Facts about the Biden economy

There's.no comparison , today's so-called conservatives believe in lies and seem to believe lying more makes them true.
With all due respect, republicans for decades have been following lies. They are just getting more absurd.
Pro Trickle down, voter fraud and anti AGW climate change are just a few of their bat crazy shit they aspired to.
YOU need to stop lying. News flash Crapitus, inflation hasn’t fallen any. Wages are not keeping up with inflation. And no amount of your lying about it changes things.
I am a nurse. When all this shit started our situation went from bad to very bad , almost impossible. There were nurses who were making less than $20.00 an hour. Now I don't believe you could find a nurse making less than $30.00 an hour.
Facts about the Biden economy .
Increase of 800,000 manufacturing jobs under Biden, increase of 450,000 manufacturing jobs under Trump before COVID
Economy grew 3.4% first 3 years under Biden, Economy grew 2.6% first 3 years under Trump
Unemployment 3.5%, under Biden, equaling lowest rate in decades.
Stock market at a record high under Biden.

We need all of that given Biden’s HyperInflation.
Still waiting for you Dems to note specifics. I suspect you are Dem sheeple. You were told to hate Trump and you obeyed like the drones that you ar…
Specifics ? How is this. We can’t think of anything you get right. One thing is, no one has to be told to hate trump. He’s a fking idiot fraud. Lie a minute Trump. When he was president, he could not have press conferences. The lying and the bull shit drove sane people to a stuper..
like wtf did he just say ? We won the revolutionary war cause we took over the airports ? The craziness is baffling.
Who said otherwise? Pointing out the obvious is never a good argument. I assume that you did that because you dont have a good argument.

Bullshit. Your post clearly indicated that you don't understand our justice system. That prosecutors are not judge and jury, do not simply make up whatever they want to, cannot convict anyone on their own.

You brining up that people think politics plays a role in the justice process, but that means little in terms of actually proving that they won't agree with the conclusions of it.

Just because I may think that Trump gets kid-glove treatment in court and that a judge he put on that bench is bending over backwards to save his degenerate ass doesn't mean I'm going to reject a conviction. Duh.
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You have no idea how much of our problems resulted from Trump's tweeking of the economy. It was all a scam. You fell for it.
What exactly did Trump do to impact inflation? Biden’s COVID Recovery and Inflation Reduction Act were stuffed with egregious amounts of pork at a time when the globe was going through inflation. Prices have skyrocketed under Biden. Stop ignoring that.
Specifics ? How is this. We can’t think of anything you get right. One thing is, no one has to be told to hate trump. He’s a fking idiot fraud. Lie a minute Trump. When he was president, he could not have press conferences. The lying and the bull shit drove sane people to a stuper..
like wtf did he just say ? We won the revolutionary war cause we took over the airports ? The craziness is baffling.
So no specifics, Dem drone got it.

I have watched President Trump's press conferences where he took any question from anyone for as long as the press wanted to chat. Frequently soliciting laughter in the press corps, Trump's humor even Dems admit he can be quite funny. Trump openly mocked the regular lying news media hacks when they lied or attempted gotcha questions. Chris Cristy had a similar style and rapport with the press during his term as governor of NJ.

The bulk of Dems are constantly angry and have no sense of humor, at all. Bitter sourpuss faced, depressed. Something is wrong with them mentally.
LOL suggesting there were other straws. Specifics or you are just a Dem sheeple who can't name anything.
No matter what I would say you would just attempt to demean it. So why bother , you are hopelessly lost. Suffice to say, my knowledge of trump began in 1970 and it wasn't good back then
Nothing has changed except now he has a bigger audience and causes more damage to our people and this great nation.
Biden’s COVID Recovery and Inflation Reduction Act were stuffed with egregious amounts of pork at a time when the globe was going through inflation.
Pork ? Like saving people from being thrown out in the street and losing their healthcare. Of course the govt threw money into the pot. It saved us from a deep recession. Of course it helped cause inflation. BUT Bozo, every industrialized country in the world did the same thing and we have had the fastest recovery and the strongest economy in the world. Und repugnants, we’d have another recession…just like 10 of the last 11.
So no specifics, Dem drone got it.

I have watched President Trump's press conferences where he took any question from anyone for as long as the press wanted to chat. Frequently soliciting laughter in the press corps, Trump's humor even Dems admit he can be quite funny. Trump openly mocked the regular lying news media hacks when they lied or attempted gotcha questions. Chris Cristy had a similar style and rapport with the press during his term as governor of NJ.

The bulk of Dems are constantly angry and have no sense of humor, at all. Bitter sourpuss faced, depressed. Something is wrong with them mentally.
You’re in a Fking dream world. He had fewer than half as many as anyother president. They were a joke. He just stood there and made up shit. Funny ? Embarrassing….he’s funny to perverts.
No matter what I would say you would just attempt to demean it. So why bother , you are hopelessly lost. Suffice to say, my knowledge of trump began in 1970 and it wasn't good back then
Nothing has changed except now he has a bigger audience and causes more damage to our people and this great nation.
Confirmed, Dem sheeple drone who hates Trump but can't articulate why. This is why we laugh at you people. We can name dozens of specific reasons why we think Joe Biden is a horrible president. His specific actions, policies, and the harmful results.

The reason you morons can't come up with something is because Trump's policies and legislation are all pro USA.
What exactly did Trump do to impact inflation? Biden’s COVID Recovery and Inflation Reduction Act were stuffed with egregious amounts of pork at a time when the globe was going through inflation. Prices have skyrocketed under Biden. Stop ignoring that.
Remember when the first banks starting failing , that was just a hint of things to come. trump allowed predatory lending by banks back into the picture creating instability. All those regulations he called useless were helping keep the economy safe and sound. Working to establish those regulations was what helped Obama and Biden get US out of the recession Bush put us into. Trump shortchanged outl our future for a get rich quick scheme. We all know how that turned out, at least those of us who are not blinded by the charlaton.
Confirmed, Dem sheeple drone who hates Trump but can't articulate why. This is why we laugh at you people. We can name dozens of specific reasons why we think Joe Biden is a horrible president. His specific actions, policies, and the harmful results.

The reason you morons can't come up with something is because Trump's policies and legislation are all pro USA.
Why give you a platform to speak at all. You don't want to learn anything , you just want to argue.

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