Do liberals even like this country?

Liberals created this country in 1776

While the country at that time was the best our founders could do. Liberals realized we could do better......end slavery, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights.

Conservatives fought every inch of the way

The Republican party was the anti-slavery party for crying out loud. Who created the EPA, a liberal?

Short answer: no. Long Answer: Fuck no, liberalfilth are ashamed of their American heritage.
Actually, we'd like to fix what the greedy idiot GOP and the dupes have done to the country the last 35 years...
We've been going downhill for 35 years under Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, and for 20-30 years under Fox and Rush etc, the rubes haven't known what's going on, just BS character assassination of Dems...Poor America. see sig.

That's EXACTLY what you dupes are arguing against with a fake, hateful, bogus, brainwashed argument. Tearing the country apart in the process. Great job!.
We've been going downhill for 35 years under Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, and for 20-30 years under Fox and Rush etc, the rubes haven't known what's going on, just BS character assassination of Dems...Poor America. see sig.

Speak for yourself I'm doing great! :eusa_dance:
Congrats- lol. What about the rest of the country?

Don't worry liberals in Seattle have a plan

healthcare should never be difficult as it is...the US has taken something easily fixable and has complicated it. That is laughable.
How about it means all citizens?

What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?

Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
I guess that's a bad argument. Especially with furriner hating ugly Americans... So, only we and New Guinea don't have paid parental leave. Any ideas?

Yes, move to one of those countries that do. Problem solved for both of us. You get your social programs and we get rid of liberals.
We've been going downhill for 35 years under Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, and for 20-30 years under Fox and Rush etc, the rubes haven't known what's going on, just BS character assassination of Dems...Poor America. see sig.

Speak for yourself I'm doing great! :eusa_dance:
Congrats- lol. What about the rest of the country?

Don't worry liberals in Seattle have a plan


Worked great 1945-82. Since not so much. We have basically a flat tax if you count all taxes, with the top 1% getting all the new wealth.Great job. see sig.
What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?

Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
I guess that's a bad argument. Especially with furriner hating ugly Americans... So, only we and New Guinea don't have paid parental leave. Any ideas?

Yes, move to one of those countries that do. Problem solved for both of us. You get your social programs and we get rid of liberals.
You can't, stupid. And very few would. We're Americans, a-holes- better ones than you ridiculous, ingnorant hater dupes. Try thinking instead of being a brainwashed knee jerker.
We like and love this country. We just want America to be a better place. We are no greater or lesser patriots than conservatives are.
The Government acts as a referee ensuring a level playing field

Show me where any of our founders thought that's what our federal government should be for--leveling the playing field.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Good God man........Try some Civics 101

We the People created the Government.
Maybe Abe Lincoln can explain it to you.....

A government of the people. by the people and FOR the people

Maybe take your own advice about civics. WTF does that have to do with creating a level playing field?

OK, maybe my friend Thomas Jefferson can explain it better

Hey, Tom.....gotta minute? Can you explain a level playing field to Ray here?

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal
Leftism is an ideology of world conquest, the ultimate authoritarianism, globalism.

They can't be happy until everyone belongs to their Borg.

Yup they complain about trickle down, but they so love trickle up poor, trickle up misery....the left will never ever be happy untill everyone's life's suck as much as there's..

Trickle up works

Put money in the hands of consumers....they spend it
The rich just horde it

People who learn to save their money, invest it in something then start a business of some sort are the ones who become the rich. It's a mindset. If you give money to people who spend it all, you can double the amount and they will still spend it all, that also is a mindset... in most cases.

And your wrong, everything the "rich'" spend their money on supports certain industries as well which supply jobs to real people. They also are consumers, I'm not sure what evidence you have that they are all hoarders. Wether it be a mansion, a yacht, a private airplane... all those things require maintenance or specific builders. Rich people pay more tax in one form or another. the rich are also consumers.

Henry E. Huntington - Wikipedia

heres an example of the rich you think only hoard their money, but truth is , Communists are simply jealous they don't control everything from bottom up. his light rail systems, helped to build Los Angeles, and in the 30's he donated 2,000,000 to what later became Huntington Hospital.
On the Flip side, you can see what happens when the US government donates 100s of millions to Haiti ... the money just disappears or gets stolen because burocracy has no investment in the wealth they are dispersing.
Show me where any of our founders thought that's what our federal government should be for--leveling the playing field.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Good God man........Try some Civics 101

We the People created the Government.
Maybe Abe Lincoln can explain it to you.....

A government of the people. by the people and FOR the people

Maybe take your own advice about civics. WTF does that have to do with creating a level playing field?

OK, maybe my friend Thomas Jefferson can explain it better

Hey, Tom.....gotta minute? Can you explain a level playing field to Ray here?

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal

You just love swinging and missing, don't you? He said all men are created equal--not that government should make all men equal.
Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
I guess that's a bad argument. Especially with furriner hating ugly Americans... So, only we and New Guinea don't have paid parental leave. Any ideas?

Yes, move to one of those countries that do. Problem solved for both of us. You get your social programs and we get rid of liberals.
You can't, stupid. And very few would. We're Americans, a-holes- better ones than you ridiculous, ingnorant hater dupes. Try thinking instead of being a brainwashed knee jerker.

