If you don't like slavery, don't own a slave, stay out of my business...

It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.
Slaves had black skin, that's all the slavers needed as an excuse for treating them like property instead of human beings.
There were slaves of different colors but you already knew that, didn't you?
/——-/ true but the vast majority were Africans later diluted when the import of slaves was outlawed. Dem slave owners would rape the women as to produce half blacks who were considered slaves.
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.
Slaves had black skin, that's all the slavers needed as an excuse for treating them like property instead of human beings.
There were slaves of different colors but you already knew that, didn't you?
/——-/ true but the vast majority were Africans later diluted when the import of slaves was outlawed. Dem slave owners would rape the women as to produce half blacks who were considered slaves.
Is it rape if they be willing?
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.
Slaves had black skin, that's all the slavers needed as an excuse for treating them like property instead of human beings.
There were slaves of different colors but you already knew that, didn't you?
/——-/ true but the vast majority were Africans later diluted when the import of slaves was outlawed. Dem slave owners would rape the women as to produce half blacks who were considered slaves.
Is it rape if they be willing?
/—-/ You can’t be serious.
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.
Slaves had black skin, that's all the slavers needed as an excuse for treating them like property instead of human beings.
There were slaves of different colors but you already knew that, didn't you?
/——-/ true but the vast majority were Africans later diluted when the import of slaves was outlawed. Dem slave owners would rape the women as to produce half blacks who were considered slaves.
Is it rape if they be willing?
/—-/ You can’t be serious.
I'm Moonglow..Not serious..
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.
"Stand by to repel Juicy Leftist Rationalization for Murder, starboard..."

It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.

It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
Are you seriously comparing killing children to slavery?
Slavery no longer exists.
The murder of children goes on...

The issued has been resolved. The high court has deemed it legal. Those of you who think you are going to overturn that decision are foolish. I support your right to encourage women not to have abortions, but I detest the fact that it is a litmus test for GOP candidates when it is clear the majority of people are pro-choice.
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.

It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.

It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.

It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for legalizing pot? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.
Slavery is still legal. Mike drop.

So I will take that as a 'No' to my question of 'Have you freed your slaves yet'...
In the US.
You dont know where the US is? What country are you from?
Despite Obama aiding and protecting Human Traffickers, even engaging in Human Trafficking, owning slaves is NOT legal in the US. I thought even snowflakes were smart enough to know that. I was wrong.
Obviously you are the result of a substandard public school education. However, you have no excuse for your ignorance now that you are an adult. It says so right in the 13th.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

the reason I know about this is because southern whites needed more affirmative action so they instituted the Black Codes in order to lock Blacks up and reinstitute slavery.
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.

It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.

It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.
...is what the Democratic Party Southern plantation owners said to the Republican Party Abolitionists.

Does this argument sound familiar to us in this modern day?

Yes, because once again the nation is faced with a great moral issue.

And once again the Democrats are on the immoral side of a moral argument, and Republicans are on the moral side.

Is this a coincidence?

No, the parties are really not changed over the past century and a half.

Democrats, then and now, are the party of "the ends justify the means."

Even slavery and murder of the unborn can be justified under this analysis.

The Republicans, then and now, are the party of belief in moral standards that don't change based on circumstances.
So let's tear down Robert E Lee's statues. They glorify slavery.
It really is a poor analogy. Slaves didn't live in the bodies of slave owners.

It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
It's a great excuse for calling lefties murderers, though.
It's a great excuse for calling lefties murderers, though.
A better 'excuse' is many of their rabid defense of their right to ram a metal rod into the brain stem of a child capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling the child's brains like so many eggs, cutting up the baby into pieces, and then removing those pieces out of the baby OR taking every part of the baby capable of surviving outside the womb out of the mother except the head - claiming as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother the baby is not a 'person' - and ramming a rod into it's brain before pulling the baby out.
...is what the Democratic Party Southern plantation owners said to the Republican Party Abolitionists.

Does this argument sound familiar to us in this modern day?

Yes, because once again the nation is faced with a great moral issue.

And once again the Democrats are on the immoral side of a moral argument, and Republicans are on the moral side.

Is this a coincidence?

No, the parties are really not changed over the past century and a half.

Democrats, then and now, are the party of "the ends justify the means."

Even slavery and murder of the unborn can be justified under this analysis.

