POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

Will Trump tone down the rhetoric now?

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Obama was a member of a racist marxist church for over twenty years.

Dude. You voted for that. Twice.

The Great Obama was a churchgoing Christian
Trump has not attended services regularly in his whole life

Trump is not a religious man. So? We all knew that.

Obama attended a racist marxist church for over twenty years, even raised his children in that hate.

You should be ashamed of voting for him.

You do know that, right?

He attended a black church like tens of millions of other blacks.
Only racists like yourself would object

I hope that not every black church is racist and marxist.

That you are ignoring what I said about the church, and focused on it being black. was just you being a race baiting asshole.

Why are you being an asshole?

You being one of USMBs most racist posters, I have no obligation to address your hate
You're not doing very well this morning. First you defend a racist Latino Judge that supports illegals and now you're defending a racist fraud Reverend worse than Al Sharpton that Obama threw under the bus. You really hate your country, huh.
The Great Obama was a churchgoing Christian
Trump has not attended services regularly in his whole life

Trump is not a religious man. So? We all knew that.

Obama attended a racist marxist church for over twenty years, even raised his children in that hate.

You should be ashamed of voting for him.

You do know that, right?

He attended a black church like tens of millions of other blacks.
Only racists like yourself would object

I hope that not every black church is racist and marxist.

That you are ignoring what I said about the church, and focused on it being black. was just you being a race baiting asshole.

Why are you being an asshole?

You being one of USMBs most racist posters, I have no obligation to address your hate

No, I'm not. THat is just what lib assholes like you, who can't refute what I say, say.

I'm not the one being hateful here, it is you.

Why are you being such an asshole? I am serious. What is wrong with you?
He's the enemy within. Don't you recognize him? He's a piece of shit commie.
Obama was a member of a racist marxist church for over twenty years.

Dude. You voted for that. Twice.

The Great Obama was a churchgoing Christian
Trump has not attended services regularly in his whole life

Trump is not a religious man. So? We all knew that.

Obama attended a racist marxist church for over twenty years, even raised his children in that hate.

You should be ashamed of voting for him.

You do know that, right?

He attended a black church like tens of millions of other blacks.
Only racists like yourself would object
There are black churches and then there are black churches. Obama attended a racist black church.

Evidently not

"Hillary compared Trump to Nazis, called Republicans the "enemy" and compared them to Iranian regime. The Democrats are no longer opposition but the "resistance" which implies violence. If you think Trump is only one using hateful rhetoric you're delusional."
Conservatives have tried playing nice for decades and look where it's gotten us. Nowadays the media and democrats are blatantly out to destroy white people and what? We're not allowed to say anything about it?
You can defend yourself and say whatever you want.

If you think that this type of behavior is your only option, I guess that's what you're going to run with.

That's up to you.

What do you mean "this type of behavior"? Calling the media and dems out on their bullshit? What's the alternative?
Personal attacks, name-calling, mockery, wild hyperbole.

Trump and his followers could act like civil, mature, intelligent adults and behave differently, if they chose to.

It's actually possible to make strong, specific, effective points in different ways.

You do realize that there is not just one way to behave, right?

The left won't listen! It's pointless to try to reason with them. Absolutely pointless. Disagree with them about anything and you're labeled a bigot. All of the news media corporations are aligned against us, all we have is crappy Fox news which the left bitches about constantly and wants taken off the air. Most of my friends are only republicans by default, we were pushed into it because there's nowhere else for us to go and I'm positive that's true for a big chunk of Trump supporters.
Then what is the goal? I assume it's to change enough hearts and minds that the GOP will continue to win elections. Is that the bottom line?

I just don't know how this kind of behavior is supposed to change anyone's mind, but that's just me.

Did you read my last post? We're not gonna change anyone's mind. The left is a like a medieval religious cult that accepts no deviation from it's nonsensical dogma.

Think there's only two genders? You're a Nazi.
Have a problem with inner city crime? Nazi.
Want common sense immigration policies? Nazi.
Want to put American interests before that of foreign nations? Nazi.
Think it's OK to be white? NAZI!!!

And the worst part is that the media 24/7 trying to brainwash impressionable people from having original ideas. They're on a crusade to shut down all opposing viewpoints from the internet and after a decade of social media bombarding us with this crap, people have fucking had it.

So we elected Trump who says what he thinks and there's nothing worse than that.
You can defend yourself and say whatever you want.

If you think that this type of behavior is your only option, I guess that's what you're going to run with.

That's up to you.

What do you mean "this type of behavior"? Calling the media and dems out on their bullshit? What's the alternative?
Personal attacks, name-calling, mockery, wild hyperbole.

Trump and his followers could act like civil, mature, intelligent adults and behave differently, if they chose to.

It's actually possible to make strong, specific, effective points in different ways.

You do realize that there is not just one way to behave, right?

The left won't listen! It's pointless to try to reason with them. Absolutely pointless. Disagree with them about anything and you're labeled a bigot. All of the news media corporations are aligned against us, all we have is crappy Fox news which the left bitches about constantly and wants taken off the air. Most of my friends are only republicans by default, we were pushed into it because there's nowhere else for us to go and I'm positive that's true for a big chunk of Trump supporters.
Then what is the goal? I assume it's to change enough hearts and minds that the GOP will continue to win elections. Is that the bottom line?

