Democrats Say They Want Higher Wages for Lower Income Workers

One of the few that lets in illegal workers to drive down wages also.
Dims are the ones who have opened the flood gates to illegals, you lying douchebag.

Every claim you make about illegal immigration is wrong.
Sure they can. You expect employers to check their legal status, but a city cop can't do it?

Do you realize how full of shit you are?

A city cop can not. A city cop can ask the federal government to do it but what happened there for years is the federal government would ask the city to hold them. The city would ask to be reimbursed and there would be none. Then the courts ruled that a city can only hold a person for so long and then must release them.

So then the cities decided they can not afford to do the federal governments job and that the federal government is not all that interested in doing it either, so screw it.

But even then a city cop can not go into a place of work and start asking for documentation.
I don't know the details of every industry.

I find it strange that you guys have vilified people who work these jobs and now you vilify people who don't want to work these jobs. You guys really aren't fans of introspection.
Who has vilified anyone for working at Starbucks?
A city cop can not. A city cop can ask the federal government to do it but what happened there for years is the federal government would ask the city to hold them. The city would ask to be reimbursed and there would be none. Then the courts ruled that a city can only hold a person for so long and then must release them.

So then the cities decided they can not afford to do the federal governments job and that the federal government is not all that interested in doing it either, so screw it.

But even then a city cop can not go into a place of work and start asking for documentation.

Progs are totally to blame for that, turd.

When you say "the cities decided that," you mean leftwing governments of blue cities decided it.
The economy was broken by COVID and is having a hard time starting up again. No one should be surprised.
Wait, I thought it was Trump that broke the economy? Glad you lefties are finally back in touch with reality. COVID broke it for Trump and it does hurt Biden, but so do his horrendous economic policies. We saw what Trump could do with the economy pre-COVID. IMO, if Biden had been president when COVID struck, our economy would have never recovered.
A Tomahawk Is Not an Anchor

Not only should the nullifiers refuse to let anchor babies and amnestees vote, that should also apply to their children and grandchildren. If the insufferable hadn't been given suffrage, Trump would have won both elections in a popular-vote landslide.
Babies are by definition not old enough to vote. When United States citizens reach the age of 18, they have as much right to vote as you do.
Wait, I thought it was Trump that broke the economy? Glad you lefties are finally back in touch with reality. COVID broke it for Trump and it does hurt Biden, but so do his horrendous economic policies. We saw what Trump could do with the economy pre-COVID. IMO, if Biden had been president when COVID struck, our economy would have never recovered.
Trump didn't do much if anything on the economy. It was relatively the same at the end of the Obama administration as through the Trump administration. I've been consistent with this.

Biden doesn't have horrendous policies. It's just that the economy is not going to immediately go back to what it was. But that's not going to please the biased partisans such as yourself who are dying to find a political edge regardless of reality.
Trump didn't do much if anything on the economy. It was relatively the same at the end of the Obama administration as through the Trump administration. I've been consistent with this.

Biden doesn't have horrendous policies. It's just that the economy is not going to immediately go back to what it was. But that's not going to please the biased partisans such as yourself who are dying to find a political edge regardless of reality.

What a lying dumbass. The economy was booming before the Dims imposed the COVID lockdowns.

Biden's policies are horrendous. Shutting down drilling anywhere he had the authority to do so was one of the worst.
Biden doesn't have horrendous policies. It's just that the economy is not going to immediately go back to what it was. But that's not going to please the biased partisans such as yourself who are dying to find a political edge regardless of reality.

It's going to take a while because of their policies. Then when it finally does get back to normal they will credit Dementia even though he didn't make one economic policy to help. The jobs have been here for months, it's just that nobody is taking them.
It's time for the Red State governors to nullify any laws giving any public services to immigration criminals and their DACA. And ban the use of Spanish in public announcements.

The problem is the US has no official language. New Gingrich wanted to make English our official language but couldn't get it pushed through years ago.
Did we say earn more money at the same dead end job?
No, but you do expect people to work those dead end jobs for low wages.

You want people to get better jobs. You also want people to work the crappy jobs.

You want your cake and eat it too.
100%, automation is going to be a game changer.

Trucking is horrendously unhealthy. We've seen the long term effects on people. The fact that no one wants those jobs is hardly surprising.

What is unhealthy about trucking? What long term effects do you speak of?

People are not taking those jobs because they can't pass the random drug tests. Talking to you is like talking to a wall. Trust me, I've been in this field of work for over 30 years. You are just making up shit as you go along without knowing anything.
If they're not willing to improve themselves, then why should I feel sorry for them?

This is what you've been saying about poor people, but then again they're despised by people like you so that's okay. You're not willing to hold other people to the same standard.

You improve yourself when you are young and single, not when you're middle-aged with kids because people are too retarded to vote for the right President.
What is unhealthy about trucking? What long term effects do you speak of?

People are not taking those jobs because they can't pass the random drug tests. Talking to you is like talking to a wall. Trust me, I've been in this field of work for over 30 years. You are just making up shit as you go along without knowing anything.

Truckers also suffer from obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and sleep disorders at rates that are higher than the national average. Anecdotal evidence suggests high rates of substance abuse and depression, which often go undiagnosed and untreated. The on-the-job fatality rate for drivers is 11 times the national average, according to a 2016 study.

"They have more health problems than the standard population, and less access to health care, which is a dangerous mix," says Shattell, who has become a champion for this underserved population.

Tell us how your health is Ray.
You improve yourself when you are young and single, not when you're middle-aged with kids because people are too retarded to vote for the right President.
Ah, so the older people are too lazy to improve themselves.

And I'm supposed to feel bad about that? Guess it's time for you guys to call in the government to fix your own problems. Funny how you accuse people of doing exactly what you do.
Biden doesn't have horrendous policies. It's just that the economy is not going to immediately go back to what it was. But that's not going to please the biased partisans such as yourself who are dying to find a political edge regardless of reality.

His policies are inflationary. I don't really expect you to understand.
Why? Because it's good for the owner.

The owner "lends" them the money on their own terms. The trucker is exclusive to the owner but becomes a "contract" employee. That means the employer doesn't have to pay for insurance or taxes. But they're as good as a regular employee since they can rely on them to work plenty of hours since they have to pay for the loan.

If the trucker misses any payments, they get the truck back and can "sell" it to the next person which means that they basically got a lot of labor for free and the trucker loses any money they sunk into the loan.

There are a few operations like that but very few. Companies that want owner operators only hire owner operators. Companies that have their own trucks only hire drivers that don't have their own trucks.

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