Donald Trump rolled the dice on Biden and Burism and lost ... Biden is surging

Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

President Trump was acquitted of all charges and exonerated. Quid Pro Joe hasn’t been cleared yet. Will be great to see a new investigation into Joe and his boy.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.





That was a bipartisan victory for US foreign policy. Joe should be proud.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

President Trump was acquitted of all charges and exonerated. Quid Pro Joe hasn’t been cleared yet. Will be great to see a new investigation into Joe and his boy.

His acquittal was a white wash not an exoneration. Like Clinton, we know what he did. Democrats white washed Clinton's' lie about blow job, and Republicans white washed Trumps Ukraine Shake down scheme.

Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.
Don't think for one moment that observation of objective reality changes anything inside Trumpworld. We all must remind ourselves Trumpette's live in an alternate reality where unequivocal evidence of obstruction = exoneration and irrefutable evidence of illegality with respect to Ukraine = acquittal.

Facts don't matter. Up is down. Welcome to the land of Trumpleton's.

Says the moron who excuses Quid Pro Joe confessing on tape he extorted the Ukrainians to drop their investigation for $1.2 billion of our tax dollars.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

President Trump was acquitted of all charges and exonerated. Quid Pro Joe hasn’t been cleared yet. Will be great to see a new investigation into Joe and his boy.

His acquittal was a white wash not an exoneration. Like Clinton, we know what he did. Democrats white washed Clinton's' lie about blow job, and Republicans white washed Trumps Ukraine Shake down scheme.

Keep telling that to yourself, Corky.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.
Don't think for one moment that observation of objective reality changes anything inside Trumpworld. We all must remind ourselves Trumpette's live in an alternate reality where unequivocal evidence of obstruction = exoneration and irrefutable evidence of illegality with respect to Ukraine = acquittal.

Facts don't matter. Up is down. Welcome to the land of Trumpleton's.

Says the moron who excuses Quid Pro Joe confessing on tape he extorted the Ukrainians to drop their investigation for $1.2 billion of our tax dollars.
This hoax about Joe Biden is rearing its ugly head again. You guys are really scared shitless of Biden. You can tell the panic of the Trumpers by how many times they bring up the Biden Ukraine Hoax.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.
Don't think for one moment that observation of objective reality changes anything inside Trumpworld. We all must remind ourselves Trumpette's live in an alternate reality where unequivocal evidence of obstruction = exoneration and irrefutable evidence of illegality with respect to Ukraine = acquittal.

Facts don't matter. Up is down. Welcome to the land of Trumpleton's.

Says the moron who excuses Quid Pro Joe confessing on tape he extorted the Ukrainians to drop their investigation for $1.2 billion of our tax dollars.
This hoax about Joe Biden is rearing its ugly head again. You guys are really scared shitless of Biden. You can tell the panic of the Trumpers by how many times they bring up the Biden Ukraine Hoax.

Uh-huh, it’s a “hoax” that Joe bragged about bribing the Ukraine government into dropping their investigations into Burisma....when it’s on video.
I suppose it’s also a “hoax” that Quid Joe’s son worked for Burisma for $60k a month...when he knows nothing about energy or Ukrainian laws.

If Don Jr worked for a Russian company you people would be screaming for impeachment.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.
Don't think for one moment that observation of objective reality changes anything inside Trumpworld. We all must remind ourselves Trumpette's live in an alternate reality where unequivocal evidence of obstruction = exoneration and irrefutable evidence of illegality with respect to Ukraine = acquittal.

Facts don't matter. Up is down. Welcome to the land of Trumpleton's.

Says the moron who excuses Quid Pro Joe confessing on tape he extorted the Ukrainians to drop their investigation for $1.2 billion of our tax dollars.
This hoax about Joe Biden is rearing its ugly head again. You guys are really scared shitless of Biden. You can tell the panic of the Trumpers by how many times they bring up the Biden Ukraine Hoax.

Uh-huh, it’s a “hoax” that Joe bragged about bribing the Ukraine government into dropping their investigations into Burisma....when it’s on video.
I suppose it’s also a “hoax” that Quid Joe’s son worked for Burisma for $60k a month...when he knows nothing about energy or Ukrainian laws.

If Don Jr worked for a Russian company you people would be screaming for impeachment.

Remember when Mulvaney said we do that all the time. Furthermore, he never said any thing like what you claim he said. He never mention dropping any case. Why do you think he did when it is all on video?

"And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him.


I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired,"
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.
Don't think for one moment that observation of objective reality changes anything inside Trumpworld. We all must remind ourselves Trumpette's live in an alternate reality where unequivocal evidence of obstruction = exoneration and irrefutable evidence of illegality with respect to Ukraine = acquittal.

Facts don't matter. Up is down. Welcome to the land of Trumpleton's.

Says the moron who excuses Quid Pro Joe confessing on tape he extorted the Ukrainians to drop their investigation for $1.2 billion of our tax dollars.
This hoax about Joe Biden is rearing its ugly head again. You guys are really scared shitless of Biden. You can tell the panic of the Trumpers by how many times they bring up the Biden Ukraine Hoax.

Uh-huh, it’s a “hoax” that Joe bragged about bribing the Ukraine government into dropping their investigations into Burisma....when it’s on video.
I suppose it’s also a “hoax” that Quid Joe’s son worked for Burisma for $60k a month...when he knows nothing about energy or Ukrainian laws.

