Do liberals even like this country?

I always look forward to hearing from you Franco, it's the drug fueled crazy I miss the most.
Stil, your hate for the Clintons, for the Dems etc is all manufatured BS from the greedy ying GOP rich, dupe. Again, dupe doesn't mean yo're stupid. It's a gd good propaganda machine, and huge. Somehow seems to stop the Dems and journalists from doing their job well. Big money.

Of course Dems want prosperity and get it when in power. We love small businesses- That's crazy talk.

Muslim law only in mosques at most. Not me. A smaller military MAYBE, A good background check- no one wants your guns.

You can't just move LOL. Your whole post is hateful bs...THAT is what's wrong with America. The GOP and its crap and the hater dupes...See sig last line. Nothing personal, get it...

That is correct, Dems do want prosperity and get it when in power, take a look at the net worth of Pelosi, Harry Reid, Clintons, you seriously think any of them would have come close in the private sector. You could even add Bernie Sanders to that list now.
BS. Pelosi married rich, Reid made money in real estate in NEVADA, the rest wrote book s and gave speeches like the Bushes, etc. What crap.

Sure, pigs can fly too.
They also want to raise taxes on the rich, ie., themselves. Unlike your greed idiot brainwashing heroes, dupe.
The One Percenter of the right wing, prefers to cut taxes on the rich and cut social benefits for the poor via that Institutional basis.

Some on the left believe in, "taking it to the right wing" regarding blaming the poor for being poor due to poor lifestyle choices while actually being poor. It is Institutional, not Individual.
How can alleged conservatives love our Republic, with nothing but repeal.

How can liberals love our Republic with nothing but obstruct...and violent protests.
The leftwing fringe does not have a working majority in Congress, assembled.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers; too liberal for you?

Wow, why the hell didn't Obama end the drug war to pay for health care. Why do you expect conservatives to fix some screwed up program that liberals shoved down our throats. As far as I'm concerned, let Obamacare fail on it's own....then you'll be stuck with that frickken mess.
Liberals don't much like themselves nor anybody else much less the country
Why else would you seek non competitive safe spaces and the government dole, cheat in Presidential elections and still lose then whine about the loss
They are an unhappy bunch
Dude, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Blaming the poor is immoral, right wingers. Y'all would know that, if y'all could muster any.
How can alleged conservatives love our Republic, with nothing but repeal.

How can liberals love our Republic with nothing but obstruct...and violent protests.
The leftwing fringe does not have a working majority in Congress, assembled.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers; too liberal for you?

Yes by all means lets end the drug war, as well as every taxpayer funded nickel going toward drug addicts and their addiction programs......
Sounds like a plan !!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, those darn old liberals are always talking about how the US used to be great and that they'll "make it great again". They even go to foreign countries and trash talk the US.

It's incredible that liberals have gone to our biggest enemy - Russia, and met in private secret meetings to plot against the US. Then they get away with lying, saying they didn't meet with Russia.

Thanks Ray From Cleveland for pointing this out. Thanks for shining a bright light on the treasonous behavior of unpatriotic people lying about the greatest country in the world.

Thank you also for telling the truth about the astounding stupidity of the lying hypocrites who agree that the US is not a great country and needs to be "made great again".

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Well.......the US was a great country until liberals gained some ground. Nothing wrong with wanting to bring at least some of that greatness back.

I don't believe Russia is our greatest enemy. I believe terrorists are a greater enemy--you know,, the people that Dumbama released from Gitmo and traded five of them for one of our deserter enlisted. I think Iran is a greater enemy since they sent their minions in to kill Americans during the Iraq war, and are now on the way to building nuclear arms just like North Korea. Obama's treaty (or agreement as they call it) will do just as much good with Iran as Clinton's agreement with North Korea who is now firing missiles all over the place. China could help with Korea but they won't. They have world power status now since Clinton allowed the sales of guidance technology for their nukes.

So yeah, there is nothing wrong with pointing out treasonous and unpatriotic behavior like selling our uranium to the people you now claim are our number one enemy.
The Government acts as a referee ensuring a level playing field

Show me where any of our founders thought that's what our federal government should be for--leveling the playing field.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Good God man........Try some Civics 101

We the People created the Government.
Maybe Abe Lincoln can explain it to you.....

A government of the people. by the people and FOR the people

Maybe take your own advice about civics. WTF does that have to do with creating a level playing field?
Not Fd up at all. Our philosophy has created the greatest country in the world. After all, we've only been a country for a couple of centuries now, and during that time, became the wealthiest, the strongest, and the most desirable place to move to in the entire world.

