Oregon Gunman: Black Lives Matter Advocate

Here are the two things I find really very odd about this case going by what I currently know.

Mixed race/Black guy raised in what appears to be in a predominantly white setting/culture. Should ID closely with whites but shoots mostly whites.

Raised primarily by a Black mother that is a conservative and loves going to the gun range. The shooter is against organized religion which doesnt match with having a conservative Black mother.

I believe he and his mother moved to Oregon only several years ago, Milkweed...from the NY Times article I gathered he grew up in California.
He had a jihadi friend and he acted as a jihadist would. He was a black lives matter person. That has also been shown.

Is he an atheist or a jihadi? is this an online friend? Are you responsible for all of your facebook bros? What does any of that have to do with a government conspiracy?

He was a man who targeted Christians with a gun. That's jihadi in my book.

That's all the proof you need? Damn, such low standards. As far as right wingers, you're kind of a disappointment but yet on par with the rest of the yokels. How did you manage that?

I'm not a right winger, ass wipe. And I'm certainly not a kool aid drinking libtard like you.

In this thread? How are you not a right winger?

Government conspiracy - check
blame black lives matter - check
blame muslims - check
no facts - check

You're a fucking right winger.

For a guy who is allegedly fond of crossing all t's and dotting all the i's, you're full of shit.

- Conspiracy theories are not the exclusive province of a person on the right.
- Nor is one automatically a right winger for opposing Black Lives Matter and Islam. That's how devoted you are to your libtard ways though. You think that black on white / Muslim on Christian violence just goes with the territory.

You're really indicting yourself of retardation.
He was a man who targeted Christians with a gun. That's jihadi in my book.
As long as we understand its your opinion and not fact. Thanks for clearing that up.

I never said that some of my analysis wasn't opinion. I've went out of my way to point out the various gray areas, dude. Glad you could catch up. But some of this is fact, all the same. Dude targeted Christians. What's the explanation?
No he didnt. He shot people no matter what faith they said they were. Are you saying the witnesses are lying?

He shot the non-Christians in non fatal ways; in their legs or hands. He specifically asked for Christians to stand according to a parent's second hand account.
Wait a minute. I remember you. You think Mathew Delladova is going to win DOY this season. :laugh:

I never said anything remotely like that. But you don't want to delve into idiotic sports takes; you are the king of those.
Here are the two things I find really very odd about this case going by what I currently know.

Mixed race/Black guy raised in what appears to be in a predominantly white setting/culture. Should ID closely with whites but shoots mostly whites.

Raised primarily by a Black mother that is a conservative and loves going to the gun range. The shooter is against organized religion which doesnt match with having a conservative Black mother.

I believe he and his mother moved to Oregon only several years ago, Milkweed...from the NY Times article I gathered he grew up in California.
Yeah but Tarzana is mostly white (70%) as well. 3% Black. Sorry. Try another angle because you lack the ability to pull a fast one on me.
Also from the Times article I gathered that he was yet one more young adult who was raised on a steady diet of drugs for things like ADD. I'm becoming more and more convinced that the problem we have with mass shootings in this country centers around those types of drugs rather than our gun laws.
Is he an atheist or a jihadi? is this an online friend? Are you responsible for all of your facebook bros? What does any of that have to do with a government conspiracy?

He was a man who targeted Christians with a gun. That's jihadi in my book.

That's all the proof you need? Damn, such low standards. As far as right wingers, you're kind of a disappointment but yet on par with the rest of the yokels. How did you manage that?

I'm not a right winger, ass wipe. And I'm certainly not a kool aid drinking libtard like you.

In this thread? How are you not a right winger?

Government conspiracy - check
blame black lives matter - check
blame muslims - check
no facts - check

You're a fucking right winger.

For a guy who is allegedly fond of crossing all t's and dotting all the i's, you're full of shit.

- Conspiracy theories are not the exclusive province of a person on the right.
- Nor is one automatically a right winger for opposing Black Lives Matter and Islam. That's how devoted you are to your libtard ways though. You think that black on white / Muslim on Christian violence just goes with the territory.

You're really indicting yourself of retardation.

Let's say I'm concerned with people who misconstrue my posts. Kind of like you are doing now.

You believe in government conspiracies, something the right has excelled in as of late.

I don't care if you oppose black lives matter, that could be an honest debate. I would disagree with you but I could see someone in the political middle questioning that movement, but you aren't doing that, you are blaming them for this.

Only right wingers oppose Islam as a whole.

You are calling me a "libtard", who does that?

You're not helping your case.
Also from the Times article I gathered that he was yet one more young adult who was raised on a steady diet of drugs for things like ADD. I'm becoming more and more convinced that the problem we have with mass shootings in this country centers around those types of drugs rather than our gun laws.
No he wasnt raised on drugs for ADD. He had Aspergers and so did his mom. She was very vocal about that point.
Here are the two things I find really very odd about this case going by what I currently know.

Mixed race/Black guy raised in what appears to be in a predominantly white setting/culture. Should ID closely with whites but shoots mostly whites.

Raised primarily by a Black mother that is a conservative and loves going to the gun range. The shooter is against organized religion which doesnt match with having a conservative Black mother.

I believe he and his mother moved to Oregon only several years ago, Milkweed...from the NY Times article I gathered he grew up in California.
Yeah but Tarzana is mostly white (70%) as well. 3% Black. Sorry. Try another angle because you lack the ability to pull a fast one on me.

