Re: Trump & Muslims -- Democrats, what SHOULD we be doing?

What's just as fascinating is the way they manage to "not see" all the positions I have with which they agree. Which is more than half, I'd guess.

we tune out most of what you say because you are constantly whining about the PC police you htink are hiding under your bed suppressing your inner bigot.

That and the "stunning" truth that was uncovered is that if you take something too far, it's counterproductive. In other "stunning" news, water is wet.
Yes, you could use country of origin but Trump said just ask them if they are Muslim at the boarder. If they are Muslim, they don't get in, simple and easy and crazy like most Trump ideas.

Oh, yeah, that crazy multi-billionaire Reality TV star, he is just so flipping crazy!

Why would any one think he can think his way through anything when he does not agree with one aspect of the liberal agenda?


The problem with using country of Origin is that there are large numbers of Muslims in many countries like India, 178 million and Indonesia, 208 million. You could block all Middle Eastern countries but they constitute only about 25% of the world population of Muslims.

Then shut it all down. No immigrants at all of any kind until the Federal government can relearn how to do ITS FUCKING JOB!

What no one seems to have noticed is that Trump's plan would have little impact on the Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because most of these attacks have been perpetrated by US citizens or permanent residents which would be excluded from his ban.

It would have some impact though you do seem to concede in that classic liberal back handed way.

That and the "stunning" truth that was uncovered is that if you take something too far, it's counterproductive. In other "stunning" news, water is wet.
Daring to disagree with you Marxist libtards is ALWAYS taking 'it too far', lol.
A ban isn't a punishment.....and he didn't propose a ban. Just a shutdown of the process until serious problems in the process can be addressed.
You're playing word games, a ban or shutting down the process, all equates to punishing people who have done nothing wrong. And how is he going to determine if a person is a Muslim?
He's going to ask them at the boarder crossing. :cuckoo:
It can be assumed by their country of origin. If they claim they're Christian, ask them to wipe their ass with the Quran.
Yes, you could use country of origin but Trump said just ask them if they are Muslim at the boarder. If they are Muslim, they don't get in, simple and easy and crazy like most Trump ideas.
The problem with using country of Origin is that there are large numbers of Muslims in many countries like India, 178 million and Indonesia, 208 million. You could block all Middle Eastern countries but they constitute only about 25% of the world population of Muslims.

What no one seems to have noticed is that Trump's plan would have little impact on the Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because most of these attacks have been perpetrated by US citizens or permanent residents which would be excluded from his ban.
He said don't let Muslims back in....citizens or not.
His first statements banned all Muslim entry. They he said the ban would not include American citizens, diplomats, service men, and some other group. Then he seem to reverse himself by saying all Muslims would be banned. Like most of his crazy statement he hasn't thought it thru. Not that any of this is of any importance. No one is going remember what he said, not even Trump. Since he doesn't publish his stand on his web, he changes it with every interview.

Trump Camp Contradicts Itself On Whether Muslim Ban Covers US Citizens
Sure seems that way.....when you listen to the media.

But really, he didn't.

Now listen up dipshit. He said shut down the God Damned process until we can figure out how to make it work.

Any questions?
Sure seems that way.....when you listen to the media.

But really, he didn't.

Now listen up dipshit. He said shut down the God Damned process until we can figure out how to make it work.

Any questions?
You doing that 'Reasoning with libtard' thingy again?

Is that some kind of nervous habit?

Ever try quilting instead?

Cant say it is any more relaxing but at least in the end you have a quilt to show for it.
Yes, you could use country of origin but Trump said just ask them if they are Muslim at the boarder. If they are Muslim, they don't get in, simple and easy and crazy like most Trump ideas.

Oh, yeah, that crazy multi-billionaire Reality TV star, he is just so flipping crazy!

Why would any one think he can think his way through anything when he does not agree with one aspect of the liberal agenda?


The problem with using country of Origin is that there are large numbers of Muslims in many countries like India, 178 million and Indonesia, 208 million. You could block all Middle Eastern countries but they constitute only about 25% of the world population of Muslims.

Then shut it all down. No immigrants at all of any kind until the Federal government can relearn how to do ITS FUCKING JOB!

