I am sad they won't televise the Trump trial

Depends on if it is solely a legal trial or a political show case as in this case.
I think televising it, as in video, changes the dynamic. Prosecutors and lawyers and even defendants are playing for an public audience, not a jury. I’m sick to death of Trump sucking up all the oxygen. Let him be treated like any one else, rather then turning it into another grievance litany.
I think televising it, as in video, changes the dynamic. Prosecutors and lawyers and even defendants are playing for an public audience, not a jury. I’m sick to death of Trump sucking up all the oxygen. Let him be treated like any one else, rather then turning it into another grievance litany.
Anyone else under these circumstances would not even be on trial. It is solely because he Trump that this nonsense is going on.

BTW, you are showing that YOU have a preconceived outcome in mind before any trial can take place. Not a good thing for a moderator.
Anyone else under these circumstances would not even be on trial. It is solely because he Trump that this nonsense is going on.
The reality is, if it was you or I, we’d be in jail.

BTW, you are showing that YOU have a preconceived outcome in mind before any trial can take place. Not a good thing for a moderator.
As a member I can say whatever I want within the rules. Being a moderator doesn’t change that. I am not required to be politically neutral. Really, is that all you can come up with?

On the other, I make my statement based on years worth of evidence of his behavior. I doubt he has the self control to act differently for long.

Either way, my point stands. I do not think any trials should be televised. Look at OJ Simpson’s trial as a perfect example.
The reality is, if it was you or I, we’d be in jail.

The reality is that the alleged crimes fell out of any attempt to prosecute them years ago. Statute of limitations. Look it up.
Yes, you can say what you wish, but so can I and I can call you out on what you say and claim with all of your bias.

You can believe anything you want as long as you don't try and force those beliefs on others who can think for themselves.

Most of the other moderators at least attempt intelligent responses, devoid of any point of view. You do not. That is the point I am making.
To rule on preconceived notions of what the verdict should be? What kind of court system is that, certainly not fair.

Brown shirt.
All you have to do is watch MSNBC for 2 seconds to see what's going on..

Note the absurd language on the crawl
All he has to do is provide evidence that the allegations are false. Why would he have a problem with that?
Can I accuse you of a crime at your work and drag you into court?

Hey, all you have to do is provide evidence the allegations are false…
I don’t think ANY trials should be televised.
Funny, I don't recall you objecting when democrats put Trump on trial before the country, even though he could not defend himself.
Can I accuse you of a crime at your work and drag you into court?

Hey, all you have to do is provide evidence the allegations are false…
That’s the way the justice system works. Allegations are made and both sides present the evidence they have. No one is forcing Trump to provide evidence, but not to would be kind of dumb.
That’s the way the justice system works. Allegations are made and both sides present the evidence they have. No one is forcing Trump to provide evidence, but not to would be kind of dumb.
FYI the accused doesn't have to do anything it's up to the accuser to provide the proof
That’s the way the justice system works. Allegations are made and both sides present the evidence they have. No one is forcing Trump to provide evidence, but not to would be kind of dumb.
You think I can just tell the police you did something and they automatically come bring you into custody to prove your innocence in court???

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