Re: Trump & Muslims -- Democrats, what SHOULD we be doing?

We currently have a vetting system of more than 20 levels and it takes 2 years.

Drumpf actually said what he would do is ask if you're Muslim. If you answer yes, you don't get in.

So, of course, the RWNJs agree with Drumpf's "plan".

So just stay the course with what we're doing now?

That would decrease the threat of terrorism here?
Obama is busy removing safeguards and increasing the threat.
Any more attacks and everyone will be coming over to Trumps way of thinking.....except terrorists and their support base here in America.
Any more attacks and what worries me is that we'll then see attacks on innocent Muslims and mosques.

Cooler heads had better prevail here pretty soon.

We are already seeing that. Pull your passive aggressive head out from your ass.
Nothing to fear from Muslims.

A lot to fear from those crazed right wing Christian Americans.

Leftist think.

Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.
People are sick to death of being treated like children who can't discern the difference between radical Muslims and peaceful Muslims.
Yep, but the Left will continue to pound on that as a "debate" device. It's not unlike the "you're a racist" device - put your target on the defensive and you can avoid directly addressing the issue.

Both sides of this debate have to calm down a bit, but something tells me not to hold my breath.

How does one discern who is radical and who is peaceful?

Racists, on this message board can be hard to spot, but the overt ones wear the badge of racism proudly. Please don't pretend racism in our county is not ubiquitous, it is institutional as well as in the hearts and minds of the ignorant.
Racists, on this message board can be hard to spot, but the overt ones wear the badge of racism proudly. Please don't pretend racism in our county is not ubiquitous, it is institutional as well as in the hearts and minds of the ignorant.
Prove it.

Racism, i.e. the legal differentiation of people on the basis of race and the application of law and unequal standing in our court system based on the accused's race, is not something someone can advance without stating it out up front.

Racists are not hard to spot. The libtard closet racist who commits microaggression is hard to spot because they are not racists.

Bigotry is also not racism. A person can subscribe to an endless number of racial stereotypes and still insist that people have equal standing before the law.

The only actual racists in our nation today are the Political Identity racists who want all people treated differently in our courts based on their race and other identifying features such as sex, ethnicity, etc. IT is the core of their ideological system that everyone has innate differences they cannot control and so must have different accommodations by law.

Those are the only real racists left any more. Cant wait till they evaporate as well like the Klan.
People are sick to death of being treated like children who can't discern the difference between radical Muslims and peaceful Muslims.
Yep, but the Left will continue to pound on that as a "debate" device. It's not unlike the "you're a racist" device - put your target on the defensive and you can avoid directly addressing the issue.

Both sides of this debate have to calm down a bit, but something tells me not to hold my breath.

It does not help when you have a very divisive President who thinks that the other political party is the enemy and makes everything political, instead of what is best for the country.

The current President of the United States is hardly divisive, you and others like you seem to want others to believe so and I can't help but to classify what you are doing is fostering racism, hate and fear.

The Republican Party IS the enemy, it has done nothing to benefit We The People since the day Bush & Cheney were given the WH by a conservative majority in the USSC.

It destroyed the economy and blamed our current president for the Great Depression which began in 2007; it invaded and occupied Iraq on the cuff (it was never and has never been paid for) and yet its cost in blood and treasure are blamed on the current President by people like you, and every effort to make life better for working men and women in our country, from raising the minimum wage, to organizing collectively for better benefits and wages has been blocked by the ideological right.

Lie you way out of this ^^^.
I'm not a Democrat...but I've got some thoughts on this one.

First, we ought to stop giving ISIS what it wants. ISIS wants Americans to fear them....and that is exactly what many have done. I suggest that we stop doing that and recognize that American citizens have never been safer in our entire history.

A natural side product of losing the fear of ISIS will be that we will stop treating all Muslims like they are violent extremists. That will help prevent some from becoming radicalized in the future and make groups like ISIS less of a threat.

Remain vigilant. Fighting terrorism is a police matter. Intelligence and police cooperation with our Muslim allies will win the day.

I have no problem with adding some security measures to our various waiver visa programs. Seems reasonable.

Earmuffs, bitch.

No one is treating all Muslims like they are violent extremists. If they are it is a very small few.
There is more hatred of Jews in this country than Muslims.
That is political rhetoric from the left and media.
This is about all Americans being safe not anti Muslim.
People are sick to death of being treated like children who can't discern the difference between radical Muslims and peaceful Muslims.
Trump is one of those that cannot.

Cannot what?
He wants to do what most of the European countries are starting to do.
It is about safety not anti Muslim.
Discern the difference between radical muslims and peaceful muslims. Do you read your own posts?

Even the peaceful Muslims knows the difference and they call them radical Muslims.
People are sick to death of being treated like children who can't discern the difference between radical Muslims and peaceful Muslims.
Yep, but the Left will continue to pound on that as a "debate" device. It's not unlike the "you're a racist" device - put your target on the defensive and you can avoid directly addressing the issue.

Both sides of this debate have to calm down a bit, but something tells me not to hold my breath.

It does not help when you have a very divisive President who thinks that the other political party is the enemy and makes everything political, instead of what is best for the country.

The current President of the United States is hardly divisive, you and others like you seem to want others to believe so and I can't help but to classify what you are doing is fostering racism, hate and fear.

The Republican Party IS the enemy, it has done nothing to benefit We The People since the day Bush & Cheney were given the WH by a conservative majority in the USSC.