Not trying to pull anything, Milkweed...I don't know California well enough to judge one area from another.
Also from the Times article I gathered that he was yet one more young adult who was raised on a steady diet of drugs for things like ADD. I'm becoming more and more convinced that the problem we have with mass shootings in this country centers around those types of drugs rather than our gun laws.
No he wasnt raised on drugs for ADD. He had Aspergers and so did his mom. She was very vocal about that point.

I believe in the article she said that he had mental issues when he was off his meds. As to what those meds WERE...again I don't know.
Here are the two things I find really very odd about this case going by what I currently know.

Mixed race/Black guy raised in what appears to be in a predominantly white setting/culture. Should ID closely with whites but shoots mostly whites.

Raised primarily by a Black mother that is a conservative and loves going to the gun range. The shooter is against organized religion which doesnt match with having a conservative Black mother.

I believe he and his mother moved to Oregon only several years ago, Milkweed...from the NY Times article I gathered he grew up in California.
Yeah but Tarzana is mostly white (70%) as well. 3% Black. Sorry. Try another angle because you lack the ability to pull a fast one on me.

Not trying to pull anything, Milkweed...I don't know California well enough to judge one area from another.

California is as diverse as the United States.
Here are the two things I find really very odd about this case going by what I currently know.

Mixed race/Black guy raised in what appears to be in a predominantly white setting/culture. Should ID closely with whites but shoots mostly whites.

Raised primarily by a Black mother that is a conservative and loves going to the gun range. The shooter is against organized religion which doesnt match with having a conservative Black mother.

I believe he and his mother moved to Oregon only several years ago, Milkweed...from the NY Times article I gathered he grew up in California.
Yeah but Tarzana is mostly white (70%) as well. 3% Black. Sorry. Try another angle because you lack the ability to pull a fast one on me.

Not trying to pull anything, Milkweed...I don't know California well enough to judge one area from another.
Ok. I thought you were trying to cast doubt on my pointing out he was raised in a predominantly white setting.
All I'm saying is that the thing most of these shooters seem to have in common is that they had all been taking medications for different behavioral issues.
Here are the two things I find really very odd about this case going by what I currently know.

Mixed race/Black guy raised in what appears to be in a predominantly white setting/culture. Should ID closely with whites but shoots mostly whites.

Raised primarily by a Black mother that is a conservative and loves going to the gun range. The shooter is against organized religion which doesnt match with having a conservative Black mother.

I believe he and his mother moved to Oregon only several years ago, Milkweed...from the NY Times article I gathered he grew up in California.
Yeah but Tarzana is mostly white (70%) as well. 3% Black. Sorry. Try another angle because you lack the ability to pull a fast one on me.

Not trying to pull anything, Milkweed...I don't know California well enough to judge one area from another.
Ok. I thought you were trying to cast doubt on my pointing out he was raised in a predominantly white setting.

Not at all...I didn't know if you realized that he and his mother had moved fairly recently...that's all.
He was a man who targeted Christians with a gun. That's jihadi in my book.

That's all the proof you need? Damn, such low standards. As far as right wingers, you're kind of a disappointment but yet on par with the rest of the yokels. How did you manage that?

I'm not a right winger, ass wipe. And I'm certainly not a kool aid drinking libtard like you.

In this thread? How are you not a right winger?

Government conspiracy - check
blame black lives matter - check
blame muslims - check
no facts - check

You're a fucking right winger.

For a guy who is allegedly fond of crossing all t's and dotting all the i's, you're full of shit.

- Conspiracy theories are not the exclusive province of a person on the right.
- Nor is one automatically a right winger for opposing Black Lives Matter and Islam. That's how devoted you are to your libtard ways though. You think that black on white / Muslim on Christian violence just goes with the territory.

You're really indicting yourself of retardation.

Let's say I'm concerned with people who misconstrue my posts. Kind of like you are doing now.

You believe in government conspiracies, something the right has excelled in as of late.

I don't care if you oppose black lives matter, that could be an honest debate. I would disagree with you but I could see someone in the political middle questioning that movement, but you aren't doing that, you are blaming them for this.

Only right wingers oppose Islam as a whole.

You are calling me a "libtard", who does that?

You're not helping your case.

You are a libtard. You are behaving just like one....

Turning arguments about issues into character assaults - check
Making an issue right vs. left - check
Casting aspersions - check

This is what libtards routinely do. I'm not the one making it about that stuff. You are.

And it's not like you haven't admitted it; even if that's not your word for it.
All I'm saying is that the thing most of these shooters seem to have in common is that they had all been taking medications for different behavioral issues.
I am only guessing but I was of the opinion that most of these mass killer were not on any medication. My wife worked in mental health and she says the concept that crazy people are violent is just BS.
I'm just wondering if the inclination of our healthcare system to prescribe medications every time kid's struggle in school isn't backfiring on our society.
Only right wingers oppose Islam as a whole.

Islam is a murder code. It doesn't matter where I am on the so-called political spectrum to acknowledge that reality. Even some Democrats will tell you that. I can understand your confusion being that they are few and far in between.
All I'm saying is that the thing most of these shooters seem to have in common is that they had all been taking medications for different behavioral issues.
I am only guessing but I was of the opinion that most of these mass killer were not taking medication.

Actually I read an article several years back where the author listed shooters who WERE on psychopathic drugs and it was pretty much all of them!

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