Do liberals even like this country?

Social programs are not socialism. They can be a step toward socialism just as private ownership can be a step toward capitalism. Having many social programs does not make a socialist nation any more than having a lot of private ownership make a capitalist nation. The success of social program determines whether it promotes more socialism or more capitalism.

Social programs do promote socialism. Surveys of younger people show a majority of them now believe socialism should be the future of this country. How did that happen, because they were raised with the belief of personal responsibility, hard work, taking financial risks, and a goal of financial success?

Just like I was talking about my HUD neighbors next door yesterday. You look at them, having a great time, making noise like they did when they lived in the inner city, living like kings, and then ask yourself WTF am I waking up early every morning to go to work????

Or when you get behind those food stamp people who are buying food you don't want to spend money on for yourself, and then they buy their cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, perfume and flowers and whip out a wad of cash. Again, people like myself just ask WTF am I working to support that?

Sometimes you feel like giving up after a while, and many people do. The Democrats celebrate it too. After a while, people say to themselves "I want to live like that too" and start to get a negative attitude about chasing success and having pride.

Hence why education is important. Studying what happened to Socialist/Communist countries in Eastern Europe should show people the problems of Socialism. Young people are idealistic, but if you have a system that fucks the poor left right and center, then socialism is going to be promoted.

If the system is fairer, then less extremes will appear. The more extreme one side is, the more extreme the other will be.

What "system" are you referring to? Our system is that if you work hard, save money, invest, you can do pretty well for yourself. Our system is that if you don't want to work for somebody else, work for yourself. Our system is that if you take your own money and invest in education, you will likely make more money than those who didn't.

Or the system is one which causes massive amounts of problems too. It's a system which leads to the rich controlling everything, doing everything for themselves. It's a system where business people who start up are in competition with larger companies who have an unfair advantage because the govt is making life easy for them. It's a system where if you don't have the brains, because you weren't born with them, you're fucked.

It's a system where those who can, control the shit out of everyone else and say "fuck you, I control this govt".

You're complaining about Socialists appearing, I can only tell you why they're appearing.

That begs the question: how is it everybody on the left is getting fucked by rich people while nobody on the right is? Don't you think this is something you on the left made up out of your hatred for people who did better than you in life?

Well, that would be because the question is wrong. Right wingers ARE being fucked over too.

The Income Gap at the Polls

This article suggests that things would be very different if everyone voted.


"In the 2012 election, 80.2 percent of those making more than $150,000 voted, while only 46.9 percent of those making less than $10,000 voted."

" A study of 40 years of state-level data finds no instance in which there was not a class bias in the electorate favoring the rich—in other words, no instance in which poorer people in general turned out in higher rates than the rich. "

"Why does the United States have such depressed voter turnout among the poor? For one, the United States has numerous barriers to voting that don’t exist elsewhere. Nearly 3.5 million felons were barred from voting in 2014 due to felony disenfranchisement, which exists in no other country "

"Most European countries that require IDs to be shown at the polls have national ID cards that are provided for free to all citizens."

New U.S. Census Data and Unmarried Women - Voter Participation Data Center


How Groups Voted 2016 - Roper Center

But poorer people voted for Trump too, under $50,000 it was 53% to 41%

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center

In 2012 it was 60% to 38% on the under $50,000 a year for Obama.

There are plenty of poorer people voting Republican.

The problem in the US is that there aren't other parties that would better represent different groups of people, so people look to a few things that they can from the main two parties, and often it doesn't show us that people are being represented at all, in fact, what with the rich controlling everything, it would seem a lot of poorer people don't care.

Now, look at Venezuela, same situation, then a guy like Hugo Chavez came along. Be careful.
The Government acts as a referee ensuring a level playing field

Show me where any of our founders thought that's what our federal government should be for--leveling the playing field.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.
wine in india
The min wage in OZ is $19, and they have everything Dems want and are damn happy. Reaganism and its propaganda suq.

Yea we know a box of Captain crunch cost $25 damn dollars in Australia, where we can get it for $2 bucks.
All shipping costs duh...

$23 bucks worth?

I think I will make a gold mine and smuggle into Australia boxes and boxes of Captain crunch cerial.. just call me the captain crunch mob boss :)

Meant no such thing. It wouldn't work. or somebody would. That girl was silly...

