C'Mon Now!!! Admit That You Like This One Whether Left Or Right!!

Lol that video has a great slogan idea for a shirt "Get the fuck out of MY country Trump!"
Figures you on the left don't mind USING children for you vicious campaigns against other people.

reminds me of some other people in the Middle East who does the same thing.

Teach their children to hate and then use women and children as HUMAN SHEILDS

just pathetic how low you will crawl for a Political party
Figures you on the left don't mind USING children for you vicious campaigns against other people.

reminds me of some other people in the Middle East who does the same thing.

Teach their children to hate and then use women and children as HUMAN SHEILDS

just pathetic how low you will crawl for a Political party
Those kids appreciate their American citizenship way more than your fat ass does.
Figures you on the left don't mind USING children for you vicious campaigns against other people.

reminds me of some other people in the Middle East who does the same thing.

Teach their children to hate and then use women and children as HUMAN SHEILDS

just pathetic how low you will crawl for a Political party

Meanwhile.....the only thing you bible thumping Right Wingers do is tell constant lies. You do remember this don't you?

No, Latinos Probably Don't Love Donald Trump
Figures you on the left don't mind USING children for you vicious campaigns against other people.

reminds me of some other people in the Middle East who does the same thing.

Teach their children to hate and then use women and children as HUMAN SHEILDS

just pathetic how low you will crawl for a Political party
Those kids appreciate their American citizenship way more than your fat ass does.

Pffftt.. I know for a fact that at least two of those lil' bastages hide all their income in off shore tax shelters, not to mention none of 'em have ever bothered to vote. :p
i hope and pray Donald Trump becomes our next president and kicks out all illegal aliens.., from new born to 100+ years old. :up:

bible thumpers....? you idiot atheists need your asses kicked out as well. :up:

The analytics under the video interested me. Especially some of the comments from some who claimed they were Hispanics.

Dan Cruz 4 hours ago
I'm Hispanic and this made me want to build a wall

· 147

Danny Grimm 6 hours ago (edited)
I have never voted in a general election before, and up to this point I never had a candidate that I truly supported from any party. But after this pathetic display of a video, my very first vote is going straight to Donald Trump in the hope that this kind of third world trash is taken out as soon as possible. By any means necessary. I am by the way, Hispanic. And yes, again, Donald Trump has both my full support and my vote.

· 231

Christopher Salazar 7 hours ago
As a Latino, I apologize for this.

· 274
The video is further evidence that liberals are mentally ill. The kids are filled with hate and used as a political tool. It's child abuse to teach them to hate before they can understand. No wonder so many kids are so screwed up today.
The video is further evidence that liberals are mentally ill. The kids are filled with hate and used as a political tool. It's child abuse to teach them to hate before they can understand. No wonder so many kids are so screwed up today.
Well if you had a huge segment of country calling you an anchor baby, a rapist, and a murderer, you'd probably be pretty mad too.
i hope and pray Donald Trump becomes our next president and kicks out all illegal aliens.., from new born to 100+ years old. :up:

bible thumpers....? you idiot atheists need your asses kicked out as well. :up:

Well....I'm getting old and I'll admit not much surprises me and it's nice to see that still yet another hypocritical bible thumper doesn't have a clue what's in the new testament:

Matthew 25:31-46King James Version (KJV)

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
The video is further evidence that liberals are mentally ill. The kids are filled with hate and used as a political tool. It's child abuse to teach them to hate before they can understand. No wonder so many kids are so screwed up today.
Well if you had a huge segment of country calling you an anchor baby, a rapist, and a murderer, you'd probably be pretty mad too.

When did a "huge segment of country" call those kids rapists and murderers? I don't think I got that memo. As far as "anchor baby" goes, when did that become an insult?
The video is further evidence that liberals are mentally ill. The kids are filled with hate and used as a political tool. It's child abuse to teach them to hate before they can understand. No wonder so many kids are so screwed up today.
Well if you had a huge segment of country calling you an anchor baby, a rapist, and a murderer, you'd probably be pretty mad too.
Donald Trump is huge but he's one person. And he didn't say they all were. Libs are just plain stupid.
The video is further evidence that liberals are mentally ill. The kids are filled with hate and used as a political tool. It's child abuse to teach them to hate before they can understand. No wonder so many kids are so screwed up today.
What is Trump's excuse?
The video is further evidence that liberals are mentally ill. The kids are filled with hate and used as a political tool. It's child abuse to teach them to hate before they can understand. No wonder so many kids are so screwed up today.
Well if you had a huge segment of country calling you an anchor baby, a rapist, and a murderer, you'd probably be pretty mad too.
Donald Trump is huge but he's one person. And he didn't say they all were. Libs are just plain stupid.

Very true

Trump admitted that "some" were not rapists and murderers
The video is further evidence that liberals are mentally ill. The kids are filled with hate and used as a political tool. It's child abuse to teach them to hate before they can understand. No wonder so many kids are so screwed up today.
Well if you had a huge segment of country calling you an anchor baby, a rapist, and a murderer, you'd probably be pretty mad too.
Donald Trump is huge but he's one person. And he didn't say they all were. Libs are just plain stupid.

they can't win unless they LIE. I mean their own President they put in office won LIE OF THE YEAR. Everyone worth anything knows Exactly what Trump said.
Now they are using children to spread their lies and hate. they are sickening

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