New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters

when hillary & by extension.... bill clinton are still being interjected into multiple conversations daily, you really have no point you are trying to CONvey. one poster still has the ol' gal in his siggy.
Snowflakes have argued and continue to argue that Hillary Clinton is no longer relevant and thus should not be brought up...which is a LIE. Hillary Clinton, once again, just raised her head out of her hole - just like Barry - and spewed her bullshit input, making her self relevant / 'game' again. If they would just STFU and GO AWAY we would all be glad NOT to talk about them anymore.

Unfortunately when they do resurface it is to say some cringe-worthy BS that demands Barry's recent attempt to rewrite history by spinning his own Racist moment regarding his Cambridge buddy.

Against, tell them / convince them to STFU & Go Away & they won't be talked about / brought up.

can you give it a try & tell donny that since he lost the election bigley, he should stfu & go away?
Ironically, the same percentage of Americans that believe in election fraud believe in Big Foot. It turns out Republicans make up a majority of those believe in Big Foot.

That is all you need to know.

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Ironically, the same percentage of Americans that believe in election fraud believe in Big Foot. It turns out Republicans make up a majority of those believe in Big Foot.

That is all you need to know.

Many Americans believe that:


How about you? And what would be the consequence?

Sure there is.

If Trump is made Speaker of the House and Biden-Harris are deposed, the Constitution would allow him to be brought back in.

Not happening.

And we don't depose people, we impeach and then convict, and neither is happening. Dims control both Houses of Congress.
Many Americans believe that:


How about you? And what would be the consequence?
People believe all kinds of shit.
Just as many believe liberal policies actually work. Another segment believes Elvis lives with aliens.
Shit, 50% of Americans don't believe in voting, so in the long run, beliefs are nice but not realistic.
If anyone is interested I’m selling tickets to President Trump’s summer inauguration real cheap.
Inauguration ???? You mean a military honors welcome back, and this as the alledged criminal left gets frog marched off to prison for a coup, and the total corrupting/politicizing of the federal, state and local governments during a pandemic..
How about you? And what would be the consequence?
Of course not. As to consequences, we've seen the Left steal an election to get rid of him but the policies of the Turnip in office are going to leave the country in such a situation that Trump could well be re-elected in 2024. THAT is when the consequences will occur.
I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him or would generate armed protests all over the nation. If they do that, this country will burn. It's really their choice.
How about you? And what would be the consequence?
Of course not. As to consequences, we've seen the Left steal an election to get rid of him but the policies of the Turnip in office are going to leave the country in such a situation that Trump could well be re-elected in 2024. THAT is when the consequences will occur.
I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him or would generate armed protests all over the nation. If they do that, this country will burn. It's really their choice.
"I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him .."

That would be a fitting and desirable end.

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