Deception In The Rcc


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Roman Catholicism Compared To Biblical Chrsitianity

Nice summary of the differences between the Bible and RC'ism. You can plainly see they are not the same. A lot of added false man made teaching there. Here is a portion;


The Roman Catholic Church (much like the Judaizers in the book of Galatians) upholds four fundamental tenets of the Christian
faith: the deity of Christ, the Trinity, the virgin birth, and the bodily resurrection of Jesus. However, it denies that Christ’s work
of redemption is finished and that His atonement is sufficient.

In addition, Catholic teaching opposes the doctrine most essential to the Christian faith – the doctrine of justification by
faith alone. The RCC not only denies this doctrine, but also condemns anyone who believes it. The Catholic Church may say
that it believes in salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, but the doctrines of that church deny these words.

The Roman Catholic Church says it believes in salvation by grace alone. However, their “grace” is not the free gift of
Christianity but can only be received by the individual in partial installments dispensed through the “magesterium” of the RCC *
(see Catholic Doctrinal Guide for definition). The RCC says it believes in salvation through faith alone - but adds works to that.
It says it believes in salvation through Christ alone - but adds, among other things, membership in the Catholic Church, a belief
that water baptism, even of infants, is what constitutes being born-again, and unbiblical beliefs about Mary. If doctrine is not
discussed, then Christians will never realize that the doctrines of the Bible are different from the doctrines the RCC adheres to,
no matter what they say to the contrary. More importantly, if we do not delineate the differences in doctrine between the
Christian Church and the Catholic Church, we do an incredible disservice to those Catholics who believe they are born-again
yet still continue in the church of Rome. If we evade doctrinal issues, we are not giving Catholics the chance to escape from a
deception that will condemn them to eternal death. If a man believes a false gospel, he is not saved and cannot be discipled.
The discussion of doctrinal differences is truly a life – or - death matter.


Bible: “Every Scripture is God-breathed – given by His inspiration – and profitable for instruction, for reproof, for correction of
error, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, well-fitted and thoroughly equipped for every
good work” (2 Ti 3: 16-17). See also 2 Pe 1: 3-10 and 1 Cor 2:13.

Deut 4:2; Prov 30:5,6; Rev 22: 19 are just some of the warnings in the Bible dealing with adding to or subtracting from God's
Holy Word. The RCC, however, does not seem to heed these warnings. As just one example, the Catholic Church does not
profess the simple Ten Commandments, eliminating the second commandment to have no idols before God and to create no
graven images. The RCC then takes the Biblical tenth Commandment and makes it into two instead of one. Hence, the RCC
Ten Commandments are not the Biblical Ten Commandments. The Roman Catholic Church believes that there are more than
the 66 canonical books of the Bible, adding what they call the Apocrypha*. The Apocrypha contains descriptions of Jesus
performing magic as a child, and the Catholic beliefs in praying for the dead and purgatory. “Purgatory is the place of suffering a
Catholic enters after death when he may need to make additional reparation for his sins. There he pays for the temporal
punishment of sins not previously atoned for by acts of penance* or canceled by indulgences*, special credits obtained from the
RCC by performing religious acts” (J. McCarthy: What You Need To Know About Roman Catholicism).

The Catholic Church also adds tradition and papal infallibility* to the teachings of the Bible, thereby placing both above the
inerrancy of the Bible. (Mt 15:6 states: “So for the sake of your tradition, you have set aside the Word of God and made it null
and void.”)

(following is excerpted from Roman Catholicism: Scripture vs. Tradition by Mike Gendron):



Bible: "He saved us not because of any righteous deeds we had done, but because of His mercy" (Titus 3:5)

Roman Catholic Church teaches that "by His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has 'opened' heaven to us" (1026 -references
are from 1994 Catholic catechism). Each person attains his own salvation by grace and good works (1477).


Bible: "For you know it was not with perishable things...that you are redeemed...but with the precious blood of Christ" (1 Pe

RCC teaches that Mary is the sinless co-Redeemer. "Without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely to the person
and work of her son; she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with Him...being obedient, she became the cause
of salvation for herself and for the whole human race" (494)


Bible: "God is one, one also is the mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Ti 2:5, 1 Jn 2:1)

RCC teaches that Mary "did not lay aside her saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation. She is Advocate…and Mediatrix” (969)
Lot's of differences between the King James Bible and the other versions as well. It's intentional.

yes. I don't like how they messed with the commandment about idols.
You forgot "transubstantiation" as another fundamental tenet.
it's easy to find problems with others. Fix yourself firmly and Christ and get the Spirit and you'll have enough to take care of.
Ah @ninja007 you must be a member of one of the "feel good" Christian churches. Which of the hundreds of them, the only correct one though of course, are you a member of?
Ah @ninja007 you must be a member of one of the "feel good" Christian churches. Which of the hundreds of them, the only correct one though of course, are you a member of?

