New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
Actually it is funny. Remember the invasion of Iraq, Baghdad Bob? How he continuously kept running out swearing that they were winning? Oddly for anyone with a map, the victories he announced were always closer to Baghdad than the previous victory, like somehow the Victories didn’t stop the invasion.

Finally in his last Press Conference as American troops were driving through the streets of the city, a few blocks away from where he stood no less, he announced that there had been no invasion, and there were no allied troops in Baghdad. Then he thanked the reporters, and fled.

The Trump support keeps falling. At first it was 3/4 of Republicans who believed the election was stolen. Then it was 65% announced like a huge victory. Then it was 60% of Republicans, and again, huge majority and huge victory for Trump. Only the numbers keep getting smaller.

Now, we are down to 30% who are believing that some miracle, perhaps divine intervention, will see the world set right, in their eyes.

So yes, it is funny. I wonder if we should start calling those who insist that Trump is going to have a triumphant return Baghdad Bob?
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

How many think the world is flat?
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Yes----we want the chinese pedo puppet out and the president that actually won (Trump) put back in. You hoping to continue the corruption for the US should be worried about the number of americans wanting our laws upheld.
Standard, tedious Q/Trumpster talking points notwithstanding, there is a difference between wanting it and expecting it.

Do you expect Trump to be reinstated?

I kept the question as simple as I could.
That wasn't your original question now was it....
I WANT Trump back in...........
It is best for America that Trump be put back in and allowed to run in 2024 as well since he would have had less than a full term here.

Do I think the corruption is overwhelming and that the swamp will do everything to keep Trump out---yes.
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

So the minority, the crazy ones, hang out here?
Well you did ask and its not our fault you don't like the answers.
So you believe Trump will be reinstated in August?
I sure hope so but I'm not counting on it. It will all depend on what the audits show and what happens after that.
The audits by the Trumpster company?

How would that play out? Step by step.
From what I've read its not a Trump company doing the audits. The State hired them and I doubt they would hire a Trump company. How bout you??
"The state" did not hire them, Republicans did. And yes, they hired a "Trump Company".

It's always a good sign when they go after me.
Your best guess: How many of them are serious, how many are not?

There are many here who certainly seem to be serious. Are they play-acting?
The ones here?

Yes, play acting. But after long enough, is there really any difference? They seem to be slipping into the mental illness their cult leader has. They are so untethered from reality that they don't even know if they are lying or not. And it makes no difference to them if they are or not. These are apparently the kids who never had their asses kicked when they were young.
Fake it til you make it.
This is probably the thing that fascinates me the most of all this hyper-political stuff: Is it real, or a political geek version of pro wrestling.

New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated​

If the state audits prove he won, he should be reinstated.
You do realize that the "audit" in Arizona was hand-picked by the GOP legislature, its CEO had been supporting and pushing the "rigged election" stuff, that the company is not using any of the standard audit procedures and safeguards, and that there is no (NO) mechanism in our system for "reinstating" a President, right?

Does that bother or concern you in any way? Would it concern you if the political tables were turned?

If not, why not?
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Yes----we want the chinese pedo puppet out and the president that actually won (Trump) put back in. You hoping to continue the corruption for the US should be worried about the number of americans wanting our laws upheld.
Standard, tedious Q/Trumpster talking points notwithstanding, there is a difference between wanting it and expecting it.

Do you expect Trump to be reinstated?

I kept the question as simple as I could.
That wasn't your original question now was it....
I WANT Trump back in...........
It is best for America that Trump be put back in and allowed to run in 2024 as well since he would have had less than a full term here.

Do I think the corruption is overwhelming and that the swamp will do everything to keep Trump out---yes.
What? NO, that was NOT the "original question". Maybe GO BACK and READ IT again.

The question is "WILL he be reinstated". 30% of you (at LEAST, holy crap) think he WILL.

So, do you believe he will? Why are you afraid to just answer the question?

Bonus question: Do you realize that there is no mechanism for "reinstating a President", that it can't be done? Have you not been told this in your world?

