Donald Trump rolled the dice on Biden and Burism and lost ... Biden is surging

Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

President Trump was acquitted of all charges and exonerated. Quid Pro Joe hasn’t been cleared yet. Will be great to see a new investigation into Joe and his boy.

Acquitted doesn't mean exonerated. You have a large lump of dogma that is causing you intellectual indigestion.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.
Don't think for one moment that observation of objective reality changes anything inside Trumpworld. We all must remind ourselves Trumpette's live in an alternate reality where unequivocal evidence of obstruction = exoneration and irrefutable evidence of illegality with respect to Ukraine = acquittal.

Facts don't matter. Up is down. Welcome to the land of Trumpleton's.

Says the moron who excuses Quid Pro Joe confessing on tape he extorted the Ukrainians to drop their investigation for $1.2 billion of our tax dollars.

Rush your evidence to Billy Barr.
Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.
Don't think for one moment that observation of objective reality changes anything inside Trumpworld. We all must remind ourselves Trumpette's live in an alternate reality where unequivocal evidence of obstruction = exoneration and irrefutable evidence of illegality with respect to Ukraine = acquittal.

Facts don't matter. Up is down. Welcome to the land of Trumpleton's.

Says the moron who excuses Quid Pro Joe confessing on tape he extorted the Ukrainians to drop their investigation for $1.2 billion of our tax dollars.
This hoax about Joe Biden is rearing its ugly head again. You guys are really scared shitless of Biden. You can tell the panic of the Trumpers by how many times they bring up the Biden Ukraine Hoax.

Uh-huh, it’s a “hoax” that Joe bragged about bribing the Ukraine government into dropping their investigations into Burisma....when it’s on video.
I suppose it’s also a “hoax” that Quid Joe’s son worked for Burisma for $60k a month...when he knows nothing about energy or Ukrainian laws.

If Don Jr worked for a Russian company you people would be screaming for impeachment.

That wouldn't happen because Don Jr. has never had a job.
This election cycle is going to be nasty

And who, precisely, do you think can play more nasty?

No he can't. Because no one but his base believes him any more. Everyone knows he lying about his opponents when he calls them crooks and liars. He tried his damnest to poison the well against Joe Biden, but everybody has come to understand that Trumpy Bear accuses others of what he himself is doing.

And I tend to suspect that he's going to be really fucking busy over the next few months dealing with the Covid19.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

Donald Trump rolled the dice on Biden and Burism and lost ... Biden is surging

Yep, “surging” right to a convalescent home and a job pitching Depends adult diapers.

Your fantasy is focused on diapers?
1. Congratulations to Mr. Biden on his victories last night.

2. Sympathy for Mr. Sanders on his unexpected poor showing.

3. Goodbye to Mr. Trump, probably.

Yes...inform President Hilary about how well Biden did last him, she was predicted to defeat Trump with a 95% chance......we can see how that turned out....

Did you notice the massive turnout yesterday? The Democrats are coming for Trump with torches and pitchforks.

a 'small slice of the bigger pie' exit polling question in NH:

Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration
Democratic voters turning out in today’s New Hampshire primary say they are looking for a candidate who can beat President Trump over one who agrees with them on the issues by a roughly 2-to-1 margin, according to an exit poll.

  • Six in 10 said they prioritize a nominee who can beat Trump
  • About a third want someone that agrees with them on the issues
The poll showed that 81% say they're "angry" about the Trump administration.

About the poll: The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. Results are based on interviews conducted throughout the day with 1,947 randomly selected Democratic primary voters at 45 wards in New Hampshire. Results for the full sample have a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration

i don't see that anger cooling at all & is a very motivating factor.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

again, you don't understand what occurred, too funny.

I understand exactly. You have a big piece of steaming dogma stuck in your cranium.
Well no no you don’t.
1. Congratulations to Mr. Biden on his victories last night.

2. Sympathy for Mr. Sanders on his unexpected poor showing.

3. Goodbye to Mr. Trump, probably.

Yes...inform President Hilary about how well Biden did last him, she was predicted to defeat Trump with a 95% chance......we can see how that turned out....

