If you libs really want to sink Newt... instead of making him a martyr to liberal hyp

Sep 12, 2008
Since the days of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings all the way till now titillating tales of tangled sexual misconduct just don't work with the electorate. Either the electorate figures its all lies anyway, or the electorate finds them tame and pointless, or the electorate feels that sexual smears are so beneath contempt as to cast pity votes on the targets of these smears, it just plain never works.

Voters just don't like this and never respond to it positively.

That does not mean that the Newtster is going to ride a wave of voter anger at those who bring these matters up. He has way too much other baggage that Conservatives really don't like. He is one of the premier kool aid vendors in the global warming scam, he is a great friend of PBS and government sponsored media, he has a history of blustering and caving which is not good for dealings with folks like Iran and Al Quaida. He is very much the opposite of the Ideal of Teddy Roosevelt who spoke of speaking quietly and carrying a big stick. Instead he is full of sound and fury when discretion is called for, but full of discretion when what is needed is valor. His behavior to Israel especially leaves a lot to be desired. He is willing to kiss up to any oily anti Israeli regime provided they have the petroleum.

When it comes to weird sexual stuff, Newt is not in the same league as Clinton or Frank for example. If Frank can get re elected even with running a gay bordello out of his Washington apartment then Newt's troubles would get him elected by acclimation.

There are real concernes about the Newtster. If you want him gone, concentrate on those.

Remember how fast Perry cratered? No questions about his sexuality were ever raised. But lots of questions about his relations with Merk sank him so far that he was not even registering in the polls anymore when he left.
Looks like Newt is having Surge #3 of the Repub nomination season, looks like he will handily win the SC Repub Primary. Willard has blown it again, I'm starting to think that Obama would be best off facing Willard rather than Newt!

All the polls show differently, but as they say, be careful what you wish for.

I wonder if Newt is a more difficult opponent than Romney would be? Willard comes off as just a slick snake oil salesman..
I dunno, is Newt an easier opponent than Willard? Hard to say now, Willard is not having a good week. Maybe they'll choose one another as running mates? :razz:
I don't think any issue sank Perry. His HORRENDOUS debate skills did him in. He looked like a teenager from a highschool debate team on the stage with everyone else.

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