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Hey Libs, What would Trump Have To Do

Why do you support increasing spending on nuclear weapons and stopping a fighter jet, the F-35, that has already had $1.5 trillion spent on it? And there are orders from various countries to buy this, like the UK which has spent $7 billion on a new aircraft carrier that can only fly this plane?

Why do you frame your question with a fallacious assumption that I support what you are then about to ask?

I don't know a ton about the specifics of the contracts on these projects and the associated opportunity costs for changing the current direction.

Your claim that $1.5 trillion was already spent on the F-35 is false. In 2012, the total 50 year life-cycle cost for the entire U.S. fleet was estimated at US$1.51 trillion.

Let's stick with facts, please.

If the F-35 is having serious cost overruns and design issues and is not performing as expected, I would certainly support a change.

Firstly, you said this was about learning about Trump supporters. Yes, I'm being a little bit over the top, deliberately so, because Trump supporters have shown in the past they'll support anything Trump says.

Remember: "
Trump: I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters'"????

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics.com

So even though I am being a little bit on the jokey side, the reality is still there.

Okay, you're right about the costs. However the point was that a lot of money has been spent on this aircraft, a lot of diplomacy has been put into this aircraft, to get rid of it now would be an expensive problem.

The problem is that if it is having cost overruns, who's to say another aircraft wouldn't have such overruns? The US needs a jet that is going to last a long time. It's not performing as expected? Would another aircraft perform better?

The project should be audited closely, as I am sure it currently is, but by a new group. If the aircraft is not going to perform as expected, changes need to be made. Scrapping the entire program and flushing it down the toilet as if it never existed is not the only alternative to no change.

But then Trump has no idea about this project. He sees figures on a piece of paper, then changes them, then decides he doesn't like it.

I didn't see the news on that. What specific changes did he make to the project? How were those changes made? I was not aware he could do anything policy wise prior to being sworn in.

Er... what? I didn't say he made changes to the project. I said he made changes to the figures on the piece of paper. Like he sees $10 and then tells everyone it's $50.
NOT EVEN GONNA HAPPEN, in other words you want "do what we want, not what America wants".
Ok, so the I am guessing the question asked in an objective manner is "What do you think of Trump's cabinet appointments?"

Here is the answer:

I like some, some I do not like.

I like SEC DEF, AG, Education, housing, energy and EPA. Hopefully I am right about these.

I am not thrilled about Secretary of State, Treasury, or Commerce. Hopefully I am wrong about these.

If you want me to break down each individual cabinet position, I would be happy to, or we can talk about the specific nominations that concern you.

Hey libs, what are some of the things that Trump would have to accomplish to prove to you he was the right person for the job?

8 years ago, the yearly deficit inherited by President Obama was $1.5 trillion. Under Obama, those have gone down by an average of two-thirds these last 3 years.

Projected yearly deficits are set to hover around $500 billion/yr through the next 5 years.

If Obama can oversee closing the gap by $1 trillion, least the Trump administration can do is get us even again. I would consider that an accomplishment.

If Trump invests directly in infrastructure and creates a million or two jobs that way, I'll consider it an accomplishment, though with the caveat that Republicans denied Obama for several years any infrastructure spending. Not because they don't think it would work to stimulate the economy, as all studies has ever shown, but because indeed they do know it works, it's just that they 1) couldn't be perceived by their constituents to be working with blackie, and 2) they knew it would help Obama's legacy on revitalizing the economy if they actually helped him.

One of President Reagan's defining legacies is his work on reducing the number of nuclear weapons on the planet. That work has continued under ever president since, safe for George W. Bush's 2nd term, in which he let the ABM and Nuclear Arms Treaty fall by the wayside with Russia.

If Trump can see the light here and use his power to further reduce nuclear capabilities around the world, that would be an accomplishment.

8 years ago, between 3-4% of America's energy was produced by renewables. Last year, we hit just over 13%. If the Trump administration does the right thing and understands the value to our economy of keeping the alternative/renewable energy boom going, that'll be a major accomplishment in my books. The idea that we could get to 20% green energy over the next few years is exciting as fuck. It's no time to let that slide.

