Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

In your opinion anyway.

In Mueller’s opinion.

Sure thing kid.

That’s you admitting a fact. How’s it feel?

I'm admitting that you are a hopeless political hack son. Nothing will dissuade you from your belief.

Did Mueller exonerate trump on obstruction?

Did Mueller find evidence of obstruction?
"If the investigation into Clinton’s emails had been handled exactly the same way — no evidence a crime was committed — public reaction and even the outcome of the election could have been far different. For that, Comey will have to answer to history." - Rachel Maddow
I'm certain it's against Russian law to hack their government computers. So why should we object if they hack our computers?

Pretty sure? Well when they are committing a crime, you think it is illegal to hack the computers of people that are committing a crime? Quit being ridiculous.
If it's OK to arrest foreigners for violating our laws, then why isn't OK for them to arrest Americans who are violating their laws? Who did it first isn't an issue when you are talking about enforcing laws.

Seriously, are you drunk? There were ZERO Americans involved in what I told you. The DUTCH hacked the computers of Russians who were interfering in the U.S. election. What Americans in this had THEIR rights violated or what AMERICANS broke the law?
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about now. The bottom line is that Mueller's indictments of Russian nationals was a scam.

Of course you don't... because you are brain dead. You have been arguing the American's rights were violated, and Americans broke laws in a situation that involved ZERO Americans.
No, it's because you jump from one subject to another without indicating that's what you're doing. So far, you have proven that you're utterly brain dead when it comes to the subject of Mueller's bogus indictments.
"MSNBC hosts should collectively go on the air, bow their heads in shame, and apologize to the public for what they've done. Outlets should fire the ex-CIA, NSA and Pentagon officials who used their disinformation training to help these "news agencies" mislead everyone" - Gregarious Glenn Greenwald
Trump: "It was a complete and total exhoneration. It is a shame that our country had to go through this. To be honest it is a shame your president has had to go through this. Those responsible for starting this travesty, wasting taxpayers’ money, harming the presidency, now must be fully investigated, and people should probably be going to jail."
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean

This is World Wide Rightists Reaction :thewave: :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
World wide racists you mean.




"Remember when Comey reported on Hillary’s emails and said there was no crime to prosecute so everyone dropped the subject but there was a general sense that Republicans had a lot of egg on their faces for making a big deal about it?" - Don Lemon
In Mueller’s opinion.

Sure thing kid.

That’s you admitting a fact. How’s it feel?

I'm admitting that you are a hopeless political hack son. Nothing will dissuade you from your belief.

Did Mueller exonerate trump on obstruction?

Did Mueller find evidence of obstruction?

Maybe. Haven’t seen the report. Did he exonerate him?
God is on our side today.

Psalm 35:4-5

4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.

5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.

Psalms 35:26

26 Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me.

Psalms 40:14

14 Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it; let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil.

Psalm 109:29

29 Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a mantle.

Job 8:22

22 They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and the dwelling place of the wicked shall come to nought.
In case anyone here is keeping score, Trump wins yet again and the lefttards lose yet again. This is a very one sided game indeed. Can it be that Trump alone is smarter than all of the dumb democommies combined? From the looks of their most recent recruits like AOC, apparently so.
Are you sure about that Dude. Only in the minds of idiots and the delusional did he win. It is far from over. He has not been exonerated. If there was a winner today, it's the American people and all those who want to restore decency and sanity to government .

You might want to read some of this Live updates: Mueller report summary is out - CNNPolitics

The American people will be winners because, now, this mess is sure to drag on to the election, disrupt and cast a cloud over the campaign and likely result in the Orange Blob's fat ass being kicked out of office along with the piece of shit known as Pence.

Wrong on EVERY count. As usual for the regressive pervert. It's OVER. You LOST. No arrest, no indictment, no removal from office. Trump wins and you lose. Right now Trump is rolling to re-election. No amount of your crying changes that. The only cloud will be over the socialist moron you idiots put up for a beating in 2020. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump you dictator wanna be.
Message for leftists: Don't allow yourselves to get used as pawns like this again. Hold them accountable when they lie to you. The only reason they get away with lying to you and scandals like this is if they fool enough of you. Without your support they can't do things like this
And now 50% of the country knows what 50% of the country knew two years ago.


That would be nice. But I'm listening to MSNBC right now. It appears that 30% aren't going to acknowledge the findings, no matter what. They're all going with the "although the President did not commit a crime, it does not exonerate him" angle.

Moon Bats be Moon Bats. They aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandeliers.

Haters gonna hate.
Don’t expect an apology from the Russia Hoaxers, they still haven’t apologized for Iraq. The Swamp will just move onto a new plot
Obstruction has a high bar to prove. Even smashing your devices with a hammer to avoid examination does not equal obstruction. I cant see how anything Trump did rose to that level.
Sure thing kid.

That’s you admitting a fact. How’s it feel?

I'm admitting that you are a hopeless political hack son. Nothing will dissuade you from your belief.

Did Mueller exonerate trump on obstruction?

Did Mueller find evidence of obstruction?

Maybe. Haven’t seen the report. Did he exonerate him?

He doesn’t have to exonerate him dumbass, and if he did you would be calling him a traitor . GFY

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