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Your best guess: How many of them are serious, how many are not?

There are many here who certainly seem to be serious. Are they play-acting?
The ones here?

Yes, play acting. But after long enough, is there really any difference? They seem to be slipping into the mental illness their cult leader has. They are so untethered from reality that they don't even know if they are lying or not. And it makes no difference to them if they are or not. These are apparently the kids who never had their asses kicked when they were young.
Fake it til you make it.
This is probably the thing that fascinates me the most of all this hyper-political stuff: Is it real, or a political geek version of pro wrestling.

This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Joe Biden is now President....Donald Trump is gone....yet snowflakes are so addicted to Trump you still create post after post, the media creates / writes story after story- CNN is riding their Trump addiction down in a fiery ratings's just sad.

Again, for 4 years after Bush was out of office Democrats and Barry brought up Bush. blaming him for every one of Barry's failures and attempting to take credit for his successes.....When Barry left office snowflakes wailed about how it was forbidden to bring up the name Obama...unless it was to attempt to give Barry credit for Trump's successes. As usual, the left's hypocrisy knows no bounds & in its own display....Trump is gong, and snowflakes like Mac just can't let him go.

We really can't blame snowflakes, though - Biden and Harris have given snowflakes and liberal media nothing to talk about....except failed policy, appeasement and strengthening of our enemies, and division, hatred, and violence for Americans.

when hillary & by extension.... bill clinton are still being interjected into multiple conversations daily, you really have no point you are trying to CONvey. one poster still has the ol' gal in his siggy.

as for your silly ASSertion about ' Biden and Harris have given snowflakes and liberal media nothing to talk about... '

i think it's fantastic that we have some relatively boring ( & real ) leadership; rather than wondering ( as one turns on the TV, or computer ) what ridiculous & terrifying shit show is waiting on the other side.
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?
To test your credibility......Remember when Mexicrats spent every second of everyday for 4 years protesting the election of Donald Trump?
Did you ever say.....
"This really isn't funny any more."
Did you say....
"Mexicrats: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?"
Link us to such posts so we know you're not just another TDS owned whacko would you please?
I support your right to believe whatever you'd like!

You're welcome!
Honestly can you imagine what the reaction of Trumpers would have been if the tables were turned in 2016 and Hillary won but lost the popular vote by over 4,000,000 votes. I shudder to think of it.
Well, most "Trumpers" know how the constitution works re: Electoral College, so, it would have been a nonreaction.
The reaction of Trump supporters to Trump's loss last November belies your assessment.
I think you have been busy mixing apples and oranges.

Believing a candidate was defrauded by cheating is not the same thing as believing a candidate was defrauded because the rules didn't turn out in her favor.

believing a candidate was defrauded by cheating - simply because he said so - despite the multitude of audits - despite the fact that not one case was allowed to proceed due to ' evidence ' - despite not one 'lawyer' would swear under oath that there was evidence - despite a Qanon nutter actually saying that she shouldn't be believed when her kraken was released - is a true cult of personality example if there ever was one.
I never said that. It would certainly be nice since this illegitimate administration is tearing this country apart as it destroys it.
Oh. So you don’t think Trump will be reinstated this term.

That’s great! We actually agree on something. Trump definitely won’t be President this term.
I do not need to answer that question. And talking to you adds nothing to any conversation.
I didn't ask a question.

I just think it's great that we agree that Trump won't be reinstated. See, even with different perspectives we can still find something to agree on. :)
You can't be reinstated when you are the legitimate president.

He's not the guy in charge in the White House now. And we agree that he won't be back in charge in the White House this term. :)
The guy in the WH is not in charge either. Next.

lol ....

Executive orders issued by Biden​

Executive orders are directives written by the president to officials within the executive branch requiring them to take or stop some action related to policy or management. They are numbered, published in the Federal Register, and cite the authority by which the president is making the order.[1][2]

June 2021​

May 2021​

April 2021​

March 2021​

February 2021​

January 2021​

Joe Biden's executive orders and actions - Ballotpedia


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This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Yes----we want the chinese pedo puppet out and the president that actually won (Trump) put back in. You hoping to continue the corruption for the US should be worried about the number of americans wanting our laws upheld.
Standard, tedious Q/Trumpster talking points notwithstanding, there is a difference between wanting it and expecting it.

