Punish family and friends who interfere with your right to believe or not believe

Do you have right to pester adult family members about their belief or lack of it

  • Yes

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  • No

    Votes: 7 70.0%
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Yesterday in Adult Sunday School, a woman told us about her sister and husband who go to church on Wednesday nights because the people they live with work and don't know about it. If they go to church on Sunday, the people who are antiGodists get on them severely.

My family members have been on notice for years to not interfere with us or others in the family on these matters.

Do not interfere with the right of family members to believe or not to believe when they are of age.

If they do, there is no contact, there is no birthday or Christmas or other gifts, there is no vacation, there is nothing in the will. Three, one antiGodist and two religious freeks, are infuriated. Tough.

I know members of the LDS and Catholic churches who have done their wills to leave all to the churches rather than family members who pester them about their faith beliefs.

The motive for a believer to pester a nonbeliever is clear - they believe their eternal salvation is at stake.
What is the motivation for a nonbeliever to pester a believer? Demonic is my only answer.
Pestering (weak word there, penguin) is not acceptable either way.
Why do you believe it is your right to call anyone's beliefs "nonsense"?

I'll answer on his behalf.

Because I have a voice and it was made for talking.

Personally, I think people's beliefs should be not only respected but given a wide berth. My only objection is when people try to make others live in accordance with their beliefs. But in their homes, within their families, why would it be anyone's place to criticize them?

I guess it depends on what you mean by respect.

I am not going to be silenced in the name of tolerance, but I will never wage war or try to control someone whose beliefs are not causing me direct physical harm.
Jefferson is good on this subject.

"I have ever thought religion a concern purely between our God and our consciences, for which we were accountable to Him, and not to the priests." --Thomas Jefferson to Mrs. M. Harrison Smith, 1816. ME 15:60

And I add, to our neighbors, friends, or busybodies.
Yesterday in Adult Sunday School, a woman told us about her sister and husband who go to church on Wednesday nights because the people they live with work and don't know about it. If they go to church on Sunday, the people who are antiGodists get on them severely.

My family members have been on notice for years to not interfere with us or others in the family on these matters.

Do not interfere with the right of family members to believe or not to believe when they are of age.

If they do, there is no contact, there is no birthday or Christmas or other gifts, there is no vacation, there is nothing in the will. Three, one antiGodist and two religious freeks, are infuriated. Tough.

I know members of the LDS and Catholic churches who have done their wills to leave all to the churches rather than family members who pester them about their faith beliefs.

The motive for a believer to pester a nonbeliever is clear - they believe their eternal salvation is at stake.
What is the motivation for a nonbeliever to pester a believer? Demonic is my only answer.
Pestering (weak word there, penguin) is not acceptable either way.
So you would rather see a loved one suffer eternal damnation because you are afraid to offend them?
It is the duty of every Christian to inform people in a loving way.
Yesterday in Adult Sunday School, a woman told us about her sister and husband who go to church on Wednesday nights because the people they live with work and don't know about it. If they go to church on Sunday, the people who are antiGodists get on them severely.

My family members have been on notice for years to not interfere with us or others in the family on these matters.

Do not interfere with the right of family members to believe or not to believe when they are of age.

If they do, there is no contact, there is no birthday or Christmas or other gifts, there is no vacation, there is nothing in the will. Three, one antiGodist and two religious freeks, are infuriated. Tough.

I know members of the LDS and Catholic churches who have done their wills to leave all to the churches rather than family members who pester them about their faith beliefs.

The motive for a believer to pester a nonbeliever is clear - they believe their eternal salvation is at stake.
What is the motivation for a nonbeliever to pester a believer? Demonic is my only answer.
Pestering (weak word there, penguin) is not acceptable either way.
So you would rather see a loved one suffer eternal damnation because you are afraid to offend them?
It is the duty of every Christian to inform people in a loving way.
Those are inaccurate words that you put in my mouth, penguin.