That girl got to you, yup to be 21 Again and free ..
Social programs do promote socialism. Surveys of younger people show a majority of them now believe socialism should be the future of this country. How did that happen, because they were raised with the belief of personal responsibility, hard work, taking financial risks, and a goal of financial success?

Just like I was talking about my HUD neighbors next door yesterday. You look at them, having a great time, making noise like they did when they lived in the inner city, living like kings, and then ask yourself WTF am I waking up early every morning to go to work????

Or when you get behind those food stamp people who are buying food you don't want to spend money on for yourself, and then they buy their cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, perfume and flowers and whip out a wad of cash. Again, people like myself just ask WTF am I working to support that?

Sometimes you feel like giving up after a while, and many people do. The Democrats celebrate it too. After a while, people say to themselves "I want to live like that too" and start to get a negative attitude about chasing success and having pride.

Hence why education is important. Studying what happened to Socialist/Communist countries in Eastern Europe should show people the problems of Socialism. Young people are idealistic, but if you have a system that fucks the poor left right and center, then socialism is going to be promoted.

If the system is fairer, then less extremes will appear. The more extreme one side is, the more extreme the other will be.

What "system" are you referring to? Our system is that if you work hard, save money, invest, you can do pretty well for yourself. Our system is that if you don't want to work for somebody else, work for yourself. Our system is that if you take your own money and invest in education, you will likely make more money than those who didn't.

Or the system is one which causes massive amounts of problems too. It's a system which leads to the rich controlling everything, doing everything for themselves. It's a system where business people who start up are in competition with larger companies who have an unfair advantage because the govt is making life easy for them. It's a system where if you don't have the brains, because you weren't born with them, you're fucked.

It's a system where those who can, control the shit out of everyone else and say "fuck you, I control this govt".

You're complaining about Socialists appearing, I can only tell you why they're appearing.

That begs the question: how is it everybody on the left is getting fucked by rich people while nobody on the right is? Don't you think this is something you on the left made up out of your hatred for people who did better than you in life?

Well, that would be because the question is wrong. Right wingers ARE being fucked over too.

The Income Gap at the Polls

This article suggests that things would be very different if everyone voted.


"In the 2012 election, 80.2 percent of those making more than $150,000 voted, while only 46.9 percent of those making less than $10,000 voted."

" A study of 40 years of state-level data finds no instance in which there was not a class bias in the electorate favoring the rich—in other words, no instance in which poorer people in general turned out in higher rates than the rich. "

"Why does the United States have such depressed voter turnout among the poor? For one, the United States has numerous barriers to voting that don’t exist elsewhere. Nearly 3.5 million felons were barred from voting in 2014 due to felony disenfranchisement, which exists in no other country "

"Most European countries that require IDs to be shown at the polls have national ID cards that are provided for free to all citizens."

New U.S. Census Data and Unmarried Women - Voter Participation Data Center


How Groups Voted 2016 - Roper Center

But poorer people voted for Trump too, under $50,000 it was 53% to 41%

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center

In 2012 it was 60% to 38% on the under $50,000 a year for Obama.

There are plenty of poorer people voting Republican.

The problem in the US is that there aren't other parties that would better represent different groups of people, so people look to a few things that they can from the main two parties, and often it doesn't show us that people are being represented at all, in fact, what with the rich controlling everything, it would seem a lot of poorer people don't care.

Now, look at Venezuela, same situation, then a guy like Hugo Chavez came along. Be careful.

A huge difference in what poor is, people in the sticks value freedom more than money compared to being poor in the cities, with no freedom you will never comprehend it.

wine in india
Yea we know a box of Captain crunch cost $25 damn dollars in Australia, where we can get it for $2 bucks.
All shipping costs duh...

$23 bucks worth?

I think I will make a gold mine and smuggle into Australia boxes and boxes of Captain crunch cerial.. just call me the captain crunch mob boss :)

Meant no such thing. It wouldn't work. or somebody would. That girl was silly...

That girl got to you, yup to be 21 Again and free ..
Would you believe 18? She was so excited about Swedish Fish and Captain Crunch...Yes I like Aussies. Google Hoad, Jennie.
Hence why education is important. Studying what happened to Socialist/Communist countries in Eastern Europe should show people the problems of Socialism. Young people are idealistic, but if you have a system that fucks the poor left right and center, then socialism is going to be promoted.

