inside the borders of Israel. Islam is calling for islamo martyrs by the numbers so the terrorists are in it for the long haul. The problem is that Islam has a long history of death cult activities through the centuries. The below links are all fairly recent on the time line of history.

We Muslims must confront the death cult in our societies

* Islamic State Sought $132 Million Ransom for Journalist

You are exactly like Hamas, but too dumb to know it.
Israel is mass murder women and children on purpose, and you approve. WTF!

Why are there do many dupes of war propaganda on this forum? Amazing how easily they are controlled by the establishment.

Thankfully most Americans aren’t this dumb.
Poll: 66% Of Americans Believe U.S. Should Call For Ceasefire in Gaza

Gaza invaded Israel, and targeted Civilians. When your country approves such an invasion targeting civilians in such a Savage, Barbaric manner, including raping mothers while being forced to watch their children burn to death, you asked for it.

You idiots crack me up.
Lol. So mass murdering is okay. Yeah sure.

Apparently you support no justice for the savage mass murder of Israelis, so I'm not sure what your real point is.

Like I said the "innocent" Palestinians have no made any kind of plea denouncing Hamas.
Gaza invaded Israel, and targeted Civilians. When your country approves such an invasion targeting civilians in such a Savage, Barbaric manner, including raping mothers while being forced to watch their children burn to death, you asked for it.

You idiots crack me up.
Lol. What a fool. Genocide before our eyes and this dumb MFer is blaming the victim.

Thank God most of my countrymen aren’t as easily duped by war propaganda as you.
Poll: 66% Of Americans Believe U.S. Should Call For Ceasefire in Gaza
Why would you support a religious extremist government like Israel?

Just like Hamas.

Only the officials of Gaza have stated they intend to continue raping Jew women while baking their children in ovens, then kill the parents, over and over and over until there are no more Jews left.

We get it, adulting is tough, we don’t expect Nazis like you to understand.
Why would you support a religious extremist government like Israel?

Just like Hamas.

Lol! Religious, extremist government!? Bwaaa ha haha! The word God isn't even mentioned once in their Constitution/Charter. You're unfucking hinged bro. Go sleep it off somewhere. Israel's government is about as secular as you'll find.
Not the answer of my question; but we all know who the terrorists are.

Exactly, both sides violate International Law but only the genocidal occupier is rewarded with countless $ Billions from American tax dollars and more $ Billions in military equipment.

Because craven US politicians won't stand up to AIPAC etc, America is complicit in genocide.

The world's 2 Billion+ Muslims are not going to let these war crimes against humanity go unavenged and we have only our "Israel Firsters" to thank for the future 9/11s we incur.


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