I just don't know how this kind of behavior is supposed to change anyone's mind, but that's just me.

Did you read my last post? We're not gonna change anyone's mind. The left is a like a medieval religious cult that accepts no deviation from it's nonsensical dogma.

Think there's only two genders? You're a Nazi.
Have a problem with inner city crime? Nazi.
Want common sense immigration policies? Nazi.
Want to put American interests before that of foreign nations? Nazi.
Think it's OK to be white? NAZI!!!

And the worst part is that the media 24/7 trying to brainwash impressionable people from having original ideas. They're on a crusade to shut down all opposing viewpoints from the internet and after a decade of social media bombarding us with this crap, people have fucking had it.

So we elected Trump who says what he thinks and there's nothing worse than that.
I read your post and I asked you a direct question: What is the goal?

Perhaps you can answer that for me now.
Reverend Wright's military service. Marines and Navy. I'm impressed. Wonder if corporal boot spurs or mad dog bolton could've done this. Or supreme court appointed prez'dent bush jr., for that matter.

Jeremiah Wright - Wikipedia
Shouldn’t both side stop the rhetoric, because it ain’t all one sided!
I agree, and I say it all the time. It's just a shame he doesn't have the capacity to lead the way.

You dont actually believe the dems would respond in kind do you?
What I expect is for both ends to just keep escalating in response, like children on a playground.

What I don't understand is how either child thinks they're really going to "win" this.

Conservatives have tried playing nice for decades and look where it's gotten us. Nowadays the media and democrats are blatantly out to destroy white people and what? We're not allowed to say anything about it?
You can defend yourself and say whatever you want.

If you think that this type of behavior is your only option, I guess that's what you're going to run with.

That's up to you.
What type of behavior? Are you saying Trump should criticize Democrats or the media?
If the media doesn’t stop their attempts to completely ruin him I honestly don’t know why he’d stop. He’s shown he’s no one to walk all over. When he says “enemy of the people,” although I don’t agree he should say it like that it’s hard not to agree with him bc of how many lies and instances of reporting misleading into I’ve personally found from them. They’ve literally made people believe things that never fucking happened and we expect Trump, of all people, to just let it happen?

Should he tone it down? Probably. Will he? As long as the deceit and attacks continue why would he?

I don’t know how many times on here I’ve said that Trump is NOT perfect, but think about what you’d do if the press printed lies about you and misrepresented your base based on their misguided “beliefs” about you.

I wish Hillary would have won so we could all be oblivious to any corruption and pretend she’s the best president that ever existed despite all the pay-for-play she was engaging in with all the countries ya’ll criticize Trump of cozying up to.
The American press is too soft on Trump

No other politician has gotten away with his excesses

Uh huh. They were all on their knees for O. Nice try.

You can’t compare how the press treated the Great Obama and how they treat Crooked Donnie

It is like comparing how an Honor Student gets treated compared to the Class Bully

Bullies do not deserve equal treatment
They treated Bush the same way, moron, so your theory is pure horseshit.
What do you mean "this type of behavior"? Calling the media and dems out on their bullshit? What's the alternative?
Personal attacks, name-calling, mockery, wild hyperbole.

Trump and his followers could act like civil, mature, intelligent adults and behave differently, if they chose to.

It's actually possible to make strong, specific, effective points in different ways.

You do realize that there is not just one way to behave, right?

The left won't listen! It's pointless to try to reason with them. Absolutely pointless. Disagree with them about anything and you're labeled a bigot. All of the news media corporations are aligned against us, all we have is crappy Fox news which the left bitches about constantly and wants taken off the air. Most of my friends are only republicans by default, we were pushed into it because there's nowhere else for us to go and I'm positive that's true for a big chunk of Trump supporters.
Then what is the goal? I assume it's to change enough hearts and minds that the GOP will continue to win elections. Is that the bottom line?

I just don't know how this kind of behavior is supposed to change anyone's mind, but that's just me.

Did you read my last post? We're not gonna change anyone's mind. The left is a like a medieval religious cult that accepts no deviation from it's nonsensical dogma.

Think there's only two genders? You're a Nazi.
Have a problem with inner city crime? Nazi.
Want common sense immigration policies? Nazi.
Want to put American interests before that of foreign nations? Nazi.
Think it's OK to be white? NAZI!!!

And the worst part is that the media 24/7 trying to brainwash impressionable people from having original ideas. They're on a crusade to shut down all opposing viewpoints from the internet and after a decade of social media bombarding us with this crap, people have fucking had it.

So we elected Trump who says what he thinks and there's nothing worse than that.
I read your post and I asked you a direct question: What is the goal?

Perhaps you can answer that for me now.

Make it socially acceptable to say things that the left disagrees with.
The republicans crave violence. Trump gives them what they want—validation of their cravings in all forms.

