Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Quotations from Hitler

In this excerpt from his memoirs General Leon Degrelle, former leader of the Belgian contingent of the Waffen-SS, describes how Adolf Hitler gained the enthusiastic support of the working people of Germany.

One of the first labor reforms to benefit the German workers was the establishment of annual paid vacation. The Socialist French Popular Front, in 1936, would make a show of having invented the concept of paid vacation, and stingily at that, only one week per year. But Adolf Hitler originated the idea, and two or three times as generously, from the first month of his coming to power in 1933.

Every factory employee from then on would have the legal right to a paid vacation. Until then, in Germany paid holidays where they applied at all did not exceed four or five days, and nearly half the younger workers had no leave entitlement at all. Hitler, on the other hand, favored the younger workers. Vacations were not handed out blindly, and the youngest workers were granted time off more generously. It was a humane action; a young person has more need of rest and fresh air for the development of his strength and vigor just coming into maturity. Basic vacation time was twelve days, and then from age 25 on it went up to 18 days. After ten years with the company, workers got 21 days, three times what the French socialists would grant the workers of their country in 1936.

…. The work day itself had been reduced to a tolerable norm of eight hours, since the forty-hour week as well, in Europe, was first initiated by Hitler. And beyond that legal limit, each additional hour had to be paid at a considerably increased rate. As another innovation, work breaks were made longer; two hours every day in order to let the worker relax and to make use of the playing fields that the large industries were required to provide.

… workers' rights to job security were non-existent. Hitler saw to it that those rights were strictly spelled out. The employer had to announce any dismissal four weeks in advance. The employee then had a period of up to two months in which to lodge a protest. The dismissal could also be annulled by the Honor of Work Tribunal. What was the Honor of Work Tribunal? Also called the Tribunal of Social Honor, it was the third of the three great elements or layers of protection and defense that were to the benefit of every German worker. The first was the Council of Trust. The second was the Labor Commission.

The Council of Trust was charged with attending to the establishment and the development of a real community spirit between management and labor. "In any business enterprise", the Reich law stated, "the employer and head of the enterprise, the employees and workers, personnel of the enterprise, shall work jointly towards the goal of the enterprise and the common good of the nation."

Neither would any longer be the victim of the other-not the worker facing the arbitrariness of the employer nor the employer facing the blackmail of strikes for political purposes. Article 35 of the Reich labor law stated that: "Every member of an Aryan enterprise community shall assume the responsibilities required by his position in the said common enterprise." In other words, at the head of the company or the enterprise would be a living, breathing executive in charge, not a moneybags with unconditional power. "The interest of the community may require that an incapable or unworthy employer be relieved of his duties"

The employer would no longer be inaccessible and all-powerful, authoritatively determining the conditions of hiring and firing his staff. He, too, would be subject to the workshop regulations, which he would have to respect, exactly as the least of his employees. The law conferred honor and responsibility on the employer only insofar as he merited it.

Every business enterprise of 20 or more persons was to have its "Council of Trust". The two to ten members of this council would be chosen from among the staff by the head of the enterprise. The ordinance of application of 10 March 1934 of the above law further stated: "The staff shall be called upon to decide for or against the established list in a secret vote, and all salaried employees, including apprentices of 21 years of age or older, will take part in the vote. Voting shall be done by putting a number before the names of the candidates in order of preference, or by striking out certain names.

In contrast to the business councils of the preceding régime, the Council of Trust was no longer an instrument of class, but one of teamwork of the classes, composed of delegates of the staff as well as the head of the enterprise. The one could no longer act without the other. Compelled to coordinate their interests, though formerly rivals, they would now cooperate to establish by mutual consent the regulations which were to determine working conditions.

The second agency that would ensure the orderly development of the new German social system was the institution of the "Workers' Commissioners". They would essentially be conciliators and arbitrators. When gears were grinding, they were the ones who would have to apply the grease. They would see to it that the Councils of trust were functioning harmoniously to ensure that regulations of a given business enterprise were being carried out to the letter.

So he was interested in the GERMAN WORKERS (note, this is ethnically German, not Jews, not blacks, not Slavs, but ethnically German, hence the National in National Socialist).

You're basically saying if you do anything for the workers of society, you're a socialist? Is this the Republican view of things? Screw the workers, give them nothing, absolutely nothing, take all for the business people?

Hitler was a Progressive, a Socialist. Why do you accept Stalin and Mao as your ideological Founding Fathers, but not Hitler?
Progressives you cant change reality. Nazi were socialist thus left. You can try like you guys try to ignore that leftists made the kkk and celebrate killing babies and treating women as nothing but walking vaginas.

Hitler was a Progressive, a Socialist. Why do you accept Stalin and Mao as your ideological Founding Fathers, but not Hitler?