If the system is fairer, then less extremes will appear. The more extreme one side is, the more extreme the other will be.

What "system" are you referring to? Our system is that if you work hard, save money, invest, you can do pretty well for yourself. Our system is that if you don't want to work for somebody else, work for yourself. Our system is that if you take your own money and invest in education, you will likely make more money than those who didn't.

Or the system is one which causes massive amounts of problems too. It's a system which leads to the rich controlling everything, doing everything for themselves. It's a system where business people who start up are in competition with larger companies who have an unfair advantage because the govt is making life easy for them. It's a system where if you don't have the brains, because you weren't born with them, you're fucked.

It's a system where those who can, control the shit out of everyone else and say "fuck you, I control this govt".

You're complaining about Socialists appearing, I can only tell you why they're appearing.

That begs the question: how is it everybody on the left is getting fucked by rich people while nobody on the right is? Don't you think this is something you on the left made up out of your hatred for people who did better than you in life?

Well, that would be because the question is wrong. Right wingers ARE being fucked over too.

The Income Gap at the Polls

This article suggests that things would be very different if everyone voted.


"In the 2012 election, 80.2 percent of those making more than $150,000 voted, while only 46.9 percent of those making less than $10,000 voted."

" A study of 40 years of state-level data finds no instance in which there was not a class bias in the electorate favoring the rich—in other words, no instance in which poorer people in general turned out in higher rates than the rich. "

"Why does the United States have such depressed voter turnout among the poor? For one, the United States has numerous barriers to voting that don’t exist elsewhere. Nearly 3.5 million felons were barred from voting in 2014 due to felony disenfranchisement, which exists in no other country "

"Most European countries that require IDs to be shown at the polls have national ID cards that are provided for free to all citizens."

New U.S. Census Data and Unmarried Women - Voter Participation Data Center


How Groups Voted 2016 - Roper Center

But poorer people voted for Trump too, under $50,000 it was 53% to 41%

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center

In 2012 it was 60% to 38% on the under $50,000 a year for Obama.

There are plenty of poorer people voting Republican.

The problem in the US is that there aren't other parties that would better represent different groups of people, so people look to a few things that they can from the main two parties, and often it doesn't show us that people are being represented at all, in fact, what with the rich controlling everything, it would seem a lot of poorer people don't care.

Now, look at Venezuela, same situation, then a guy like Hugo Chavez came along. Be careful.

A huge difference in what poor is, people in the sticks value freedom more than money compared to being poor in the cities, with no freedom you will never comprehend it.

They get screwed, especially lately. Not as much as blacks but lol....
wine in india
All shipping costs duh...

$23 bucks worth?

I think I will make a gold mine and smuggle into Australia boxes and boxes of Captain crunch cerial.. just call me the captain crunch mob boss :)

Meant no such thing. It wouldn't work. or somebody would. That girl was silly...

That girl got to you, yup to be 21 Again and free ..
Would you believe 18? She was so excited about Swedish Fish and Captain Crunch...Yes I like Aussies. Google Hoad, Jennie.

Just 18? I wouldn't doubt she goes far in life, a great personality..

What "system" are you referring to? Our system is that if you work hard, save money, invest, you can do pretty well for yourself. Our system is that if you don't want to work for somebody else, work for yourself. Our system is that if you take your own money and invest in education, you will likely make more money than those who didn't.

Or the system is one which causes massive amounts of problems too. It's a system which leads to the rich controlling everything, doing everything for themselves. It's a system where business people who start up are in competition with larger companies who have an unfair advantage because the govt is making life easy for them. It's a system where if you don't have the brains, because you weren't born with them, you're fucked.

It's a system where those who can, control the shit out of everyone else and say "fuck you, I control this govt".

You're complaining about Socialists appearing, I can only tell you why they're appearing.

That begs the question: how is it everybody on the left is getting fucked by rich people while nobody on the right is? Don't you think this is something you on the left made up out of your hatred for people who did better than you in life?

Well, that would be because the question is wrong. Right wingers ARE being fucked over too.

The Income Gap at the Polls

This article suggests that things would be very different if everyone voted.


"In the 2012 election, 80.2 percent of those making more than $150,000 voted, while only 46.9 percent of those making less than $10,000 voted."