There, that's my list.
1. Admit that he has said some offensive and outrages things during his campaign and apologize for them.

Like Hitllary's deploreables, or obozo's "clingers"?

an idiot said:
2. Separate himself from all of his businesses until he is out of the Whitehouse.

Because democrooks only profit out of compassion and shit right? Pelosi's Tuna Surprise
same idiot said:
3. Create a universal healthcare system for all Americans.

How about the whole world? I seriously want a fucking answer about that. WHO PROVIDES THE FREE CARE OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEART WITHOUT GOVERNMENT FORCE.

Are you fucking kidding me Margot Kidder? said:
4. Stop the Twitter rants.


Like MSLSD isn't hyper twitter that won't go away.

The parrot continues said:
5. If he's going to get rid of common core then there needs to be a replacement that will better than it and don't get rid of national standards completely.

The US was the world's STANDARD for education until regressive Woodrow Wilson decided to industrialize education in order to promote "the human resource". As if making humanity an ant colony is supposed to be "progress'.

same imbecile said:
6. Tax where the money is.
And chase it away.... Then bitch about it leaving and call it greed.

another moron parrot said:
7. Make college more affordable so people who lost their manufacturing can go back to school and earn a degree. This would allow these people to earn more money and have a more fullfilling career than assembly parts in a factory.

Then massively increase tuition fees while lobbying the government for massive school loans so stupid kids can get "degrees" in ancient vandal basket weaving art.

every asshole moonbat said:
8. Accept that humans have had an effect on climate change and push through policies and programs that would make us less dependent on oil and gas.

Thus destroying the global economy.

Hey libs, what are some of the things that Trump would have to accomplish to prove to you he was the right person for the job?

8 years ago, the yearly deficit inherited by President Obama was $1.5 trillion. Under Obama, those have gone down by an average of two-thirds these last 3 years.

Projected yearly deficits are set to hover around $500 billion/yr through the next 5 years.

If Obama can oversee closing the gap by $1 trillion, least the Trump administration can do is get us even again. I would consider that an accomplishment.

If Trump invests directly in infrastructure and creates a million or two jobs that way, I'll consider it an accomplishment, though with the caveat that Republicans denied Obama for several years any infrastructure spending. Not because they don't think it would work to stimulate the economy, as all studies has ever shown, but because indeed they do know it works, it's just that they 1) couldn't be perceived by their constituents to be working with blackie, and 2) they knew it would help Obama's legacy on revitalizing the economy if they actually helped him.

One of President Reagan's defining legacies is his work on reducing the number of nuclear weapons on the planet. That work has continued under ever president since, safe for George W. Bush's 2nd term, in which he let the ABM and Nuclear Arms Treaty fall by the wayside with Russia.

If Trump can see the light here and use his power to further reduce nuclear capabilities around the world, that would be an accomplishment.

8 years ago, between 3-4% of America's energy was produced by renewables. Last year, we hit just over 13%. If the Trump administration does the right thing and understands the value to our economy of keeping the alternative/renewable energy boom going, that'll be a major accomplishment in my books. The idea that we could get to 20% green energy over the next few years is exciting as fuck. It's no time to let that slide.

There, that's my list.

I for one want a REAL list, not a cobbled up bunch of crap from an oshit-ma press release. I understand the need to build on the oshit-ma legacy by lying extensively, but find a place that someone is stupid enough to take your crap at face value instead of being able to find the REAL facts. Just forget it I will just discount your liberal post and go to one with some substance.
It seems that political ideology is a non starter for Trump supporters. One could respect Comservatives for their allegiance to a certain ideology. But that allegence really melted away fast. Almost as if any ideology was not genuine at all.

Rather than insisting on a pure ideological policy and politician, the Trump supporters ar clinging to the notion that behavior should rule supreme. The cruder, ruder, more boorish and churlish the better. Running roughshod over anyone they deem as the 'other' is the way to comport themselves. Hardly a sterling example of maturity.

