Punching Back Twice As Hard

Oh, btw, how much or how little John Lewis does about crime in his district has nothing to do with whether Trump is an illegitimate president. Trump is the master of the ad hominen fallacy.
Trump rips John Lewis: Worry about your ‘crime infested’ district.

“Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!”

Trump allies himself with a criminal enterprise trying to get him elected and he has the nerve to complain about crime elsewhere?

lol, classic RW nuttery.
Link that he donated to the Clinton foundation during the campaigns?
Democrats are not prepared for the hell we are about to unleash upon them....
Yeah, I'm really scared. Shaking in my boots as a matter of fact.
You are a dimwitted Nazi.
Are ewe not aware how many demon rats including boohoolywood have publicly said the are scared shitless at what is to come?
To me there's a big difference between common citizens (however rich) hyperbolizing over the election and a 30 year professional legislator who says our incoming President is not legitimate. Maybe I'm wrong to castigate Lewis, but something is wrong with that picture in my mind.

Your denying him his right to an opinion?

The GOP IMPEACHED Clinton. Isn't that the ultimate expression of an opinion?
The seesawing back and forth between Democrat only and then Republican only laws is self defeating in the long run. Oh, I just wish for moderation again.

I don't know how we get there from here, but I'm pretty sure it will take some brave leadership on both ends.

Obamacare is a Republican law. We were already there.
Not a single Republican voted for Obammie care. Not a single one. Democrats own that pile of shit.
Is this the congressman that thought Guam would flip over if we put to many troops on it? Or is there another one this stupid?

Ahhh. You think the guy ( Hank Johnson , they don't all look alike ) really thought that, huh?

That's special.
No, didn't say they all looked alike at all. I just remembered a black congressman saying that. One thing it did prove was that liberals will vote for a man based on his color. I got two dumbass congressman and a two failure terms as a president as proof.
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Lewis's attitude is going to sink the ship, if it starts getting popularized among Democrats. We don't have a choice of whether Trump is our cup of tea. He won the election. This "He is not my President" shit is ridiculous. I can't stand the guy, personally, but he's still my President and the office has to be respected. Lewis should be fired for not understanding that distinction. No waiting for another election.

That's ridiculous.
In what way?

John Lewis should not be "fired" for speaking his mind. He's an elected representative.
Okay. Maybe that was an overreaction. It concerns me though, that we are coming no closer to a productive willingness to work together on ANYTHING. The seesawing back and forth between Democrat only and then Republican only laws is self defeating in the long run. Oh, I just wish for moderation again.

Dem leaders have expressed a desire to work with Trump on issues. He has called them clowns and losers. Obama said he'd support Trumps health care plan if it is better.

Both sides don't do it.
I haven't given up all hope yet, LL. Trump called Schumer a clown -- he's probably called lots of them losers-- for a perceived slight. I don't see any evidence that he wouldn't listen to and cooperate with a Dem if it got him what he wanted. It is the folks in Congress who I wish would stop with this, on both sides.
The seesawing back and forth between Democrat only and then Republican only laws is self defeating in the long run. Oh, I just wish for moderation again.

I don't know how we get there from here, but I'm pretty sure it will take some brave leadership on both ends.
Taking a moderate stand just earns enemies from both camps.
The seesawing back and forth between Democrat only and then Republican only laws is self defeating in the long run. Oh, I just wish for moderation again.
Amen. I don't know how we get there from here, but I'm pretty sure it will take some brave leadership on both ends.
Taking a moderate stand just earns enemies from both camps.
I try to look for clues as to how and why this is happening. Is it because money controls politics and politicians? Is it the internet and/or the 24 hour news cycle? Is it a cultural problem? Maybe some combination therein?

I dunno. I'd think it would be helpful to consider that question.
Trump rips John Lewis: Worry about your ‘crime infested’ district.

“Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!”

Trump allies himself with a criminal enterprise trying to get him elected and he has the nerve to complain about crime elsewhere?

lol, classic RW nuttery.
Link that he donated to the Clinton foundation during the campaigns?

Link to this.
Remember, Trump fueled the ''Obama is NOT our legitimate President'' birther movement for years, in hindsite looking back on it, at the request of Putin more than likely 5 years ago.

