I get why people don't like Trump, but the hate's really over the top...

I used to hate Trump. My family worked on me and won me over.
Welcome on board. How does it feel to be “born again?” Any logical person who takes a step back and looks at what the liberal media and college professoriate are doing will become aware of the culture war in this nation.
He wasn't elected for being the 2nd coming of Jesus. He was elected because he doesn't pretend like he IS.

He won't be impeached. I don't think dems have the votes. There are too many dems having to put up or shut up in areas that Trump won in 2016. It will be political suicide to vote for this debacle of an impeachment if you're in a red district.
He will be impeached but not removed by Senate.
...I heard him this morning on FOX and he said a few things.

He said Ukraine was a very corrupt country, he loves the people, but Ukraine is a very corrupt country.

Most Presidents would not say something like that, they might put it more diplomatically.

He called Elizabeth Warren "Pocahantas."

Most Presidents would call her "Senator Warren" because that's her actual name.

So I get why people don't like this guy.

But having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.

For years they played up the "common guy" and made heroes of the iconoclastic rough-around-the-edges savior types. Until they got one. A guy who speaks plainly and cant be taken down for his "gaffes". Its about time.
And I am speaking of the media who turned the elections of the greatest nation on earth into contests of hiding what you really think and speaking carefully, blandly and inoffensively. They love their aphorisms and ritualistic incantations and, like all demons, they hate unfettered speech.
...I heard him this morning on FOX and he said a few things.

He said Ukraine was a very corrupt country, he loves the people, but Ukraine is a very corrupt country.

Most Presidents would not say something like that, they might put it more diplomatically.

He called Elizabeth Warren "Pocahantas."

Most Presidents would call her "Senator Warren" because that's her actual name.

So I get why people don't like this guy.

But having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.

Progs are tarded now. What's incredible is they're EXACTLY what they claim to detest. Just yesterday............

A. Spoke on phone to car saleswoman. She asked me if I'd like the sales manager to call with the total cost, and I said I could do the math. She says "Oh math wiz huh?". Then she went onto explain how she does poorly in math, and she recently had a conversation with someone who said "I thought Asians were supposed to be good @ math". She said it was so racist. Honest to shit, thee minutes on the phone and she's talking division and politics. Proof of a dumbing down too, this dumbshit sells cars and she can't calculate tax and add. Dollars to donuts she has a college degree. SMH how far and fast we're dumbing down.

B. Spoke to a gal from long past. She recently contacted me and wants to fuck, even though she lives with a guy. She told me how her brother is such an asshole now. The first reason she listed was "HE'S A TRUMP SUPPORTER". Wholly fuck I haven't spoke to her in 40 years, we're on the phone five minutes and OMG her brother voted for Trump.

I no longer have much confidence in humanity, especially fucks who label themselves "liberal". Some fucking liberals, they're weak-minded and twisted for the most part, CNN and Trump live in their heads. They're the most intellectually dishonest people, and not a pinch of self-awareness.
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Dafuck does that have to do with ratings on NBC?

Rump has long been a fluffer of any politicians he thinks can benefit Numero Uno. That's no secret, he's brought that up himself bragging about how he thinks he can buy people. I don't know if you mean he bought himself onto SNL (?) but I do like the phrase from the link that aptly describes him -- "ideological shapeshifter". That's spot on, so clicking the link wasn't a total loss.

Keep ignoring Democrats cashing his checks. That is the larger issue.

And that's an "issue" -------------- how again? :uhh:

I don't get it. The only kind of 'issue' that resembles would be


Democrats build their case against Trump for being “racist”, “sexist”, etc. yet Democrats had no problem cashing his checks despite the “issues.”

I support Gabbard but if Trump wanted to donate 1 million dollars to her campaign would I expect her to give it back? Heck no, she could spend it more wisely than he could.

Exactly, thank you. If in that situation Rump thought he was buying influence, that's where the old adage "a fool and his money are soon parted" kicks in. And Rump has certainly done that before (Atlantic City, airlines, the USFL etc)
You cash the check from a so called racist and sexist it means you are full of shit. BTW, that means your side got bought by Trump.

Uh NO, it means you just made some money.

And no it doesn't mean that unless you make it mean that. If you hand me a million bucks and I say thank you and you say now I want you to do/say this, then I say "fuck off".

You take the money, you are compromised, corrupt and full of shit. All your bullshit about having the moral ground to call Trump a racist and sexist goes out the window. But, hey, you made some money. Perhaps, a profit?

