I get why people don't like Trump, but the hate's really over the top...

/——/ President Trump says what many Americans think but are too afraid to say out loud. That’s why he’s loved by his base.

So most Americans are racist, misogynistic trolls with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

That's kind of depressing.
/——/ Your TDS is evolving quickly. Seek help.
Psychiatrist: Trump Derangement Syndrome is real – and serious - WND

WND is your source?

Yeah, facts hurt and I hated Trump before he ever became President!
/——/ WND simply carried the story. The PhD offered his clinical analysis.
Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D., offers stunning new analysis of today's left-wing mindset
...I heard him this morning on FOX and he said a few things.

He said Ukraine was a very corrupt country, he loves the people, but Ukraine is a very corrupt country.

Most Presidents would not say something like that, they might put it more diplomatically.

He called Elizabeth Warren "Pocahantas."

Most Presidents would call her "Senator Warren" because that's her actual name.

So I get why people don't like this guy.

But having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.
/——/ President Trump says what many Americans think but are too afraid to say out loud. That’s why he’s loved by his base.

So you love a man that says stupid shit that make Homer Simpson look like Einstein?

Trump cheated on all three of his wives.

For many years Trump was best buddies with Bill and Hillary Clinton..

Trump for almost a decade denied Obama was American born even after the Governor of Hawaii ( which at the time was REPUBLICAN ) stated Obama was born in Hawaii...

Now you have a man making claims he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, believe the Ukraine did more than Russia in 2016, and has his private attorney do his bidding for him on crazy stuff like crowstrike...

Yeah, he is the common man champion and tomorrow I will wake with Ana De Armas...
/——/ Homer Simpson is a fictional character and the Hildabeast campaign started the Birtha Movement. The rest of your rant is laughable. Psychiatrist: Trump Derangement Syndrome is real – and serious - WND

So you find it funny Trump cheated on all three of his wives?

And it matter not who started the birther movement seeing Trump was and is still one!

You loyalists are insane and retarded as can be!

Trump could rip a baby from a woman womb, rape it, kill it and you will scream TDS against anyone that calls him a sick psycho!

So tell me did you agree with Trump when he was against the Iraq war?

Did you agree with Trump when he stated Hillary Clinton would make a great President?

Do you cheat on your wife like Donald has done?

Did you father a kid out of wedlock like your messiah?

He made the claim yesterday that he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, so do you agree with him?
...I heard him this morning on FOX and he said a few things.

He said Ukraine was a very corrupt country, he loves the people, but Ukraine is a very corrupt country.

Most Presidents would not say something like that, they might put it more diplomatically.

He called Elizabeth Warren "Pocahantas."

Most Presidents would call her "Senator Warren" because that's her actual name.

So I get why people don't like this guy.

But having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.

Reasons to hate Donald John Trump:

1. Liar

2. Cheater

3. Birther

4. Narcissistic

5. Want me to continue and explain even more and if so will you research everything I write or just scream " It's a lie because Donni Boi is the chosen one with greater wisdom than Solomon! "?
/——/ Of course you’re entitled to your opinion, guesses, and presumptions just like the petulant children Adam Shytface is calling as witnesses. You’re why liberalism is the laughing stock of the world.

It is a fact Donald Trump cheated on all three of his wives and fathered a child out of wedlock!

Is that a man you find so worthy of worshipping?

Let just start there and please feel free just to say it is my fucking opinion when it is a known fact Trump is a cheating lying fool but hey maybe you are like him and believe marriage vows are just a joke!
/——/ So did Bill Clinton and you voted for him twice. And we knew Trump was a billionaire playboy when we elected him. And your TDS opinion is as worthless as those phony Shytface witnesses.
Last edited:
Are we sure it's a smear? Your next point is spot on but the corruption appears deep in the Ukraine.

But the thing was, Trump wasn't trying to "root out corruption", he was contributing to it. It was clear from the testimony that he didn't really want an investigation, he just wanted them to slander Biden.

That might be true. Just like the Republicans weren't interested in real investigations into Benghazi or the IRS mess, they only were interested in face time and political points. That is unfortunate.

I always hope that the corruption will be exposed and people held accountable but it rarely happens. There appears to be massive corruption in the Ukraine but we will not likely actually go there.

