Newsweek Lies Again, Says Trump Golfing While He was Actually Visiting the Troops

was secretly traveling to Afghanistan to visit deployed American troops.

Do you know what secretly means. No one lies more than tramp. Its not Newsweek fault that Tramp is normally tweeting and golfing, is it??
Defending the FAKE news........LOL
Right lol

Unbelievable stupidity. It's not Newsweeks fault they rushed to print a FAKE ARTICLE....

How can a prediction be "fake"?
Golfing is what he normally does. Why as Americans should we think any otherwise? He needed some cover anyway, so Newsweek provided it and then after it helps the President you sell them out.
Making excuses for them does not work.

Don't you get that y'all don't have a point here?

The WH puts out press feeds saying what's going on with the POTUS, every day. Newsmongers get that and print it, if it's newsworthy. This one, disclosing the amazing information that he was golfing, wasn't. That press feed did not include an alert that he'd be going to Afghanistan on Thursday. The whole point of keeping the POTUS safe by not announcing in advance, kiiiiiiiiiiiiinda means neither Newsweek, nor anyone else, would be disseminating it.

Later ON Thursday when they felt safe to release the info, Newsweek updated a nothing story into a something story, and so did everybody else with the new info.

Was Newsweek supposed to know highly classified info that nobody else knew?

I don't get what you drones think your point is here. Does it not occur to you that when Rump OR his offspring make some assertion, the first thing to do is see if it makes any sense?
You have no interest in the story -- but all you've done in this thread is whine about it.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Actually all I came to do was crack a joke. And for that I got attacked.

That's how y'all miserable fucks roll. And that's why I suggest get a life.

No you came in and lied and cried and got bitch slapped again. You claim you don’t care yet you’ve been doing nothing but whining throughout several pages. Some people, like you, never learn.

Suck my ass. I BITE BACK, deal with it.

Need I remind you of the total ass kicking I gave you when you lied about Kavanaugh? You don’t bite, you whine and hide. Throwing out a lot of gay innuendo. Looks like somebody is insecure. So GFY.

Need I remind you you're making shit up again? Go ahead, quote it. Follow the example of Daveward Gunnerhands ---- oh wait, he lost that one.

Go ahead and GFY loser. You claimed Kavanaugh was never smeared as a serial rapist. I destroyed you within 10 minutes and you ran away like the coward you are without even a response. Go ahead, deny your own post again. Damn you cry a lot. Good practice for next year.
:muahaha: :lmao:

Not a SINGLE fucking liberal on this forum can come on and admit that yes, Newsweek absolutely 100% lied about Trump's whereabouts on Thanksgiving.

Apparently what they say is true, liberals are spineless cowards. And you wonder why nobody respects your party.

Liberals are having a "party"?

Yea but nobody wants to go. Hence Trump having 2020 in his back pocket.

Still won't admit they lied, huh? I knew you were a spineless coward already but you proved it.

As I just said in the part of the post you cut out, I haven't seen the Newsweek story. And I don't give a shit, so blow me.

Here you go fucktard. Admit they lied, grow some balls so boot-edge-edge can play with them.

How did Trump spend Thanksgiving? Surprising U.S. troops in Afghanistan

Here was the original article:

Trump slams Newsweek article predicting he will spend Thanksgiving golfing and tweeting

They absolutely lied and then had to retract it. Newsweek is done.

Apparently you don't reed two gud.

Your first link is dated yesterday - Thanksgiving day. And it says, quote, HOW DID TRUMP SPEND THANKSGIVING? TWEETING, GOLFING—AND SURPRISING U.S. TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN

It's right there in the headline. With pictures.

You're second link is "Washington Examiner" :lmao: Yeah I don't think so, nice try.

Yea the second link from the washington examiner showed DTJ'rs twitter feed showing the UNEDITED version of the article before they "substantially edited" it.

The fact that you didn't read the links shows you're a spineless coward fucking libtard that can't admit Newsweek lied.

Fuck off you shitfuck.
The Media lies more than a moldy Persian rug.

Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek for Fake Thanksgiving Headline

President Donald Trump mocked Newsweek after they reported Thursday he spent Thanksgiving golfing and tweeting. In fact, the president was secretly traveling to Afghanistan to visit deployed American troops.

“I thought Newsweek was out of business?” Trump wrote on Twitter, sharing a screenshot of the article and photos of him with the troops in Afghanistan posted by his son Donald Trump Jr.​

What????? You haven't heard of the swanky Bagram, Afghanistan, 1,500 hole golf course?!
Why don't you just admit Newsweek lied?
Why don't you just admit Tramp lied?????
How did Trump spend Thanksgiving? Surprising U.S. troops in Afghanistan
He spent Thanksgiving Eve, from mid-morning to mid-afternoon, playing golf at his Trump International Golf Club. It was closed to the press, according to his public schedule.

Because Trump never lied. Newsweek did. Why can't you assfuck dickless little liberals admit it?
I just saw a guest on Chris Matthews compare Trump supporters to ISIS. Of course Chris got a tingle up his leg and immediately congratulated the guest on his statement. Woohoo Matthews sets a new low for himself. :113:

I guess supporting a President that is pro-America is just like supporting a group that lops the heads off of innocent people.
Hey, Pogo, here's your cue to passionately defend something else you didn't see and don't care about!

Isn't it funny how dumbass fucking liberals can come in here and relentlessly defend an article they say they both knew nothing about and care nothing about?

And then in the same breath say that Newsweek didn't lie because they "substantially edited" their article to actually reflect the truth only hours and hours AFTER they were called out on it? LOL

Is there any level a liberal won't stoop to to defend liberal rags like newsweek and dailyKOS?
was secretly traveling to Afghanistan to visit deployed American troops.

Do you know what secretly means. No one lies more than tramp. Its not Newsweek fault that Tramp is normally tweeting and golfing, is it??

If tramps mouth is moving, out pops a lie.

You can’t even admit Newsweek was outright lying. It was known the day before Thanksgiving that he was there. You libtards are scary stupid. This is what happens when brothers and sisters have sex. They produce wack jobs like you and the rest of your liberal scumbags.

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Like one poster said the WH probably put out his schedule, which included golfing and its well known tramp tweets more than a morning bird.

Doesn’t excuse your ignorance

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I'm not making excuses. What I stated is reality.
No, they assumed. They were not misinformed. A big difference. And they took their ever loving time correcting it. Just at 4 hours from when the first article came out. A news organization writes news, not assumptions and they write up to date to be considered a news source of any credibility.

To who?
was secretly traveling to Afghanistan to visit deployed American troops.

Do you know what secretly means. No one lies more than tramp. Its not Newsweek fault that Tramp is normally tweeting and golfing, is it??

If tramps mouth is moving, out pops a lie.

So Newsweek was correct, you say. Trump wasn't visiting troops, he was actually golfing.

Problem is not that you're in permanent stupid state, but what you like it there.

Too bad stupidity isn't painful.
She is a die hard Dem. Period. Nothing will ever sway her. Ever. No matter what. It's a waste of time talking to people like Penelope. Their minds are closed and focused on a political party and nothing and I mean NOTHING else matters. I find that sad.
The Media lies more than a moldy Persian rug.

Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek for Fake Thanksgiving Headline

President Donald Trump mocked Newsweek after they reported Thursday he spent Thanksgiving golfing and tweeting. In fact, the president was secretly traveling to Afghanistan to visit deployed American troops.

“I thought Newsweek was out of business?” Trump wrote on Twitter, sharing a screenshot of the article and photos of him with the troops in Afghanistan posted by his son Donald Trump Jr.​

It's an understandable mistake. Good and tweet are two of his main activities. Plus they took pains to hide the trip. I heard the confiscated phones to keep it from.leaking.
Its not Newsweek fault that Tramp is normally tweeting and golfing, is it??
I know it is hard for a Democrat to understand this, but Newsweek published something that is not true. They put their credibility on the line to assert a story as true that never happened.

That is called lying and no, it has nothing to do with disagreeing with Woketards.

I hope that helps you, Penny.
This is what is known as a mistake. They have admitted they were incorrect, and publicly corrected themselves.

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