Whelp, you can't make a 'profit' on donations but money is money, innit.
Money is worth whatever its number is. That number doesn't carry racism, sexism or any other ism inside it like some kind of virus. You put it wherever you want.

And throw your bullshit moral compass out the window which is what the Democrats did when they took Trump’s money and only developed a “conscience” when he stood in their way.

Once AGAIN --- how does one affect the other? You really think "ideology" ----- assuming any exists ----- sticks to money like, I dunno, cocaine?

I really believe that among "ideologies" -real or imagined, the ones that bear Liberal, Left, or Democrat are full of more hypocrisy in comparison. Taking money in the name of a donation from an idealogue whom you purportedly have moral and social issues with is a shining example.
Uh NO, it means you just made some money.

And no it doesn't mean that unless you make it mean that. If you hand me a million bucks and I say thank you and you say now I want you to do/say this, then I say "fuck off".

You take the money, you are compromised, corrupt and full of shit. All your bullshit about having the moral ground to call Trump a racist and sexist goes out the window. But, hey, you made some money. Perhaps, a profit?

Whelp, you can't make a 'profit' on donations but money is money, innit.
Money is worth whatever its number is. That number doesn't carry racism, sexism or any other ism inside it like some kind of virus. You put it wherever you want.

And throw your bullshit moral compass out the window which is what the Democrats did when they took Trump’s money and only developed a “conscience” when he stood in their way.

Once AGAIN --- how does one affect the other? You really think "ideology" ----- assuming any exists ----- sticks to money like, I dunno, cocaine?

I really believe that among "ideologies" -real or imagined, the ones that bear Liberal, Left, or Democrat are full of more hypocrisy in comparison. Taking money in the name of a donation from an idealogue whom you purportedly have moral and social issues with is a shining example.

Actual hypocrisy kicks in when the recipient agrees to abandon his/her standards in favor of something the donor wanted.

Absent that ----- money is money.
I just wonder if liberals who want this to go to trial in the senate understand that it won't be like this Shitt show that has been going on in the house. Hearsay evidence will not be admissible as it is not admissible in a trial. And republicans will get to call ANYONE they want, including Shitshow himself.

Liberals will go down HARD if this goes to trial.

But I've said it before and I'll say it again, PLEASE IMPEACH HIM.
But having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.

You're right, being an asshole is not a high crime or misdemeanor. Peddling our bipartisan foreign aid for influence against one of the two parties that approved that foreign aid is a very good reason to impeach him. To acquit is to embrace the corruption we were fighting.
Thomas Friedman made a good point this morning on CNN: If Trump is this bad when he's facing re-election, just imagine how he's going to be if he wins in 2020.
He'll be OPENLY selling info to any foreigner buyer, and threatening other countries in public, without fear of reprisal.
Sure can't count on repub cowards in the senate IF trump gets 4 more years I predict we,America, are in deep shit

if you define "deep shit" as a booming economy with record low unemployment, record stock market, and businesses expanding in the USA, then bring it on. If his second term is equal to his first, the country will be in the best condition ever.
Booming economy ? For who ? He took over a rising economy a lower unemployment rate a rising employment rate from Obama and the DOW was ahead by 100% or close to that I've had a great year in the market You wouldn't believe me if I mentioned numbers BUT I'm still smart enough to smell the garbage in our WH and want him removed The man is UNFIT

I get it, you hate Trump. I don't, I think he is doing a good job. Next November we will see which of us the american people agree with.

speaking of unfit, which of the current crop of dem clowns do you consider "fit"? Every one of them is running on increasing the debt by huge amounts, punishing successful businesses and individuals, and murdering babies after birth. Fit? not even close.
More of that nonsense!

Show me where you credit Obama for falling unemployment numbers when he was President, so you can support your comment you give credit when it is dued.

I for one would have never gave him that credit because as I wrote it take more than one person to make this Republic sputter...

funny, you tell me I should give obama credit then you proceed to tell me why I shouldn't.

but I will be glad to credit him if you can tell me what HE specifically did that caused unemployment to fall. I'll wait.

He did the same thing Trump has done. Step back and allow the Fed to interject billions into the markets creating a huge bubble that will pop.
Did Obama give 1% a trillion dollar tax cut when economy was good?? If trump was recovering from a recession I'd understand...Trump once more was bribing people

more horseshit, the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, and yes, 5% of 10 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand, so what?

