No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

Totally and completely wrong.
A fetus is no more "alive" than any sperm or ovum is.
The fact it has more potential to become a life, if irrelevant.
The fact is it is not yet conscious, so does not at all care if it lives or dies, any more than a sperm or ovum does.
And if you believe in religion at all, then you do not care about the shell of a physical body, but the immortal soul, which also does not care what shell you decide to abort or not.
There is no one who cares at all if the shell they were in was aborted.
They either are religious and believe their soul would go into the next one, or they are not religious and believe that shell had not yet developed any consciousness to care.

The reality is that if you do not believe in abortion, then you should be trying to keep every sperm and ovum alive.

Sperm and egg create life. That's science
Whatever this goofball picture is supposed to represent, it is ALL decent people who oppose the murderous act of abortion
Abortion is not only morally repugnant, but Roe was just poor Constitutional interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Liberals have zero concept of duty, honor, obligation, sacrifice (unless it's $$$$ from our pocketbooks) and responsibility. Abortion devalues life by making human beings disposable, just like Adolf, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, and every other tyrant on the face of the earth. Abortion is not about freedom, it is about convenience. And women who callously kill their offspring are basically selfish. Only care about themselves and their lot in life. Now we've also been seeing the next thing to fall down here and that's euthanasia. How long before "undesirables" are sent to the gas chambers en masse here in the US?
Jesus was Jewish, not Catholic, and clearly he could not have been the way to God before he was born or any place that never heard of him.
And since that would be arbitrarily discriminatory, it can't be true.

Who did Jesus tell he'd build his Church upon him...and who was the very first Pope?
Jesus was Jewish, not Catholic, and clearly he could not have been the way to God before he was born or any place that never heard of him.
And since that would be arbitrarily discriminatory, it can't be true.
But it IS true. the OT points to the coming Messiah and His First Advent, and Jesus fulfilled each and every one of those prophecies. Plus G-d is very exclusionary. He will NOT allow anyone into His Kingdom that doesn't repent and become born again through Christ.
Abortion is not only morally repugnant, but Roe was just poor Constitutional interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Liberals have zero concept of duty, honor, obligation, sacrifice (unless it's $$$$ from our pocketbooks) and responsibility. Abortion devalues life by making human beings disposable, just like Adolf, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, and every other tyrant on the face of the earth. Abortion is not about freedom, it is about convenience. And women who callously kill their offspring are basically selfish. Only care about themselves and their lot in life. Now we've also been seeing the next thing to fall down here and that's euthanasia. How long before "undesirables" are sent to the gas chambers en masse here in the US?

Not only are humans disposable, (the constant illegal wars started by the US prove that), but since we have a reproductive rate of prey that is no longer appropriate since we have switched to becoming predators, we have to kill off the vast majority of the over production we are creating.
Otherwise we will destroy all life on the planet Earth, and cause total extinction.
There is nothing more selfish than over populating the planet into extinction.
Nobody is banning abortion, feckless. I have already proposed teaching morals to kids so they don't grow up to be irresponsible adults ruining their lives, bodies and their lives and the lives of developing human beings.
In the days with “morals” kids still go pregnant. The solution then was shotgun marriages and abusive mother/baby homes.
But it IS true. the OT points to the coming Messiah and His First Advent, and Jesus fulfilled each and every one of those prophecies. Plus G-d is very exclusionary. He will NOT allow anyone into His Kingdom that doesn't repent and become born again through Christ.

That would be an arbitrary, petty, and unfair God, that would reject perfectly good souls who simply never heard of Jesus.
Exclusionary requires being unfair, bigoted, and evil.
So then can't be God in any terms we know of.
That would be an arbitrary, petty, and unfair God, that would reject perfectly good souls who simply never heard of Jesus.
Exclusionary requires being unfair, bigoted, and evil.
So then can't be God in any terms we know of.
Doesn't have to. He laid out His standards in the Scriptures. And yes, G-d will NOT allow anyone and everyone into His Kingdom.
Totally and completely wrong.
A fetus is no more "alive" than any sperm or ovum is.
The fact it has more potential to become a life, if irrelevant.
The fact is it is not yet conscious, so does not at all care if it lives or dies, any more than a sperm or ovum does.
And if you believe in religion at all, then you do not care about the shell of a physical body, but the immortal soul, which also does not care what shell you decide to abort or not.
There is no one who cares at all if the shell they were in was aborted.
They either are religious and believe their soul would go into the next one, or they are not religious and believe that shell had not yet developed any consciousness to care.

The reality is that if you do not believe in abortion, then you should be trying to keep every sperm and ovum alive.
A fetus is a developing human being.
Sperm and egg create life. That's science

The sperm and egg move, consume, excrete, etc., so are alive already.
And rarely, an ovum can duplicate its DNA and develop into a full newborn.
The rarity does alter the fact it does happen.
The reason it happens is that at one time, all organisms reproduced asexually, so that capability can never totally disappear.
Doesn't have to. He laid out His standards in the Scriptures. And yes, G-d will NOT allow anyone and everyone into His Kingdom.

God had nothing to do with "the Scriptures", and they have so many mistakes, contradictions, duplications, etc., that they are exceedingly mortal and badly flawed.
A fetus is a developing human being.

So is a sperm and an ovum.
We kill humans all the time.
When we invaded Iraq, with "Shock and Awe", we murdered about half a million innocent human beings.
We murdered about 3 million in Vietnam.

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