Islam forbids

Shahadah (declaration of faith)
Salah (ritual prayer)
Zakah (charity)
Sawm (fasting during Ramadan)
Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
These five practices are essential to Sunni Islam.

Ruling on breaking one’s fast in order to have strength for jihad
Is it permissible for the mujaahideen to break their fast in Ramadaan? Please note that they are in their own country and are not travelling.

Praise be to Allaah.
Yes, it is permissible for the mujaahideen to break their fast in Ramadaan, so that they will have strength for jihad, even if they are in their own country, for fasting weakens their ability to fight and deal with the enemy.
Islam Question and Answer - Ruling on breaking one’s fast in order to have strength for jihad

Clearly jihad is more impotent than at least one of Islams pillars .
So It is one of them.

A few Muslims, mainly some Kharijite groups in ancient times[1] [2] and members of Islamic Jihad recently,[3] have taught that jihad, or personal struggle, should be considered the sixth pillar of Islam. In this context, Jihad is viewed as external war against those perceived to be enemies of Islam.[4]

Sixth Pillar of Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seven Pillars (Ismaili)
Walāyah - Guardianship
Ṭawhid - Oneness of God
Ṣalāt - Prayers
Zakāh - Purifying religious dues
Ṣawm - Fasting during Ramadan
Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca
Jihad - Struggle
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Sorry but there's only 5 pillars. Apparently the Muslim world doesn't refer to "Icky Wiki" for their jurisprudence. :lol: says a minority. A minority of people fuck goats too. I don't happen to be one of them. You may now declare your innocence. :lol:

The Qur'an does not specifically state that there are ANY "pillars." So if you admit of (acknowledge) only FIVE of them, that's fine. But since the Qur'an doesn't explicitly mention ANY pillars, the number "five" is yet another mere "interpretation" and the MINORITY is as entitled to find a SIXTH pillar as your majority is to find only FIVE.
You are wrong and misinformed as usual Liability

The concept of five pillars is taken from the Hadith collections, notably those of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.

Index of /five_pillars/overview

I have already demonstrated, as usual, that I was quite correct.

Your spin is useless, Sunni Failure.

You are an epic Islamist Fail.

But I repeat myself.
The problem with his interpretation is it does not explain the actions of self professed muslims who are committing acts that the west has classified as "terrorism" .
You're incorrectly assuming that a religious explanation must exist for these actions. The roots of so-called Islamic radicalism are more political in nature than they are religious. Because dissatisfaction with corrupt regimes in the Arab world is fairly widespread, these regimes tend to suppress opposition by limiting free speech. One of the few things they typically won't limit is Islamic religious freedom, so opposition movements are often pseudo-religious in nature. I believe it was Fareed Zakaria who first put forth this hypothesis.

Groups as batshit insane as al-Qaeda do not represent a significant number of Muslims, not even "radical" Muslims. Al-Qaeda regularly condemns other ostensibly radical groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood (for denouncing violence and participating in elections) and Hamas (for participating in elections.)

These "terrorist" point to the Quran as justification for their actions.
In this respect they're similar to LRA fighters who claim to be establishing a society based on the ten commandments. Both operate in third-world areas that tend to be poorer and therefore more prone to high levels of religiosity, so they know they'll rally at least some support by appealing to the religious beliefs of their fellows.

His interpretation leaves us with an Islam comprised of meaningless acts of submission without the conquest component that is part and parcel of Islam.
There's nothing meaningless about true Islam.
Seven Pillars (Ismaili)
Walāyah - Guardianship
Ṭawhid - Oneness of God
Ṣalāt - Prayers
Zakāh - Purifying religious dues
Ṣawm - Fasting during Ramadan
Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca
Jihad - Struggle

You're aware that Ismailis account for less than three percent of all Muslims, right? :lol:
The problem with his interpretation is it does not explain the actions of self professed muslims who are committing acts that the west has classified as "terrorism" .
You're incorrectly assuming that a religious explanation must exist for these actions. The roots of so-called Islamic radicalism are more political in nature than they are religious. * * * * *

Islamic radicalism -- and the depravity inflicted on so many people in the name of "Islam" -- may indeed have roots in politics, but it is FOUNDED UPON and invokes the name of Islam and cites, so very often, as moral authority for those deeds, the Qua'ran.

You have a problem and you are unwiling to see it, admit it or acknowledge it.

The problem is that the "interpretations" of the Qur'an INVITE the USE of ISLAM as a political tool by the Islamists.

Your view of what "true" Islam "is" may be a lot less hostile and evil. But there are very many Muslims who harbor a much darker view of what Islam means and what it requires or authorizes. And you have no greater claim to being the person in the right about the "meaning" of Quar'anic scripture than those who invoke it to engage in their barbarity.
Islam is political, even your creepy little Mutazili cult.

Zamakhshari, Abu al-Qasim Mahmud ibn Umar
(d. 1144 )

Mutazili theologian, Arabic philologist, and Quran exegete of Persian origin. His Quran commentary, Al-kashshaf an haqaiq al-tanzil, exhibits his Mutazili dogmas with little attention to tradition and elaborates on lexical, grammatical, and rhetorical elements while interpreting the Quran and highlighting its miraculous inimitability. His Al-mufassal is an exhaustive exposition of Arabic grammar, and his Asas al-balagha is a dictionary of Arabic. His literary works include Maqamat, containing moralizing discourses; his diwan of poems; and Al-mustaqsa fi-l-amthal, a popular collection of proverbs.