Do you expect Trump to be reinstated?

I kept the question as simple as I could.
That wasn't your original question now was it....
I WANT Trump back in...........
It is best for America that Trump be put back in and allowed to run in 2024 as well since he would have had less than a full term here.

Do I think the corruption is overwhelming and that the swamp will do everything to keep Trump out---yes.
What? NO, that was NOT the "original question". Maybe GO BACK and READ IT again.

The question is "WILL he be reinstated". 30% of you (at LEAST, holy crap) think he WILL.

So, do you believe he will? Why are you afraid to just answer the question?

Bonus question: Do you realize that there is no mechanism for "reinstating a President", that it can't be done? Have you not been told this in your world?

I answered the question.......I want trump back in. I'd love to see our military go in and OBL the Biden clan and their HO along with the corrupt racist communist Biden administration but I know the odds of it happens are very very very low---at best rationally speaking Trump will back a younger version of a rebel winning 2024 but we all know that the dems and communists will cheat and now have no fear of being caught. But never say never.

What you want is to beat anyone down who wants to see Trump put back in--------I'm not your girl babe. I want trump back in---If I could help him get back in someway, I likely do all I could to help him. I'm not alone in this----------plenty of us waiting on the sidelines hoping (against hope) that Trump can be brought back in someway somehow. There is always hope no matter how small.
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This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

3 in 10 republicans are Batshit Crazy
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Yes----we want the chinese pedo puppet out and the president that actually won (Trump) put back in. You hoping to continue the corruption for the US should be worried about the number of americans wanting our laws upheld.
Standard, tedious Q/Trumpster talking points notwithstanding, there is a difference between wanting it and expecting it.

Do you expect Trump to be reinstated?

I kept the question as simple as I could.
That wasn't your original question now was it....
I WANT Trump back in...........
It is best for America that Trump be put back in and allowed to run in 2024 as well since he would have had less than a full term here.

Do I think the corruption is overwhelming and that the swamp will do everything to keep Trump out---yes.
What? NO, that was NOT the "original question". Maybe GO BACK and READ IT again.

The question is "WILL he be reinstated". 30% of you (at LEAST, holy crap) think he WILL.

So, do you believe he will? Why are you afraid to just answer the question?

Bonus question: Do you realize that there is no mechanism for "reinstating a President", that it can't be done? Have you not been told this in your world?

I answered the question.......I want trump back in. I'd love to see our military go in and OBL the Biden clan and their HO along with the corrupt racist communist Biden administration but I know the odds of it happens are very very very low---at best rationally speaking Trump will back a younger version of a rebel winning 2024 but we all know that the dems and communists will cheat and now have no fear of being caught. But never say never.

What you want is to beat anyone down who wants to see Trump put back in--------I'm not your girl babe. I want trump back in---If I could help him get back in someway, I likely do all I could to help him. I'm not alone in this----------plenty of us waiting on the sidelines hoping (against hope) that Trump can be brought back in someway somehow. There is always hope no matter how small.
Good thing I never expect a straight answer around here!

when hillary & by extension.... bill clinton are still being interjected into multiple conversations daily, you really have no point you are trying to CONvey. one poster still has the ol' gal in his siggy.
Snowflakes have argued and continue to argue that Hillary Clinton is no longer relevant and thus should not be brought up...which is a LIE. Hillary Clinton, once again, just raised her head out of her hole - just like Barry - and spewed her bullshit input, making her self relevant / 'game' again. If they would just STFU and GO AWAY we would all be glad NOT to talk about them anymore.

Unfortunately when they do resurface it is to say some cringe-worthy BS that demands Barry's recent attempt to rewrite history by spinning his own Racist moment regarding his Cambridge buddy.

Against, tell them / convince them to STFU & Go Away & they won't be talked about / brought up.

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