The spirit will guide you, not what you think God wants.
Why do you believe it is your right to call anyone's beliefs "nonsense"?

I'll answer on his behalf.

Because I have a voice and it was made for talking.

Personally, I think people's beliefs should be not only respected but given a wide berth. My only objection is when people try to make others live in accordance with their beliefs. But in their homes, within their families, why would it be anyone's place to criticize them?

I guess it depends on what you mean by respect.

I am not going to be silenced in the name of tolerance, but I will never wage war or try to control someone whose beliefs are not causing me direct physical harm.
So you criticize religious beliefs different from your own because you can? Great reason.
What have you got against tolerance? It actually plays a crucial part in peaceable society. Oh wait, it's you. I forgot. Sorry.
penguin, you sound like a new born convert who alienates more people in the first six months than twenty devils like onyx
Why do you believe it is your right to call anyone's beliefs "nonsense"?

I'll answer on his behalf.

Because I have a voice and it was made for talking.

Personally, I think people's beliefs should be not only respected but given a wide berth. My only objection is when people try to make others live in accordance with their beliefs. But in their homes, within their families, why would it be anyone's place to criticize them?

I guess it depends on what you mean by respect.

I am not going to be silenced in the name of tolerance, but I will never wage war or try to control someone whose beliefs are not causing me direct physical harm.
So you criticize religious beliefs different from your own because you can? Great reason.
What have you got against tolerance? It actually plays a crucial part in peaceable society. Oh wait, it's you. I forgot. Sorry.
"Religion is a subject on which I have ever been most scrupulously reserved. I have considered it as a matter between every man and his Maker in which no other, and far less the public, had a right to intermeddle." --Thomas Jefferson to Richard Rush, 1813.
The reason most why I insist on this barrier is that people such as weatherman and onyx would use the state to force their version on God on me and mine or to force God out of society.

Both are damnable philosophies and antiAmerican.
So you criticize religious beliefs different from your own because you can? Great reason.

I criticize them because they are stupid, and humanity could do with less stupidy.

What have you got against tolerance? It actually plays a crucial part in peaceable society. Oh wait, it's you. I forgot. Sorry.

The word tolerance is derived from the word tolerate, whose etymological root meant 'to bear hardship or pain' in Latin.

That implies - That which you tolerate is that which you do not have an affinity for. You are conflating tolerance with appreciation.
The reason most why I insist on this barrier is that people such as weatherman and onyx would use the state to force their version on God on me and mine or to force God out of society.

Mate, I am an anarchist.

I'll be the first to rail against the state for doing that.
thats really fucked up so your saying if i don't allow you to believe whatever nonsense you want without criticism, than i cant see my grandchild, or my nephew neices cousins etc.
See, you are justifying your behavior. I said "don't interfere." You don't like it, sux to be you. But, y es, you get it. You can see them when they are adults. Discussion is one thing, but if you keep going when I say "stop", that's on you. ps: we can put your share of the inheritance to the SPCA
you can cut yourself off and become a monk and go live in a monastery in the woods for all i care but your kids are not your private property, What would you do if your kids grew up to have different beliefs than you? and refused to let you near your grandkids until you accepted Lord qeutzacotl into your heart?
My children have every right to grow up and have different beliefs than me.

You don't get to interfere is the point when they are young.

Public school is fair stuff as long as the teachers are teaching and not indoctrinating.

But if your family goes to church or not, and you don't like it, and they tell you to stop and you don't, that's on you, not them.
Theyre not just converted by the godless public school teacher they will be influenced by everyone they meet in their entire lives, I dont know how small of a town you live in but, theyre friends at school will influence them,Movies music the internet, they may even get married to someone and convert before they even hit the magical age of 18.
thats really fucked up so your saying if i don't allow you to believe whatever nonsense you want without criticism, than i cant see my grandchild, or my nephew neices cousins etc.
Why do you believe it is your right to call anyone's beliefs "nonsense"? Personally, I think people's beliefs should be not only respected but given a wide berth. My only objection is when people try to make others live in accordance with their beliefs. But in their homes, within their families, why would it be anyone's place to criticize them?
Sure, everyone has the right to believe what ever they want, but I also have the right to hear your beliefs and call them fucking stupid.