If Don Jr worked for a Russian company you people would be screaming for impeachment.
It is hoax because Hunter Biden has found to have done nothing wrong. All you have is a lie that Joe Biden bribed the Ukraine government into stopping the investigation into Burisma . A Ukraine gas company tied to Joe Biden's son is at the center of Trump's impeachment

The Biden Ukraine matter is a hoax. A hoax perpetuated by desperate Trumpers.
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Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

Donald Trump rolled the dice on Biden and Burism and lost ... Biden is surging

Yep, “surging” right to a convalescent home and a job pitching Depends adult diapers.
Burisma is going to be an albatross around Gropin' Joe's neck clear through to election day. Dismissing it is a big mistake on your part.
Or around Impeached Trump's neck since he got himself Impeached over it.
No, I meant what I said. Biden may even be indicted before election day for his illegal activities as well as his son's. As for impeachment, I don't see Schiff and Pelosi gloating over it lately. Maybe because it did more damage to them than it did to Trump? Sorta turned out to be a self-inflicted wound for them and a BIG boost for Trump, didn't it?
If it can be proven Biden had Shokin removed to protect Hunter Biden, you're correct, that would hurt Biden. Likewise, if that cannot be proven, it shows Impeached Trump did it to damage a political rival and that hurts Impeached Trump.
And by the same token, Dems were not able to prove a quid pro quo but impeached Trump anyway, proving the impeachment was politically motivated and that hurts the Dem party. It also makes the impeachment not worth a shit, and history will reflect that.

History will record Impeached Trump's impeachment as it does the others... he was Impeached by a majority opposition party in the House and acquitted in the Senate.
If it can be proven Biden had Shokin removed to protect Hunter Biden, you're correct, that would hurt Biden. Likewise, if that cannot be proven, it shows Impeached Trump did it to damage a political rival and that hurts Impeached Trump.
And by the same token, Dems were not able to prove a quid pro quo but impeached Trump anyway, proving the impeachment was politically motivated and that hurts the Dem party. It also makes the impeachment not worth a shit, and history will reflect that.

Of course they proved it. Republicans know what he did was wrong, (it was not like he lied about getting a blow job), they accept and embraced the leverage type corruption "What in it for me!" Trumpybear represents.
Bullshit. They didn't prove a damn thing, that's just your wishful thinking. You probably think they proved "Russia collusion" too, even though your savior Mueller said there was none. Seek treatment.

They got caught in a "Drug Deal". Everyone knows it. The world knows it.
You keep clinging to that, Booboo. Meanwhile, here's something for you to chew on.

That's Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out. That will help Biden get elected.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.





G-d bless Biden for fighting corruption.
And by the same token, Dems were not able to prove a quid pro quo but impeached Trump anyway, proving the impeachment was politically motivated and that hurts the Dem party. It also makes the impeachment not worth a shit, and history will reflect that.

Of course they proved it. Republicans know what he did was wrong, (it was not like he lied about getting a blow job), they accept and embraced the leverage type corruption "What in it for me!" Trumpybear represents.
Bullshit. They didn't prove a damn thing, that's just your wishful thinking. You probably think they proved "Russia collusion" too, even though your savior Mueller said there was none. Seek treatment.

They got caught in a "Drug Deal". Everyone knows it. The world knows it.
You keep clinging to that, Booboo. Meanwhile, here's something for you to chew on.

That's Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out. That will help Biden get elected.

Trumpers know that Faun. The hoax is the lie that Trumpers promulgate that it was something more insidious. They know the truth. Disinformation is the Trumpist only way to victory in November.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

President Trump was acquitted of all charges and exonerated. Quid Pro Joe hasn’t been cleared yet. Will be great to see a new investigation into Joe and his boy.
There's nothing to clear Biden of. Unlike Impeached Trump, he's not been charged with anything.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.
Don't think for one moment that observation of objective reality changes anything inside Trumpworld. We all must remind ourselves Trumpette's live in an alternate reality where unequivocal evidence of obstruction = exoneration and irrefutable evidence of illegality with respect to Ukraine = acquittal.

Facts don't matter. Up is down. Welcome to the land of Trumpleton's.

Says the moron who excuses Quid Pro Joe confessing on tape he extorted the Ukrainians to drop their investigation for $1.2 billion of our tax dollars.
Liar, there was no active investigation to drop.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.
Don't think for one moment that observation of objective reality changes anything inside Trumpworld. We all must remind ourselves Trumpette's live in an alternate reality where unequivocal evidence of obstruction = exoneration and irrefutable evidence of illegality with respect to Ukraine = acquittal.

Facts don't matter. Up is down. Welcome to the land of Trumpleton's.

Says the moron who excuses Quid Pro Joe confessing on tape he extorted the Ukrainians to drop their investigation for $1.2 billion of our tax dollars.
This hoax about Joe Biden is rearing its ugly head again. You guys are really scared shitless of Biden. You can tell the panic of the Trumpers by how many times they bring up the Biden Ukraine Hoax.

Uh-huh, it’s a “hoax” that Joe bragged about bribing the Ukraine government into dropping their investigations into Burisma....when it’s on video.
I suppose it’s also a “hoax” that Quid Joe’s son worked for Burisma for $60k a month...when he knows nothing about energy or Ukrainian laws.

If Don Jr worked for a Russian company you people would be screaming for impeachment.
Prove there was an ongoing investigation into Burisma ....
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

again, you don't understand what occurred, too funny.

I understand exactly. You have a big piece of steaming dogma stuck in your cranium.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.





Ignotance is your finest quality. Donald Trump loves the poorly-educated.

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