Trump has objected to what the fed is doing, but sadly, the fed answers to no one, and that is a real problem.

Trump has objected to and supported many of the same things. You can't point to what he says as he will say anything.

what specifically has he said that you find so objectionable? I can't find any quotes like:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"if you like your plan, you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
"we won, republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"she didn't intend to violate federal laws"
"increasing the federal debt should be a crime" Obama, who doubled it.
Democrats build their case against Trump for being “racist”, “sexist”, etc. yet Democrats had no problem cashing his checks despite the “issues.”

How would that be a "problem"?

Hell I've worked for religious wackos and friends of Reagan, and their checks cash too. It's uh, pretty much like anybody else's check.

You cash the check from a so called racist and sexist it means you are full of shit. BTW, that means your side got bought by Trump.

Uh NO, it means you just made some money.

And no it doesn't mean that unless you make it mean that. If you hand me a million bucks and I say thank you and you say now I want you to do/say this, then I say "fuck off".

You take the money, you are compromised, corrupt and full of shit. All your bullshit about having the moral ground to call Trump a racist and sexist goes out the window. But, hey, you made some money. Perhaps, a profit?

Whelp, you can't make a 'profit' on donations but money is money, innit.
Money is worth whatever its number is. That number doesn't carry racism, sexism or any other ism inside it like some kind of virus. You put it wherever you want.

If you had zero dollars and now you have 1 million, I would say you made a profit, what would you call it?
Thomas Friedman made a good point this morning on CNN: If Trump is this bad when he's facing re-election, just imagine how he's going to be if he wins in 2020.
He'll be OPENLY selling info to any foreigner buyer, and threatening other countries in public, without fear of reprisal.
Sure can't count on repub cowards in the senate IF trump gets 4 more years I predict we,America, are in deep shit

if you define "deep shit" as a booming economy with record low unemployment, record stock market, and businesses expanding in the USA, then bring it on. If his second term is equal to his first, the country will be in the best condition ever.
Booming economy ? For who ? He took over a rising economy a lower unemployment rate a rising employment rate from Obama and the DOW was ahead by 100% or close to that I've had a great year in the market You wouldn't believe me if I mentioned numbers BUT I'm still smart enough to smell the garbage in our WH and want him removed The man is UNFIT
Still pissed that Hillary lost I see.

the lying media and the lying pollsters promised them that she could not lose. They believed it and will never get over it. liberalism is a mental disease.
funny, you tell me I should give obama credit then you proceed to tell me why I shouldn't.

but I will be glad to credit him if you can tell me what HE specifically did that caused unemployment to fall. I'll wait.

He did the same thing Trump has done. Step back and allow the Fed to interject billions into the markets creating a huge bubble that will pop.
Did Obama give 1% a trillion dollar tax cut when economy was good?? If trump was recovering from a recession I'd understand...Trump once more was bribing people

more horseshit, the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, and yes, 5% of 10 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand, so what?

Trump has objected to what the fed is doing, but sadly, the fed answers to no one, and that is a real problem.

Trump has objected to and supported many of the same things. You can't point to what he says as he will say anything.

what specifically has he said that you find so objectionable? I can't find any quotes like:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"if you like your plan, you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
"we won, republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"she didn't intend to violate federal laws"
"increasing the federal debt should be a crime" Obama, who doubled it.

"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?
How would that be a "problem"?

Hell I've worked for religious wackos and friends of Reagan, and their checks cash too. It's uh, pretty much like anybody else's check.

You cash the check from a so called racist and sexist it means you are full of shit. BTW, that means your side got bought by Trump.

Uh NO, it means you just made some money.

And no it doesn't mean that unless you make it mean that. If you hand me a million bucks and I say thank you and you say now I want you to do/say this, then I say "fuck off".

You take the money, you are compromised, corrupt and full of shit. All your bullshit about having the moral ground to call Trump a racist and sexist goes out the window. But, hey, you made some money. Perhaps, a profit?

Whelp, you can't make a 'profit' on donations but money is money, innit.
Money is worth whatever its number is. That number doesn't carry racism, sexism or any other ism inside it like some kind of virus. You put it wherever you want.

If you had zero dollars and now you have 1 million, I would say you made a profit, what would you call it?

If you go on a game show and someone gives you a million dollars, no one considers that a profit.

