Do liberals even like this country?

The US is never the same day to day, but its basic design MUST stay the same or it will become what liberals want it to be a communist dictatorship.
What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?

Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
I guess that's a bad argument. Especially with furriner hating ugly Americans... So, only we and New Guinea don't have paid parental leave. Any ideas?

Yes, move to one of those countries that do. Problem solved for both of us. You get your social programs and we get rid of liberals.

Which again is the same old argument. "If you don't like things as they are, fuck off", which is essentially, I don't want this country changed, and my argument is so weak all I have is "go somewhere else".

That says nothing about liberals, it only says something about your argument.
Improving the country is one thing, trying to turn us into another country is a different story.

We don't shout you down. How many events did Hillary or Democrats have to cancel because they were being shouted down with threats that made it too dangerous for yours to speak? People like Ann Coulter and Trump sure did. They among other Republicans had to cancel speaking events because the Democrats did whatever they could do to stop them.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
I guess that's a bad argument. Especially with furriner hating ugly Americans... So, only we and New Guinea don't have paid parental leave. Any ideas?

Yes, move to one of those countries that do. Problem solved for both of us. You get your social programs and we get rid of liberals.

Which again is the same old argument. "If you don't like things as they are, fuck off", which is essentially, I don't want this country changed, and my argument is so weak all I have is "go somewhere else".

That says nothing about liberals, it only says something about your argument.

Yes, and that argument is I don't want to live the liberal way. There are plenty of places already like that.
Sure it is. The problem is, are you saying if the govt makes one law that is different, is this "another country" or not. At what point does the US become "another country"?

It's been becoming another country for some time now. We don't want to reach the finish line.

You lot don't shout others down? Come off it Ray. Do you know how many people I have on my ignore list because they can't get through an discussion without insults, attacks etc. People on BOTH SIDES shout people down.

Not to the point they can no longer speak. Only the Democrats do that.

Your aim at trying to prove that Republicans don't shout people down, by asking how many times Democrats have done, doesn't do anything Ray.

Except prove my point.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.
Isn't it great that the so called patriots that love our country do all in their power to FK it up and then blame everyone else Yes an old trump trick Go talk to yourselves traitors That's what you're best at
Exactly, you make a question where you say everyone on the left gets fucked over and nobody on the right gets fucked over by rich people. Well, that's just wrong, isn't it?

How so? You never hear us saying that, do you? So apparently we are not getting fucked by anybody except the government; that's who we complain about fucking us. You on the left keep telling us the rich fucks you, but can't explain how.

Haha, you say Republicans don't give to the rich, just allow them to keep what they already have. Oh, Ray, you seriously can't be that naive, can you?

Outside of campaign donations (which happens on both sides) what have the Republicans given the rich? Another question you won't be able to answer.

The money they have has been gained in immoral circumstances. If I run a company and I don't pay tax, I can sell my product for less than my competitor, which means more people buy my product, which means my competitor goes out of business, then I have lots of money and he has none. Did I make this money all on my own? Fuck no I did not.

Tax breaks for certain industries apply to all industries that make similar products. After this healthcare thing, Trump will address taxes and lets see what he comes up with. Democrats have never done that except to raise them.
Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
I guess that's a bad argument. Especially with furriner hating ugly Americans... So, only we and New Guinea don't have paid parental leave. Any ideas?

Yes, move to one of those countries that do. Problem solved for both of us. You get your social programs and we get rid of liberals.
You can't, stupid. And very few would. We're Americans, a-holes- better ones than you ridiculous, ingnorant hater dupes. Try thinking instead of being a brainwashed knee jerker.

I am thinking.......thinking you're nothing but a loser troll. Oh, and yes you can. People do it every day.
And they're either millionaires who don't need to work, or married to a foreigner. I owned a bar in Spain and must have asked 300 women to marry me. Not. An American friend, a lawyer, was married to a legal Brit and could only work in the kitchen. It's a nightmare. Retirees need to prove they'll spend a lot of money...How many times do you have to be told....Int'l Househunters is a joke...

Why, because it discredits your claim? Canada will welcome you with open arms. And if what you say is true, then it only displays the failure of liberalism. They are willing to let people into their country that have terrorists who run over people and bomb things, but won't let an American live there. How Fd up is that? Well.....that's liberal thinking for you folks! That's why we don't want that here.
A 2nd meeting with putin not disclosed??? No problem right repubs ?? Just walk on by
"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Good God man........Try some Civics 101

We the People created the Government.
Maybe Abe Lincoln can explain it to you.....

