Crazy Jeff Sessions laughs as conservative students chant "lock her up" about Crooked Hillary

Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant at conservative youth conference

In the meantime, Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn are awaiting their jail sentences. Not to mention a total of 35 indictments related to the campaign.

Isn't it funny, and sad as hell, that the same guy, (Michael Flynn), who called for Hillary to be locked up during the campaign, is awaiting his own sentencing, soon to be followed by Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort for dozens of charges, and Jeff Sessions, (the attorney general of the U.S.), who has his own baggage, follows behind the chants of these high school idiots, to lock up a person who isn't going to jail. Folks, I couldn't have made this up if I had to. The high ups in the Republican party chant to lock her up, and they're the one's being locked up, and still chanting about Clinton.

This is the result of a dumbing down Republican party.
Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant at conservative youth conference

In the meantime, Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn are awaiting their jail sentences. Not to mention a total of 35 indictments related to the campaign.

Isn't it funny, and sad as hell, that the same guy, (Michael Flynn), who called for Hillary to be locked up during the campaign, is awaiting his own sentencing, soon to be followed by Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort for dozens of charges, and Jeff Sessions, (the attorney general of the U.S.), who has his own baggage, follows behind the chants of these high school idiots, to lock up a person who isn't going to jail. Folks, I couldn't have made this up if I had to. The high ups in the Republican party chant to lock her up, and they're the one's being locked up, and still chanting about Clinton.

This is the result of a dumbing down Republican party.
I'd say it's more the result of partisan liars.
If anything, she should be locked up for her crappy fashion "statements"...




Uhh, when he repeated it, he was not repeating it as a chant, but as what are they saying. He then chuckled as in “oh, gee”.
it wasn't exactly maniacal laughter like i would have done. Hillary's the one laughing at Sessions, in reality.

Sessions laughs along as students chant 'lock her up'


Hilary committed several felonies with her illegal server...she needs to go to jail.
Proof it was a felony?

She sent classified information on an unclassified server.

Mishandling classified information is not a misdemeanor. Comey himself admitted in front of congress that she did this.

Comey's ORIGINAL writeup about Clinton's email scandal:

Comey’s original Clinton memo released, cites possible violations
Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant at conservative youth conference

In the meantime, Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn are awaiting their jail sentences. Not to mention a total of 35 indictments related to the campaign.

Isn't it funny, and sad as hell, that the same guy, (Michael Flynn), who called for Hillary to be locked up during the campaign, is awaiting his own sentencing, soon to be followed by Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort for dozens of charges, and Jeff Sessions, (the attorney general of the U.S.), who has his own baggage, follows behind the chants of these high school idiots, to lock up a person who isn't going to jail. Folks, I couldn't have made this up if I had to. The high ups in the Republican party chant to lock her up, and they're the one's being locked up, and still chanting about Clinton.

This is the result of a dumbing down Republican party.

And nothing that has to do with the Trump campaign.
it wasn't exactly maniacal laughter like i would have done. Hillary's the one laughing at Sessions, in reality.

Sessions laughs along as students chant 'lock her up'


Hilary committed several felonies with her illegal server...she needs to go to jail.
Proof it was a felony?

She sent classified information on an unclassified server.

Mishandling classified information is not a misdemeanor. Comey himself admitted in front of congress that she did this.

Comey's ORIGINAL writeup about Clinton's email scandal:

Comey’s original Clinton memo released, cites possible violations
Garbage, why didn't Trey lock her up.
Can't prove she did anything illegal.
Got the classified transcripts?
I guess you believe the FBI didn't look at the dem server?
And hill sold uranium when she wasn't even in the state dept?
And Vince Foster
And what did you do for the 911 families??
Please tell
Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant at conservative youth conference

In the meantime, Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn are awaiting their jail sentences. Not to mention a total of 35 indictments related to the campaign.

Isn't it funny, and sad as hell, that the same guy, (Michael Flynn), who called for Hillary to be locked up during the campaign, is awaiting his own sentencing, soon to be followed by Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort for dozens of charges, and Jeff Sessions, (the attorney general of the U.S.), who has his own baggage, follows behind the chants of these high school idiots, to lock up a person who isn't going to jail. Folks, I couldn't have made this up if I had to. The high ups in the Republican party chant to lock her up, and they're the one's being locked up, and still chanting about Clinton.

This is the result of a dumbing down Republican party.
I'd say it's more the result of partisan liars.
OR maybe there's a reluctance because they'd have to lock up Condi and Colin too.
Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant at conservative youth conference

In the meantime, Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn are awaiting their jail sentences. Not to mention a total of 35 indictments related to the campaign.

Isn't it funny, and sad as hell, that the same guy, (Michael Flynn), who called for Hillary to be locked up during the campaign, is awaiting his own sentencing, soon to be followed by Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort for dozens of charges, and Jeff Sessions, (the attorney general of the U.S.), who has his own baggage, follows behind the chants of these high school idiots, to lock up a person who isn't going to jail. Folks, I couldn't have made this up if I had to. The high ups in the Republican party chant to lock her up, and they're the one's being locked up, and still chanting about Clinton.

This is the result of a dumbing down Republican party.
I'd say it's more the result of partisan liars.
OR maybe there's a reluctance because they'd have to lock up Condi and Colin too.
I'm sure they've got some kind of they have no power even tho they have all three branches of government.
it wasn't exactly maniacal laughter like i would have done. Hillary's the one laughing at Sessions, in reality.

Sessions laughs along as students chant 'lock her up'


Hilary committed several felonies with her illegal server...she needs to go to jail.
She did? Where are those indictments?

Wait you need indictments? The left has charged Trump with treason, collusion, election rigging, etc without a single indictment. So indictments are only needed for liberals to prove guilt? They don't prove guilt anyway, but that's beside the point.
Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant at conservative youth conference

In the meantime, Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn are awaiting their jail sentences. Not to mention a total of 35 indictments related to the campaign.

Isn't it funny, and sad as hell, that the same guy, (Michael Flynn), who called for Hillary to be locked up during the campaign, is awaiting his own sentencing, soon to be followed by Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort for dozens of charges, and Jeff Sessions, (the attorney general of the U.S.), who has his own baggage, follows behind the chants of these high school idiots, to lock up a person who isn't going to jail. Folks, I couldn't have made this up if I had to. The high ups in the Republican party chant to lock her up, and they're the one's being locked up, and still chanting about Clinton.

This is the result of a dumbing down Republican party.
I'd say it's more the result of partisan liars.
Lying about what?

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