Did you notice the massive turnout yesterday? The Democrats are coming for Trump with torches and pitchforks.

a 'small slice of the bigger pie' exit polling question in NH:

Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration
Democratic voters turning out in today’s New Hampshire primary say they are looking for a candidate who can beat President Trump over one who agrees with them on the issues by a roughly 2-to-1 margin, according to an exit poll.

  • Six in 10 said they prioritize a nominee who can beat Trump
  • About a third want someone that agrees with them on the issues
The poll showed that 81% say they're "angry" about the Trump administration.

About the poll: The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. Results are based on interviews conducted throughout the day with 1,947 randomly selected Democratic primary voters at 45 wards in New Hampshire. Results for the full sample have a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration

i don't see that anger cooling at all & is a very motivating factor.
CNN, 98% of their news is negative about trump. Make me laugh
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

Ukraine joe is an incompetent idiot.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.





That was a bipartisan victory for US foreign policy. Joe should be proud.

bipartisin AND also an international victory since other countries were also involved in getting the corrupt dude out.
1. Congratulations to Mr. Biden on his victories last night.

2. Sympathy for Mr. Sanders on his unexpected poor showing.

3. Goodbye to Mr. Trump, probably.

Yes...inform President Hilary about how well Biden did last him, she was predicted to defeat Trump with a 95% chance......we can see how that turned out....

Did you notice the massive turnout yesterday? The Democrats are coming for Trump with torches and pitchforks.

a 'small slice of the bigger pie' exit polling question in NH:

Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration
Democratic voters turning out in today’s New Hampshire primary say they are looking for a candidate who can beat President Trump over one who agrees with them on the issues by a roughly 2-to-1 margin, according to an exit poll.

  • Six in 10 said they prioritize a nominee who can beat Trump
  • About a third want someone that agrees with them on the issues
The poll showed that 81% say they're "angry" about the Trump administration.

About the poll: The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. Results are based on interviews conducted throughout the day with 1,947 randomly selected Democratic primary voters at 45 wards in New Hampshire. Results for the full sample have a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration

i don't see that anger cooling at all & is a very motivating factor.
CNN, 98% of their news is negative about trump. Make me laugh

FOX 98% of their 'news' is positive about trump. makes me vomit.
1. Congratulations to Mr. Biden on his victories last night.

2. Sympathy for Mr. Sanders on his unexpected poor showing.

3. Goodbye to Mr. Trump, probably.

Yes...inform President Hilary about how well Biden did last him, she was predicted to defeat Trump with a 95% chance......we can see how that turned out....

Did you notice the massive turnout yesterday? The Democrats are coming for Trump with torches and pitchforks.

a 'small slice of the bigger pie' exit polling question in NH:

Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration
Democratic voters turning out in today’s New Hampshire primary say they are looking for a candidate who can beat President Trump over one who agrees with them on the issues by a roughly 2-to-1 margin, according to an exit poll.

  • Six in 10 said they prioritize a nominee who can beat Trump
  • About a third want someone that agrees with them on the issues
The poll showed that 81% say they're "angry" about the Trump administration.

About the poll: The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. Results are based on interviews conducted throughout the day with 1,947 randomly selected Democratic primary voters at 45 wards in New Hampshire. Results for the full sample have a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration

i don't see that anger cooling at all & is a very motivating factor.
CNN, 98% of their news is negative about trump. Make me laugh

If you don't lke so much negative news about Trump, then tell him to quit doing such stupid stuff. Jeffrey Dahmer got a lot of bad press too.
1. Congratulations to Mr. Biden on his victories last night.

2. Sympathy for Mr. Sanders on his unexpected poor showing.

3. Goodbye to Mr. Trump, probably.

Yes...inform President Hilary about how well Biden did last him, she was predicted to defeat Trump with a 95% chance......we can see how that turned out....

Did you notice the massive turnout yesterday? The Democrats are coming for Trump with torches and pitchforks.

a 'small slice of the bigger pie' exit polling question in NH:

Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration
Democratic voters turning out in today’s New Hampshire primary say they are looking for a candidate who can beat President Trump over one who agrees with them on the issues by a roughly 2-to-1 margin, according to an exit poll.