I'm a member of the born again church- you know the one who believes in Jesus' free gift called salvation by faith in Him.
Roman Catholicism Compared To Biblical Chrsitianity

Nice summary of the differences between the Bible and RC'ism. You can plainly see they are not the same. A lot of added false man made teaching there. Here is a portion;


The Roman Catholic Church (much like the Judaizers in the book of Galatians) upholds four fundamental tenets of the Christian
faith: the deity of Christ, the Trinity, the virgin birth, and the bodily resurrection of Jesus. However, it denies that Christ’s work
of redemption is finished and that His atonement is sufficient.

In addition, Catholic teaching opposes the doctrine most essential to the Christian faith – the doctrine of justification by
faith alone. The RCC not only denies this doctrine, but also condemns anyone who believes it. The Catholic Church may say
that it believes in salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, but the doctrines of that church deny these words.

The Roman Catholic Church says it believes in salvation by grace alone. However, their “grace” is not the free gift of
Christianity but can only be received by the individual in partial installments dispensed through the “magesterium” of the RCC *
(see Catholic Doctrinal Guide for definition). The RCC says it believes in salvation through faith alone - but adds works to that.
It says it believes in salvation through Christ alone - but adds, among other things, membership in the Catholic Church, a belief
that water baptism, even of infants, is what constitutes being born-again, and unbiblical beliefs about Mary. If doctrine is not
discussed, then Christians will never realize that the doctrines of the Bible are different from the doctrines the RCC adheres to,
no matter what they say to the contrary. More importantly, if we do not delineate the differences in doctrine between the
Christian Church and the Catholic Church, we do an incredible disservice to those Catholics who believe they are born-again
yet still continue in the church of Rome. If we evade doctrinal issues, we are not giving Catholics the chance to escape from a
deception that will condemn them to eternal death. If a man believes a false gospel, he is not saved and cannot be discipled.
The discussion of doctrinal differences is truly a life – or - death matter.


Bible: “Every Scripture is God-breathed – given by His inspiration – and profitable for instruction, for reproof, for correction of
error, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, well-fitted and thoroughly equipped for every
good work” (2 Ti 3: 16-17). See also 2 Pe 1: 3-10 and 1 Cor 2:13.

Deut 4:2; Prov 30:5,6; Rev 22: 19 are just some of the warnings in the Bible dealing with adding to or subtracting from God's
Holy Word. The RCC, however, does not seem to heed these warnings. As just one example, the Catholic Church does not
profess the simple Ten Commandments, eliminating the second commandment to have no idols before God and to create no
graven images. The RCC then takes the Biblical tenth Commandment and makes it into two instead of one. Hence, the RCC
Ten Commandments are not the Biblical Ten Commandments. The Roman Catholic Church believes that there are more than
the 66 canonical books of the Bible, adding what they call the Apocrypha*. The Apocrypha contains descriptions of Jesus
performing magic as a child, and the Catholic beliefs in praying for the dead and purgatory. “Purgatory is the place of suffering a
Catholic enters after death when he may need to make additional reparation for his sins. There he pays for the temporal
punishment of sins not previously atoned for by acts of penance* or canceled by indulgences*, special credits obtained from the
RCC by performing religious acts” (J. McCarthy: What You Need To Know About Roman Catholicism).

The Catholic Church also adds tradition and papal infallibility* to the teachings of the Bible, thereby placing both above the
inerrancy of the Bible. (Mt 15:6 states: “So for the sake of your tradition, you have set aside the Word of God and made it null
and void.”)

(following is excerpted from Roman Catholicism: Scripture vs. Tradition by Mike Gendron):



Bible: "He saved us not because of any righteous deeds we had done, but because of His mercy" (Titus 3:5)

Roman Catholic Church teaches that "by His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has 'opened' heaven to us" (1026 -references
are from 1994 Catholic catechism). Each person attains his own salvation by grace and good works (1477).


Bible: "For you know it was not with perishable things...that you are redeemed...but with the precious blood of Christ" (1 Pe

RCC teaches that Mary is the sinless co-Redeemer. "Without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely to the person
and work of her son; she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with Him...being obedient, she became the cause
of salvation for herself and for the whole human race" (494)


Bible: "God is one, one also is the mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Ti 2:5, 1 Jn 2:1)

RCC teaches that Mary "did not lay aside her saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation. She is Advocate…and Mediatrix” (969)
No one goes to Hell as Hell doesn't actually exist.

Concept of Hell didn't exist until Catholicism invented it out of thin air. Can read Catholic Encyclopedia's entry for Hell and see that much. Certainly no concept of Hell in Judaism.

Catholicism didn't exist when Jesus spoke of hell, Gehenna.

When Moses spoke of the law and a choice between life and death and then listed in great detail the maledictions consequent for noncompliance with the law it sure sounds like hell to me.

Take a good look around here. I'm sure you have had conversations with people who worship that which is not God and have been dumbfounded by the confusion, incoherence, lack of rational thought, illogical conclusions, and detachment from reality that their professed beliefs reveal about the condition of their mind.

There may be no such thing as an after physical life place of eternal of torture as taught by the churches, but the absence of sentient life and the addled state of mind of those tortured day and night by the confusion of beliefs in things that never happened, perverse interpretations of what is actually taking place and irrational expectations for things that will never occur sure sounds like hell to me.

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