" A study of 40 years of state-level data finds no instance in which there was not a class bias in the electorate favoring the rich—in other words, no instance in which poorer people in general turned out in higher rates than the rich. "

"Why does the United States have such depressed voter turnout among the poor? For one, the United States has numerous barriers to voting that don’t exist elsewhere. Nearly 3.5 million felons were barred from voting in 2014 due to felony disenfranchisement, which exists in no other country "

"Most European countries that require IDs to be shown at the polls have national ID cards that are provided for free to all citizens."

New U.S. Census Data and Unmarried Women - Voter Participation Data Center


How Groups Voted 2016 - Roper Center

But poorer people voted for Trump too, under $50,000 it was 53% to 41%

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center

In 2012 it was 60% to 38% on the under $50,000 a year for Obama.

There are plenty of poorer people voting Republican.

The problem in the US is that there aren't other parties that would better represent different groups of people, so people look to a few things that they can from the main two parties, and often it doesn't show us that people are being represented at all, in fact, what with the rich controlling everything, it would seem a lot of poorer people don't care.

Now, look at Venezuela, same situation, then a guy like Hugo Chavez came along. Be careful.

A huge difference in what poor is, people in the sticks value freedom more than money compared to being poor in the cities, with no freedom you will never comprehend it.

They get screwed, especially lately. Not as much as blacks but lol....

Not really blacks down here has as much opportunities as whites, I mean Jesus everyone cuts their grass and all.

Or the system is one which causes massive amounts of problems too. It's a system which leads to the rich controlling everything, doing everything for themselves. It's a system where business people who start up are in competition with larger companies who have an unfair advantage because the govt is making life easy for them. It's a system where if you don't have the brains, because you weren't born with them, you're fucked.

It's a system where those who can, control the shit out of everyone else and say "fuck you, I control this govt".

You're complaining about Socialists appearing, I can only tell you why they're appearing.

That begs the question: how is it everybody on the left is getting fucked by rich people while nobody on the right is? Don't you think this is something you on the left made up out of your hatred for people who did better than you in life?

Well, that would be because the question is wrong. Right wingers ARE being fucked over too.

The Income Gap at the Polls

This article suggests that things would be very different if everyone voted.


"In the 2012 election, 80.2 percent of those making more than $150,000 voted, while only 46.9 percent of those making less than $10,000 voted."

" A study of 40 years of state-level data finds no instance in which there was not a class bias in the electorate favoring the rich—in other words, no instance in which poorer people in general turned out in higher rates than the rich. "

"Why does the United States have such depressed voter turnout among the poor? For one, the United States has numerous barriers to voting that don’t exist elsewhere. Nearly 3.5 million felons were barred from voting in 2014 due to felony disenfranchisement, which exists in no other country "

"Most European countries that require IDs to be shown at the polls have national ID cards that are provided for free to all citizens."

New U.S. Census Data and Unmarried Women - Voter Participation Data Center


How Groups Voted 2016 - Roper Center

But poorer people voted for Trump too, under $50,000 it was 53% to 41%

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center

In 2012 it was 60% to 38% on the under $50,000 a year for Obama.

There are plenty of poorer people voting Republican.

The problem in the US is that there aren't other parties that would better represent different groups of people, so people look to a few things that they can from the main two parties, and often it doesn't show us that people are being represented at all, in fact, what with the rich controlling everything, it would seem a lot of poorer people don't care.

Now, look at Venezuela, same situation, then a guy like Hugo Chavez came along. Be careful.

A huge difference in what poor is, people in the sticks value freedom more than money compared to being poor in the cities, with no freedom you will never comprehend it.

They get screwed, especially lately. Not as much as blacks but lol....

Not really blacks down here has as much opportunities as whites, I mean Jesus everyone cuts their grass and all.

??? lol...The GOP is pander to the megarich...end of story.
Liberals created this country in 1776

While the country at that time was the best our founders could do. Liberals realized we could do better......end slavery, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights.

Conservatives fought every inch of the way
What color is the sky in your world?
The Government acts as a referee ensuring a level playing field

Show me where any of our founders thought that's what our federal government should be for--leveling the playing field.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.

How about it means all citizens?
Social programs do promote socialism. Surveys of younger people show a majority of them now believe socialism should be the future of this country. How did that happen, because they were raised with the belief of personal responsibility, hard work, taking financial risks, and a goal of financial success?