A government of the people. by the people and FOR the people

Maybe take your own advice about civics. WTF does that have to do with creating a level playing field?

OK, maybe my friend Thomas Jefferson can explain it better

Hey, Tom.....gotta minute? Can you explain a level playing field to Ray here?

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal

You just love swinging and missing, don't you? He said all men are created equal--not that government should make all men equal.
Nobody says that but misinformed dupes. It's equal opportunity and under the law...

Such a shame. A welfare person that comes here claiming to be a retired teacher that doesn't understand the English language.
"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Good God man........Try some Civics 101

We the People created the Government.
Maybe Abe Lincoln can explain it to you.....

A government of the people. by the people and FOR the people

Maybe take your own advice about civics. WTF does that have to do with creating a level playing field?

OK, maybe my friend Thomas Jefferson can explain it better

Hey, Tom.....gotta minute? Can you explain a level playing field to Ray here?

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal

You just love swinging and missing, don't you? It says all men are created equal--not that government should make all men equal.

Tom will be very disappointed in you

You do realize they used it as their justification for creating a government don't you? A government of the people, by the people and for the people

Why do you keep quoting things that have nothing to do with your claim? So you like Tom, do you? Here's what else he said:

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”

Does that sound like somebody that believed the federal government is supposed to level the playing field?
I've been considering the OP of this thread,for a while now. What I do not understand is he Conservatives see suggestions,to,make this nation greater as Liberal's waymof knocking this nation. We are not number one in education. Perhaps we could benefit by examples ning how nations rating higher than we did what they did. We are not number one in health care, particularly spending per person and life expectancy. Maybe learning the virtues of more successful nations could benefit us.

We are not tolerant of every minority group. Do Comservatives see freedoms as a limited commodity? If they extend rights to others, do they think they must sacrifice some of their own? They speak of American Exceptionalism as if our system is engraved in titanium and must never ever change no matter the circumstance. Does es American Exceptionalism mean, as Ali McGraw said in the sixties, like love never having to say you're sorry?

Liberals, like,Conservatives,love America. We just disagree about the manner or need of improvements.
And how does any thing you posted with your completely errant fantasy meaning justify the government TAKING what one person used his opportunity to create and giving it to a pile of liberal shit who squandered his opportunity? YOU scum are just pure ignorant shit {We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, ESTABLISH JUSTICE (that means that you don't steal what is not yours, including what another person reaps from HIS labors), Insure domestic tranquility (liberals hate this) it means their riots are contrary to the constitution and the us military could be constitutionally used to stop it., Provide for the common defense, (which you liberal scum hate because it protects everyone else from your attacks) Promote the GENERAL WELFARE, (which means to support communities as they need to sustain and protect themselves.), And secure the blessings of liberty to US ( not others, US meaning citizens of this country) and our posterity (OUR CHILDREN).}
Hater dupes!! Your overwhelming sympathy for the megarich who get all the new wealth under Reaganism, and lack of interest in YOUR higher taxes and cuts in YOUR services and pay is pathetic, ignorant dupe.
And how does any thing you posted with your completely errant fantasy meaning justify the government TAKING what one person used his opportunity to create and giving it to a pile of liberal shit who squandered his opportunity? YOU scum are just pure ignorant shit {We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, ESTABLISH JUSTICE (that means that you don't steal what is not yours, including what another person reaps from HIS labors), Insure domestic tranquility (liberals hate this) it means their riots are contrary to the constitution and the us military could be constitutionally used to stop it., Provide for the common defense, (which you liberal scum hate because it protects everyone else from your attacks) Promote the GENERAL WELFARE, (which means to support communities as they need to sustain and protect themselves.), And secure the blessings of liberty to US ( not others, US meaning citizens of this country) and our posterity (OUR CHILDREN).}
There are no liberal riots, dupe. That's a few anarchists and gangsta wannabees hiding among them - and a few stupid incidents are repeated ad nauseum on the New BS GOP propaganda machine. You people are ignorant and your misinformed brainwashed hate is the worst thing that's happened to the USA EVER.
We've been going downhill for 35 years under Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, and for 20-30 years under Fox and Rush etc, the rubes haven't known what's going on, just BS character assassination of Dems...Poor America. see sig.

Speak for yourself I'm doing great! :eusa_dance:
Congrats- lol. What about the rest of the country?

Don't worry liberals in Seattle have a plan


Worked great 1945-82. Since not so much. We have basically a flat tax if you count all taxes, with the top 1% getting all the new wealth.Great job. see sig.