  • Six in 10 said they prioritize a nominee who can beat Trump
  • About a third want someone that agrees with them on the issues
The poll showed that 81% say they're "angry" about the Trump administration.

About the poll: The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. Results are based on interviews conducted throughout the day with 1,947 randomly selected Democratic primary voters at 45 wards in New Hampshire. Results for the full sample have a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration

i don't see that anger cooling at all & is a very motivating factor.
CNN, 98% of their news is negative about trump. Make me laugh

FOX 98% of their 'news' is positive about trump. makes me vomit.
Well it was a CNN poll that proves my point of bullsnot. Fox News isn’t CNN
Yes...inform President Hilary about how well Biden did last him, she was predicted to defeat Trump with a 95% chance......we can see how that turned out....

Did you notice the massive turnout yesterday? The Democrats are coming for Trump with torches and pitchforks.

a 'small slice of the bigger pie' exit polling question in NH:

Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration
Democratic voters turning out in today’s New Hampshire primary say they are looking for a candidate who can beat President Trump over one who agrees with them on the issues by a roughly 2-to-1 margin, according to an exit poll.

  • Six in 10 said they prioritize a nominee who can beat Trump
  • About a third want someone that agrees with them on the issues
The poll showed that 81% say they're "angry" about the Trump administration.

About the poll: The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. Results are based on interviews conducted throughout the day with 1,947 randomly selected Democratic primary voters at 45 wards in New Hampshire. Results for the full sample have a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration

i don't see that anger cooling at all & is a very motivating factor.
CNN, 98% of their news is negative about trump. Make me laugh

FOX 98% of their 'news' is positive about trump. makes me vomit.
Well it was a CNN poll that proves my point of bullsnot. Fox News isn’t CNN

'The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool.'


The survey of record for U.S. elections

Since 2004, The National Election Pool (NEP) and Edison Research have conducted the only national exit polls in the United States. The NEP is the source for projections and analysis for every midterm election, presidential primary and presidential election. Our 2018 general election coverage included exit polls at over 700 voting locations as well as in-person and telephone surveys with absentee and early voters all around the country.

Exit Polls

Our unique data includes the only national and state exit polls in the U.S., and the only projections and analysis based on the opinions of people you can be sure are voters. We have kept our methodology free of any short cuts or “opt-in” online panels. Real voters, accurate results.

    • Proven probability-based sampling methods for accurate results
    • In-person interviews with over 100,000 voters as they leave their polling places on the day of the election
    • In-person interviews at early voting locations
    • Early and absentee voter telephone polls
    • Detailed analysis of who voted and why they made their choices
Vote Count
The NEP provides media organizations with real-time vote results in all 50 states for statewide races, ballot initiatives and House races. The NEP vote count from Edison Research is the only service continuously updated after Election Day. We track every vote until results are certified by all states. Vote count data is available for statewide results, vote by Congressional District, county vote data breakouts for statewide races, and all U.S. House races.

The fastest and most complete vote results

Multiple sources allow Edison Research to provide faster reporting of vote data than any other organization.
Election Polling Services - Edison Research

Did you notice the massive turnout yesterday? The Democrats are coming for Trump with torches and pitchforks.

a 'small slice of the bigger pie' exit polling question in NH:

Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration
Democratic voters turning out in today’s New Hampshire primary say they are looking for a candidate who can beat President Trump over one who agrees with them on the issues by a roughly 2-to-1 margin, according to an exit poll.

  • Six in 10 said they prioritize a nominee who can beat Trump
  • About a third want someone that agrees with them on the issues
The poll showed that 81% say they're "angry" about the Trump administration.

About the poll: The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. Results are based on interviews conducted throughout the day with 1,947 randomly selected Democratic primary voters at 45 wards in New Hampshire. Results for the full sample have a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration

i don't see that anger cooling at all & is a very motivating factor.
CNN, 98% of their news is negative about trump. Make me laugh

FOX 98% of their 'news' is positive about trump. makes me vomit.
Well it was a CNN poll that proves my point of bullsnot. Fox News isn’t CNN

'The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool.'


