Parisian Mayor to sue FNC for Lies About No-Go Zone

So are you saying there are no no go zones?
I would take the British PM's stance on the issue when it comes to the hyperbole. Watch the video.

The Brit situation is another matter. The "expert" FOX had on that claimed that Birmingham had gone to the Muslims and was unsafe was no doubt more than just exagerating.
The no-go Paris neighborhoods is a separate issue, and I suspect there's some truth to the stories.
I am going to believe a frog about frog issues before I believe FNC.

Funny how it has gone from there are No-Go Zones all over France to...well, their is some truth to the propaganda efforts!

I don't know the whole truth, I do know however that I have been hearing about Muzzy no-go zones for years, and I've heard from non-FOX sources in the past.
Why would the frogs lie? Why would the Brits lie? Why would canadians lie? Why would all of Europe lie...because they have all been said to have Muslim no go zones by FNC, Breitbart, Rush, and the rest of the RW media - and they all (Euromites and canucks) have denied it.

Damn it! I'm going back to Freedom Fries!
So are you saying there are no no go zones?

So you're saying he's saying there are no no go zones ?

Or are you saying, no, you're not saying he is not saying no there are no no go zones ?
I am saying he is saying there are no no go zones. Clear yet?

So sounds like you ARE saying that he is saying there are no no go zones.

But what if he actually is saying there are no go go zones ? That would be sad if you were wanting to dance.
I have a headache

You just need to dance it off.
Unless of course the go go is in a no-go place. In that case stay home.
We can always go to a GO GO zone in Amsterdam
So you're saying he's saying there are no no go zones ?

Or are you saying, no, you're not saying he is not saying no there are no no go zones ?
I am saying he is saying there are no no go zones. Clear yet?

So sounds like you ARE saying that he is saying there are no no go zones.

But what if he actually is saying there are no go go zones ? That would be sad if you were wanting to dance.
I have a headache

You just need to dance it off.
Unless of course the go go is in a no-go place. In that case stay home.
We can always go to a GO GO zone in Amsterdam

As long as the go go girls are naked, and it's not in the middle of a no-go zone.
was this fox news or a guest who was being interviewed?
Yes, it was the video. Pundits too...but they are paid to spew whatever agenda Fox has.
The Mayor of Paris is planning to sue Fox News for misinformation about Muslim No-Go Zones. :lol:

Maybe the mayor of Paris just doesn't understand that FOX News isn't intended to be an actual source of reliable information. He's French, he should understand satire.
So are you saying there are no no go zones?
I would take the British PM's stance on the issue when it comes to the hyperbole. Watch the video.

The Brit situation is another matter. The "expert" FOX had on that claimed that Birmingham had gone to the Muslims and was unsafe was no doubt more than just exagerating.
The no-go Paris neighborhoods is a separate issue, and I suspect there's some truth to the stories.
I am going to believe a frog about frog issues before I believe FNC.

Funny how it has gone from there are No-Go Zones all over France to...well, their is some truth to the propaganda efforts!

I don't know the whole truth, I do know however that I have been hearing about Muzzy no-go zones for years, and I've heard from non-FOX sources in the past.
Why would the frogs lie? Why would the Brits lie? Why would canadians lie? Why would all of Europe lie...because they have all been said to have Muslim no go zones by FNC, Breitbart, Rush, and the rest of the RW media - and they all (Euromites and canucks) have denied it.

Damn it! I'm going back to Freedom Fries!

Again, I have no idea if the stories are true. I just know I've came across many stories about no-go zones around Paris for years due to the violence perpetrated by Muslims.

As far as the leaders claiming it's all BS, I really wouldn't necessarily believe them, because I can't see them ever admitting it if the stories were true, since it would reflect on their leadership.
I also wouldn't take the word of the police departments, because they too would never admit that they are too afraid to go in to certain neighborhoods.
I think this is strictly a word on the street issue, that is, the police that are the ones actually out on the beat, know places they'd rather avoid when possible.

There are neighborhoods all over this country that are so infested with gang activity, that I'm certain the police tend to avoid whenever they can.
I remember about ten years ago, there was a rash of violence against tourists in Florida.
It was all over the news for a while. In one case, a German family flew over to vacation at Disneyworld and all the hotspots in South Florida.
They had a rental car and accidentally got off a freeway at one point and drove into a neighborhood. As I recall either all or some of them were murdered and robbed.
Because of a lot of bad publicity, rental car agencies agreed to remove any advertising on their cars so the drivers would not be targeted.

Anyway, I bet there are many areas in and around a huge city like Paris that are not exactly friendly. Whether some of these places are Muslim areas, I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Of course there are areas in any city that are predominately one race, one religion, etc...

Would you consider parts of Montana, Idaho, WA...where all of the tea party militia type hang out as no-go zones? What about parts of Appalachia? Hell, there is an area called Guinea in my neck of the woods...people are afraid to go there. They threaten to kill the police if they come into their 'territory'. They threaten anyone who isn't like them with death if they enter the area.

It is propaganda designed to get lemmings in an uproar.
Then go back and read NYT verifying there are nogo zones more than a decade ago.
Was it an op-ed?
No.... Page 1 half dozen links to news orgs verifying the existence of nogo zones........ From CNN, Newsweek, NYT.....and others
not really,,,only if you really, really want to believe it. And on top of that...FNC definitely went overboard.

Just the facts....inconvenient as usual..........even French Govt keeps list of such sites, some of which they access only in armored vehicles. Alrdy acknowledged FOx was not totally accurate on this one......again that doesnt erase a fact acknowleged by many for over a decade
Then go back and read NYT verifying there are nogo zones more than a decade ago.
Was it an op-ed?
No.... Page 1 half dozen links to news orgs verifying the existence of nogo zones........ From CNN, Newsweek, NYT.....and others
not really,,,only if you really, really want to believe it. And on top of that...FNC definitely went overboard.

Just the facts....inconvenient as usual..........even French Govt keeps list of such sites, some of which they access only in armored vehicles. Alrdy acknowledged FOx was not totally accurate on this one......again that doesnt erase a fact acknowleged by many for over a decade
was this fox news or a guest who was being interviewed?
Yes, it was the video. Pundits too...but they are paid to spew whatever agenda Fox has.

what video? the OP didn't have one and what i've seen online is a commentator or guest....hook me up
There is a video I posted on page is a comedy piece, but funny. It also has clips of what FNC actually said. The part where a French reporter tries to ask a FNC reporter about the no-go zones...VERY TELLING and hilarious. Here...I will post it again.

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