:crybaby: the top 1% stole my free shit.
No one wants to turn us into another country, just a fairer one, dupe. The greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP has been waging class warfare for the rich for 35 years, and winning, wrecking the middle class and the country...All they have is BS?propaganda.

Yes they do want to turn us into another country. That was the point of the OP. They constantly keep telling us on the right how great other countries have it and we should do the same as them.
I guess that's a bad argument. Especially with furriner hating ugly Americans... So, only we and New Guinea don't have paid parental leave. Any ideas?

Yes, move to one of those countries that do. Problem solved for both of us. You get your social programs and we get rid of liberals.

Which again is the same old argument. "If you don't like things as they are, fuck off", which is essentially, I don't want this country changed, and my argument is so weak all I have is "go somewhere else".

That says nothing about liberals, it only says something about your argument.

Yes, and that argument is I don't want to live the liberal way. There are plenty of places already like that.
Like here back in the good old days before Reaganism and hateful New BS GOP propaganda DUHHHHH...
We've been going downhill for 35 years under Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, and for 20-30 years under Fox and Rush etc, the rubes haven't known what's going on, just BS character assassination of Dems...Poor America. see sig.

Speak for yourself I'm doing great! :eusa_dance:
Congrats- lol. What about the rest of the country?

Don't worry liberals in Seattle have a plan


Worked great 1945-82. Since not so much. We have basically a flat tax if you count all taxes, with the top 1% getting all the new wealth.Great job. see sig.

:crybaby: the top 1% stole my free shit.
And raised your taxes and fees, cut cheap college and training and your pay...jeebus what a dupe. "Free shit" is for the temporarily unfortunate. Mainly when your greedy rich heroes wreck the world economy AGAIN and start stupid wars....ay caramba.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Just ignorant and brainwashed...
Speak for yourself I'm doing great! :eusa_dance:
Congrats- lol. What about the rest of the country?

Don't worry liberals in Seattle have a plan


Worked great 1945-82. Since not so much. We have basically a flat tax if you count all taxes, with the top 1% getting all the new wealth.Great job. see sig.

:crybaby: the top 1% stole my free shit.
And raised your taxes and fees, cut cheap college and training and your pay...jeebus what a dupe. "Free shit" is for the temporarily unfortunate. Mainly when your greedy rich heroes wreck the world economy AGAIN and start stupid wars....ay caramba.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Just ignorant and brainwashed...

I'm voting Republican for the next 30 years too.
We've been going downhill for 35 years under Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, and for 20-30 years under Fox and Rush etc, the rubes haven't known what's going on, just BS character assassination of Dems...Poor America. see sig.

Speak for yourself I'm doing great! :eusa_dance:
Congrats- lol. What about the rest of the country?

Don't worry liberals in Seattle have a plan


Worked great 1945-82. Since not so much. We have basically a flat tax if you count all taxes, with the top 1% getting all the new wealth.Great job. see sig.

:crybaby: the top 1% stole my free shit.
Go blame Obama ,,,like trump does
Good God man........Try some Civics 101

We the People created the Government.
Maybe Abe Lincoln can explain it to you.....

A government of the people. by the people and FOR the people

Maybe take your own advice about civics. WTF does that have to do with creating a level playing field?

OK, maybe my friend Thomas Jefferson can explain it better

Hey, Tom.....gotta minute? Can you explain a level playing field to Ray here?

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal

You just love swinging and missing, don't you? He said all men are created equal--not that government should make all men equal.
Nobody says that but misinformed dupes. It's equal opportunity and under the law...

Such a shame. A welfare person that comes here claiming to be a retired teacher that doesn't understand the English language.
LOL- Gotta hate, don't you? I just hate typing. My grammar training at the Hotchkiss School in the late 60's is famous. So is your silly brainwashed "philosophy"...
Congrats- lol. What about the rest of the country?

Don't worry liberals in Seattle have a plan


Worked great 1945-82. Since not so much. We have basically a flat tax if you count all taxes, with the top 1% getting all the new wealth.Great job. see sig.

:crybaby: the top 1% stole my free shit.
And raised your taxes and fees, cut cheap college and training and your pay...jeebus what a dupe. "Free shit" is for the temporarily unfortunate. Mainly when your greedy rich heroes wreck the world economy AGAIN and start stupid wars....ay caramba.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Just ignorant and brainwashed...

I'm voting Republican for the next 30 years too.
Hopefully the repub party doesn't last that long

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