Punching Back Twice As Hard

Lewis's attitude is going to sink the ship, if it starts getting popularized among Democrats. We don't have a choice of whether Trump is our cup of tea. He won the election. This "He is not my President" shit is ridiculous. I can't stand the guy, personally, but he's still my President and the office has to be respected. Lewis should be fired for not understanding that distinction. No waiting for another election.
Too late. Everytime a Democrat has spoken since November Trump has gain supporters.

Democrats have jumped the shark.
Too late for what? Are you another one that doesn't realize the campaign is over? It is. You aren't helping.
John Lewis should not be "fired" for speaking his mind. He's an elected representative.
Okay. Maybe that was an overreaction. It concerns me though, that we are coming no closer to a productive willingness to work together on ANYTHING. The seesawing back and forth between Democrat only and then Republican only laws is self defeating in the long run. Oh, I just wish for moderation again.

Dem leaders have expressed a desire to work with Trump on issues. He has called them clowns and losers. Obama said he'd support Trumps health care plan if it is better.

Both sides don't do it.
I haven't given up all hope yet, LL. Trump called Schumer a clown -- he's probably called lots of them losers-- for a perceived slight. I don't see any evidence that he wouldn't listen to and cooperate with a Dem if it got him what he wanted. It is the folks in Congress who I wish would stop with this, on both sides.

Both sides my ass.

The GOP counts on the fact that the Dems will stop short of purposefully fucking over the nation. They take things way further and set the tone. The Dems mop up. Bren that way since Rush took over the party.
Alright, but WHO is saying Trump is not a legitimate President? That would be a 30 year senator and a Dem, and his buddies that are refusing to attend the Inauguration and all the Dems saying "He is not my President." That IS Dems. I just can't give a halo to them when Schumer says maybe they'll NEVER appoint a Supreme Court justice. That was Schumer, right? My apologies if I'm wrong.

You are witnessing the REACTION to what the GOP has already acted on. Schumer would never have said that had McConnel not denied a hearing to Garland.

Lewis spoke with very hot rhetoric. In reaction to Trump and this train wreck of a transition. How Trump reacted to that rhetoric is AND SHOULD BE more heavily scrutinized than the rhetoric itself. He's the new POTUS and he has set the tone.
Okay. Maybe that was an overreaction. It concerns me though, that we are coming no closer to a productive willingness to work together on ANYTHING. The seesawing back and forth between Democrat only and then Republican only laws is self defeating in the long run. Oh, I just wish for moderation again.

Dem leaders have expressed a desire to work with Trump on issues. He has called them clowns and losers. Obama said he'd support Trumps health care plan if it is better.

Both sides don't do it.
I haven't given up all hope yet, LL. Trump called Schumer a clown -- he's probably called lots of them losers-- for a perceived slight. I don't see any evidence that he wouldn't listen to and cooperate with a Dem if it got him what he wanted. It is the folks in Congress who I wish would stop with this, on both sides.

Both sides my ass.

The GOP counts on the fact that the Dems will stop short of purposefully fucking over the nation. They take things way further and set the tone. The Dems mop up. Bren that way since Rush took over the party.
Alright, but WHO is saying Trump is not a legitimate President? That would be a 30 year senator and a Dem, and his buddies that are refusing to attend the Inauguration and all the Dems saying "He is not my President." That IS Dems. I just can't give a halo to them when Schumer says maybe they'll NEVER appoint a Supreme Court justice. That was Schumer, right? My apologies if I'm wrong.

You are witnessing the REACTION to what the GOP has already acted on. Schumer would never have said that had McConnel not denied a hearing to Garland.

Lewis spoke with very hot rhetoric. In reaction to Trump and this train wreck of a transition. How Trump reacted to that rhetoric is AND SHOULD BE more heavily scrutinized than the rhetoric itself. He's the new POTUS and he has set the tone.
Our differences are slight, LL. I realize Schumer is reacting to the unconscionable Republican refusal to give Garland a hearing and I realize that Lewis is genuinely ripped at this man who Pretends to the throne. Democrats have to rise above payback and personal feelings of disgust and disappointment, though, to keep this government of ours from becoming a totally ineffective seesaw with one party ruling every eight years and taking the country in the opposite direction. We only end up moving sideways when that happens. Do you see?
According to the libtards you are not allowed to talk back to Lewis. He's just too special!

You know why the scum of the Earth dimocrap partty got that demented old man to speak up, right?

Because of what you said. Because he is Black. Because, in the past, Republicans have been too gutless to counter the LIES of these dirtbags.

They figured that a Black Man spewing hatred a couple days before MLK Day would go unanswered.

They figured wrong.

MLK was the Judas of Blacks, anyway. He sold them 'down the river' back in 1964 when he and the criminal LBJ came up with a plan to give away TRILLIONS to Blacks and to guarantee their vote for dimocrap scum for '200 years'

Then, even more so than now, Black culture, Black politics was almost 100% through their Churches. MLK was the de facto leader of the Black Church.

He passed down the message, his people obediently sold themselves BACK into servitude to the dimocrap scum party. This, after Republicans fought and died to free them.

We owe Blacks NOTHING. We sacrificed to free them and they stabbed us in the back.

MLK Day is a joke.
Trump rips John Lewis: Worry about your ‘crime infested’ district.

“Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!”



Trump rips John Lewis: Worry about your ‘crime infested’ district.

“Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!”



Another Trump member fellatio groupie...And I thought the delusional Oblama messiah butt suckers were ridiculous..Now we have to see your ridiculousness....HAHAHAHAHAHA, what a dork muncher......
Dem leaders have expressed a desire to work with Trump on issues. He has called them clowns and losers. Obama said he'd support Trumps health care plan if it is better.

