It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Let me guess. Another irreligious "conservative"? Which means "not a conservative at all".

If you took the time to read my OP, you would know why I want that particular part of the Constitution changed. But I find the reason atheists don't want a THING changed in the separation argument, is because they are currently getting their way. They don't want to lose their power.

Being a conservative does not automatically mean being a Christian. You need to get that straight in order to understand why there are staunch conservatives opposing you.
Ah, OK. So you aren't really a practicing Christian then. You are irreligious. NOW your griping makes sense.
Can we also assume you are just fine with our abortion and gay marriage laws?
You of all people shouldn’t assume anything. You’re not up to the task.

I oppose abortion (allowing for a few exceptions) on the ground that we have laws designed to protect innocent life. We should protect innocent life. Opposition to abortion doesn’t require a religious basis.

I oppose laws forbidding gay marriage. I oppose those laws on the ground that it’s none of my business what two consenting adults do, especially in private, provided it isn’t a danger to life or limb. And it’s not the government’s business either.
Yep. Looks like I was right. Another atheist fake conservative. This place is crawling with 'em.

Let me tell you people something. If you aren't a religious conservative, you aren't a conservative. If you are fine with abortion, you aren't a conservative. You are part of the leftwing problem. You are part of the faction that wants to make us into China.

And you are an utter fool. Many people oppose abortion without using religion. Conservatism is not a religious concept, but a political one.

You need to stop confusing religious fanaticism with conservatism.
Irreligious is pretty much indistinguisable from atheist in words, attitude, and practice. They both REALLY don't like Christians.

I have no problem at with Christians, per se. I do have a problem, however, when they try to force their beliefs on others. If you cannot see that distinction I can't help you.
And you are an utter fool. Many people oppose abortion without using religion. Conservatism is not a religious concept, but a political one.

You need to stop confusing religious fanaticism with conservatism.
You can't separate politics from religion. If you support the tactics used by the Marxist left to weaken our country, such as encouraging sex outside marriage and abortion, then you, because of your atheism, are an accomplice to the Marxist left. That's why if you aren't a social conservative, you ain't conservative at all.
I have no problem at with Christians, per se. I do have a problem, however, when they try to force their beliefs on others. If you cannot see that distinction I can't help you.
Yet you are perfectly fine with atheists forcing their beliefs on others, because you are an atheist. You don't the boat rocked because you as an atheist are getting what you want.
You of all people shouldn’t assume anything. You’re not up to the task.

I oppose abortion (allowing for a few exceptions) on the ground that we have laws designed to protect innocent life. We should protect innocent life. Opposition to abortion doesn’t require a religious basis.

I oppose laws forbidding gay marriage. I oppose those laws on the ground that it’s none of my business what two consenting adults do, especially in private, provided it isn’t a danger to life or limb. And it’s not the government’s business either.
Glad you oppose abortion, but rape and incest shouldn't be exceptions. Sounds like my second assumption was right on the mark. But if you support the disintegration of the family structure through sexually immoral acts, then you are aligned with the Marxists who use that tactic to weaken society to prepare us for their takeover. That's not conservatism.
You can't separate politics from religion. If you support the tactics used by the Marxist left to weaken our country, such as encouraging sex outside marriage and abortion, then you, because of your atheism, are an accomplice to the Marxist left. That's why if you aren't a social conservative, you ain't conservative at all.

Yes, I can separate politics from religion.

As for sex outside of marriage, it is no one's business but the consenting adults involved. They, and they alone are responsible for the acts and for the consequences of those acts.
You can't separate politics from religion. If you support the tactics used by the Marxist left to weaken our country, such as encouraging sex outside marriage and abortion, then you, because of your atheism, are an accomplice to the Marxist left. That's why if you aren't a social conservative, you ain't conservative at all.

Since you keep focusing on sex outside of marriage, what sort of marriage fits that? Must it be a church wedding or does a civil marriage suffice?
Yet you are perfectly fine with atheists forcing their beliefs on others, because you are an atheist. You don't the boat rocked because you as an atheist are getting what you want.

No one is forcing atheist beliefs on anyone. You can believe whatever you want. The US Constitution protects your ability to worship as you see fit. And I will fight for your right to do so. Just because laws are based on something other than religious dogma does not mean they are atheist.
Yes, I can separate politics from religion.

As for sex outside of marriage, it is no one's business but the consenting adults involved. They, and they alone are responsible for the acts and for the consequences of those acts.
Ill repaste, because your response tells me you never read it.
You can't separate politics from religion. If you support the tactics used by the Marxist left to weaken our country, such as encouraging sex outside marriage and abortion, then you, because of your atheism, are an accomplice to the Marxist left. That's why if you aren't a social conservative, you ain't conservative at all.
No one is forcing atheist beliefs on anyone. You can believe whatever you want. The US Constitution protects your ability to worship as you see fit. And I will fight for your right to do so. Just because laws are based on something other than religious dogma does not mean they are atheist.
Yep. You atheists are. I've listed the ways in my OP.
So many important issues to worry about, and you spend 50 posts on something so nitpicky.
Millions upon millions of humans slaughterd is not nit picky. 1Timothy 1:9 speaks against manslayers, 1John 3:10-12--no slaughtering of brothers.
Glad you oppose abortion, but rape and incest shouldn't be exceptions. Sounds like my second assumption was right on the mark. But if you support the disintegration of the family structure through sexually immoral acts, then you are aligned with the Marxists who use that tactic to weaken society to prepare us for their takeover. That's not conservatism.
Rape and incest are not logically consistent exception to my basis for opposing abortions. On that point, I do not disagree with you. But I’ll be damned if I’ll tell a woman who has been impregnated by her father or brother that she has no choice but to carry that male’s child. It is almost beyond comprehensibility that we could tell the woman that her rapist’s baby “must “ be carried by her. And what if her life is in danger or even her overall health? These are all horrible things to contemplate yet provide no ground for me (or the government In my name) to impose my view about the sanctity of human life on her.

the balance of your post is just another reiteration by you of your very trite views.
Ah yes. The enlightened atheists. Brilliant in the most important matter involving mankind. But abject in every other aspect of their lives.
Boring self soothing platitudes of a religious goober whose mind has grown soft from faith.
Since you keep focusing on sex outside of marriage, what sort of marriage fits that? Must it be a church wedding or does a civil marriage suffice?
I can only answer that from a Catholic perspective, but I believe only religious weddings are valid. Not JP weddings. I'll look into that.
Ill repaste, because your response tells me you never read it.
You can't separate politics from religion. If you support the tactics used by the Marxist left to weaken our country, such as encouraging sex outside marriage and abortion, then you, because of your atheism, are an accomplice to the Marxist left. That's why if you aren't a social conservative, you ain't conservative at all.

Repeating a lie does not make it true.

A conservative is not necessarily a Christian, or even religious. A social conservative may be, but they are just the political version of Mrs. Kravitz.
I can only answer that from a Catholic perspective, but I believe only religious weddings are valid. Not JP weddings. I'll look into that.

So only a religious wedding will suffice. This means anyone who is not religious can never have sex? And not even masturbate?
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