What no one seems to have noticed is that Trump's plan would have little impact on the Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because most of these attacks have been perpetrated by US citizens or permanent residents which would be excluded from his ban.

It would have some impact though you do seem to concede in that classic liberal back handed way.

Being rich doesn't keep you from being crazy.
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You're playing word games, a ban or shutting down the process, all equates to punishing people who have done nothing wrong. And how is he going to determine if a person is a Muslim?
He's going to ask them at the boarder crossing. :cuckoo:
It can be assumed by their country of origin. If they claim they're Christian, ask them to wipe their ass with the Quran.
Yes, you could use country of origin but Trump said just ask them if they are Muslim at the boarder. If they are Muslim, they don't get in, simple and easy and crazy like most Trump ideas.
The problem with using country of Origin is that there are large numbers of Muslims in many countries like India, 178 million and Indonesia, 208 million. You could block all Middle Eastern countries but they constitute only about 25% of the world population of Muslims.

What no one seems to have noticed is that Trump's plan would have little impact on the Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because most of these attacks have been perpetrated by US citizens or permanent residents which would be excluded from his ban.
He said don't let Muslims back in....citizens or not.
His first statements banned all Muslim entry. They he said the ban would not include American citizens, diplomats, service men, and some other group. Then he seem to reverse himself by saying all Muslims would be banned. Like most of his crazy statement he hasn't thought it thru. Not that any of this is of any importance. No one is going remember what he said, not even Trump. Since he doesn't publish his stand on his web, he changes it with every interview.

Trump Camp Contradicts Itself On Whether Muslim Ban Covers US Citizens
Sure seems that way.....when you listen to the media.

But really, he didn't.

Now listen up dipshit. He said shut down the God Damned process until we can figure out how to make it work.

Any questions?
When ABC's George Stephanopoulos pressed him for details, Trump conceded that Muslims who are U.S. citizens would be allowed back in. Trump said "If a person is a Muslim and goes overseas and comes back, they can come back," he said. "They're a citizen. That's different."

Trump's propose ban would allow Muslim American citizens who return from abroad such as Syed Rizwan Farook, to enter the country as well as others who tell boarder guards that they aren't Muslims.

This latest bit of craziness from Trump is his best yet.
It can be assumed by their country of origin. If they claim they're Christian, ask them to wipe their ass with the Quran.
Yes, you could use country of origin but Trump said just ask them if they are Muslim at the boarder. If they are Muslim, they don't get in, simple and easy and crazy like most Trump ideas.
The problem with using country of Origin is that there are large numbers of Muslims in many countries like India, 178 million and Indonesia, 208 million. You could block all Middle Eastern countries but they constitute only about 25% of the world population of Muslims.

What no one seems to have noticed is that Trump's plan would have little impact on the Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because most of these attacks have been perpetrated by US citizens or permanent residents which would be excluded from his ban.
He said don't let Muslims back in....citizens or not.
His first statements banned all Muslim entry. They he said the ban would not include American citizens, diplomats, service men, and some other group. Then he seem to reverse himself by saying all Muslims would be banned. Like most of his crazy statement he hasn't thought it thru. Not that any of this is of any importance. No one is going remember what he said, not even Trump. Since he doesn't publish his stand on his web, he changes it with every interview.

Trump Camp Contradicts Itself On Whether Muslim Ban Covers US Citizens
Sure seems that way.....when you listen to the media.

But really, he didn't.

Now listen up dipshit. He said shut down the God Damned process until we can figure out how to make it work.

Any questions?
When ABC's George Stephanopoulos pressed him for details, Trump conceded that Muslims who are U.S. citizens would be allowed back in. Trump said "If a person is a Muslim and goes overseas and comes back, they can come back," he said. "They're a citizen. That's different."

Trump's propose ban would allow Muslim American citizens who return from abroad such as Syed Rizwan Farook, to enter the country as well as others who tell boarder guards that they aren't Muslims.

This latest bit of craziness from Trump is his best yet.
This is what started this bloody mess in the first place. None of the other actors in the region are willing to accept the Shia expansion that was set in motion by the neocon's war in Iraq.

I would add to your earlier list that we need to rethink our alignment with the Saudis and begin sanctions on them.

You cant do that or the Saudis will crash the US dollar.

