New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
If anyone is interested I’m selling tickets to President Trump’s summer inauguration real cheap.
Inauguration ???? You mean a military honors welcome back, and this as the alledged criminal left gets frog marched off to prison for a coup, and the total corrupting/politicizing of the federal, state and local governments during a pandemic..
Did you get your hands on a Monkey’s Paw?
How about you? And what would be the consequence?
Of course not. As to consequences, we've seen the Left steal an election to get rid of him but the policies of the Turnip in office are going to leave the country in such a situation that Trump could well be re-elected in 2024. THAT is when the consequences will occur.
I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him or would generate armed protests all over the nation. If they do that, this country will burn. It's really their choice.
I wonder how to believe it. Just because Trump said so? Maybe Q will be his security adviser, then.
No Constitutional way to do that.
Much as I would love for thst to happen and as much as I like trump I just dont see it.I think trump is dreaming saying he expects to be back in office by august.I of course hope I’m wrong and he has something up his sleeve,he is clever thst way so you never know,we’ll find out soon.
How about you? And what would be the consequence?
Of course not. As to consequences, we've seen the Left steal an election to get rid of him but the policies of the Turnip in office are going to leave the country in such a situation that Trump could well be re-elected in 2024. THAT is when the consequences will occur.
I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him or would generate armed protests all over the nation. If they do that, this country will burn. It's really their choice.
Trump is going to get elected from Prison or do you think he will get a short stretch?
How about you? And what would be the consequence?
Of course not. As to consequences, we've seen the Left steal an election to get rid of him but the policies of the Turnip in office are going to leave the country in such a situation that Trump could well be re-elected in 2024. THAT is when the consequences will occur.
I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him or would generate armed protests all over the nation. If they do that, this country will burn. It's really their choice.
Trump is going to get elected from Prison or do you think he will get a short stretch?

Why would you think that America will start imprisoning our ex-presidents?

Remember how the libs promised to extradite Bush and Cheney to The Hague for war crimes when they took over?

Didn't happen, because of the precedents. W didn't incarcerate Clinton either, and Reagan didn't lock up Jimmy Carter.

Sleepy Joe's handlers realize the day will come when they are disposed of. And if they try that with Trump, they will be subject to the same.
No Constitutional way to do that.
Much as I would love for thst to happen and as much as I like trump I just dont see it.I think trump is dreaming saying he expects to be back in office by august.I of course hope I’m wrong and he has something up his sleeve,he is clever thst way so you never know,we’ll find out soon.
The BIG question is does he get divorced for the 3rd time And another question is how much of his ill gotten gains will the courts let him keep
No Constitutional way to do that.
Much as I would love for thst to happen and as much as I like trump I just dont see it.I think trump is dreaming saying he expects to be back in office by august.I of course hope I’m wrong and he has something up his sleeve,he is clever thst way so you never know,we’ll find out soon.
The BIG question is does he get divorced for the 3rd time And another question is how much of his ill gotten gains will the courts let him keep
Melania is 50, her days are numbered

No other Trump wife has lasted that late before he dumped her
How about you? And what would be the consequence?
Of course not. As to consequences, we've seen the Left steal an election to get rid of him but the policies of the Turnip in office are going to leave the country in such a situation that Trump could well be re-elected in 2024. THAT is when the consequences will occur.
I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him or would generate armed protests all over the nation. If they do that, this country will burn. It's really their choice.
Trump is going to get elected from Prison or do you think he will get a short stretch?
Should get his neck stretched
Even if evidence were found that Biden knowingly cheated in the election, Trump wouldn't be reinstated to office. That's not how US elections work. Biden would be impeached, as would Harris most likely, and the Speaker of the House, who is next in line would be President, and the PPTif the Senatewould become Vice President. The constitutiot is very specific inwhat happens if a President is removed from office regardless of the reasons for removal.

Soall you trumpets who are vlammeeingto see Biden removed from office, you better get used to calling Nancy oelosi Madam President.
Many Americans believe that:


How about you? And what would be the consequence?
That a third of Republicans have nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the people comes as no surprise.
Many Americans believe that:


How about you? And what would be the consequence?
That a third of Republicans have nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the people comes as no surprise.
Sez the fools that support the rioting of BLM and associated race pimps in their contempt for democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the people who want no part of your bullshit.
Quit huffing the paint off your broadbrush. Fucking idiot.
Apparently Aug. 15 is the new date for Trump's triumphant return, though Aug. 14 is also mentioned.

Needless to say, a new date will be chosen after Aug. 15 passes without anything happening. That's how doomsday cults work.

Maybe when he is not reinstated as president by Aug. 15 he'll kill himself.
How about you? And what would be the consequence?
Of course not. As to consequences, we've seen the Left steal an election to get rid of him but the policies of the Turnip in office are going to leave the country in such a situation that Trump could well be re-elected in 2024. THAT is when the consequences will occur.
I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him or would generate armed protests all over the nation. If they do that, this country will burn. It's really their choice.
"I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him .."

That would be a fitting and desirable end.
to you and the rest of the scum demonRATS...
Many Americans believe that:


How about you? And what would be the consequence?
That a third of Republicans have nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the people comes as no surprise.
at least half of scum demonRATS have nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the people comes as no surprise.
No Constitutional way to do that.
Much as I would love for thst to happen and as much as I like trump I just dont see it.I think trump is dreaming saying he expects to be back in office by august.I of course hope I’m wrong and he has something up his sleeve,he is clever thst way so you never know,we’ll find out soon.
The BIG question is does he get divorced for the 3rd time And another question is how much of his ill gotten gains will the courts let him keep
Melania is 50, her days are numbered

No other Trump wife has lasted that late before he dumped her
50 is too old to still be a prostitute. She needs to get a new gig.
How about you? And what would be the consequence?
Of course not. As to consequences, we've seen the Left steal an election to get rid of him but the policies of the Turnip in office are going to leave the country in such a situation that Trump could well be re-elected in 2024. THAT is when the consequences will occur.
I believe that the real power in DC would either assassinate him or would generate armed protests all over the nation. If they do that, this country will burn. It's really their choice.
Trump is going to get elected from Prison or do you think he will get a short stretch?

Why would you think that America will start imprisoning our ex-presidents?

Remember how the libs promised to extradite Bush and Cheney to The Hague for war crimes when they took over?

Didn't happen, because of the precedents. W didn't incarcerate Clinton either, and Reagan didn't lock up Jimmy Carter.

Sleepy Joe's handlers realize the day will come when they are disposed of. And if they try that with Trump, they will be subject to the same.
The crimes of Bush and Cheny do not compare to Thumps criminality. Clinton and Carter did nothing to warrent incarceration. And it is not Biden or his administration who are going after Trump. It is not even the Feds at all who are going to nail him

Current Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. is already working in concert with New York Attorney General Leticia James investigating the former president and his Trump Org company, and Vance's successor is on the ballot.

According to a CNN opinion piece by Arick Wierson and Bradley Honan, whoever takes over for Vance will be given free rein to either ramp up the investigation or keep it running at its current pace.

They are not going to lock up an ex-president for political reasons and probobly not for anything that he did in office. He is going down for his long life of crime.

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