How many active duty, retired and aspiring cops are there? Will any of them vote Democrat?

Of course, we do need cops who are tough and capable of dealing with hardened criminals.

Actually, the best officer to have when dealing with a criminal is one who can communicate well. It is documented that the better a police officer is at verbal and non-verbal communication, the lower his incidents of use of force will be.

This is true when dealing with criminals who are hardened and those who are slightly softer.

It's the job of a police officer to convince someone to make the right decision. In most cases by far, that is done with skillful use of communication.
The President of the United States doesn't really have much to say about the day to day business of they typical Law Enforcement Officer. Most police departments are city, county, or state controlled.

The President does set a tone for the country that does affect LEOs. President Trump remarks concerning LEOs are mostly very positive. President Trump makes most officers feel he has their back. Often much more than the politically-motivated elected officials and appointees that manage police.

A President that sets a negative tone concerning police (no names) gives people the impression that he doesn't support or respect police. Setting that tone makes some people believe they can attack and abuse police and literally puts police officer lives at stake.

Trump told police officers not to be too “gentle” Arresting suspects. Cops cheered and the Police Chiefs of America told Trump to cut it out. T

Condoning police brutality is not “having their backs”. It’s turning the American people against the police. Creating fear and distrust of the police.

When police forces are paying out $300 million in “excessive force” settlements as well as killing 1500 civilians ever year, the police are out of control.

Police are swarming black suspects and brutalizing them. Every time there’s one of these killings you have 4 or more cops involved on a call over a phony $20 bill.

Crime is declining yet you’re hiring more cops, whose raises and promotions are tied to their arrests and traffic tickets. The police are criminalizing vulnerable populations to justify their existence.
No, I was very clear, the camera on and off is controlled by the officer.

The cost of continuous recording would be prohibitive. Because of the cost of storage.

" The cameras are turned off by default. ". Officers that turn off their body camera;s will be either charged or fired.
Actually, the best officer to have when dealing with a criminal is one who can communicate well. It is documented that the better a police officer is at verbal and non-verbal communication, the lower his incidents of use of force will be.

This is true when dealing with criminals who are hardened and those who are slightly softer.

It's the job of a police officer to convince someone to make the right decision. In most cases by far, that is done with skillful use of communication.
See? There in lies our problem. We can’t even agree with the obvious reality, that there are lots of bad cops.
Trump told police officers not to be too “gentle” Arresting suspects. Cops cheered and the Police Chiefs of America told Trump to cut it out. T

Condoning police brutality is not “having their backs”. It’s turning the American people against the police. Creating fear and distrust of the police.

When police forces are paying out $300 million in “excessive force” settlements as well as killing 1500 civilians ever year, the police are out of control.

Police are swarming black suspects and brutalizing them. Every time there’s one of these killings you have 4 or more cops involved on a call over a phony $20 bill.

Crime is declining yet you’re hiring more cops, whose raises and promotions are tied to their arrests and traffic tickets. The police are criminalizing vulnerable populations to justify their existence.

They sound really dangerous, I recommend you don't call police then.
Actually, the best officer to have when dealing with a criminal is one who can communicate well. It is documented that the better a police officer is at verbal and non-verbal communication, the lower his incidents of use of force will be.

This is true when dealing with criminals who are hardened and those who are slightly softer.

It's the job of a police officer to convince someone to make the right decision. In most cases by far, that is done with skillful use of communication.

The officer convinced the homeless man to do something but it was hardly the right decision.

Ex-officer in Hawaii sentenced for making man lick urinal

The idea that just because a police officer tells you to do something does not legally mean you have to and that thought process is going to change also. There is video after video where an officer tells someone to turn off their recording device despite the courts ruling over and over that people can record the police.

People rightfully said "no". Officers on occasion have become violent over this. It's going to stop.
See? There in lies our problem. We can’t even agree with the obvious reality, that there are lots of bad cops.

It doesn't matter if we agree of disagree. The vast majority of people want their communities policed. Nothing you can do will change that.
The idea that just because a police officer tells you to do something does not legally mean you have to and that thought process is going to change also.

If you feel like you don't have to comply with police orders, I suggest you don't resist physically. You can yell and hurl abuse all you want ... it's on camera.

Many a person who believed they weren't required to comply with police found out they were quite wrong.

The place to challenge the police isn't in the middle of the street, it's in the courts.
There is video after video where an officer tells someone to turn off their recording device despite the courts ruling over and over that people can record the police.

You're correct. When someone films me on the job, I mostly just smile and flash a peace sign. It's hard to claim brutality that way.
If you feel like you don't have to comply with police orders, I suggest you don't resist physically. You can yell and hurl abuse all you want ... it's on camera.

Many a person who believed they weren't required to comply with police found out they were quite wrong.

The place to challenge the police isn't in the middle of the street, it's in the courts.

No. We need to make sure that the police know that they will NOT violate a persons civil rights or they will be permitted to retaliate. In the other thread about poor people not being able to pay their fines like a rich person to gain their voting rights back, the poor at not able to afford adequate representation in court.

The police need trained and learn what is someone's civil rights and to never violate them.
It doesn't matter if we agree of disagree. The vast majority of people want their communities policed. Nothing you can do will change that.
Now you change the argument. Of course the people want their communities policed. No one in their right mind disagrees with that.

The people also want effective policing. They don’t want rogue cops beating and killing citizens unjustifiably.
No. We need to make sure that the police know that they will NOT violate a persons civil rights or they will be permitted to retaliate. In the other thread about poor people not being able to pay their fines like a rich person to gain their voting rights back, the poor at not able to afford adequate representation in court.

The police need trained and learn what is someone's civil rights and to never violate them.

A police officer is allowed, by law, to restrict someone's liberty for the purposes of bringing them to court if they are suspected of committing an offense.

That is a well-established legal precept.

Police don't judge if your guilty or innocent, that is up to a court to decide.
No. We need to make sure that the police know that they will NOT violate a persons civil rights or they will be permitted to retaliate. In the other thread about poor people not being able to pay their fines like a rich person to gain their voting rights back, the poor at not able to afford adequate representation in court.

The police need trained and learn what is someone's civil rights and to never violate them.
Exactly right.

I suspect the problem could be solved with better training of police officers.
Exactly right.

I suspect the problem could be solved with better training of police officers.

I encourage you to apply for a training position at one of the many police training academies around the country. Many of the instructors there are not police personnel.

Of course, you would have to have some qualification in training.
Of course, we can't discount those victims of violent crime who would encourage the police to be more brutal if they could.

Actually, you kind of can.

You know how your side has lost this argument? Big Corporations are coming down on the side of BLM for police reform. Once big corporations have decided an issue, it is decided... Sorry, man, that's just how it works.

If the Police unions and departments were smart, they'd realize they have a HUGE image problem right now and try to fix it.

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