It's like Mac noted, there are no good players here.
/——/ President Trump says what many Americans think but are too afraid to say out loud. That’s why he’s loved by his base.

So most Americans are racist, misogynistic trolls with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

That's kind of depressing.
/——/ Your TDS is evolving quickly. Seek help.
Psychiatrist: Trump Derangement Syndrome is real – and serious - WND

WND is your source?

Yeah, facts hurt and I hated Trump before he ever became President!
/——/ WND simply carried the story. The PhD offered his clinical analysis.
Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D., offers stunning new analysis of today's left-wing mindset

I am a Libertarian, so shove your leftist nonsense up your messiah ass!
...I heard him this morning on FOX and he said a few things.

He said Ukraine was a very corrupt country, he loves the people, but Ukraine is a very corrupt country.

Most Presidents would not say something like that, they might put it more diplomatically.

He called Elizabeth Warren "Pocahantas."

Most Presidents would call her "Senator Warren" because that's her actual name.

So I get why people don't like this guy.

But having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.

Reasons to hate Donald John Trump:

1. Liar

2. Cheater

3. Birther

4. Narcissistic

5. Want me to continue and explain even more and if so will you research everything I write or just scream " It's a lie because Donni Boi is the chosen one with greater wisdom than Solomon! "?
/——/ Of course you’re entitled to your opinion, guesses, and presumptions just like the petulant children Adam Shytface is calling as witnesses. You’re why liberalism is the laughing stock of the world.

It is a fact Donald Trump cheated on all three of his wives and fathered a child out of wedlock!

Is that a man you find so worthy of worshipping?

Let just start there and please feel free just to say it is my fucking opinion when it is a known fact Trump is a cheating lying fool but hey maybe you are like him and believe marriage vows are just a joke!
/——/ So did Bill Clinton and you voted for him twice. And we knew Trump was a billionaire playboy when we elected him. And your TDS opinion is as worthless as those phones Shytface witnesses.

I did not vote for Clinton in 1992 nor 1996 and did not vote for Gore either in 2000 or Kerry in 2004.

So thanks for the lie and now we see why you worship Trump!

Facts are not opinions!

Fact is Trump has been married three times and cheated on all three wives while having a child out of wedlock before marrying his mistress...

How is that fact consider an opinion?
...having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.

But coercing a foreign power to dig up dirt on a domestic political opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease IS a reason to impeach.

The Creature - and his twitter feed and his big mouth - is his own worst enemy.

He is unfit for his high office.

That 'domestic political opponent' could have been part of Ukraine corruption and Trump did not ask anyone to 'dig up dirt' on Biden.

And you know this ---------- how?

Because we have the transcript of the call. It is not up to Trump to prove he didn't do it. It is up to the Dems to prove that he did. Based on the evidence we have, he didn't. He asked them to investigate corruption that directly affects the US. Too bad on of his 10+ political opponents appears to be caught up in this corruption. And, for the 100th time, there was no Quid Pro Quo based on the evidence at hand. You simply cannot have a contigency agreement without both parties being aware of the contigency. It is nonsensical.
...I heard him this morning on FOX and he said a few things.

He said Ukraine was a very corrupt country, he loves the people, but Ukraine is a very corrupt country.

Most Presidents would not say something like that, they might put it more diplomatically.

He called Elizabeth Warren "Pocahantas."

Most Presidents would call her "Senator Warren" because that's her actual name.

So I get why people don't like this guy.

But having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.
/——/ President Trump says what many Americans think but are too afraid to say out loud. That’s why he’s loved by his base.

So you love a man that says stupid shit that make Homer Simpson look like Einstein?

Trump cheated on all three of his wives.

For many years Trump was best buddies with Bill and Hillary Clinton..

Trump for almost a decade denied Obama was American born even after the Governor of Hawaii ( which at the time was REPUBLICAN ) stated Obama was born in Hawaii...

Now you have a man making claims he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, believe the Ukraine did more than Russia in 2016, and has his private attorney do his bidding for him on crazy stuff like crowstrike...

Yeah, he is the common man champion and tomorrow I will wake with Ana De Armas...
/——/ Homer Simpson is a fictional character and the Hildabeast campaign started the Birtha Movement. The rest of your rant is laughable. Psychiatrist: Trump Derangement Syndrome is real – and serious - WND

So you find it funny Trump cheated on all three of his wives?