The Republicans, then and now, are the party of belief in moral standards that don't change based on circumstances.
Yeah....but then they went ahead and fired on a Federal Installation which was very very stupid. Sucked to be them, eh?
Easyt is one of those trump cult members that would get shot by him in broad daylight on 5th ave and would still praise his god emperor.
Nope. Leftist trash is trying to murder GOP politicians. Short memory? Drugs?
An explanation for Trump could be drugs. More likely mental deficiencies, knowing that Conservatism is a mental illness.

Is this more of that backward, bat-shit crazy LefTard shit?
"Billionaires are drug addicts with mental challenges....pole puffers and men in dresses are fucking BRILLIANT!"
It's a great excuse for calling lefties murderers, though.
A better 'excuse' is many of their rabid defense of their right to ram a metal rod into the brain stem of a child capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling the child's brains like so many eggs, cutting up the baby into pieces, and then removing those pieces out of the baby OR taking every part of the baby capable of surviving outside the womb out of the mother except the head - claiming as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother the baby is not a 'person' - and ramming a rod into it's brain before pulling the baby out.
Most people do not want to see abortions past the time of viability.....but you keep on keeping on with calling us murderers.
It’s a poor analogy on many levels. Abortion is one reason I left the GOP, they don’t recognize a loser issue when it bites them in the ass. Especially one that was settled over 40 years ago. It’s like the southern Dems trying to keep slaves in 1904. Senseless!
/—— Abortion was not settled 40 years ago. It’s an on going battle. Abortion is murder.

Nope. Issued has been settled. In this country a woman has the right to abortion. It is the law and it isn’t going to change. Spending time, money and effort on trying to change that law detracts otherwise good people from making a difference in other causes.
/—-/ How many decades did you Libs fight for ghey marriage? Did you give up? We will continue to fight to stop you baby killers.

Not a lib sport, I am a realistic conservative. And I was opposed to Same sex marriage on the grounds that it changed what marriage has always been in any culture- that being a union between a male and a female. The abortion issue has had its day in court and the Republicans waste valuable capital trying to overturn the issue. This is done at the expense of other issues that are still winnable. I support and encourage you to try and convince women not to have an abortion, but there is one certain fact, you will never end abortions.
/—/ the pro abortionists are always pushing their agenda forward. We are working to stop them, court decisions not withstanding.

There are no “pro-abortionists”. There are people who are pro-choice. Those who claim to be “pro-life” are lying. Most favour the death penalty. Many oppose any form of social assistance or legal protections for women who choose to be pregnant.

Many of those of claim to oppose abortion are in fact seeking to control women’s sexuality. Women who have sex must “face the consequences”. A baby isn’t a “consequence”, it’s a human being who deserves to be loved, wanted, and properly cared and provided for. If you aren’t capable of doing that, you shouldn’t have the baby in the first place.

Those who say that if you don’t want a baby, you shouldn’t have sex assume that sex is only for procreation. It’s not. There are many strong and valid reasons for a healthy sex life that have nothing to do with procreation. The hormones released during sex are essential to humans’ physical and mental well being.

The anti-abortionists spent a lot of time in the 1970’s “rebranding” themselves to make their message more palatable to mainstream women and to disguise their desire to vilify and control female sexuality. They consciously changed the language of the discussion. They weren’t “anti-abortion” because their research showed that this equates with being anti-freedom and that people reacted negatively to being “anti” anything.

Language is critical in a debate. Those who control the language control the debate. Don’t let the anti-choice crowd control the language. Call them out for what they are. They oppose a woman’s right to determine when and how she will increase her family. They seek to force women to live by their religious beliefs.

They have imposed stricter requirements on a woman’s right to obtain an abortion than they have on your 2nd amendment right to own a gun. These restrictions are hardest for poor women, who may have to travel out of state, enduring the cost of waiting in a motel, the costs of unnecessary sonograms which force them to see their fetus in utereo in the hope they will change their mind.

Those who would take away the choice God have us, should be opposed. Their language game exposed and derided and their true agenda denied.

Anti-choice is an attempt by government to deny women’s rights and freedoms.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one. You have no right to tell others what they can and cannot do with their own body.
Most people do not want to see abortions past the time of viability.....but you keep on keeping on with calling us murderers.
As long as there are barbarians who defend the grizzly practices I described, as long as those who claim to not want to allow those practices to continue yet do nothing to end them, I will call those who do those things what they are - 'murderers' and 'accomplices'.

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