I get why people don't like Trump, but the hate's really over the top...

Uh NO, it means you just made some money.

And no it doesn't mean that unless you make it mean that. If you hand me a million bucks and I say thank you and you say now I want you to do/say this, then I say "fuck off".

You take the money, you are compromised, corrupt and full of shit. All your bullshit about having the moral ground to call Trump a racist and sexist goes out the window. But, hey, you made some money. Perhaps, a profit?

Whelp, you can't make a 'profit' on donations but money is money, innit.
Money is worth whatever its number is. That number doesn't carry racism, sexism or any other ism inside it like some kind of virus. You put it wherever you want.

If you had zero dollars and now you have 1 million, I would say you made a profit, what would you call it?

If you go on a game show and someone gives you a million dollars, no one considers that a profit.

That is what the Fed does.

if you are trying to get me to defend the fed, you won't see it.

The Fed is Trump's economy.
more horseshit, the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, and yes, 5% of 10 million is more than 5% of 50 thousand, so what?

Trump has objected to what the fed is doing, but sadly, the fed answers to no one, and that is a real problem.

Trump has objected to and supported many of the same things. You can't point to what he says as he will say anything.

what specifically has he said that you find so objectionable? I can't find any quotes like:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"if you like your plan, you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
"we won, republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"she didn't intend to violate federal laws"
"increasing the federal debt should be a crime" Obama, who doubled it.

"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?

you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.
You take the money, you are compromised, corrupt and full of shit. All your bullshit about having the moral ground to call Trump a racist and sexist goes out the window. But, hey, you made some money. Perhaps, a profit?

Whelp, you can't make a 'profit' on donations but money is money, innit.
Money is worth whatever its number is. That number doesn't carry racism, sexism or any other ism inside it like some kind of virus. You put it wherever you want.

If you had zero dollars and now you have 1 million, I would say you made a profit, what would you call it?

If you go on a game show and someone gives you a million dollars, no one considers that a profit.

That is what the Fed does.

if you are trying to get me to defend the fed, you won't see it.

The Fed is Trump's economy.

no president controls the fed, not even Trump. The fed is independent and answers to no one. it is responsible for much of our debt and all of our inflation since its inception. tying the fed to Trump is ignorant and ignores the real problem.
Trump has objected to and supported many of the same things. You can't point to what he says as he will say anything.

what specifically has he said that you find so objectionable? I can't find any quotes like:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"if you like your plan, you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
"we won, republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"she didn't intend to violate federal laws"
"increasing the federal debt should be a crime" Obama, who doubled it.

"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?

you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.

Quote me a lie out of Sanders.
Whelp, you can't make a 'profit' on donations but money is money, innit.
Money is worth whatever its number is. That number doesn't carry racism, sexism or any other ism inside it like some kind of virus. You put it wherever you want.

If you had zero dollars and now you have 1 million, I would say you made a profit, what would you call it?

If you go on a game show and someone gives you a million dollars, no one considers that a profit.

That is what the Fed does.

if you are trying to get me to defend the fed, you won't see it.

The Fed is Trump's economy.

no president controls the fed, not even Trump. The fed is independent and answers to no one. it is responsible for much of our debt and all of our inflation since its inception. tying the fed to Trump is ignorant and ignores the real problem.

Trump whined and whined and whined for the Fed to cut rates (in what is supposed to be a great economy). He didn't do that?
what specifically has he said that you find so objectionable? I can't find any quotes like:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"if you like your plan, you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
"we won, republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"she didn't intend to violate federal laws"
"increasing the federal debt should be a crime" Obama, who doubled it.

"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?

you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.

Quote me a lie out of Sanders.

we can afford free healthcare for everyone. global warming is real and we can stop it.

there are 2
"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?

you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.

Quote me a lie out of Sanders.

we can afford free healthcare for everyone. global warming is real and we can stop it.

there are 2

Sanders never called for free healthcare. Why is it we have a thread concerning how we will pay for it if so?

No, that is the lie of his detractors.
If you had zero dollars and now you have 1 million, I would say you made a profit, what would you call it?

If you go on a game show and someone gives you a million dollars, no one considers that a profit.

That is what the Fed does.

if you are trying to get me to defend the fed, you won't see it.

The Fed is Trump's economy.

no president controls the fed, not even Trump. The fed is independent and answers to no one. it is responsible for much of our debt and all of our inflation since its inception. tying the fed to Trump is ignorant and ignores the real problem.

Trump whined and whined and whined for the Fed to cut rates (in what is supposed to be a great economy). He didn't do that?

everyone would like to see a fed rate cut. Obama, clinton, and Bush made the same request. My point, which you cannot seem to grasp, is that no president has control of fed actions.
you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.

Quote me a lie out of Sanders.

we can afford free healthcare for everyone. global warming is real and we can stop it.

there are 2

Sanders never called for free healthcare. Why is it we have a thread concerning how we will pay for it if so?

No, that is the lie of his detractors.

so you believe the BS that we can collect enough from the "evil rich" to provide medical care for everyone at no cost. Sanders and Warren have never put forth a real financial analysis that shows anything but a huge annual deficit and ever increasing debt.

if the govt took 100% from the top 5% it would not come close. are you looking forward to paying 50% of your income to the federal government for VA type medical care? Ask the brits or canadians how it works, it doesn't
If you go on a game show and someone gives you a million dollars, no one considers that a profit.