Progressive? In what way? A Socialist? How?

I'm not a Socialist, or a Communist. Nor was Stalin. Stalin was a Stalinist. If Stalin had been a Socialist, Mao was 100 miles away from Socialism. As it was he was 1 million miles away. If you knew the slightest thing about Mao, you'd know this. As it is you don't have a clue.

Hitler was not a Socialist, Stalin was not a Socialist and Mao wasn't either.
Progressives you cant change reality. Nazi were socialist thus left. You can try like you guys try to ignore that leftists made the kkk and celebrate killing babies and treating women as nothing but walking vaginas.


So the North Koreans are Democrats then?
Progressives you cant change reality. Nazi were socialist thus left. You can try like you guys try to ignore that leftists made the kkk and celebrate killing babies and treating women as nothing but walking vaginas.


So the North Koreans are Democrats then?
Hey dummy guess what north Korea is a socialist country ao yes they are lefties just like you

Hey dummy guess what north Korea is a socialist country ao yes they are lefties just like you


Haha, someone needs to learn something.

I can't help it if you want to be ignorant.
Awww is irritating when your bullshit lies are exposed?


How do you think, in any way, that you have exposed anything?

North Korea is not a Socialist state. It is a state which has a very VERY firm hierarchy. This is a sign of a right wing system.
The govt does not work for the people. The people work for the leader who does what he likes.

If you think that A) you can peddle ignorance and lies then B) try and pass this off by writing was of time posts with swearwords in, then either you think this is primary school or you're just wrong.

Usually people start debates with others in the belief that the other person has sufficient knowledge to actually be able to handle what is being spoken about. I'm extremely sorry if I put you in that category. I now understand that I have to explain every single thing to you like a child.
Hitler was not a Socialist, Stalin was not a Socialist and Mao wasn't either.
They were in fact all socialist. They were self-righteous assholes who presumed to now what was best for everyone, not unlike yourself.

What do you know about Mao? Come on. Because I can't see one thing in what Mao did that suggests he was a socialist. I choose Mao because he is the easiest. There is absolutely NO WAY Mao was a Socialist.
Hey dummy guess what north Korea is a socialist country ao yes they are lefties just like you


Haha, someone needs to learn something.

I can't help it if you want to be ignorant.
Awww is irritating when your bullshit lies are exposed?


How do you think, in any way, that you have exposed anything?

North Korea is not a Socialist state. It is a state which has a very VERY firm hierarchy. This is a sign of a right wing system.
The govt does not work for the people. The people work for the leader who does what he likes.

If you think that A) you can peddle ignorance and lies then B) try and pass this off by writing was of time posts with swearwords in, then either you think this is primary school or you're just wrong.

Usually people start debates with others in the belief that the other person has sufficient knowledge to actually be able to handle what is being spoken about. I'm extremely sorry if I put you in that category. I now understand that I have to explain every single thing to you like a child.
North Korea is very socialist it is the poster child of how all socialist countries end up being. It is the ultimate of what socialism really is total control

North Korea is very socialist it is the poster child of how all socialist countries end up being. It is the ultimate of what socialism really is total control


How? You're talking complete NONSENSE.

North Korea did start out as a Socialist, but then it's like saying the US is a British colony now because it used to be a British colony before. Clearly the US isn't, and clearly North Korea isn't Socialist.

It started out as a Marxist-Leninist pro-USSR state. By the 1960s this changed. He changed it to Juche, which is basically a personality cult rather than any form of Socialism, Communism etc. It doesn't particularly follow any principles, the religion is the Kims, everything is about keeping the Kims in power and nothing else really matters much. There's a definite hierarchical system in place, those who are in favor can live good lives, those who aren't, well they don't fare so well.

In some ways it's similar to Mao. He wasn't very bright, he took Communism and the Communist Party as his platform to success, but his policies changed all the time, but one thing always remained the same. Mao was leader and could do what he liked.

Yes, in many ways you're right, Socialism/Communism ends up in the same state. But that state isn't Socialism or Communism, all that happens in that revolution takes over, some guy ends up as the head of the revolution and decides to do what he wants to do rather than following the dogma of Socialism or Communism. It's all about power, the same as everywhere else.
Just because skinheads/KKK in this country mistakenly grabbed the Nazi symbols for their beliefs doesn't make the original Nazis like bumpkins in the US. They both share a hatred of Jews and non-Aryans, but the Nazis were a social/culture/economic revolution in Germany where they made everyone in society conform for the "common good."