The survey of record for U.S. elections

Since 2004, The National Election Pool (NEP) and Edison Research have conducted the only national exit polls in the United States. The NEP is the source for projections and analysis for every midterm election, presidential primary and presidential election. Our 2018 general election coverage included exit polls at over 700 voting locations as well as in-person and telephone surveys with absentee and early voters all around the country.

Exit Polls

Our unique data includes the only national and state exit polls in the U.S., and the only projections and analysis based on the opinions of people you can be sure are voters. We have kept our methodology free of any short cuts or “opt-in” online panels. Real voters, accurate results.

    • Proven probability-based sampling methods for accurate results
    • In-person interviews with over 100,000 voters as they leave their polling places on the day of the election
    • In-person interviews at early voting locations
    • Early and absentee voter telephone polls
    • Detailed analysis of who voted and why they made their choices
Vote Count
The NEP provides media organizations with real-time vote results in all 50 states for statewide races, ballot initiatives and House races. The NEP vote count from Edison Research is the only service continuously updated after Election Day. We track every vote until results are certified by all states. Vote count data is available for statewide results, vote by Congressional District, county vote data breakouts for statewide races, and all U.S. House races.

The fastest and most complete vote results

Multiple sources allow Edison Research to provide faster reporting of vote data than any other organization.
Election Polling Services - Edison Research

You said CNN poll
a 'small slice of the bigger pie' exit polling question in NH:

Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration
Democratic voters turning out in today’s New Hampshire primary say they are looking for a candidate who can beat President Trump over one who agrees with them on the issues by a roughly 2-to-1 margin, according to an exit poll.

  • Six in 10 said they prioritize a nominee who can beat Trump
  • About a third want someone that agrees with them on the issues
The poll showed that 81% say they're "angry" about the Trump administration.

About the poll: The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. Results are based on interviews conducted throughout the day with 1,947 randomly selected Democratic primary voters at 45 wards in New Hampshire. Results for the full sample have a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Exit poll shows 81% of voters are "angry" about the Trump administration

i don't see that anger cooling at all & is a very motivating factor.
CNN, 98% of their news is negative about trump. Make me laugh

FOX 98% of their 'news' is positive about trump. makes me vomit.
Well it was a CNN poll that proves my point of bullsnot. Fox News isn’t CNN

'The CNN Exit Poll was conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool.'


The survey of record for U.S. elections

Since 2004, The National Election Pool (NEP) and Edison Research have conducted the only national exit polls in the United States. The NEP is the source for projections and analysis for every midterm election, presidential primary and presidential election. Our 2018 general election coverage included exit polls at over 700 voting locations as well as in-person and telephone surveys with absentee and early voters all around the country.

Exit Polls

Our unique data includes the only national and state exit polls in the U.S., and the only projections and analysis based on the opinions of people you can be sure are voters. We have kept our methodology free of any short cuts or “opt-in” online panels. Real voters, accurate results.

    • Proven probability-based sampling methods for accurate results
    • In-person interviews with over 100,000 voters as they leave their polling places on the day of the election
    • In-person interviews at early voting locations
    • Early and absentee voter telephone polls
    • Detailed analysis of who voted and why they made their choices
Vote Count
The NEP provides media organizations with real-time vote results in all 50 states for statewide races, ballot initiatives and House races. The NEP vote count from Edison Research is the only service continuously updated after Election Day. We track every vote until results are certified by all states. Vote count data is available for statewide results, vote by Congressional District, county vote data breakouts for statewide races, and all U.S. House races.

The fastest and most complete vote results

Multiple sources allow Edison Research to provide faster reporting of vote data than any other organization.
Election Polling Services - Edison Research

You said CNN poll

' I ' didn't say anything. i c/p word for word the article in which CNN was the NEWS ORGANIZATION that hired the polling research agency. if you actually read & comprehended what you read, you would have realized that. & that polling reaserch agency is the ONLY one that ALL news organizations use.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

Wow, you are DESPERATE, arentcha?

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