Conway Admits Trump Lied About Whittaker

Is THAT why you tell so many, Creepazoid? :eek:
Find one lie I have told and post it up. I just did yours.

This whole thread is a lie, as you well know and perpetrate.
But it isn't. Multiple sources repeating the same thing.
Trump claims he doesn’t know his new acting attorney general. A month ago he said he did.

Trump says he doesn't know acting AG, despite reports of Oval Office meetings

How many more do you want me to post?

Again, the thread lies that "Conway admits Trump lied."

Is that true?

Not in the slightest. Kelly Conway said no such thing. It's a flat out lie, top to bottom.

That the Trump hating post tries to mince words is no surprise, they are unethical scum on the level of Joseph Goebbels.

Trump had no prior relationship with Whitaker. Fact. Interaction as part of the administration is the ONLY interaction they have had. The Post knows this, but they are fucking liars, demagogues with no ethics or integrity.
Conway said tRump does know this fella. That's admitting he lies.
No it doesn't. Do you know Obama? Unless you've had a personal dealings with him, you don't really know him. Trump has met millions of people, but he doesn't know them.

This thread is proving the Left has gone completely off its rocker. Who the fuck cares if Trump knew Whittaker or not.
Don't care

We know, you love liars and being lied too.
How does it affect me?

Here's a hint: IT DOESN'T

I know, because your fat Orange demagogue lying to you is something you cherish.

It’s what good people are up against.

The president is a liar; his fans don’t care if he’s a liar and they will never care about anything except themselves. It’s 100% the antithesis of everything they say they believe in but, because they have no character anchor…it doesn’t matter to them. I would imagine if a customer lied to the convict about paying him for remodeling their bathroom, he’d suddenly develop a new appreciation for the truth but until the lie directly affects them…no problem.

What they don’t understand is that the entire government takes it’s cue from the leader. Like the Captain of the unit where they’re kid is serving tells the kids, “They don’t have any armor” and orders the infantry forward…only to find out they had armor. Why would the Captain be held accountable when his commanding officer isn’t? Perhaps the Captain who wasn’t in the charge can just say, “How does it affect me? Here’s a hint; It doesn’t.

This is why Grampa Murked U is a piece of shit.
Find one lie I have told and post it up. I just did yours.

This whole thread is a lie, as you well know and perpetrate.
But it isn't. Multiple sources repeating the same thing.
Trump claims he doesn’t know his new acting attorney general. A month ago he said he did.

Trump says he doesn't know acting AG, despite reports of Oval Office meetings

How many more do you want me to post?

Again, the thread lies that "Conway admits Trump lied."

Is that true?

Not in the slightest. Kelly Conway said no such thing. It's a flat out lie, top to bottom.

That the Trump hating post tries to mince words is no surprise, they are unethical scum on the level of Joseph Goebbels.

Trump had no prior relationship with Whitaker. Fact. Interaction as part of the administration is the ONLY interaction they have had. The Post knows this, but they are fucking liars, demagogues with no ethics or integrity.
Conway said tRump does know this fella. That's admitting he lies.
No it doesn't. Do you know Obama? Unless you've had a personal dealings with him, you don't really know him. Trump has met millions of people, but he doesn't know them.

This thread is proving the Left has gone completely off its rocker. Who the fuck cares if Trump knew Whittaker or not.
This is just one more indication that Democrats have become such liars they can no longer discern truth from the voices in their heads.
Don't care

We know, you love liars and being lied too.
How does it affect me?

Here's a hint: IT DOESN'T

I know, because your fat Orange demagogue lying to you is something you cherish.
. Your brown, shitstain of a "leader" lied throughout his dictatorship.

Your Orange demagogue surpassed him by February 2017 and you love it.
Don't care

You don't care that the POTUS is a damn liar? What does that make you?
He didn't lie. What does that make you?
All those days of Trump supporters denying he is a compulsive habitual serial liar and being taken seriously are in our past. An ouster of rubber stamp Republicans in oversight and Congressional power to investigate Presidential Lies has made cult-like denials obsolete. They can lie about not caring all they want, eventually, their rhetorical denials will become clear to even the most delusional of them.
Trump getting caught in yet another lie doesn't even move the needle

No one got "caught" at anything. You Heinreich Himmler clones are just fucking liars who will do or say anything to slander your betters.

Trump had no prior relationship with Whitaker. You Stalinists know it, but your hate burns so fierce that you lie about it.

So that makes Kellyanne the liar?

Nothing makes Kellyanne a liar at this point. You can't make her into something she has already been for a long time.
He's putting a dependable lackey in there, and that should be troubling. More than troubling.
OMG, after the Obama admin's AGs you're whining about lackeys????

Holder was literally Obama's "wingman" for the political crimes he refused to prosecute (IRS, fast and furious, etc)
Loretta Lynch's "collusion" with Bubba and insistence the "investigation" was a "matter"
He's putting a dependable lackey in there, and that should be troubling. More than troubling.
OMG, after the Obama admin's AGs you're whining about lackeys????
Holder was literally Obama's "wingman" for the political crimes he refused to prosecute (IRS, fast and furious, etc)
Loretta Lynch's "collusion" with Bubba and insistence the "investigation" was a "matter"
Deflection noted.
Trump may know him, but he doesn't know him-know him -- that's what he meant by he doesn't know him...

Yea, Trump saw him on CNN and had his white house staff convince Sessions to make Whitaker his chief of staff -- but that doesn't mean Trump knows him knows him

Yea, Trump may have just a couple of months ago, talked about Whitaker and how great of a guy he was -- but Trump does that about people he doesn't know all the time.

Obama also claimed not to know Matt Whitaker, but that is a lie because how can Obama not know him, but knew his name??
Trump also said he did not know who David Duke was. Trump thinks he is so clever when he makes bold faced lies. His slobbering minions do not care because like abused spouses they just accept the lies. The rest of us know that Trump is a pathological liar, that his loyalty to any person is as thin as his hairline, and that Trump has a disdain for our constitutional institutions.
He's putting a dependable lackey in there, and that should be troubling. More than troubling.
OMG, after the Obama admin's AGs you're whining about lackeys????
Holder was literally Obama's "wingman" for the political crimes he refused to prosecute (IRS, fast and furious, etc)
Loretta Lynch's "collusion" with Bubba and insistence the "investigation" was a "matter"
Deflection noted.
Whitaker hasn't done anything yet to deserve the ire he's receiving. So if I'm pointing to prior AGs as Obama's "lackeys" , and the Left's loving approval, you might be able to see the double standard and political coloring of the opinions.
Trump getting caught in yet another lie doesn't even move the needle

No one got "caught" at anything. You Heinreich Himmler clones are just fucking liars who will do or say anything to slander your betters.

Trump had no prior relationship with Whitaker. You Stalinists know it, but your hate burns so fierce that you lie about it.

So that makes Kellyanne the liar?

Nothing makes Kellyanne a liar at this point. You can't make her into something she has already been for a long time.
SHE makes Trump a liar

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