I am thinking.......thinking you're nothing but a loser troll. Oh, and yes you can. People do it every day.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Good God man........Try some Civics 101

We the People created the Government.
Maybe Abe Lincoln can explain it to you.....

A government of the people. by the people and FOR the people

Maybe take your own advice about civics. WTF does that have to do with creating a level playing field?

OK, maybe my friend Thomas Jefferson can explain it better

Hey, Tom.....gotta minute? Can you explain a level playing field to Ray here?

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal

You just love swinging and missing, don't you? It says all men are created equal--not that government should make all men equal.

Tom will be very disappointed in you

You do realize they used it as their justification for creating a government don't you? A government of the people, by the people and for the people
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Good God man........Try some Civics 101

We the People created the Government.
Maybe Abe Lincoln can explain it to you.....

A government of the people. by the people and FOR the people

Maybe take your own advice about civics. WTF does that have to do with creating a level playing field?

OK, maybe my friend Thomas Jefferson can explain it better

Hey, Tom.....gotta minute? Can you explain a level playing field to Ray here?

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal

You just love swinging and missing, don't you? He said all men are created equal--not that government should make all men equal.
Nobody says that but misinformed dupes. It's equal opportunity and under the law...
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No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
I guess that's a bad argument. Especially with furriner hating ugly Americans... So, only we and New Guinea don't have paid parental leave. Any ideas?

Yes, move to one of those countries that do. Problem solved for both of us. You get your social programs and we get rid of liberals.
You can't, stupid. And very few would. We're Americans, a-holes- better ones than you ridiculous, ingnorant hater dupes. Try thinking instead of being a brainwashed knee jerker.

I am thinking.......thinking you're nothing but a loser troll. Oh, and yes you can. People do it every day.
And they're either millionaires who don't need to work, or married to a foreigner. I owned a bar in Spain and must have asked 300 women to marry me. Not. An American friend, a lawyer, was married to a legal Brit and could only work in the kitchen. It's a nightmare. Retirees need to prove they'll spend a lot of money...How many times do you have to be told....Int'l Househunters is a joke...
Just like if I ask you the question, "How's your great great grandmother, you know, the one with three balls, two penises and an elephant head?" you probably wouldn't be able to answer that question either, for some reason.

Correct. But I wouldn't make assertions that she did have three balls, two penises and an elephant head either unless I could prove my claim.

The question you basically want to ask is why the Republicans have many rich, and why the Democrats have many poor, right? Or at least more rich go Republican.

Yes, that's why Hillary spent over twice as much on her campaign than did Trump. She sure got a lot of poor people to donate to her campaign, right?

Could it be that the Republicans offer free shit to the rich, and the Democrats offer free shit to the poor. That the rich become rich because they'll offer each other free stuff, while fucking over the poor?

Republicans don't give the rich anything, we just let them keep more of what they earned. Democrats give poor people things they've never earned and in many cases, never will.

And when you say fuck over the poor, what you really mean to say is stop giving them our stuff that we worked for, because when you take stuff from us to give to them, you're certainly not fucking us, now are you?

Exactly, you make a question where you say everyone on the left gets fucked over and nobody on the right gets fucked over by rich people. Well, that's just wrong, isn't it?

Haha, you say Republicans don't give to the rich, just allow them to keep what they already have. Oh, Ray, you seriously can't be that naive, can you?

The money they have has been gained in immoral circumstances. If I run a company and I don't pay tax, I can sell my product for less than my competitor, which means more people buy my product, which means my competitor goes out of business, then I have lots of money and he has none. Did I make this money all on my own? Fuck no I did not.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.

How about it means all citizens?

What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?

Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.

Sure it is. The problem is, are you saying if the govt makes one law that is different, is this "another country" or not. At what point does the US become "another country"?

You lot don't shout others down? Come off it Ray. Do you know how many people I have on my ignore list because they can't get through an discussion without insults, attacks etc. People on BOTH SIDES shout people down.

Your aim at trying to prove that Republicans don't shout people down, by asking how many times Democrats have done, doesn't do anything Ray.

It's like saying "I don't eat apples and I can prove it, how many pears do YOU eat?" as if asking how many pears you eat proves that I don't eat apples.
Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.

How about it means all citizens?

What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?

Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.

So basically your argument is that the US must remain the same, otherwise people don't love their country?
And how does any thing you posted with your completely errant fantasy meaning justify the government TAKING what one person used his opportunity to create and giving it to a pile of liberal shit who squandered his opportunity? YOU scum are just pure ignorant shit {We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, ESTABLISH JUSTICE (that means that you don't steal what is not yours, including what another person reaps from HIS labors), Insure domestic tranquility (liberals hate this) it means their riots are contrary to the constitution and the us military could be constitutionally used to stop it., Provide for the common defense, (which you liberal scum hate because it protects everyone else from your attacks) Promote the GENERAL WELFARE, (which means to support communities as they need to sustain and protect themselves.), And secure the blessings of liberty to US ( not others, US meaning citizens of this country) and our posterity (OUR CHILDREN).}

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