And it matter not who started the birther movement seeing Trump was and is still one!

You loyalists are insane and retarded as can be!

Trump could rip a baby from a woman womb, rape it, kill it and you will scream TDS against anyone that calls him a sick psycho!

So tell me did you agree with Trump when he was against the Iraq war?

Did you agree with Trump when he stated Hillary Clinton would make a great President?

Do you cheat on your wife like Donald has done?

Did you father a kid out of wedlock like your messiah?

He made the claim yesterday that he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, so do you agree with him?
/—-/ Your pathetic attempt to separate Trump from is base is working, Spanky.
Trump Now Beating Democrats in Wisconsin as Support for Impeachment Plummets
Trump Now Beating Democrats in Wisconsin as Support for Impeachment Plummets
...I heard him this morning on FOX and he said a few things.

He said Ukraine was a very corrupt country, he loves the people, but Ukraine is a very corrupt country.

Most Presidents would not say something like that, they might put it more diplomatically.

He called Elizabeth Warren "Pocahantas."

Most Presidents would call her "Senator Warren" because that's her actual name.

So I get why people don't like this guy.

But having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.
/——/ President Trump says what many Americans think but are too afraid to say out loud. That’s why he’s loved by his base.

So you love a man that says stupid shit that make Homer Simpson look like Einstein?

Trump cheated on all three of his wives.

For many years Trump was best buddies with Bill and Hillary Clinton..

Trump for almost a decade denied Obama was American born even after the Governor of Hawaii ( which at the time was REPUBLICAN ) stated Obama was born in Hawaii...

Now you have a man making claims he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, believe the Ukraine did more than Russia in 2016, and has his private attorney do his bidding for him on crazy stuff like crowstrike...

Yeah, he is the common man champion and tomorrow I will wake with Ana De Armas...
/——/ Homer Simpson is a fictional character and the Hildabeast campaign started the Birtha Movement. The rest of your rant is laughable. Psychiatrist: Trump Derangement Syndrome is real – and serious - WND

So you find it funny Trump cheated on all three of his wives?

And it matter not who started the birther movement seeing Trump was and is still one!

You loyalists are insane and retarded as can be!

Trump could rip a baby from a woman womb, rape it, kill it and you will scream TDS against anyone that calls him a sick psycho!

So tell me did you agree with Trump when he was against the Iraq war?

Did you agree with Trump when he stated Hillary Clinton would make a great President?

Do you cheat on your wife like Donald has done?

Did you father a kid out of wedlock like your messiah?

He made the claim yesterday that he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, so do you agree with him?
/—-/ Your pathetic attempt to separate Trump from is base is working, Spanky.
Trump Now Beating Democrats in Wisconsin as Support for Impeachment Plummets
Trump Now Beating Democrats in Wisconsin as Support for Impeachment Plummets


Trump is never going to be convicted and removed by the Senate on what happened last week, so I do not know why you are switching to the House Impeachment...

Does the facts hurt you?

Trump is a lying cheating narcissist that you worship and nothing will change that fact!
Frankly, I like Trump's personality and love the fact he calls out things that most in Washington already know but are too wimpy to say. Ukraine IS corrupt amd Warren DID falsely claim she was Native American (Indian). We all know that Slow Joe is a corrupt politician and that he bribed Ukraine to stop investigating his son. I also like the fact he tweets because everyone (even Fox News) wants to stop him because they can't tell US their rendition of what he says.
Okay. Warren calling herself a native American is far worse than spitting on our POWs and mocking a handicapped man. Got it. If you have evidence of Biden bribing Ukraine why are you keeping it to yourself? Let`s see what you have.
...I heard him this morning on FOX and he said a few things.

He said Ukraine was a very corrupt country, he loves the people, but Ukraine is a very corrupt country.

Most Presidents would not say something like that, they might put it more diplomatically.

He called Elizabeth Warren "Pocahantas."

Most Presidents would call her "Senator Warren" because that's her actual name.

So I get why people don't like this guy.

But having an unpleasant personality is not a good enough reason to impeach him.

