Can't We Solve Illegal Immigration Ourselves?

Other countries have borders.
Other countries have a unified desire to maintain those borders. Seems a lot of Americans would prefer black and brown immigrants to poor white racist trash and are more than happy to see you replaced, demographically. 😄
Other countries have a unified desire to maintain those borders. Seems a lot of Americans would prefer black and brown immigrants to poor white racist trash and are more than happy to see you replaced, demographically. 😄
Well, that's your fantasy, Chuck.

You almost seem to want us to believe your vicious racism is a good thing.

For a highly pigmented critter, you are highly transparent. Sun shines right through ya.
Well, that's your fantasy, Chuck.

You almost seem to want us to believe your vicious racism is a good thing.

For a highly pigmented critter, you are highly transparent. Sun shines right through ya.
What part of what I said is fantasy? No one is doing anything about illegal immigrants and even legal immigrants like my mother are allowed to come here and give birth to American citizens like me. You are being replaced. Census data and birth rates prove that fact. Mixed race children are the largest growing demographic and there is no real push to do anything about it. Nothing but a bunch of cucks and clowns day dreaming about doing something as their country slowly gets taken from them piece by piece. You're the ones with the fantasies of cosplaying Rambo at the border. 😆 I'm reality little bitch.
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What part of what I said is fantasy? No one is doing anything about illegal immigrants and even legal immigrants like my mother are allowed to come here and give birth to American citizens like me. You are being replaced. Census data and birth rates prove that fact. Mixed race children are the largest growing demographic and there is no real push to do anything about it. Nothing but a bunch of cucks and clowns day dreaming about doing something as their country slowly gets taken from them piece by piece. You're the ones with Rambo cosplay fantasies. 😆 I'm reality little bitch.
We're fighting it. You have no functional idea of how many white people are dedicated to maintaining the white race in this country.. You think they are all trembling in their boots at the mere thought of being called "racist", and you could not be more wrong. You have jumped the shark with the "white supemacist" bullshit and very few people are at all concerned about having that dull weapon aimed at them. It no longer cuts. They no longer bleed. The day that your weaponized language had any effectiveness is LONG GONE!
We're fighting it. You have no functional idea of how many white people are dedicated to maintaining the white race in this country.
Is that fighting affective though? 😄 I don't care if you cucks put up a fight, in fact that makes beating you even more enjoyable, what I'm wondering is what are your results? Illegal immigrants continue to stream in, birth rates of minorities continue to outpace those of whites and even among the whites yours is a dying culture. Your children are less racist, more progressive and tend to lean heavily toward the Democratic Party. They are the ones largely choosing to have babies with people of different ethnicities rather than maintain some white bloodline. Don't tell me that you're fighting, tell me how you plan to be victorious because all I see is a lot of losing.
You think they are all trembling in their boots at the mere thought of being called "racist", and you could not be more wrong. You have jumped the shark with the "white supemacist" bullshit and very few people are at all concerned about having that dull weapon aimed at them. It no longer cuts. They no longer bleed. The day that your weaponized language had any effectiveness is LONG GONE!

Tell that to the McMichaels who just got convicted on federal hate crime charges. Tell that to all the communities tearing down statues to your racist heroes and culture. Maybe accusations of racism don't matter in whatever hick trailer park you reside in but in mainstream America and mainstream culture, being outed as a racist can get you canceled. 😁
Is that fighting affective though? 😄 I don't care if you cucks put up a fight, in fact that makes beating you even more enjoyable, what I'm wondering is what are your results? Illegal immigrants continue to stream in, birth rates of minorities continue to outpace those of whites and even among the whites yours is a dying culture. Your children are less racist, more progressive and tend to lean heavily toward the Democratic Party. They are the ones largely choosing to have babies with people of different ethnicities rather than maintain some white bloodline. Don't tell me that you're fighting, tell me how you plan to be victorious because all I see is a lot of losing.


Tell that to the McMichaels who just got convicted on federal hate crime charges. Tell that to all the communities tearing down statues to your racist heroes and culture. Maybe accusations of racism don't matter in whatever hick trailer park you reside in but in mainstream America and mainstream culture, being outed as a racist can get you canceled. 😁
You advocate genocide.

Screenshots are forever, racist.
No one's hiding little cuck. I'm right here openly laughing at you. 😄

Good. Bring it. Laugh louder. In fact, to borrow a phrase from my dear mom, shit in one hand and laugh in the other, racist, and see which hand fills up faster.

Bring it.

We're waiting Curried Goats. Give us your best.
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For if nobody wants to get the police involved and the people coming into this country illegally right now want to destroy it and its people I see a couple of other options that we could use. If the Biden Harris administration wants us to show "compassion" to these people we can be very compassionate and give them free helicopter rides and free rides to meet Jesus. Who's with me?

For one whom claims to be a Christian, you are totally clueless about your Lord and Savior
For one whom claims to be a Christian, you are totally clueless about your Lord and Savior
Good. Bring it. Laugh louder. In fact, to borrow a phrase from my dear mom, shit in one hand and laugh in the other, racist, and see which hand fills up faster.

Bring it.

Why are white people shitting in their hands? 😄 You nasty mother fuckers.

And we are bringing it. We're bringing millions and millions of new immigrants every year and they are having little baby Americans who are growing up to have babies with your sons and daughters and the only thing you white powerless types are doing about it is fantasizing about violence online. You have no real strategy. You have no political hope of ending birthright citizenship and violence would probably just get you put down and result in even more legal protections for immigrants. 😄 You have no avenues to victory. You will continue to lose ground day after day, year after year until one day you wake up and realize you laid down and let it happen.

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