Just like I was talking about my HUD neighbors next door yesterday. You look at them, having a great time, making noise like they did when they lived in the inner city, living like kings, and then ask yourself WTF am I waking up early every morning to go to work????

Or when you get behind those food stamp people who are buying food you don't want to spend money on for yourself, and then they buy their cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, perfume and flowers and whip out a wad of cash. Again, people like myself just ask WTF am I working to support that?

Sometimes you feel like giving up after a while, and many people do. The Democrats celebrate it too. After a while, people say to themselves "I want to live like that too" and start to get a negative attitude about chasing success and having pride.

Hence why education is important. Studying what happened to Socialist/Communist countries in Eastern Europe should show people the problems of Socialism. Young people are idealistic, but if you have a system that fucks the poor left right and center, then socialism is going to be promoted.

If the system is fairer, then less extremes will appear. The more extreme one side is, the more extreme the other will be.

What "system" are you referring to? Our system is that if you work hard, save money, invest, you can do pretty well for yourself. Our system is that if you don't want to work for somebody else, work for yourself. Our system is that if you take your own money and invest in education, you will likely make more money than those who didn't.

Or the system is one which causes massive amounts of problems too. It's a system which leads to the rich controlling everything, doing everything for themselves. It's a system where business people who start up are in competition with larger companies who have an unfair advantage because the govt is making life easy for them. It's a system where if you don't have the brains, because you weren't born with them, you're fucked.

It's a system where those who can, control the shit out of everyone else and say "fuck you, I control this govt".

You're complaining about Socialists appearing, I can only tell you why they're appearing.

That begs the question: how is it everybody on the left is getting fucked by rich people while nobody on the right is? Don't you think this is something you on the left made up out of your hatred for people who did better than you in life?

Well, that would be because the question is wrong. Right wingers ARE being fucked over too.

The Income Gap at the Polls

This article suggests that things would be very different if everyone voted.


"In the 2012 election, 80.2 percent of those making more than $150,000 voted, while only 46.9 percent of those making less than $10,000 voted."

" A study of 40 years of state-level data finds no instance in which there was not a class bias in the electorate favoring the rich—in other words, no instance in which poorer people in general turned out in higher rates than the rich. "

"Why does the United States have such depressed voter turnout among the poor? For one, the United States has numerous barriers to voting that don’t exist elsewhere. Nearly 3.5 million felons were barred from voting in 2014 due to felony disenfranchisement, which exists in no other country "

"Most European countries that require IDs to be shown at the polls have national ID cards that are provided for free to all citizens."

New U.S. Census Data and Unmarried Women - Voter Participation Data Center


How Groups Voted 2016 - Roper Center

But poorer people voted for Trump too, under $50,000 it was 53% to 41%

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center

In 2012 it was 60% to 38% on the under $50,000 a year for Obama.

There are plenty of poorer people voting Republican.

The problem in the US is that there aren't other parties that would better represent different groups of people, so people look to a few things that they can from the main two parties, and often it doesn't show us that people are being represented at all, in fact, what with the rich controlling everything, it would seem a lot of poorer people don't care.

Now, look at Venezuela, same situation, then a guy like Hugo Chavez came along. Be careful.

So in other words, you can't answer the question. So one more time, how is the rich Fn anybody--because they make more money than other people--because they don't give you the money you want them to give you? Please explain, because the rich never took anything from me; I can't say the same about the government.
Social programs do promote socialism. Surveys of younger people show a majority of them now believe socialism should be the future of this country. How did that happen, because they were raised with the belief of personal responsibility, hard work, taking financial risks, and a goal of financial success?

Just like I was talking about my HUD neighbors next door yesterday. You look at them, having a great time, making noise like they did when they lived in the inner city, living like kings, and then ask yourself WTF am I waking up early every morning to go to work????

Or when you get behind those food stamp people who are buying food you don't want to spend money on for yourself, and then they buy their cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, perfume and flowers and whip out a wad of cash. Again, people like myself just ask WTF am I working to support that?

Sometimes you feel like giving up after a while, and many people do. The Democrats celebrate it too. After a while, people say to themselves "I want to live like that too" and start to get a negative attitude about chasing success and having pride.
If social programs promote socialism, then what you're saying is social programs promote common ownership of the means of production and private property. That's a pretty big jump.