That is what the Fed does.

if you are trying to get me to defend the fed, you won't see it.

The Fed is Trump's economy.

no president controls the fed, not even Trump. The fed is independent and answers to no one. it is responsible for much of our debt and all of our inflation since its inception. tying the fed to Trump is ignorant and ignores the real problem.

Trump whined and whined and whined for the Fed to cut rates (in what is supposed to be a great economy). He didn't do that?

everyone would like to see a fed rate cut. Obama, clinton, and Bush made the same request. My point, which you cannot seem to grasp, is that no president has control of fed actions.

No, everyone does not. Those who believe in responsibility and not leaving a mess for the future do not.

The president appoints the Fed chair so he does have input into their actions.
Trump has objected to and supported many of the same things. You can't point to what he says as he will say anything.

what specifically has he said that you find so objectionable? I can't find any quotes like:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"if you like your plan, you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
"we won, republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"she didn't intend to violate federal laws"
"increasing the federal debt should be a crime" Obama, who doubled it.

"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?

you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.
There are small lies big lies and damned lies Trump is a damned liar,,,,,and Clinton lying about a bj is BS compared to the thief in the WH now
I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.

Quote me a lie out of Sanders.

we can afford free healthcare for everyone. global warming is real and we can stop it.

there are 2

Sanders never called for free healthcare. Why is it we have a thread concerning how we will pay for it if so?

No, that is the lie of his detractors.

so you believe the BS that we can collect enough from the "evil rich" to provide medical care for everyone at no cost. Sanders and Warren have never put forth a real financial analysis that shows anything but a huge annual deficit and ever increasing debt.

if the govt took 100% from the top 5% it would not come close. are you looking forward to paying 50% of your income to the federal government for VA type medical care? Ask the brits or canadians how it works, it doesn't

You obviously have not read the thread or you have decided to be intentionally misleading.
what specifically has he said that you find so objectionable? I can't find any quotes like:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"if you like your plan, you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
"we won, republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"she didn't intend to violate federal laws"
"increasing the federal debt should be a crime" Obama, who doubled it.

"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?

you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.
There are small lies big lies and damned lies Trump is a damned liar,,,,,and Clinton lying about a bj is BS compared to the thief in the WH now

Perjury is never a small lie. Especially out of the president.
Trump is just a symbol. Democommiecrats really hate the rest of us.

I do hate the idea of a waitress not being able to afford to go see a doctor to get the lump in her breast checked because others haven't made their first billion yet.
"You just walk up and grab them by the pussy"

Many of those things Trump is doing also. The debt is on the same trajectory that Obama had it on and Trump made the same promises.

Twice now Trump has had to settle lawsuits for screwing people over. His school and charity.

He has promised over and over to end the wars only to continue them.

He begged for the same failed monetary policy out of the Fed that Obama did.

Where is this great health care plan he had ready to go that was the greatest health care plan that everyone was going to agree is great?

How much longer will you accept his lies on the wall? On his continued refusal to hold businesses that hire illegals accountable? His failed promise to round up millions of illegals?

Should I continue?

you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.
There are small lies big lies and damned lies Trump is a damned liar,,,,,and Clinton lying about a bj is BS compared to the thief in the WH now

Perjury is never a small lie. Especially out of the president.
Lying about a bj and being pursued relentlessly by republican hypocrites was a fair deal for Bill?
you will continue for the next 5 years, I get it. But all of your bitching and whining won't make a bit of difference. It doesn't matter that you don't like Trump, not a bit. you are pissing into the wind and asking why your shoes are wet.

The american people understand that Trump is like them, he talks like a normal person, sometimes says things he shouldn't say, but like with all normal people working a job, its the results that matter.

No one cares that he once talked like a kid in a locker room, its funny that you make a big deal of that but give clinton a pass for blow jobs in the oval office from a young intern, and give hillary a pass for violating national data security laws, and give obama a pass for doubling the national debt. I think its called hypocrisy, and you are very good at it.

I never supported Clinton but again, when left with defending lies, you come back with one.

everyone running for political office at any level of local, state, or federal government lies. Do you really think the current crop of dem candidates are not lying every day? of course they are, but you ignore those lies because of the D behind their names.
There are small lies big lies and damned lies Trump is a damned liar,,,,,and Clinton lying about a bj is BS compared to the thief in the WH now

Perjury is never a small lie. Especially out of the president.
Lying about a bj and being pursued relentlessly by republican hypocrites was a fair deal for Bill?

He made his own bed so to speak. Just the same as I believe a president should speak in complete sentences I do not think they should be hitting on young impressionable aides.
if you are trying to get me to defend the fed, you won't see it.

The Fed is Trump's economy.

no president controls the fed, not even Trump. The fed is independent and answers to no one. it is responsible for much of our debt and all of our inflation since its inception. tying the fed to Trump is ignorant and ignores the real problem.

Trump whined and whined and whined for the Fed to cut rates (in what is supposed to be a great economy). He didn't do that?

everyone would like to see a fed rate cut. Obama, clinton, and Bush made the same request. My point, which you cannot seem to grasp, is that no president has control of fed actions.

No, everyone does not. Those who believe in responsibility and not leaving a mess for the future do not.

The president appoints the Fed chair so he does have input into their actions.

your ignorance is no surprise.
Hating any President is a fools errand. Why would anyone devote so much energy into loathing any person in politics. I cannot stand the Presidents words or actions, but virulent hatred is not worth it.

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