Are we subject to rule by bully, by idiot, by blind Trump love? Or will the crudeness of Trump himself eventually embarrass the Trump supporters into contrition? Is contrition even a concept they are familiar with? I think more and more of these politics by bully morons will eventually burn themselves out and a new evolution, one calling for maturity and competence will arrive after Trump digs himself into a hole no reality TV producer can save him from.
Another leftwing theory based on total idiocy.
Why do you frame your question with a fallacious assumption that I support what you are then about to ask?

I don't know a ton about the specifics of the contracts on these projects and the associated opportunity costs for changing the current direction.

Your claim that $1.5 trillion was already spent on the F-35 is false. In 2012, the total 50 year life-cycle cost for the entire U.S. fleet was estimated at US$1.51 trillion.

Let's stick with facts, please.

If the F-35 is having serious cost overruns and design issues and is not performing as expected, I would certainly support a change.

Firstly, you said this was about learning about Trump supporters. Yes, I'm being a little bit over the top, deliberately so, because Trump supporters have shown in the past they'll support anything Trump says.

Remember: "
Trump: I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters'"????

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics.com

So even though I am being a little bit on the jokey side, the reality is still there.

Okay, you're right about the costs. However the point was that a lot of money has been spent on this aircraft, a lot of diplomacy has been put into this aircraft, to get rid of it now would be an expensive problem.

The problem is that if it is having cost overruns, who's to say another aircraft wouldn't have such overruns? The US needs a jet that is going to last a long time. It's not performing as expected? Would another aircraft perform better?

The project should be audited closely, as I am sure it currently is, but by a new group. If the aircraft is not going to perform as expected, changes need to be made. Scrapping the entire program and flushing it down the toilet as if it never existed is not the only alternative to no change.

But then Trump has no idea about this project. He sees figures on a piece of paper, then changes them, then decides he doesn't like it.

I didn't see the news on that. What specific changes did he make to the project? How were those changes made? I was not aware he could do anything policy wise prior to being sworn in.

Er... what? I didn't say he made changes to the project. I said he made changes to the figures on the piece of paper. Like he sees $10 and then tells everyone it's $50.

If there are cost overruns and design flaws, of course changes should be made.
Do you actually believe your own bullshit? You are such a cliche.

Look here Trumptard, I just spent a whole fucking year listening to you people talk like fucking psychos and you want to scold me on my tone? When you people start talking like actual thoughtful human beings you will be treated as such.


Oddly enough. I have seen nothing but well adjusted tolerant and kind snowflakes. Particularly after the election.

Good for them. They have really shown their character by choosing to be dignified in defeat.
Shove that snowflake shit up your Trumptard ass. I used to like to come here because every so often I could actually score a reasonable policy conversation with someone but not since you trumptards came in and ruined what little rationality was left among our conservatives. If political debate is now simply being horrible to each other then you will reap what your kind has sown. The left lost because they kept on bringing calm rationality to your political knife fight. If being angry is a winner among American voters then it's time for the left to get righteously angry about the chaos your messiah is about to unleash on the world.

This is a great opportunity for you to learn some truth about Trump supporters.

Ask me any policy question you want to ask. I'll tell you what I believe and why.
Wow that's great, Trump does not even know what he is going to do but you think you do? OK riddle me this: After all of trump's populist rhetoric why do you not feel betrayed by the richest, most anti-populist cabinet in history? What the hell do you see in all those billionaires and generals that is actually going fulfill Trump's many promises to improve the lot of the working class?

I am ready whenever you are to break down all of Trump's cabinet nominations and your specific concerns.
Why do snowflakes stick to emotional arguments and ignore facts so frequently?

It's so odd that have a tough time discussing issues without resorting to name calling and general pejoratives.

It seems to be very challenging for them to simply discuss an issue based on facts.
Why do snowflakes stick to emotional arguments and ignore facts so frequently?

It's so odd that have a tough time discussing issues without resorting to name calling and general pejoratives.

It seems to be very challenging for them to simply discuss an issue based on facts.

The facts don't work for them.
I was having such delightful conversations with occupied, frigidweirdo, and Odium.