The primary reason that there is so much demand for the US dollar and that no matter what our government does it retains value is that it is the WORLD RESERVE CURRENCY. It has that status primarily because everyone buys oil and to buy oil you have to use US dollars in the vast majority of oil producing countries. This is because of the influence the Saudis have in making the US dollar the only acceptable currency for purchasing oil.

The Saudis have recently been setting up the Chinese Yuan as an alternative to the US dollar, so if we get out of line it would be a smooth transition for the Saudis to switch the markets over to the Yuan.

Then all these countries that have been US dollars in cash in exchange for trade and buying US treasuries with them all dump all their dollar holdings on to the global markets and the US dollar collapses. They may do it slowly over time or do a fire sale; either way within two years after the Saudis do this our budget is fucked with worthless currency at high interest rates. And in all likelihood the US then goes bankrupt.
The Yuan is not ready to replace the dollar and I don't know that it will ever replace it entirely. Americans have difficult choices to make, choosing not to participate in building terrorist proxy armies should not be one of them , yet this is our predicament. I guess Americans will just have to get used to living in fear of the inevitable blow back.
Being rich doesn't keep you from being crazy.
No BEING rich doesnt, but BECOMING rich and wildly successful in several areas of endeavor demonstrates that one is unlikely to be crazy, but instead is very analytical, cunning and adaptable among other things.

Why do liberals like yourself have such a difficult time in facing Reality instead of living in this made up 'I want to think it is therefore it is' kind of delusion about those who oppose you?
Yes, you could use country of origin but Trump said just ask them if they are Muslim at the boarder. If they are Muslim, they don't get in, simple and easy and crazy like most Trump ideas.
The problem with using country of Origin is that there are large numbers of Muslims in many countries like India, 178 million and Indonesia, 208 million. You could block all Middle Eastern countries but they constitute only about 25% of the world population of Muslims.

What no one seems to have noticed is that Trump's plan would have little impact on the Islamic terrorist attacks in the US because most of these attacks have been perpetrated by US citizens or permanent residents which would be excluded from his ban.
He said don't let Muslims back in....citizens or not.
His first statements banned all Muslim entry. They he said the ban would not include American citizens, diplomats, service men, and some other group. Then he seem to reverse himself by saying all Muslims would be banned. Like most of his crazy statement he hasn't thought it thru. Not that any of this is of any importance. No one is going remember what he said, not even Trump. Since he doesn't publish his stand on his web, he changes it with every interview.

Trump Camp Contradicts Itself On Whether Muslim Ban Covers US Citizens
Sure seems that way.....when you listen to the media.

But really, he didn't.

Now listen up dipshit. He said shut down the God Damned process until we can figure out how to make it work.

Any questions?
When ABC's George Stephanopoulos pressed him for details, Trump conceded that Muslims who are U.S. citizens would be allowed back in. Trump said "If a person is a Muslim and goes overseas and comes back, they can come back," he said. "They're a citizen. That's different."

Trump's propose ban would allow Muslim American citizens who return from abroad such as Syed Rizwan Farook, to enter the country as well as others who tell boarder guards that they aren't Muslims.

This latest bit of craziness from Trump is his best yet.
Trump Camp Contradicts Itself On Whether Muslim Ban Covers US Citizens
Being rich doesn't keep you from being crazy.
No BEING rich doesnt, but BECOMING rich and wildly successful in several areas of endeavor demonstrates that one is unlikely to be crazy, but instead is very analytical, cunning and adaptable among other things.

Why do liberals like yourself have such a difficult time in facing Reality instead of living in this made up 'I want to think it is therefore it is' kind of delusion about those who oppose you?
I'm certainly not saying everyone that get's rich is crazy but there are plenty of examples of those that are. There's Howard Hughes, one the richest men in the world in his day who spent months in a darkened screening room without bathing, relieving himself in bottles and subsisting on a diet of chocolate bars, chicken, and milk. There's Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA who steals sugar packets in restaurants, buys wrapping paper after Christmas to save money, often dresses a pauper is tied to a fascism government movement in Europe, and believes space aliens are in contact with him.

