Do we have a right to defend our heritage and culture with force?

What if a guy that Carries starts walking up to folks speaking A foreign language and asks them politely to speak English because it’s hurting his community.. and everyone he confronts wants to start a fight.. what should he do?
How is not speaking English hurting anyone’s community?
How is not speaking English hurting anyone’s community?
Because being able to communicate is extremely important. Not having access to be able to interact with half of your school I know from experience and see it daily hurts kids in urban areas worse then anything. In order to compete for jobs in order to compete for relationships in order to get yourself out of different situations you must be able to communicate and must be able to practice communicating throughout your childhood.
Anericans CHOOSE to buy them. It’s called freedumb.
Yes have you been in a room with 8 hatians for 8 hours a day that hate America, refuse to speak English? That’s who they put poor Americans in jobs with .
So children can grow up with the
Inability to communicate like kids that grew up in the suburbs where there’s only one language spoken? Why is that fair? Communication is more important than learning math, science, or anything else. If you can’t talk you can’t Compete for jobs
Children grow up speaking English just fine. Kids end up being translators for their immigrant parents. Don’t be ignorant about language.
Not until there is a great uprising of very upset individuals who were no longer being protected by their rights granted to them by the Constitution. So far, the left has taken plenty of rights away, but the proverbial straw that breaks the camels back, just hasnt been reached yet. When it does, it will not go good for the mentally ill, known as Democrats.
What specific rights have you lost?
Children grow up speaking English just fine. Kids end up being translators for their immigrant parents. Don’t be ignorant about language.
Americans that go to schools with first generation Haitians and Latinos do not speak English well, And what’s worse is being able to communicate.. The opposite happens in the suburbs with kids the same age they don’t go to school with first generation hatians they don’t go to school first generation Latinos. They also are exposed to cultures that are distractions. Shouldn’t all kids have the same Liberty to learn?
Nations have a common language and a shared culture and traditions. That's what makes for strong countries. Otherwise there is no nation just various groups of squabbling tribes.

English is the language of aviation. Every pilot, Air controller, mechanic, every person who works for an aviation company, flies a plane or fixes a plane must speak English no matter where they are in the world or what country. Why? Why can't an Italian air controller give landing instructions in Italian to Japanese pilots who don't speak Italian?

Do you have any understanding at all?
Yes most of the poor used to rise out of poverty,, when they had an identity, a culture and proud heritage.. now those numbers have dwindled now they die
Many of the poor didn’t. They worked hard and died poor. They brought with them tbe proud cultures of Ireland, Poland, Eastern Europe, Mexico, and a hundred other places including America. What is happening now is the Republican Dream, the rich get richer and the rest can eat cake. Goodbye middle class.
Many of the poor didn’t. They worked hard and died poor. They brought with them tbe proud cultures of Ireland, Poland, Eastern Europe, Mexico, and a hundred other places including America. What is happening now is the Republican Dream, the rich get richer and the rest can eat cake. Goodbye middle class.
Did Nancy Pelosi switch sides or somthing?

Yes you are that stupid Coy.

The right of a fair and honest election for one. See video below.

Also not be taxed to death because of inflation. Hard to be free when you cant afford anything, just ask the poor who are abused by the Demoncraps.

I was being serious, now you’re just joking. Trump tried to extort and cheat his way into a win. He failed. Scott’s new plan is to raise taxes on tbe poor. Talk about abusing the poor.
Many of the poor didn’t. They worked hard and died poor. They brought with them tbe proud cultures of Ireland, Poland, Eastern Europe, Mexico, and a hundred other places including America. What is happening now is the Republican Dream, the rich get richer and the rest can eat cake. Goodbye middle class.
No they brought the will to assimilate to the new country. And they could do so because American culture is similar to European culture. My whole family is from a major urban area.
i’ve got yearbooks and everybody almost looked exactly the same lol .. same suits same dresses same hairstyle.(even blacks) . it was extremely important for poor parts of America to have commonality.. which is something we do not emphasize anymore. Which is why we have 225 ppl overdosing and dying of drugs every single day.

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