Let's continue to talk about Trump's cabinet choices, the F-35, and the Talmud.
What's up? I voted for Trump so he will always be better than Clinton but the honeymoon period took a big hit with his slobbering all over nutanjews ball sack. Let him fix shit but as I have said from the beginning Trump was always a means to an end.
I was having such delightful conversations with occupied, frigidweirdo, and Odium.

Let's continue to talk about Trump's cabinet choices, the F-35, and the Talmud.
What's up? I voted for Trump so he will always be better than Clinton but the honeymoon period took a big hit with his slobbering all over nutanjews ball sack. Let him fix shit but as I have said from the beginning Trump was always a means to an end.

What has made you anti-semitic? Do you have a family history of anti-Semitism? Do you only dislike Israeli Jews, or do you also dislike American Jews?

What specific TRUMP cabinet nominations concern you? Who would you have preferred Trump nominate for those positions, specifically?
I was having such delightful conversations with occupied, frigidweirdo, and Odium.

Let's continue to talk about Trump's cabinet choices, the F-35, and the Talmud.
What's up? I voted for Trump so he will always be better than Clinton but the honeymoon period took a big hit with his slobbering all over nutanjews ball sack. Let him fix shit but as I have said from the beginning Trump was always a means to an end.

What has made you anti-semitic? Do you have a family history of anti-Semitism? Do you only dislike Israeli Jews, or do you also dislike American Jews?
Reading voraciously. An obvious history of Jews having a hand in HUGE world events that harm others specifically the white race. Anyone could find these events out for themselves if they just did some research. I prefer no to waste my time on people who have no interest in learning though. Jews and their Lackey's call it a conspiracy theory I call them facts backed up by actual events and written history's of things that have happened. Oh and no I was never raised to hate Jews. I didn't even know what a Jew was growing up. But when things start adding up and a TINY minority of people hold a LARGE amount of power in politics,education,entertainment,book publishing and banking etc then it makes you dive farther and farther. The simple fact they CONTROL every aspect of society that can control a population is VERY suspicious. That's pretty much is where it started.
I was having such delightful conversations with occupied, frigidweirdo, and Odium.

Let's continue to talk about Trump's cabinet choices, the F-35, and the Talmud.
What's up? I voted for Trump so he will always be better than Clinton but the honeymoon period took a big hit with his slobbering all over nutanjews ball sack. Let him fix shit but as I have said from the beginning Trump was always a means to an end.

What has made you anti-semitic? Do you have a family history of anti-Semitism? Do you only dislike Israeli Jews, or do you also dislike American Jews?
Reading voraciously. An obvious history of Jews having a hand in HUGE world events that harm others specifically the white race. Anyone could find these events out for themselves if they just did some research. I prefer no to waste my time on people who have no interest in learning though. Jews and their Lackey's call it a conspiracy theory I call them facts backed up by actual events and written history's of things that have happened. Oh and no I was never raised to hate Jews. I didn't even know what a Jew was growing up. But when things start adding up and a TINY minority of people hold a LARGE amount of power in politics,education,entertainment,book publishing and banking etc then it makes you dive farther and farther. The simple fact they CONTROL every aspect of society that can control a population is VERY suspicious. That's pretty much is where it started.

That's fine. I knew there was something there.

There are those people who want Israel to be left to defend itself, but the UN made a commitment to Israel in 1947.

My basic philosophy with regards to Israel is that I see nearly every Muslim country declare they want to destroy Israel, while I do not see Israel claim they want to destroy every Muslim nation.

Therefore, I tend to back Israel because they are not genocidal.
Die? No, just kidding, couldn't resist.

Totally separate himself from his business' so there is no concern about conflict of interest.
Reconsider a number of his cabinet appointees.
Allow Obama to fill the vacancy in the SCOTUS that is his by right.
Allow Obama to fill the vacancy in the SCOTUS that is his by right.

What right?

The same right Trump has to fill SCOTUS vacancies during his tenure.
how you figure? never happened before. deal with it. It's how it goes.
Trump has already slammed that door in our faces with that bunch of sociopathic plutocrats he picked for his cabinet. There is no possibility that those people will do anything except buttrape the working class.
when you got nothing to actually say. go back to your libturdness. way to go bubba!!!

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