Reasons to hate Donald John Trump:

1. Liar

2. Cheater

3. Birther

4. Narcissistic

5. Want me to continue and explain even more and if so will you research everything I write or just scream " It's a lie because Donni Boi is the chosen one with greater wisdom than Solomon! "?
/——/ Of course you’re entitled to your opinion, guesses, and presumptions just like the petulant children Adam Shytface is calling as witnesses. You’re why liberalism is the laughing stock of the world.

It is a fact Donald Trump cheated on all three of his wives and fathered a child out of wedlock!

Is that a man you find so worthy of worshipping?

Let just start there and please feel free just to say it is my fucking opinion when it is a known fact Trump is a cheating lying fool but hey maybe you are like him and believe marriage vows are just a joke!
/——/ So did Bill Clinton and you voted for him twice. And we knew Trump was a billionaire playboy when we elected him. And your TDS opinion is as worthless as those phones Shytface witnesses.

I did not vote for Clinton in 1992 nor 1996 and did not vote for Gore either in 2000 or Kerry in 2004.

So thanks for the lie and now we see why you worship Trump!

Facts are not opinions!

Fact is Trump has been married three times and cheated on all three wives while having a child out of wedlock before marrying his mistress...

How is that fact consider an opinion?
/——/ You’re so easily confused. Your charges about what Trump did are opinion. We knew Trump was a playboy. Now get a grip, you sound hysterical.
If the President isn't allowed to ask foreign leaders to investigate corruption in their own countries, what is the President allowed to do?
There is difference in investigating and finding corruption and making up dirt. It seems to me that there is probable cause for an investigation into Biden and son.
Didn't Biden brag he got the prosecutor fired for investigating his son?

nope, he did not.
Reasons to hate Donald John Trump:

1. Liar

2. Cheater

3. Birther

4. Narcissistic

5. Want me to continue and explain even more and if so will you research everything I write or just scream " It's a lie because Donni Boi is the chosen one with greater wisdom than Solomon! "?
/——/ Of course you’re entitled to your opinion, guesses, and presumptions just like the petulant children Adam Shytface is calling as witnesses. You’re why liberalism is the laughing stock of the world.

It is a fact Donald Trump cheated on all three of his wives and fathered a child out of wedlock!

Is that a man you find so worthy of worshipping?

Let just start there and please feel free just to say it is my fucking opinion when it is a known fact Trump is a cheating lying fool but hey maybe you are like him and believe marriage vows are just a joke!
/——/ So did Bill Clinton and you voted for him twice. And we knew Trump was a billionaire playboy when we elected him. And your TDS opinion is as worthless as those phones Shytface witnesses.

I did not vote for Clinton in 1992 nor 1996 and did not vote for Gore either in 2000 or Kerry in 2004.

So thanks for the lie and now we see why you worship Trump!

Facts are not opinions!

Fact is Trump has been married three times and cheated on all three wives while having a child out of wedlock before marrying his mistress...

How is that fact consider an opinion?
/——/ You’re so easily confused. Your charges about what Trump did are opinion. We knew Trump was a playboy. Now get a grip, you sound hysterical.

Him cheating on his wives is now just an opinion?

His daughter Tiffany Trump being born out of wedlock is opinion?

Him saying he stopped China from invading Hong Kong and slaughtering people is my opinion when it is his own words?

Him being a birther is my opinion?

Funny because those a facts child!
Trump was elected for 2 reasons.

1. Hillary..........known liar and part of the dynasties.......the people were tired of it.

2. Trump......speaks his mind..........says what he feels.......and doesn't care who the hell doesn't like it. People are tired of the BS in Washington...........and that got him elected.

I didn't originally favor Trump..............once nominated I backed him...........didn't expect him to follow through on most of his promises..........but was pleasantly surprised.............and now a Stout Trump supporter.

I don't care if he OFFENDS people by Trolling their butts..........most of them deserve it.
/——/ President Trump says what many Americans think but are too afraid to say out loud. That’s why he’s loved by his base.

So you love a man that says stupid shit that make Homer Simpson look like Einstein?

Trump cheated on all three of his wives.

For many years Trump was best buddies with Bill and Hillary Clinton..

Trump for almost a decade denied Obama was American born even after the Governor of Hawaii ( which at the time was REPUBLICAN ) stated Obama was born in Hawaii...