However, I never said Trump was crazy. He just acts like it sometimes. His proposals such as barring all Muslims from entering the country and deporting all illegal immigrants are not practical. His claims of these actions being easy, legal, or having strong public support are delusional but they do serve his purpose of keeping his name in the headlines. If he were really serious about these proposals, you would see them documented on his official web site but they aren't. There's nothing about terrorism, Muslims, deporting anyone except felons criminal gangs.
Being rich doesn't keep you from being crazy.
No BEING rich doesnt, but BECOMING rich and wildly successful in several areas of endeavor demonstrates that one is unlikely to be crazy, but instead is very analytical, cunning and adaptable among other things.

Why do liberals like yourself have such a difficult time in facing Reality instead of living in this made up 'I want to think it is therefore it is' kind of delusion about those who oppose you?
I'm certainly not saying everyone that get's rich is crazy but there are plenty of examples of those that are. There's Howard Hughes, one the richest men in the world in his day who spent months in a darkened screening room without bathing, relieving himself in bottles and subsisting on a diet of chocolate bars, chicken, and milk. There's Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA who steals sugar packets in restaurants, buys wrapping paper after Christmas to save money, often dresses a pauper is tied to a fascism government movement in Europe, and believes space aliens are in contact with him.

However, I never said Trump was crazy. He just acts like it sometimes. His proposals such as barring all Muslims from entering the country and deporting all illegal immigrants are not practical. His claims of these actions being easy, legal, or having strong public support are delusional but they do serve his purpose of keeping his name in the headlines. If he were really serious about these proposals, you would see them documented on his official web site but they aren't. There's nothing about terrorism, Muslims, deporting anyone except felons criminal gangs.

You mean someone running for the presidency is making promises they can not keep?

Gee who'd of thunk that!
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

So, a question for lefties:

If you were President, what exactly would you do to address the possibility of domestic terrorism by (insert your name for domestic jihadists here)?

I understand what you would NOT do, and the arguments I've seen are reasonable and valid.

But what would you do?

i don't know... what should we do about the white christian terrorists who do things like shoot up women's healthcare clinics?
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

So, a question for lefties:

If you were President, what exactly would you do to address the possibility of domestic terrorism by (insert your name for domestic jihadists here)?

I understand what you would NOT do, and the arguments I've seen are reasonable and valid.

But what would you do?

i don't know... what should we do about the white christian terrorists who do things like shoot up women's healthcare clinics?

Bam right on cue the far left narrative being run without question or hesitation..

The far left drones keeps proving my comments!
Being rich doesn't keep you from being crazy.
No BEING rich doesnt, but BECOMING rich and wildly successful in several areas of endeavor demonstrates that one is unlikely to be crazy, but instead is very analytical, cunning and adaptable among other things.

Why do liberals like yourself have such a difficult time in facing Reality instead of living in this made up 'I want to think it is therefore it is' kind of delusion about those who oppose you?
I'm certainly not saying everyone that get's rich is crazy but there are plenty of examples of those that are. There's Howard Hughes, one of the richest men in the world in his day who spent months in a darkened screening room without bathing, relieving himself in bottles and subsisting on a diet of chocolate bars, chicken, and milk. There's Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA who steals sugar packets in restaurants, buys wrapping paper after Christmas to save money, often dresses a pauper, is tied to a fascism government movement in Europe, and believes space aliens are in contact with him.

However, I never said Trump was crazy. He just acts like it sometimes. His proposals such as barring all Muslims from entering the country and deporting all illegal immigrants are not practical. His claims of these actions being easy, legal, or having strong public support are delusional but they do serve his purpose of keeping his name in the headlines. If he were really serious about these proposals, you would see them documented on his official web site but they aren't. There's nothing about terrorism, Muslims, deporting anyone except felons and criminal gangs.
Who knows what Trump's recent comments about Muslims will do to his campaign. He's said so many inflammatory things at this point, and been forgiven for them, that the damage caused is impossible to predict.

So, a question for lefties:

If you were President, what exactly would you do to address the possibility of domestic terrorism by (insert your name for domestic jihadists here)?

I understand what you would NOT do, and the arguments I've seen are reasonable and valid.

But what would you do?

i don't know... what should we do about the white christian terrorists who do things like shoot up women's healthcare clinics?
Using Trump's logic, we would bar them from entering the country.

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