That is what the Fed does.
Thomas Friedman made a good point this morning on CNN: If Trump is this bad when he's facing re-election, just imagine how he's going to be if he wins in 2020.
He'll be OPENLY selling info to any foreigner buyer, and threatening other countries in public, without fear of reprisal.
Sure can't count on repub cowards in the senate IF trump gets 4 more years I predict we,America, are in deep shit

if you define "deep shit" as a booming economy with record low unemployment, record stock market, and businesses expanding in the USA, then bring it on. If his second term is equal to his first, the country will be in the best condition ever.
Booming economy ? For who ? He took over a rising economy a lower unemployment rate a rising employment rate from Obama and the DOW was ahead by 100% or close to that I've had a great year in the market You wouldn't believe me if I mentioned numbers BUT I'm still smart enough to smell the garbage in our WH and want him removed The man is UNFIT
Still pissed that Hillary lost I see.

the lying media and the lying pollsters promised them that she could not lose. They believed it and will never get over it. liberalism is a mental disease.
Basically red She lost That's not our problem The real problem is the piece of human shit YOU and AH's like you put in our WH and you don't even ask him to take a shower first before kissing his dirty ass
He did the same thing Trump has done. Step back and allow the Fed to interject billions into the markets creating a huge bubble that will pop.
Did Obama give 1% a trillion dollar tax cut when economy was good?? If trump was recovering from a recession I'd understand...Trump once more was bribing people

more horseshit, the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, and yes, 5% of 10 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand, so what?

Trump has objected to what the fed is doing, but sadly, the fed answers to no one, and that is a real problem.

Trump has objected to and supported many of the same things. You can't point to what he says as he will say anything.

what specifically has he said that you find so objectionable? I can't find any quotes like:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"if you like your plan, you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
"we won, republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"she didn't intend to violate federal laws"
"increasing the federal debt should be a crime" Obama, who doubled it.

"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?

you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.
You cash the check from a so called racist and sexist it means you are full of shit. BTW, that means your side got bought by Trump.

Uh NO, it means you just made some money.

And no it doesn't mean that unless you make it mean that. If you hand me a million bucks and I say thank you and you say now I want you to do/say this, then I say "fuck off".

You take the money, you are compromised, corrupt and full of shit. All your bullshit about having the moral ground to call Trump a racist and sexist goes out the window. But, hey, you made some money. Perhaps, a profit?

Whelp, you can't make a 'profit' on donations but money is money, innit.
Money is worth whatever its number is. That number doesn't carry racism, sexism or any other ism inside it like some kind of virus. You put it wherever you want.

If you had zero dollars and now you have 1 million, I would say you made a profit, what would you call it?

If you go on a game show and someone gives you a million dollars, no one considers that a profit.

That is what the Fed does.

if you are trying to get me to defend the fed, you won't see it.
Sure can't count on repub cowards in the senate IF trump gets 4 more years I predict we,America, are in deep shit

if you define "deep shit" as a booming economy with record low unemployment, record stock market, and businesses expanding in the USA, then bring it on. If his second term is equal to his first, the country will be in the best condition ever.
Booming economy ? For who ? He took over a rising economy a lower unemployment rate a rising employment rate from Obama and the DOW was ahead by 100% or close to that I've had a great year in the market You wouldn't believe me if I mentioned numbers BUT I'm still smart enough to smell the garbage in our WH and want him removed The man is UNFIT
Still pissed that Hillary lost I see.

the lying media and the lying pollsters promised them that she could not lose. They believed it and will never get over it. liberalism is a mental disease.
Basically red She lost That's not our problem The real problem is the piece of human shit YOU and AH's like you put in our WH and you don't even ask him to take a shower first before kissing his dirty ass

comments like these^^^^^^, just show the ignorance of liberals like you. by the way, how does Bernie's ass taste? how about hillary's fat ass? or obama's half black ass? you think those people are clean and pious?
Did Obama give 1% a trillion dollar tax cut when economy was good?? If trump was recovering from a recession I'd understand...Trump once more was bribing people

more horseshit, the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, and yes, 5% of 10 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand, so what?

Trump has objected to what the fed is doing, but sadly, the fed answers to no one, and that is a real problem.

Trump has objected to and supported many of the same things. You can't point to what he says as he will say anything.

what specifically has he said that you find so objectionable? I can't find any quotes like:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"if you like your plan, you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
"we won, republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"she didn't intend to violate federal laws"
"increasing the federal debt should be a crime" Obama, who doubled it.

"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?

you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

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