And as if to make my point you just said "within their families" except in this case, we have someone who is saying that family members who disagree with the biological parents can shun themselves and their child away from the rest of "their families". Does this holy "right of parents" extend to the step-parents as well?
The reason most why I insist on this barrier is that people such as weatherman and onyx would use the state to force their version on God on me and mine or to force God out of society.

Both are damnable philosophies and antiAmerican.
I've no idea what your politics are regarding rights for LGBT community or abortion, but if you expect nonbelievers to live according to your tenets, you are guilty of the same thing. In case that's what you're getting at. That's where I draw the line.
Not to pick a fight. I'm sorry for your friends at church, and I think they should find new housemates ASAP.
Yesterday in Adult Sunday School, a woman told us about her sister and husband who go to church on Wednesday nights because the people they live with work and don't know about it. If they go to church on Sunday, the people who are antiGodists get on them severely.

My family members have been on notice for years to not interfere with us or others in the family on these matters.

Do not interfere with the right of family members to believe or not to believe when they are of age.

If they do, there is no contact, there is no birthday or Christmas or other gifts, there is no vacation, there is nothing in the will. Three, one antiGodist and two religious freeks, are infuriated. Tough.

I know members of the LDS and Catholic churches who have done their wills to leave all to the churches rather than family members who pester them about their faith beliefs.

The motive for a believer to pester a nonbeliever is clear - they believe their eternal salvation is at stake.
What is the motivation for a nonbeliever to pester a believer? Demonic is my only answer.
I dont want my grandchildren saying crazy shit like this in public
Yesterday in Adult Sunday School, a woman told us about her sister and husband who go to church on Wednesday nights because the people they live with work and don't know about it. If they go to church on Sunday, the people who are antiGodists get on them severely.

My family members have been on notice for years to not interfere with us or others in the family on these matters.

Do not interfere with the right of family members to believe or not to believe when they are of age.

If they do, there is no contact, there is no birthday or Christmas or other gifts, there is no vacation, there is nothing in the will. Three, one antiGodist and two religious freeks, are infuriated. Tough.

I know members of the LDS and Catholic churches who have done their wills to leave all to the churches rather than family members who pester them about their faith beliefs.

The motive for a believer to pester a nonbeliever is clear - they believe their eternal salvation is at stake.
What is the motivation for a nonbeliever to pester a believer? Demonic is my only answer.
I dont want my grandchildren saying crazy shit like this in public
For an unbeliever I can understand your being so closed minded.
"I also have the right to hear your beliefs and call them fucking stupid" but not in my private space of family and home, you don't.

Adult "family members who disagree with the biological parents" can respect the boundaries of private space or be put aside.

If I can do that for you in your private space, I have every right to expect you to do it for me.
The reason most why I insist on this barrier is that people such as weatherman and onyx would use the state to force their version on God on me and mine or to force God out of society.

Both are damnable philosophies and antiAmerican.
Lovely strawman battle you create.
So you criticize religious beliefs different from your own because you can? Great reason.

I criticize them because they are stupid, and humanity could do with less stupidy.

What have you got against tolerance? It actually plays a crucial part in peaceable society. Oh wait, it's you. I forgot. Sorry.

The word tolerance is derived from the word tolerate, whose etymological root meant 'to bear hardship or pain' in Latin.

That implies - That which you tolerate is that which you do not have an affinity for. You are conflating tolerance with appreciation.
I criticize them because they are stupid, and humanity could do with less stupidy.
You are very young, aren't you?
That which you tolerate is that which you do not have an affinity for
Yes, that's right. It's the only way to live in a society such as ours; no one said it was always pleasant. I wasn't trying to be snotty, you know. I had forgotten that you don't believe in our society or peace and order as such.

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