Now you have a man making claims he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, believe the Ukraine did more than Russia in 2016, and has his private attorney do his bidding for him on crazy stuff like crowstrike...

Yeah, he is the common man champion and tomorrow I will wake with Ana De Armas...
/——/ Homer Simpson is a fictional character and the Hildabeast campaign started the Birtha Movement. The rest of your rant is laughable. Psychiatrist: Trump Derangement Syndrome is real – and serious - WND

So you find it funny Trump cheated on all three of his wives?

And it matter not who started the birther movement seeing Trump was and is still one!

You loyalists are insane and retarded as can be!

Trump could rip a baby from a woman womb, rape it, kill it and you will scream TDS against anyone that calls him a sick psycho!

So tell me did you agree with Trump when he was against the Iraq war?

Did you agree with Trump when he stated Hillary Clinton would make a great President?

Do you cheat on your wife like Donald has done?

Did you father a kid out of wedlock like your messiah?

He made the claim yesterday that he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, so do you agree with him?
/—-/ Your pathetic attempt to separate Trump from is base is working, Spanky.
Trump Now Beating Democrats in Wisconsin as Support for Impeachment Plummets
Trump Now Beating Democrats in Wisconsin as Support for Impeachment Plummets


Trump is never going to be convicted and removed by the Senate on what happened last week, so I do not know why you are switching to the House Impeachment...

Does the facts hurt you?

Trump is a lying cheating narcissist that you worship and nothing will change that fact!
/——/ You don’t care about those qualities when it’s a DemocRAT. Here is what we normal people like to see: Donald Trump's Economic Success | National Review
If the President isn't allowed to ask foreign leaders to investigate corruption in their own countries, what is the President allowed to do?
There is difference in investigating and finding corruption and making up dirt. It seems to me that there is probable cause for an investigation into Biden and son.
Didn't Biden brag he got the prosecutor fired for investigating his son?

nope, he did not.
/——/ Do you live in a bubble? VIDEO: Biden Brags That He Got Ukraine Prosecutor Fired in Exchange For $1b in Aid
So you love a man that says stupid shit that make Homer Simpson look like Einstein?

Trump cheated on all three of his wives.

For many years Trump was best buddies with Bill and Hillary Clinton..

Trump for almost a decade denied Obama was American born even after the Governor of Hawaii ( which at the time was REPUBLICAN ) stated Obama was born in Hawaii...

Now you have a man making claims he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, believe the Ukraine did more than Russia in 2016, and has his private attorney do his bidding for him on crazy stuff like crowstrike...

Yeah, he is the common man champion and tomorrow I will wake with Ana De Armas...
/——/ Homer Simpson is a fictional character and the Hildabeast campaign started the Birtha Movement. The rest of your rant is laughable. Psychiatrist: Trump Derangement Syndrome is real – and serious - WND

So you find it funny Trump cheated on all three of his wives?

And it matter not who started the birther movement seeing Trump was and is still one!

You loyalists are insane and retarded as can be!

Trump could rip a baby from a woman womb, rape it, kill it and you will scream TDS against anyone that calls him a sick psycho!

So tell me did you agree with Trump when he was against the Iraq war?

Did you agree with Trump when he stated Hillary Clinton would make a great President?

Do you cheat on your wife like Donald has done?

Did you father a kid out of wedlock like your messiah?

He made the claim yesterday that he stopped China from slaughtering Hong Kong, so do you agree with him?
/—-/ Your pathetic attempt to separate Trump from is base is working, Spanky.
Trump Now Beating Democrats in Wisconsin as Support for Impeachment Plummets
Trump Now Beating Democrats in Wisconsin as Support for Impeachment Plummets


Trump is never going to be convicted and removed by the Senate on what happened last week, so I do not know why you are switching to the House Impeachment...

Does the facts hurt you?

Trump is a lying cheating narcissist that you worship and nothing will change that fact!
/——/ Yoh don’t care about those quality when it’s a DemocRAT. Here is what we normal people like to see: Donald Trump's Economic Success | National Review

Actually I have stated Bill Clinton is like his buddy Donald Trump and is a worthless piece of shit and Hillary Clinton is no better either for defending her husband cheating ways.

Oh, John Edward's is the left version of Trump...

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