Conservatives don't believe in a centralized government forcing everyone to conform and blindly follow a leader bloviating from a podium.....uh that would be liberals. Liberals are the ones that want to socialize medical care in this country like the Nazis. Liberals believe in communal groups working together as a collective like the Nazis. Liberals believe in the government taking over companies for the "common good" while letting a few elites control those companies....like the Nazis.

When someone goes out of their way to point their finger at conservatives and claim we are like the Nazis....they are doing it to cover their own ass, their own Nazi ass.

"Liberals believe in the government taking over companies for the "common good", you have in your post. This is what the original tea party was about, rejection of a corporation dominating a certain sector of an economy. After the founding of this country corporations were only allowed limited charters, easily revoked. Little by little, giant companies/corporations overturned this original intent of our government's controlling corporations. Look how the supreme court declared corporations a citizen recently, although the intent of the fourteenth amendment was in regard to former slaves right after the civil war. I view both parties pro big government but repugs have their base, and most of the right wing posters here, thinking they are anti big government.
Quotations from Hitler

In this excerpt from his memoirs General Leon Degrelle, former leader of the Belgian contingent of the Waffen-SS, describes how Adolf Hitler gained the enthusiastic support of the working people of Germany.

One of the first labor reforms to benefit the German workers was the establishment of annual paid vacation. The Socialist French Popular Front, in 1936, would make a show of having invented the concept of paid vacation, and stingily at that, only one week per year. But Adolf Hitler originated the idea, and two or three times as generously, from the first month of his coming to power in 1933.

Every factory employee from then on would have the legal right to a paid vacation. Until then, in Germany paid holidays where they applied at all did not exceed four or five days, and nearly half the younger workers had no leave entitlement at all. Hitler, on the other hand, favored the younger workers. Vacations were not handed out blindly, and the youngest workers were granted time off more generously. It was a humane action; a young person has more need of rest and fresh air for the development of his strength and vigor just coming into maturity. Basic vacation time was twelve days, and then from age 25 on it went up to 18 days. After ten years with the company, workers got 21 days, three times what the French socialists would grant the workers of their country in 1936.

…. The work day itself had been reduced to a tolerable norm of eight hours, since the forty-hour week as well, in Europe, was first initiated by Hitler. And beyond that legal limit, each additional hour had to be paid at a considerably increased rate. As another innovation, work breaks were made longer; two hours every day in order to let the worker relax and to make use of the playing fields that the large industries were required to provide.

… workers' rights to job security were non-existent. Hitler saw to it that those rights were strictly spelled out. The employer had to announce any dismissal four weeks in advance. The employee then had a period of up to two months in which to lodge a protest. The dismissal could also be annulled by the Honor of Work Tribunal. What was the Honor of Work Tribunal? Also called the Tribunal of Social Honor, it was the third of the three great elements or layers of protection and defense that were to the benefit of every German worker. The first was the Council of Trust. The second was the Labor Commission.

The Council of Trust was charged with attending to the establishment and the development of a real community spirit between management and labor. "In any business enterprise", the Reich law stated, "the employer and head of the enterprise, the employees and workers, personnel of the enterprise, shall work jointly towards the goal of the enterprise and the common good of the nation."

Neither would any longer be the victim of the other-not the worker facing the arbitrariness of the employer nor the employer facing the blackmail of strikes for political purposes. Article 35 of the Reich labor law stated that: "Every member of an Aryan enterprise community shall assume the responsibilities required by his position in the said common enterprise." In other words, at the head of the company or the enterprise would be a living, breathing executive in charge, not a moneybags with unconditional power. "The interest of the community may require that an incapable or unworthy employer be relieved of his duties"

The employer would no longer be inaccessible and all-powerful, authoritatively determining the conditions of hiring and firing his staff. He, too, would be subject to the workshop regulations, which he would have to respect, exactly as the least of his employees. The law conferred honor and responsibility on the employer only insofar as he merited it.

Every business enterprise of 20 or more persons was to have its "Council of Trust". The two to ten members of this council would be chosen from among the staff by the head of the enterprise. The ordinance of application of 10 March 1934 of the above law further stated: "The staff shall be called upon to decide for or against the established list in a secret vote, and all salaried employees, including apprentices of 21 years of age or older, will take part in the vote. Voting shall be done by putting a number before the names of the candidates in order of preference, or by striking out certain names.

In contrast to the business councils of the preceding régime, the Council of Trust was no longer an instrument of class, but one of teamwork of the classes, composed of delegates of the staff as well as the head of the enterprise. The one could no longer act without the other. Compelled to coordinate their interests, though formerly rivals, they would now cooperate to establish by mutual consent the regulations which were to determine working conditions.