ALSO remember that John Lewis has seen confidential information that we have not seen on Trump, on how Comey handled the two candidates etc also.

That being said, imo Congressman Lewis should have kept his opinion to himself, and just not have shown up if he felt that strongly about it.

Trump is the official president elect and Trump will be our LEGITIMATE president once sworn in.

Lewis should KNOW that if his opinion is correct, and Trump's team with Trump worked with/colluded with the hackers, the inside moles, the Russians in the theft and disseminating of the stolen emails through wikileaks etc....

then Trump, our legit president, will be legitimately removed from office by being impeached and we will have President Pence.

Was the whole thing unfair to Clinton, yes....but there is NOTHING Lewis can do to change that...now.
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Lewis's attitude is going to sink the ship, if it starts getting popularized among Democrats. We don't have a choice of whether Trump is our cup of tea. He won the election. This "He is not my President" shit is ridiculous. I can't stand the guy, personally, but he's still my President and the office has to be respected. Lewis should be fired for not understanding that distinction. No waiting for another election.

That's ridiculous.
Did they respect Obama ?? Or was I just hearing things when he was called a liar by a pos rep congress person? Or perhaps he wasn't a citizen for 8 years That respect??

Respect is earned, never given and in eight years Obama never came close to earning mine
lol and now you fall over trump?? lol Say a lot about you but I won't go there today

Sigh...once again I said Trump wasn't even my first, second or even third choice....do try to keep up
but now he's ok and will bring honor to our country? Already we're a laughing stock as he twists arms and threatening to get his way
That's ridiculous.
Did they respect Obama ?? Or was I just hearing things when he was called a liar by a pos rep congress person? Or perhaps he wasn't a citizen for 8 years That respect??

Respect is earned, never given and in eight years Obama never came close to earning mine
lol and now you fall over trump?? lol Say a lot about you but I won't go there today

Sigh...once again I said Trump wasn't even my first, second or even third choice....do try to keep up
but now he's ok and will bring honor to our country? Already we're a laughing stock as he twists arms and threatening to get his way

Yeah...give it a rest, eddie. It's becoming redundant and annoying
Did they respect Obama ?? Or was I just hearing things when he was called a liar by a pos rep congress person? Or perhaps he wasn't a citizen for 8 years That respect??

Respect is earned, never given and in eight years Obama never came close to earning mine
lol and now you fall over trump?? lol Say a lot about you but I won't go there today

Sigh...once again I said Trump wasn't even my first, second or even third choice....do try to keep up
but now he's ok and will bring honor to our country? Already we're a laughing stock as he twists arms and threatening to get his way

Yeah...give it a rest, eddie. It's becoming redundant and annoying
ok all I'm asking you is if he wasn't even your 3rd choice why the sudden like for him now? He changed??
Respect is earned, never given and in eight years Obama never came close to earning mine
lol and now you fall over trump?? lol Say a lot about you but I won't go there today

Sigh...once again I said Trump wasn't even my first, second or even third choice....do try to keep up
but now he's ok and will bring honor to our country? Already we're a laughing stock as he twists arms and threatening to get his way

Yeah...give it a rest, eddie. It's becoming redundant and annoying
ok all I'm asking you is if he wasn't even your 3rd choice why the sudden like for him now? He changed??

I like how he doesn't cave to political correctness. Give the guy a chance
The seesawing back and forth between Democrat only and then Republican only laws is self defeating in the long run. Oh, I just wish for moderation again.
Amen. I don't know how we get there from here, but I'm pretty sure it will take some brave leadership on both ends.
Taking a moderate stand just earns enemies from both camps.
I try to look for clues as to how and why this is happening. Is it because money controls politics and politicians? Is it the internet and/or the 24 hour news cycle? Is it a cultural problem? Maybe some combination therein?

I dunno. I'd think it would be helpful to consider that question.
Both parties have been so greedy for votes that they have tolerated extremist voices and the extremists have taken control (they're always loudest). Now both parties are afraid to lose votes so they tolerate it. And extremists don't work together; they take the scorched earth route. No doubt social media has reinforced the extreme viewpoints for the general public, but I don't think we can actually blame them. The parties themselves need better leadership. Both the Democrats (for offering us Clinton) and the Republicans (for not stopping Trump) let me down. I think they let us all down.

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