What we want is for some one to call you lefties on your bullshit to your face.
You certainly don't want a good President

Says the asshole that supports street violence against his political enemies.

lol..................... the proud boys would love you to join them, trumpenkrieger.
The Great Obama was a churchgoing Christian
Trump has not attended services regularly in his whole life

Trump is not a religious man. So? We all knew that.

Obama attended a racist marxist church for over twenty years, even raised his children in that hate.

You should be ashamed of voting for him.

You do know that, right?

He attended a black church like tens of millions of other blacks.
Only racists like yourself would object
There are black churches and then there are black churches. Obama attended a racist black church.

Evidently not
Is Louis Farrakhan also one of your heroes?

He doesn’t bother me as much as the radical alt-right Terrorists we deal with today
Our President is a selfish man-child who is incapable of controlling his impulses

Of course there is no way for him to tone down his hate speech

Hate speech? Says the man that has been doing nothing but calling his fellow Americans vile names all morning.

Our President was elected on a platform of fear and hate

He was elected on Trade and Immigration.

Seriously, rw. Why are you being an asshole?

You can reasonable disagree on Trade and Immigration, but you need to call everyone a racist.

Why are you being an asshole?

You don't have to be to oppose Trump.

YOu can disagree without insulting everyone that dares to disagree with you.

Why are you being such an asshole?
Crooked Donnie was elected on a platform of hate and fear

Fear of Mexicans, fear of Muslims, fear of international alliances
If not for Putin and Comey, we never would have been stuck with the inept tyrant
I'm the only one who is right. He will tone down.........SOME. Fact is, his tone is exaggerated by progressives, because they're emotionally unhinged and project.

The better question is will the ABUNDANCE of progressives tone down, from their leaders to the media to the common parrot? The answer is probably not............Watch and see.
The Great Obama was a churchgoing Christian
Trump has not attended services regularly in his whole life

Trump is not a religious man. So? We all knew that.

Obama attended a racist marxist church for over twenty years, even raised his children in that hate.

You should be ashamed of voting for him.

You do know that, right?

He attended a black church like tens of millions of other blacks.
Only racists like yourself would object

I hope that not every black church is racist and marxist.

That you are ignoring what I said about the church, and focused on it being black. was just you being a race baiting asshole.

Why are you being an asshole?

You being one of USMBs most racist posters, I have no obligation to address your hate

No, I'm not. THat is just what lib assholes like you, who can't refute what I say, say.

I'm not the one being hateful here, it is you.

Why are you being such an asshole? I am serious. What is wrong with you?
Your racist posts are well documented

Hatred of Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims
Defending confederate symbols of hatred and intolerance
The republicans crave violence. Trump gives them what they want—validation of their cravings in all forms.

What we want is for some one to call you lefties on your bullshit to your face.
You certainly don't want a good President

Says the asshole that supports street violence against his political enemies.

lol..................... the proud boys would love you to join them, trumpenkrieger.

1.Blackflag has repeatedly stated that he supports political violence against his enemies.

2. Proud Boys? Maybe they would. There are no local chapters.

3. Trumpkrieger is a completely different issue, already busted up by the feds. YOu are a race baiting asshole.
Our President is a selfish man-child who is incapable of controlling his impulses

Of course there is no way for him to tone down his hate speech

Hate speech? Says the man that has been doing nothing but calling his fellow Americans vile names all morning.

Our President was elected on a platform of fear and hate

He was elected on Trade and Immigration.

Seriously, rw. Why are you being an asshole?

You can reasonable disagree on Trade and Immigration, but you need to call everyone a racist.

Why are you being an asshole?

You don't have to be to oppose Trump.

YOu can disagree without insulting everyone that dares to disagree with you.

Why are you being such an asshole?
Crooked Donnie was elected on a platform of hate and fear

Fear of Mexicans, fear of Muslims, fear of international alliances
If not for Putin and Comey, we never would have been stuck with the inept tyrant

No, that is just your odd ball spin on it. Trade and Immigration are valid issues, and your vile slander is just you being an asshole.

Why are you being such an asshole? Seriously. What is up with you and/or your life?
Trump is not a religious man. So? We all knew that.

Obama attended a racist marxist church for over twenty years, even raised his children in that hate.

You should be ashamed of voting for him.

You do know that, right?

He attended a black church like tens of millions of other blacks.
Only racists like yourself would object

I hope that not every black church is racist and marxist.

That you are ignoring what I said about the church, and focused on it being black. was just you being a race baiting asshole.

Why are you being an asshole?

You being one of USMBs most racist posters, I have no obligation to address your hate

No, I'm not. THat is just what lib assholes like you, who can't refute what I say, say.

I'm not the one being hateful here, it is you.

Why are you being such an asshole? I am serious. What is wrong with you?
Your racist posts are well documented

Hatred of Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims
Defending confederate symbols of hatred and intolerance

You talk a lot of shit, but can't back any of it up.

I asked you a question. Why are you being such an asshole. I want an answer. What the fuck is wrong with you?
In light of the Pittsburgh shooting...it's important to remember that the "Globalist" rhetoric is anti-semitic

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