The second agency that would ensure the orderly development of the new German social system was the institution of the "Workers' Commissioners". They would essentially be conciliators and arbitrators. When gears were grinding, they were the ones who would have to apply the grease. They would see to it that the Councils of trust were functioning harmoniously to ensure that regulations of a given business enterprise were being carried out to the letter.
So he was interested in the GERMAN WORKERS (note, this is ethnically German, not Jews, not blacks, not Slavs, but ethnically German, hence the National in National Socialist).

You're basically saying if you do anything for the workers of society, you're a socialist? Is this the Republican view of things? Screw the workers, give them nothing, absolutely nothing, take all for the business people?
LOL, you are tying yourself into knots here to try to avoid the inevitable. Would you say those above principles are more closely aligned with the right or left? I think the honest folks know.
"Liberals believe in the government taking over companies for the "common good", you have in your post. This is what the original tea party was about, rejection of a corporation dominating a certain sector of an economy.
They were in cahoots with the government of England. Crony capitalism. Modern day TEA party types are against it as well. It's the left that loves government to pick the winners and losers in the marketplace. You guys live in denial. Remember Nov. 4th? That should have been a wake up call.
Hitler was not a Socialist, Stalin was not a Socialist and Mao wasn't either.
They were in fact all socialist. They were self-righteous assholes who presumed to now what was best for everyone, not unlike yourself.

What do you know about Mao? Come on. Because I can't see one thing in what Mao did that suggests he was a socialist. I choose Mao because he is the easiest. There is absolutely NO WAY Mao was a Socialist.
You're probably right. Mao took socialist doctrine to its inevitable extreme, as did Pol Pot . They were self-righteous assholes who make American socialists look like pikers. The entire Cultural Revolution was part and parcel of socialism unchecked as were Hitler's Germany and Stalin's USSR.
Mussolini was actually the guy that came up with the idea of Fascism. It has been pretty well established that he and his paper were for a time funded by a British "intelligence" agency
Hitler was a deceptive politician who said whatever it took to gain power. He took money from wealthy industrialists and some claim US banks. Many have tied a Bush family ancestor's business to money funding Hitler. The Nazis were known to have fought street battles against the Communists of Germany.
Indeed, and those are good points.
Mussolini is definitely the 'founding father' of fascism (even the word fascist comes from Italian) and it is his adminsitration where I think one can argue a stronger left wing influence - hence my leaving him out of my list of right-wing examples of dictaorship. Mussolini did move further to the right as time passed, but back in the 1930's he was perhaps more populist than anything else.
Well I think a populist, at base, respects the will of the people. I doubt if that was Mussolini's focus. I believe I've read that he started out a socialist but grew disillusioned with them and also perhaps the democratic process.
The Crazy Right Wing of today thrives on the BIG LIE, no amount of evidence will ever convince a true convert to stop parroting/promoting the BIG LIES.
The one commonality between Fism and Cism is both are Authoritarian, that is, a form of government characterized by absolute obedience to authority, and against individual freedom of expression.
D's and R's are not Authoritarian if one believes this definition is correct. Of course obedience can be coerced by Gulags and mass murders or by simply taking away campaign donations and supporting candidates who will follow the 'company line".
Golly... one would think that where one finds the emphatic "DECLARATION!" that their entire argument stands upon the foundational discovery of "THE BIG LIES", that somewhere would be SOME discussion which included a citation or two, defining THE BIG LIE.
Now... some people would conclude that the omission of such a citation would require that the DECLARATION is therefore, A BIG LIE!
But, because I am ALL ABOUT "THE FAIRNESS"... I'll invite the purveyor of THE BIG LIE to prove their veracity by citing "THE BIG LIE" which demonstrate that "THE BIG LIE" declaration, is a BIG LIE!
What about it scamp? What IS THE BIG LIE?
I dont know about a big lie, but I've seen a few small lies spread by "Conservatives" on the internets. Franklin saying democracy is like 2 wolves and a sheep....Franklin most likely never said that it has not been found in any of his known writings. Jefferson saying something about 51% against 49% ...also not in any of his known writings. little lies told by "conservatives"

The greatest murderers of the 20th century, all socialists:
Mao 60 million
Stalin 40 million
Hitler 30 million
Mao and Stalin were Communists not socialists. And they really dont fit the definition of Communist either at least according to the Menshavics (sp?) Some say that Lenin was really an agent of German "intelligence" to de-rail the true Communists.

You'd have to be pretty extreme to think Hitler a socialist.
He says he was. So you think you know Hitler better than Hitler knew Hitler.
That's special.
Hitler was an evil politician, why are YOU taking him at his word?

The greatest murderers of the 20th century, all socialists:
Mao 60 million
Stalin 40 million
Hitler 30 million
They were all considered "Progressives" and Democratic" or "Democrats"
BUUULLSHIT,.....They all despised Democracy.

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