Take a look at most the capitalism countries and you will find they provide generous social welfare programs. For example, Hong Kong is often listed as the most capitalist county in the world. They have government run hospitals and clinics, non-contributory social security, elder care that far exceeds that of the US, housing for the poor, government meal plans, job programs, a wide array of family services available to all, and free public schools that are among best in the world. The idea that cutting out social programs would some how make America great is completely absurd.

Now please explain what happens when all those working people decide to live on the government instead of paying taxes to support all those goodies.

This is what we Republicans call the cart theory: The townspeople pull an empty cart down the road and it flies almost effortlessly. As people get tired of pulling the cart and jump inside, the cart begins to move slower. When half of the people get in the cart and expect the other half to pull it, the cart stops.

With great pride, the Obama administration announced they created 20 million more new government dependents on Commie Care. Add to that the 20 million more he created on the food stamp role. Now just with those two programs alone, the Obama administration created 40 million more new government dependents. We are only a nation of 315 million people. That means Obama put over 1/8 of our population on government programs, and that's on top of the ones that were already there.
Your post illustrates one of the biggest misconceptions about social programs and work. A lot of people that work their ass off just to make ends meet believe it would be so wonderful just to sit around the house, do nothing, and collect government checks. However, that is not the way it is for two reasons:
  • As any job counselor will tell you, people hate not having a job. A job is a status symbol. It tells the world that someone wants you. You have value. People that are out of work for long periods tell neighbors they have work when they don't. They lie to their spouses, children and friends. People have a need to do something with their lives, to feel that they have a purpose on earth and have something to contribute. They need to feel needed.
  • Secondly, living in government housing on TANF, food stamps, and Medicaid is a hard life. There simple is not enough money to do anything other than exist. Also, many people go out their way to make sure you feel like shit. For example, at a supper market checkout counter, the cashier loudly announces you can't buy that stuff on food stamps. Your son sits in the school front office all day while his classmates go on a field trip that cost ten dollars. My son-in-law's family is on Medicaid. They have a seriously mentally ill daughter they care for at home. A couple of months ago, their child psychiatrist told them he would not be accepting Medicaid. They found another doctor about an hour's drive from their home. On their first appointment which was an hour and a half appointment, they arrived 15 mins late because there was a wreck on the freeway. They were told at the front desk they missed their appointment, would have to reschedule, and their was nothing available for another month. When my daughter complained she and whole waiting were told she should have nothing to complain about since she wasn't paying the bill.
If you think being on the dole is such a great life. You should try it.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Study: NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn - Breitbart

Food stamp rolls plummet in states that restore work requirements
All hateful GOP propaganda. Same value my butt.
That are old pieces of shytte...
They ALL have to look for work...Work suqs if you only get $20/mo....

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo: JUST A DUPE, brainwashed...

Yet you can't prove any one of them wrong. How did the US Census become GOP propaganda? Oh, that's right, I forgot. You leftists only read the headline and source.
The Government acts as a referee ensuring a level playing field

Show me where any of our founders thought that's what our federal government should be for--leveling the playing field.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.

How about it means all citizens?

What a GREAT idea Ray. How about it does?

If it does, does this mean that when Liberals suggest ideas of how they would like to improve their country, that Conservatives don't try and shout them down with such things like, oh, I don't know "You don't even like this country" or "you're not patriotic" or "libtards" or.... I don't know, care to add any other things Conservatives like to say in place of an actual argument?
Hence why education is important. Studying what happened to Socialist/Communist countries in Eastern Europe should show people the problems of Socialism. Young people are idealistic, but if you have a system that fucks the poor left right and center, then socialism is going to be promoted.

If the system is fairer, then less extremes will appear. The more extreme one side is, the more extreme the other will be.

What "system" are you referring to? Our system is that if you work hard, save money, invest, you can do pretty well for yourself. Our system is that if you don't want to work for somebody else, work for yourself. Our system is that if you take your own money and invest in education, you will likely make more money than those who didn't.

Or the system is one which causes massive amounts of problems too. It's a system which leads to the rich controlling everything, doing everything for themselves. It's a system where business people who start up are in competition with larger companies who have an unfair advantage because the govt is making life easy for them. It's a system where if you don't have the brains, because you weren't born with them, you're fucked.

It's a system where those who can, control the shit out of everyone else and say "fuck you, I control this govt".

