Ivermectin will be available without a prescription for Covid-19 treatment...

This is not hard. Please cite major countries that use it as a standard course of treatment for Covid. Then we can compare its mortality rates vs. countries that do not.@Zincwarrior
Not interested. You must be confusing me with someone else.
Go for it, asshat.
So you can just deflect and run away again denying all like the sheer pussy you really are?

You don't have the testicular fortitude to start your voter fraud thread.
No, just better things to do than waste a lot of time putting together tons of material here that sheep dip like you won't seriously, factually, civilly debate anyway. All you turds are good for is to call people Trumpbots or some such crap then deny, dismiss and run away. Still, where is YOUR thread on showing all the proof you've claimed that the election really was totally on the up and up?

Why would I think you could deliver ANYTHING except blustering and bravado?
You mean I'm no better than you? Once again you lie out your ass, I've shown you many times one post alone where I fastidiously listed 24 things wrong with the election in just one state alone complete with links to sites offering supporting evidence for each. That's far more than every one of your posts ever made here put TOGETHER, Jackass.

You are a cuck. End of story.
Nice talking to ya, shitheel.

Oh, and while we are busy staying on the subject of Ivermectin...it doesn't help COVID-19.
YOUR DENSE VALUELESS OPINION. I've listened to thirty doctors who say otherwise, not to mention countries all around the world successfully using it to save lives, so again, the jackass shoots another blank. :auiqs.jpg:
So you can just deflect and run away again denying all like the sheer pussy you really are?

No, just better things to do than waste a lot of time putting together tons of material here that sheep dip like you won't seriously, factually, civilly debate anyway. All you turds are good for is to call people Trumpbots or some such crap then deny, dismiss and run away. Still, where is YOUR thread on showing all the proof you've claimed that the election really was totally on the up and up?

You mean I'm no better than you? Once again you lie out your ass, I've shown you many times one post alone where I fastidiously listed 24 things wrong with the election in just one state alone complete with links to sites offering supporting evidence for each. That's far more than every one of your posts ever made here put TOGETHER, Jackass.

Nice talking to ya, shitheel.

YOUR DENSE VALUELESS OPINION. I've listened to thirty doctors who say otherwise, not to mention countries all around the world successfully using it to save lives, so again, the jackass shoots another blank. :auiqs.jpg:
Still haven't listed any questions. What's your issue? Why are you such a bloody coward? Are you not capable of even a half-hearted defense of your conspiracy theory laden drivel? Or do you honestly think you're getting under my skin?
Your 24 point phantom list of things you believe were "wrong" with the election don't constitute questions to me. And it's not up to me to post responses to your conspiracy theories. It's up to you to prove your assertions. But we all know you're too much of a coward to do that. Do the board a favor, go peddle your crap somewhere else, cuck. Plenty of sympathetic alt-right sites.

BTW, were those 30 doctors members of America's Frontline Doctors? If so, their "opinions" don't mean squat.
Still more articles about how pointless it is to administer ivermectin. The hits just keep on coming! :auiqs.jpg:

Still haven't listed any questions. What's your issue? Why are you such a bloody coward?
More word games with you Jack? You already know the questions, you read them all. They were all posted to you. You could go back and simply look them up for yourself if you wanted-- you're a big boy and I'm sure know how to do that. Do you really think your mind games here buys you any cred?

Are you not capable of even a half-hearted defense of your conspiracy theory laden drivel?
No, not interested in wasting time on you, because you'd just turn it into another childish circus. Your defense of the election is even more predictable than the outcome of the J6 committee's investigation of what went wrong that day.

Or do you honestly think you're getting under my skin?
I wouldn't touch your skin with a 12 foot pole. I doubt few do.

Your 24 point phantom list of things you believe were "wrong" with the election don't constitute questions to me.
Nothing constitutes a question to you Jack. I bet you can't produce one instance where you ever actually seriously answer ANYONE'S questions to you here. All you're good for is bloviated ass-gas.

And it's not up to me to post responses to your conspiracy theories. It's up to you to prove your assertions.
There you go already building your case for non-participation.

But we all know you're too much of a coward to do that.
Bet you'd never say that to my face, you keyboard commando.

Do the board a favor, go peddle your crap somewhere else, cuck. Plenty of sympathetic alt-right sites.
Thanks for the advice Jack. No thanks. I'll stick with bringing your issues right back to YOU. You practically make a buffoon out of yourself automatically!

More word games with you Jack? You already know the questions, you read them all. They were all posted to you. You could go back and simply look them up for yourself if you wanted-- you're a big boy and I'm sure know how to do that. Do you really think your mind games here buys you any cred?

No, not interested in wasting time on you, because you'd just turn it into another childish circus. Your defense of the election is even more predictable than the outcome of the J6 committee's investigation of what went wrong that day.

I wouldn't touch your skin with a 12 foot pole. I doubt few do.

Nothing constitutes a question to you Jack. I bet you can't produce one instance where you ever actually seriously answer ANYONE'S questions to you here. All you're good for is bloviated ass-gas.

There you go already building your case for non-participation.

Bet you'd never say that to my face, you keyboard commando.

Thanks for the advice Jack. No thanks. I'll stick with bringing your issues right back to YOU. You practically make a buffoon out of yourself automatically!
Stop responding to my posts if you're not even going to give a minimal rebuttal to the multitude of posts I've made showing ivermectin is useless when treating COVID-19.
Or..you can just keep deflecting, misdirecting, and pussying out in general. Par for the course with you.
Stop responding to my posts if you're not even going to give a minimal rebuttal to the multitude of posts I've made showing ivermectin is useless when treating COVID-19.
Or..you can just keep deflecting, misdirecting, and pussying out in general. Par for the course with you.
Lol Tons of studies posted from around the world show it does work.

Stats on populations almost 4 times our population are walking billboards on it worked.
Lol Tons of studies posted from around the world show it does work.

Stats on populations almost 4 times our population are walking billboards on it worked.
Look closer. No..they're not. They are unverified, non-peer reviewed samples.

It isn't effective at treating or preventing COVID-19.
Next miracle cure? :)
Lol Tons of studies posted from around the world show it does work.

Stats on populations almost 4 times our population are walking billboards on it worked.

I'll ask again. Show us the nations that use it in standard course of treatment so we can compare it to nations that don't.
Stop responding to my posts if you're not even going to give a minimal rebuttal to the multitude of posts I've made showing ivermectin is useless when treating COVID-19.
I already did that.

Or..you can just keep deflecting, misdirecting, and pussying out in general. Par for the course with you.
I shoot under par, Jack, whereas you are a double bogie . . . . still without a garage.

Jack, I just love it when you write another evasive deflection cuddled within a superficial attempt to be pretending to be trying to keep ME on topic! Just one more way you evade and NEVER answer any question!

Do it again.
I said countries, not studies.
Countries are on that site Mr. Con artist. Not just for Ivermectin but every known early treatment.

Read or dont read . I dont give a damn. Countries like India used it. Have less death with a much larger pooulatiin.

For years ive posted this stuff. Only to play this stupid game here with Pfizer peeps like you.
I already did that.

I shoot under par, Jack, whereas you are a double bogie . . . . still without a garage.

Jack, I just love it when you write another evasive deflection cuddled within a superficial attempt to be pretending to be trying to keep ME on topic! Just one more way you evade and NEVER answer any question!

Do it again.
Go away. You come up with double bogeys each time you step up to make a putt.
Practice more. You bore me.

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