Naw, guy, we only became a great country after FDR made us one with the New Deal.

If socialism and social programs began 100 years earlier, this country wouldn't be here today.

Cradle-to-gravers will be the end of this great country yet.......
Let me explain something to you: Years ago, it was near impossible to leave the US for higher grounds. We didn't have the communications we have today. Overseas travel was dangerous, not only because of weather conditions, but because of hostile countries.

Today a CEO or business owner can operate a business overseas while staying in the US. They don't need to fly their executives to a certain place for a meeting, they can have those over the internet now face to face. A wealthy person can track their investments sitting on a toilet in Brazil somewhere. Wages in the US were not as distant here as overseas. When our people got a dollar an hour raise, wages in China or Vietnam went up three cents.

Buddy, you need to talk to your orange shitgibbon, he seems to think that we can totally undo that.

Anyway, it's horseshit. There's plenty of wealth to pay everyone a decent wage. It's just that the top 20% have 87% of the wealth.

and you can't get health care, but your boss takes Italian Vacations.

I see you didn't get a qualified psychiatrist about your obsession disorder yet.

Let me ask you something Joe, when you need work done, do you pay more than the work is worth? If the transmission on your car gives you trouble and you get three estimates for the repair, do you choose the highest one? If you want to buy a new big screen with a certain one in mind, do you go to the store that charges the most for that television set? If you need a lawn care company to mow and take care of your lawn, do you hire the most expensive one you can find?

If not, why do you expect employers to do just that? Employers try to get the cheapest price on labor that they can, just like you do when you need to pay labor for something you want.
That begs the question: how is it everybody on the left is getting fucked by rich people while nobody on the right is?

No, the right are getting fucked worse. The problem is, you think it's okay as long as you are ahead of the Darkies.

We are? Then why do we never complain about it like you on the left do? Apparently we don't dream up these fallacies.
Just like if I ask you the question, "How's your great great grandmother, you know, the one with three balls, two penises and an elephant head?" you probably wouldn't be able to answer that question either, for some reason.

Correct. But I wouldn't make assertions that she did have three balls, two penises and an elephant head either unless I could prove my claim.

The question you basically want to ask is why the Republicans have many rich, and why the Democrats have many poor, right? Or at least more rich go Republican.

Yes, that's why Hillary spent over twice as much on her campaign than did Trump. She sure got a lot of poor people to donate to her campaign, right?

Could it be that the Republicans offer free shit to the rich, and the Democrats offer free shit to the poor. That the rich become rich because they'll offer each other free stuff, while fucking over the poor?

Republicans don't give the rich anything, we just let them keep more of what they earned. Democrats give poor people things they've never earned and in many cases, never will.

And when you say fuck over the poor, what you really mean to say is stop giving them our stuff that we worked for, because when you take stuff from us to give to them, you're certainly not fucking us, now are you?
Show me where any of our founders thought that's what our federal government should be for--leveling the playing field.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.

How about it means all citizens?

What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?

Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
So is America now great again?

It hasn't gotten worse. In fact things are looking up but Trump and what seems to be optimism in the economy are only part of it. Trump still hasn't gotten a budget submitted, I haven't seen his tax plan, I know he wants to repeal OC, so the jury is out. I don't expect him to get a lot done with these pieces of shit in congress, but I really don't care if they don't get a lot done.

I want shit UNDONE.

We've been going downhill for 35 years under Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, and for 20-30 years under Fox and Rush etc, the rubes haven't known what's going on, just BS character assassination of Dems...Poor America. see sig.
We've been going downhill for 35 years under Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, and for 20-30 years under Fox and Rush etc, the rubes haven't known what's going on, just BS character assassination of Dems...Poor America. see sig.

Speak for yourself I'm doing great! :eusa_dance:
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.

How about it means all citizens?

What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?

Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS/hate propaganda.
We've been going downhill for 35 years under Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, and for 20-30 years under Fox and Rush etc, the rubes haven't known what's going on, just BS character assassination of Dems...Poor America. see sig.

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.

How about it means all citizens?

What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?

Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
Liberals created this country in 1776

While the country at that time was the best our founders could do. Liberals realized we could do better......end slavery, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights.

Conservatives fought every inch of the way

The Republican party was the anti-slavery party for crying out loud. Who created the EPA, a liberal?

Short answer: no. Long Answer: Fuck no, liberalfilth are ashamed of their American heritage.
Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.

How about it means all citizens?

What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?

Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
I guess that's a bad argument. Especially with furriner hating ugly Americans... So, only we and New Guinea don't have paid parental leave. Any ideas?

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