New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
It's the right thing to do.
Well, it's a shame that Trump-appointed judges, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Republican Governors, Republican election officials, Republican elected representatives, the US Supreme Court and state Supreme Courts disagree with you.

But then, you have Mr. Pillow and the "Cyber Ninjas" on your side, so....
Your leaders use omeurta and you well know those who know what they did will take their crimes to the grave with them rayher than tell their crimes against the American voters. Ta ta.
A pity you can barely speak English. So elections are way beyond your grasp.
Yep, Trump didn't lose, he simply won himself an ejection out of the White House.

#DenialLife :icon_rolleyes:
So when will your side eject Biden ?? The golden boy you all falsely idolize and identify with ain't going anywhere is he ??
Well, it's a shame that Trump-appointed judges, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Republican Governors, Republican election officials, Republican elected representatives, the US Supreme Court and state Supreme Courts disagree with you.

But then, you have Mr. Pillow and the "Cyber Ninjas" on your side, so....
Doesn't matter whose side anyone is on, but rather what the facts and evidence say's is what matters. Everything else is going to be political and politicized by politician's protecting their loot, and their gang turf.
Making fun of traitors is the pasttime of Americans.

And your ilk tried to violently overthrow our election and the constitution, traitor.

So of course, we Americans are going to mock you ruthlessly in your failure.
It's ok, because Biden will show who the real traitor's are in the circus or crap show going on now, so stay tuned.
So when will your side eject Biden ?? The golden boy you all falsely idolize and identify with ain't going anywhere is he ??
The Democrats are pounding on Biden. The so-called "fake news" networks are pounding on Biden. He is the epitome of mediocre.

The middling support the Dems have for Joe is not in the same universe as the obedient, disturbing adoration the GOP has for Trump. Not even close.
This fucker has had his hand in over 600,000 people dying, needlessly. America leads the world in COVID deaths because of him.
He incited an insurrection at the Capitol and new details are coming out about how this coup was carefully planned. With his blessing.
Take your TDS and shove it up your fat ass.
Trying to attach blame like that is a political game being played out in the turf war going on in America, so come back when you calm down, and tell everyone how you really feel.. lol
The Democrats are pounding on Biden. The so-called "fake news" networks are pounding on Biden. He is the epitome of mediocre.

The middling support the Dems have for Joe is not in the same universe as the obedient, disturbing adoration the GOP has for Trump. Not even close.
For you to say this about the crats because of what the golden boy has done, must have been highly painful for you.
The Democrats are pounding on Biden. The so-called "fake news" networks are pounding on Biden. He is the epitome of mediocre.

The middling support the Dems have for Joe is not in the same universe as the obedient, disturbing adoration the GOP has for Trump. Not even close.
You vastly underestimate the devotion of Alinsky's children.

So when your ilk stormed the capitol building chanting 'Hang Mike Pence', the secret service were 'terminally stupid' for shuttling the Vice President to a safe room?

Again, your kind *tried* to overthrow the election, *tried* to murder the VP, *tried* to wipe their asses with the constitution.

That they were so stupid they failed doesn't change a thing about you traitors.
Trying to lay blame in a blanketing manor is political, but you know that don't you ?

Try weeding sometimes the garden, and then you might become productive in your yields, but it's all political with you, so you attack everything in the garden in hopes to up root the things that you personally don't like. How stupid are the crats who do this sort of gardening, and then end up with a bad vegetable like ole Joe in the end ???
Prove that it was stolen in a court of law.

Because it looks to me like you’re just a bunch of whining cry baby sore losers.
The founding documents speak about the scenario of the courts failing, and now we see why they wrote about it.
This fucker has had his hand in over 600,000 people dying, needlessly. America leads the world in COVID deaths because of him.
He incited an insurrection at the Capitol and new details are coming out about how this coup was carefully planned. With his blessing.
Take your TDS and shove it up your fat ass.

Bullshit.... you are so full of shit it is actually hilarious to watch you rant. Been looking through your mbtu..... I smell failed marriage, unhappy with current employment situation and bad financial bleeds through. You don't like Trump because he is is Biden....but Trump is the poster boy for American wealth even though he really isn't that big of a deal financially. Your emotional aggression is very traceable.

If the 600,000 number can even be trusted ( cannot ) there would be no deviation from the path the virus followed regardless of who was at the helm when it hit. You know this of course but you need a validation of your hatred so you cling to a stupid story like " Trump Killed 600,000 Americans! " and stand there spouting it like some snot nosed school kid hoping that all of your failures will reverse.....but they wont.

Bullshit.... you are so full of shit it is actually hilarious to watch you rant. Been looking through your mbtu..... I smell failed marriage, unhappy with current employment situation and bad financial bleeds through. You don't like Trump because he is is Biden....but Trump is the poster boy for American wealth even though he really isn't that big of a deal financially. Your emotional aggression is very traceable.

If the 600,000 number can even be trusted ( cannot ) there would be no deviation from the path the virus followed regardless of who was at the helm when it hit. You know this of course but you need a validation of your hatred so you cling to a stupid story like " Trump Killed 600,000 Americans! " and stand there spouting it like some snot nosed school kid hoping that all of your failures will reverse.....but they wont.

Very well written I must say.
So when will your side eject Biden ?? The golden boy you all falsely idolize and identify with ain't going anywhere is he ??

...why would my side eject Biden? Wtf are you even talking about?

Biden is no golden boy, but he is a solid, respectable POTUS, which is something that could never be said about the ignorant, amoral patho clown we've had before him.
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Bullshit.... you are so full of shit it is actually hilarious to watch you rant. Been looking through your mbtu..... I smell failed marriage, unhappy with current employment situation and bad financial bleeds through. You don't like Trump because he is is Biden....but Trump is the poster boy for American wealth even though he really isn't that big of a deal financially. Your emotional aggression is very traceable.

If the 600,000 number can even be trusted ( cannot ) there would be no deviation from the path the virus followed regardless of who was at the helm when it hit. You know this of course but you need a validation of your hatred so you cling to a stupid story like " Trump Killed 600,000 Americans! " and stand there spouting it like some snot nosed school kid hoping that all of your failures will reverse.....but they wont.


Wow did you just seriously say that the President has nothing to do with a response to a deadly pandemic?

You know who buys that idiocy? Excuse making Trumpsters, no one else.

Trump always wanted to be the "war time President" and this pandemic was his chance at greatness. His chance to rally the country to meet the challenge, but when shove came to push he couldn't help himself from being the same pathetic clown he always was.
...why would my side eject Biden? Wtf are you even talking about?

Biden is no golden boy, but he is a solid, respectable POTUS, which is something that could never be said about the ignorant, amoral patho clown we've had before him.
You just said that Biden is a solid respectable POTUS ??? Your credibility has been cancelled.... LOL.

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