Zamakhshari, Abu al-Qasim Mahmud ibn Umar - Oxford Islamic Studies Online

Sometimes, the requirements for jizyah could be interpreted severely. In Tafsir al-kashshaf, the Mutazilah exegete al-Zamakhshari (d. 1144) assumes that the intent of the Quranic commandment was to highlight the subordinate status of the dhimmi in Muslim society. Therefore, the jizyah should be exacted as a form of humiliation. The non-Muslim should come to pay the tax walking, not riding. When he pays, he is made to stand, while the tax collector sits. The collector should seize him by the scruff of the neck, shake him, and say, “Pay the jizyah!”, cuffing him on the back of the head once the tax has been paid. A similarly hard line is taken by the modern commentator and political activist Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966) in his widely read commentary, Fi ?ilal al-Qur?an. This prominent ideologist of the Muslim Brotherhood is defiantly triumphalist, claiming that jizyah amounts to a punishment for polytheism (especially for Christians) and is required before peaceful relations can be established between Muslims and the “People of the Book.” Seeing shari?ah (the divine law) as a sort of positive law, Qu?b intimates that jizyah is a recompense or protection, not from military service or external enemies, but from jihad. If it is not paid as part of a peace agreement, the Islamic state owes no obligation to non-Muslims, whether at home or abroad.

Log In - Oxford Islamic Studies Online

Paying Jizyah is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Islam is political,
I've not denied this. Islam is a way of life, not merely a set of personal beliefs.

even your creepy little Mutazili cult.

I never claimed that we've been guilt-free throughout our entire existence. Most forms of Islam were corrupted and used for political ends at some point in history; Mu'tazili Islam is no exception.

Mihna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All forms of Mohammed's Islam are corrupt.
Islam has always been political from its inception.
All forms of Mohammed's Islam are corrupt.
Believe what you want.

Islam has always been political from its inception.
Islam is "political" in the sense that it's more than a private religious affair. When I say "political ends," I mean non-Islamic political ends.
Such as?

Ideological "inquisitions," the propping up of corrupt dictatorships, the slaughter of other innocent Muslims, etc.
Believe what you want.

Islam is "political" in the sense that it's more than a private religious affair. When I say "political ends," I mean non-Islamic political ends.
Such as?

Ideological "inquisitions," the propping up of corrupt dictatorships, the slaughter of other innocent Muslims, etc.
Specifics please
.Time, place, statements of goals, that prove the actions to be unislamic.
As you know, since their are other interpretations than yours, your claim is already on shaky ground ,so I wouldnt work to hard on your post.
Specifics please
.Time, place, statements of goals, that prove the actions to be unislamic.

The Mihna, 833 CE, Abbasid Caliphate - "Al-Ma'mun introduced the mihna with the intension to centralize religious power in the caliphal institution and test the loyalty of his subjects." - Al-Ma'mun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This exacerbated ideological divisions by punishing scholars who favored literalist interpretations. This was done in blatant contradiction of the Qur'an, which forbids sectarian strife:

And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited. And remember Allah’s favour to you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favour you became brethren. And you were on the brink of a pit of fire, then He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes clear to you His messages that you may be guided. - 3:103​

Misinterpreters should have been taught the error of their ways non-violently. We should avoid being like them, but shouldn't coerce them into subscribing to our beliefs:

And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. And these are they who are successful. And be not like those who became divided and disagreed after clear arguments had come to them. And for them is a grievous chastisement. - 3:104-105​

There are too many examples of corrupt autocracies in the Islamic world for us to concern ourselves with specifics. Pick any so-called "Islamic" nation and in all likelihood you'll find that it's un-Qur'anic in nature. In the absence of the Messenger ﷺ, the only appropriate form of governance is that which involves all believers engaging in mutual consultation:

So whatever you are given is but a provision of this world’s life, and that which Allah has is better and more lasting for those who believe and rely on their Lord; and those who shun the great sins and indecencies, and whenever they are angry they forgive; and those who respond to their Lord and keep up prayer, and whose affairs are (decided) by counsel ("shura") among themselves, and who spend out of what We have given them; and those who, when great wrong afflicts them, defend themselves. - 42:36-29​

The most obvious example of innocent Muslims being slaughtered by other Muslims is the current conflict in Darfur. The war in this case began largely because of ethnic discrimination (on the part of the Sudanese government, which is dominated by Arabic-speaking Blacks), something that has no place in Islam. The ummah is supposed to be a single, unified community that pays no regard to racial and ethnic differences:

O mankind, surely We have created you from a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other. Surely the noblest of you with Allah is the most dutiful of you. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware. - 49:13

And (all) people are but a single nation, then they disagree. And had not a word already gone forth from thy Lord, the matter would have certainly been decided between them in respect of that wherein they disagree. - 10:19​
As you know, since their are other interpretations than yours, your claim is already on shaky ground ,so I wouldnt work to hard on your post.

The backbone of my posts is sitting directly in front of me. It's a matter of knowing where to find relevant passages.

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