You're complaining about Socialists appearing, I can only tell you why they're appearing.

That begs the question: how is it everybody on the left is getting fucked by rich people while nobody on the right is? Don't you think this is something you on the left made up out of your hatred for people who did better than you in life?

Well, that would be because the question is wrong. Right wingers ARE being fucked over too.

The Income Gap at the Polls

This article suggests that things would be very different if everyone voted.


"In the 2012 election, 80.2 percent of those making more than $150,000 voted, while only 46.9 percent of those making less than $10,000 voted."

" A study of 40 years of state-level data finds no instance in which there was not a class bias in the electorate favoring the rich—in other words, no instance in which poorer people in general turned out in higher rates than the rich. "

"Why does the United States have such depressed voter turnout among the poor? For one, the United States has numerous barriers to voting that don’t exist elsewhere. Nearly 3.5 million felons were barred from voting in 2014 due to felony disenfranchisement, which exists in no other country "

"Most European countries that require IDs to be shown at the polls have national ID cards that are provided for free to all citizens."

New U.S. Census Data and Unmarried Women - Voter Participation Data Center


How Groups Voted 2016 - Roper Center

But poorer people voted for Trump too, under $50,000 it was 53% to 41%

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center

In 2012 it was 60% to 38% on the under $50,000 a year for Obama.

There are plenty of poorer people voting Republican.

The problem in the US is that there aren't other parties that would better represent different groups of people, so people look to a few things that they can from the main two parties, and often it doesn't show us that people are being represented at all, in fact, what with the rich controlling everything, it would seem a lot of poorer people don't care.

Now, look at Venezuela, same situation, then a guy like Hugo Chavez came along. Be careful.

So in other words, you can't answer the question. So one more time, how is the rich Fn anybody--because they make more money than other people--because they don't give you the money you want them to give you? Please explain, because the rich never took anything from me; I can't say the same about the government.

No, I can't answer your question.

Just like if I ask you the question, "How's your great great grandmother, you know, the one with three balls, two penises and an elephant head?" you probably wouldn't be able to answer that question either, for some reason.

The question you basically want to ask is why the Republicans have many rich, and why the Democrats have many poor, right? Or at least more rich go Republican.

Could it be that the Republicans offer free shit to the rich, and the Democrats offer free shit to the poor. That the rich become rich because they'll offer each other free stuff, while fucking over the poor?

Partisan politics. People are all in it for themselves. The US has made a culture of "fuck society, I'm on the take", and that's it. Doesn't matter, each side on the take. Those who aren't on the take don't have much choice but to follow those who are, because... well because those on the take control the system and like the system because they can bribe their fucking way to the top, like Trump.
Let me explain something to you: Years ago, it was near impossible to leave the US for higher grounds. We didn't have the communications we have today. Overseas travel was dangerous, not only because of weather conditions, but because of hostile countries.

Today a CEO or business owner can operate a business overseas while staying in the US. They don't need to fly their executives to a certain place for a meeting, they can have those over the internet now face to face. A wealthy person can track their investments sitting on a toilet in Brazil somewhere. Wages in the US were not as distant here as overseas. When our people got a dollar an hour raise, wages in China or Vietnam went up three cents.

Buddy, you need to talk to your orange shitgibbon, he seems to think that we can totally undo that.

Anyway, it's horseshit. There's plenty of wealth to pay everyone a decent wage. It's just that the top 20% have 87% of the wealth.

and you can't get health care, but your boss takes Italian Vacations.
Not Fd up at all. Our philosophy has created the greatest country in the world. After all, we've only been a country for a couple of centuries now, and during that time, became the wealthiest, the strongest, and the most desirable place to move to in the entire world.

Naw, guy, we only became a great country after FDR made us one with the New Deal.
The Government acts as a referee ensuring a level playing field

Show me where any of our founders thought that's what our federal government should be for--leveling the playing field.
Shit brother...

First sentence....We the People

"We the people" means the federal government is supposed to be creating a level playing field? WTF did you get that from? What a stretch.

Well, seeing as the Chinese govt has managed to stretch "the Chinese people" to mean the Chinese Communist Party, I'm sure the Republican Party can make "We the people" to mean the rich.

I hope you realize that there are different types of government Republics.
Just because China and North Kora are a Communist Republic does not mean America is.
We have a Constitutional Republic absolutely opposite of those types of Republics

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