Both sides don't do it.
I haven't given up all hope yet, LL. Trump called Schumer a clown -- he's probably called lots of them losers-- for a perceived slight. I don't see any evidence that he wouldn't listen to and cooperate with a Dem if it got him what he wanted. It is the folks in Congress who I wish would stop with this, on both sides.

Both sides my ass.

The GOP counts on the fact that the Dems will stop short of purposefully fucking over the nation. They take things way further and set the tone. The Dems mop up. Bren that way since Rush took over the party.
Alright, but WHO is saying Trump is not a legitimate President? That would be a 30 year senator and a Dem, and his buddies that are refusing to attend the Inauguration and all the Dems saying "He is not my President." That IS Dems. I just can't give a halo to them when Schumer says maybe they'll NEVER appoint a Supreme Court justice. That was Schumer, right? My apologies if I'm wrong.

You are witnessing the REACTION to what the GOP has already acted on. Schumer would never have said that had McConnel not denied a hearing to Garland.

Lewis spoke with very hot rhetoric. In reaction to Trump and this train wreck of a transition. How Trump reacted to that rhetoric is AND SHOULD BE more heavily scrutinized than the rhetoric itself. He's the new POTUS and he has set the tone.
Our differences are slight, LL. I realize Schumer is reacting to the unconscionable Republican refusal to give Garland a hearing and I realize that Lewis is genuinely ripped at this man who Pretends to the throne. Democrats have to rise above payback and personal feelings of disgust and disappointment, though, to keep this government of ours from becoming a totally ineffective seesaw with one party ruling every eight years and taking the country in the opposite direction. We only end up moving sideways when that happens. Do you see?

Yes. I see.

And...if the Dems do what they have always done...they will strive to work with the GOP.

Note....while it seems like we are moving sideways....please note that the nation has progressed. You don't see the GOP trying
to outlaw homosexuality or even gay marriage any more. All referendums on abortion end up with current law intact. We didn't get here by blind allegience
to GOP platform policy. The seesaw is kind of the idea.
I haven't given up all hope yet, LL. Trump called Schumer a clown -- he's probably called lots of them losers-- for a perceived slight. I don't see any evidence that he wouldn't listen to and cooperate with a Dem if it got him what he wanted. It is the folks in Congress who I wish would stop with this, on both sides.

Both sides my ass.

The GOP counts on the fact that the Dems will stop short of purposefully fucking over the nation. They take things way further and set the tone. The Dems mop up. Bren that way since Rush took over the party.
Alright, but WHO is saying Trump is not a legitimate President? That would be a 30 year senator and a Dem, and his buddies that are refusing to attend the Inauguration and all the Dems saying "He is not my President." That IS Dems. I just can't give a halo to them when Schumer says maybe they'll NEVER appoint a Supreme Court justice. That was Schumer, right? My apologies if I'm wrong.

You are witnessing the REACTION to what the GOP has already acted on. Schumer would never have said that had McConnel not denied a hearing to Garland.

Lewis spoke with very hot rhetoric. In reaction to Trump and this train wreck of a transition. How Trump reacted to that rhetoric is AND SHOULD BE more heavily scrutinized than the rhetoric itself. He's the new POTUS and he has set the tone.
Our differences are slight, LL. I realize Schumer is reacting to the unconscionable Republican refusal to give Garland a hearing and I realize that Lewis is genuinely ripped at this man who Pretends to the throne. Democrats have to rise above payback and personal feelings of disgust and disappointment, though, to keep this government of ours from becoming a totally ineffective seesaw with one party ruling every eight years and taking the country in the opposite direction. We only end up moving sideways when that happens. Do you see?

Yes. I see.

And...if the Dems do what they have always done...they will strive to work with the GOP.

Note....while it seems like we are moving sideways....please note that the nation has progressed. You don't see the GOP trying
to outlaw homosexuality or even gay marriage any more. All referendums on abortion end up with current law intact. We didn't get here by blind allegience
to GOP platform policy. The seesaw is kind of the idea.
Abortion is over,mwhich is why we no longer talk about it....

As for gay marriage, I am fine putting the decision back to the people and let them decide....
Democrats are not prepared for the hell we are about to unleash upon them....
Yeah, I'm really scared. Shaking in my boots as a matter of fact.
You are a dimwitted Nazi.

Trump's point was right on.

And the time of you libs getting to run your mouth unchallenged is OVER.
I wasn't talking about Trump; I was talking directly about Owebo and his comic book hero attitude.
Democrats are not prepared for the hell we are about to unleash upon them....
Yeah, I'm really scared. Shaking in my boots as a matter of fact.
You are a dimwitted Nazi.

Trump's point was right on.

And the time of you libs getting to run your mouth unchallenged is OVER.
I wasn't talking about Trump; I was talking directly about Owebo and his comic book hero attitude.
I would hold the door for you any day oldlady....
The left is freaked out because in their minds GOP presidents are supposed to sit there and be a punching bag and never strike back. Its a whole new world libs.
Democrats are not prepared for the hell we are about to unleash upon them....
You can't do shit but set at a keyboard and type....Some damage that will do....

And what do you do, scumbag?

Cry like the little bitch you are??
I know that setting at a keyboard is not doing anything...takes footwork, community action, grass roots organizing...Do you have the will or just the fingers depressing an object to make contact with a gel pad to indicate binary functions of algorithms?
Democrats are not prepared for the hell we are about to unleash upon them....
You can't do shit but set at a keyboard and type....Some damage that will do....
Punching you is like punching jello...spineless.....
You wish.....You could fight your way out of a wet paper bag......a 98 pound weakling makes you pant...
You would be a stain on my boot....:lol:
If you can get it out of your mouth, tough boi...

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