Zone1 can Donald J Trump really end the war in Ukraine once re-elected?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
i think that the ongoing war in Ukraine is best solved with a man like Donald J. Trump at the helm of the US, who recently in public (during my recent and regular watching of Fox News, Fox & Friends) indicated that he'd be willing to discuss the yielding of the Crimea back to Russia in oder to give real peace negotiations about Crimea and the Donbass a double-digit chance of success.

i also believe this to be a big deal between Angels, Demons and even some Gods.

i'm sure Trump won't let any Ukranian territories beyond Crimea and parts of the Donbass reglion fall into Moscovian hands again.
that's why i like to see Trump win in early November.
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First of all, if Trump wins, Tenpercentskyy had better get into the witness protection program fast....His life won't be worth one of Pedo Peter's soiled Depends....Both the Ukrainian people will want his head on a pike for killing them over a war that should've been avoided, and the golablist scum who've used him as their money laundry piss boi will want him at room temperature too.

That would leave the next crook up in Ukraine to negotiate the peace.

The Ukes can forget getting back the Donbas or Crimea...Play stupid games....
While I agree with all of that. . . .

Western elites in Europe are now insisting that Ukraine be part of NATO. Until this demand is dropped, Russia is not going to be coming to the bargaining table.
If Trump wins, even money that NATO might not survive as a thing this time around....This stupid war as on them.
i think that the ongoing war in Ukraine is best solved with a man like Donald J. Trump at the helm of the US, who recently in public (during my recent and regular watching of Fox News, Fox & Friends) indicated that he'd be willing to discuss the yielding of the Crimea back to Russia in oder to give real peace negotiations about Crimea and the Donbass a double-digit chance of success.

i also believe this to be a big deal between Angels, Demons and even some Gods.

i'm sure Trump won't let any Ukranian territories beyond Crimea and parts of the Donbass reglion fall into Moscovian hands again.
that's why i like to see Trump win in early November.
He will seek peace through strength. He might not say it publicly but he will.

Thus, he will send some heavy negotiators who will try and find some middle ground, but that middle ground would cost Russia some of their land. If not, he will sell gobs of weapons to Ukraine and do anything he can to help them keep Russia in a stalemate.

Taiwan will also be sold many billions in weapon.
I'm not entirely sure, we will have a chance to get to an election, TBH.

Listening to non-propaganda as to what is going on. . . we are more close to nuclear war than we were even during the Cuban Missile crises, TBH.

Larry Johnson: Russia Is Flashing Red, the West Better Pay Attention​

Jun 5, 2024

Russia warns US against 'fatal' miscalculation in Ukraine​

June 3, 2024

Putin warns that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets​

Updated 3:49 AM EDT, June 6, 2024

If Ukraine takes out Russia's early warning systems for ICBMs? That's it, it will be global thermal nuclear war.

Russia doesn't make idle threats.

Larry C. Johnson on Scott Ritter and Russia's Severe Warning to NATO​

98,820 views Jun 9, 2024 Interviews
" Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right. You can also follow him on telegram ( ( and"


Putin slams the West in SPIEF speech for trying to preserve hegemony, calls for accelerated domestic development​

'Confident' Putin: Western Media Reflects on Russian President's SPIEF Speech​

From Intel Slava;

Transcript: Putin’s Speech at SPIEF​
"Putin made a number of other important statements at SPIEF.


– Russia will achieve victory in Ukraine

– The executive power of Ukraine has lost its legitimacy

– Power in Ukraine has been usurped, but the Russian Federation is ready to look for someone to negotiate with

– Russia is ready for negotiations on Ukraine, but not on the basis of someone’s “inventions,” but on the basis of “Istanbul” and taking into account new realities.

– It is possible to speed up the solution of the tasks of a special operation, but only at the cost of increased losses, and the lives of the Russian military are more important

“We don’t rattle nuclear weapons.” Russia's use of nuclear weapons is possible only in exceptional cases, such as have not yet occurred."

Putin slams the West in SPIEF speech for trying to preserve hegemony, calls for accelerated domestic development​

'Confident' Putin: Western Media Reflects on Russian President's SPIEF Speech​

From Intel Slava;

Transcript: Putin’s Speech at SPIEF​
"Putin made a number of other important statements at SPIEF.


– Russia will achieve victory in Ukraine

– The executive power of Ukraine has lost its legitimacy

– Power in Ukraine has been usurped, but the Russian Federation is ready to look for someone to negotiate with

– Russia is ready for negotiations on Ukraine, but not on the basis of someone’s “inventions,” but on the basis of “Istanbul” and taking into account new realities.

– It is possible to speed up the solution of the tasks of a special operation, but only at the cost of increased losses, and the lives of the Russian military are more important

“We don’t rattle nuclear weapons.” Russia's use of nuclear weapons is possible only in exceptional cases, such as have not yet occurred."
i wonder why Russia has posted media-technically-loud nuclear threat warnings during the conflict in Ukraine.
It won't be easy... a lot of blood has been spilled... the way Trump calmed down Iran was to break them... he made it impossible for them to sell oil and it was working...
He can do that again even without sanctions... we must drill like never before and get the price of oil and natural gas so low it will kill any profits for Russia and Iran... you can't be a warrior nation without money.... I wish democrats would understand this because their push to end fossil fuels when we have more than any nation on earth is not a good idea in this dangerous world...
i think that the ongoing war in Ukraine is best solved with a man like Donald J. Trump at the helm of the US, who recently in public (during my recent and regular watching of Fox News, Fox & Friends) indicated that he'd be willing to discuss the yielding of the Crimea back to Russia in oder to give real peace negotiations about Crimea and the Donbass a double-digit chance of success.

i also believe this to be a big deal between Angels, Demons and even some Gods.

i'm sure Trump won't let any Ukranian territories beyond Crimea and parts of the Donbass reglion fall into Moscovian hands again.
that's why i like to see Trump win in early November.
If you want someone to surrender to Russia and look weak before the whole world, Trump is your boy.
Trumpn9s a goddamn moron wh9 can't accomplish anything. He doesn't know anything about anything and has no "plans". Even to suggest he might is the height of absurdity.

Trump will do what he has always done: abandon American leadership amongst our allies and inflame tensions in the middle east and elsewhere, while shaping something that barely resembles doctrine designed for personal gain.

Putin is signaling the possibility of talks to end the war. That will all go away immediately, if Trump is elected.

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