
Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Orange Man Ain't Goin' Nowhere

On another thread, I mused about how the democrats now plan to control the violent commie goon squads that they've loosed upon the streets....

-How do they plan to keep these brutish miscreants contained now that they're feeling their oats?
-Especially as the old guard in the Democrat Party reasserts its authority?
-You really naive enough to believe that their financeers are going to now just call it good?
-Are you really fool enough to believe that Pelosi and Schumer are just going to step aside and let AOC and Batshit Bernie run things?

But then I turned that one around.....

Suppose the God Emperor gets persuaded to throw in the towel on the election...

-Given his proclaimed motivations for doing what he has done -profound love of the country- you really think he's just going to go back to MAGA-Lago to play golf and clip coupons the rest of his days?
-You really think he's just going to abandon his 70,000,000 supporters' populist takeover of the GOP?
-You really think that he's not going to use his business and media savvy to keep his name front-and-center in the Murican body politic?
-Y'all really fool enough to believe that he's just going to sit down, shut up, dry up, and blow away like Bob Olde, Poppy Bush, and Juan McLame did?

Win or lose, for better or worse, we're never going back to the days where democrats steamrolled the republicans, and republicans just sitting around and taking it like cuckold pussies, because they're supposedly "bigger than that".

Shit's gonna get really interesting in the coming years.
Republicans thinking what happens doesn't matter because we still have the Senate are naive and haven't been paying attention the last 4 years and sure as he!! aren't paying attention to what's happening with the election fraud mail-in vote counting.

After Hillary democrats were looking for who would be the next Obama...if Biden is allowed to steal the election with vote by mail-in fraud, democrats will have shown they don't need to produce a next Obama anyone will do.

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