It destroyed the economy and blamed our current president for the Great Depression which began in 2007; it invaded and occupied Iraq on the cuff (it was never and has never been paid for) and yet its cost in blood and treasure are blamed on the current President by people like you, and every effort to make life better for working men and women in our country, from raising the minimum wage, to organizing collectively for better benefits and wages has been blocked by the ideological right.

Lie you way out of this ^^^.
When are you morons going to stop blaming Bush? Lol, you blame Bush for everything that happened under his adminstration or Obama's, lololol.

We currently have a vetting system of more than 20 levels and it takes 2 years.

Drumpf actually said what he would do is ask if you're Muslim. If you answer yes, you don't get in.

So, of course, the RWNJs agree with Drumpf's "plan".

So just stay the course with what we're doing now?

That would decrease the threat of terrorism here?
Obama is busy removing safeguards and increasing the threat.
Any more attacks and everyone will be coming over to Trumps way of thinking.....except terrorists and their support base here in America.
Any more attacks and what worries me is that we'll then see attacks on innocent Muslims and mosques.

Cooler heads had better prevail here pretty soon.

Does that include the attacks and killings of Christians here in America that has been happing lately?
I'm not a Democrat...but I've got some thoughts on this one.

First, we ought to stop giving ISIS what it wants. ISIS wants Americans to fear them....and that is exactly what many have done. I suggest that we stop doing that and recognize that American citizens have never been safer in our entire history.

A natural side product of losing the fear of ISIS will be that we will stop treating all Muslims like they are violent extremists. That will help prevent some from becoming radicalized in the future and make groups like ISIS less of a threat.

Remain vigilant. Fighting terrorism is a police matter. Intelligence and police cooperation with our Muslim allies will win the day.

I have no problem with adding some security measures to our various waiver visa programs. Seems reasonable.

Earmuffs, bitch.

No one is treating all Muslims like they are violent extremists. If they are it is a very small few.
There is more hatred of Jews in this country than Muslims.
That is political rhetoric from the left and media.
This is about all Americans being safe not anti Muslim.
People are sick to death of being treated like children who can't discern the difference between radical Muslims and peaceful Muslims.
Trump is one of those that cannot.

Cannot what?
He wants to do what most of the European countries are starting to do.
It is about safety not anti Muslim.
Discern the difference between radical muslims and peaceful muslims. Do you read your own posts?

Even the peaceful Muslims knows the difference and they call them radical Muslims.

In a line-up, could they or you pick the one who plans Jihad?

Q. How can we identify the next mass shooter?
A. A white male

[for the record I'm a white male]
No one is treating all Muslims like they are violent extremists. If they are it is a very small few.
There is more hatred of Jews in this country than Muslims.
That is political rhetoric from the left and media.
This is about all Americans being safe not anti Muslim.
People are sick to death of being treated like children who can't discern the difference between radical Muslims and peaceful Muslims.
Trump is one of those that cannot.

Cannot what?
He wants to do what most of the European countries are starting to do.
It is about safety not anti Muslim.
Discern the difference between radical muslims and peaceful muslims. Do you read your own posts?

Even the peaceful Muslims knows the difference and they call them radical Muslims.

In a line-up, could they or you pick the one who plans Jihad?

Q. How can we identify the next mass shooter?
A. A white male

[for the record I'm a white male]

Oh Brother !!!!!!!!!!!!
Use some common sense.
We are not talking about guessing.
How does one discern who is radical and who is peaceful?.
Well, outside of the obvious - when they act - there's no way to know.

So we have to change hearts & minds, and that includes both ends of our political spectrum and (probably most importantly) what is preached within the religion itself. That would require their cooperation.
People are sick to death of being treated like children who can't discern the difference between radical Muslims and peaceful Muslims.
Yep, but the Left will continue to pound on that as a "debate" device. It's not unlike the "you're a racist" device - put your target on the defensive and you can avoid directly addressing the issue.

Both sides of this debate have to calm down a bit, but something tells me not to hold my breath.

It does not help when you have a very divisive President who thinks that the other political party is the enemy and makes everything political, instead of what is best for the country.

The current President of the United States is hardly divisive, you and others like you seem to want others to believe so and I can't help but to classify what you are doing is fostering racism, hate and fear.

The Republican Party IS the enemy, it has done nothing to benefit We The People since the day Bush & Cheney were given the WH by a conservative majority in the USSC.

It destroyed the economy and blamed our current president for the Great Depression which began in 2007; it invaded and occupied Iraq on the cuff (it was never and has never been paid for) and yet its cost in blood and treasure are blamed on the current President by people like you, and every effort to make life better for working men and women in our country, from raising the minimum wage, to organizing collectively for better benefits and wages has been blocked by the ideological right.

Lie you way out of this ^^^.
When are you morons going to stop blaming Bush? Lol, you blame Bush for everything that happened under his adminstration or Obama's, lololol.


I'm not a moron and you've not proved anything in my post is not a true account of recent history. You couldn't even lie your way out of it.

You are not a moron, but you sure seem to want to appear moronic by your posts.
I'm not a Democrat...but I've got some thoughts on this one.

First, we ought to stop giving ISIS what it wants. ISIS wants Americans to fear them....and that is exactly what many have done. I suggest that we stop doing that and recognize that American citizens have never been safer in our entire history.

A natural side product of losing the fear of ISIS will be that we will stop treating all Muslims like they are violent extremists. That will help prevent some from becoming radicalized in the future and make groups like ISIS less of a threat.

Remain vigilant. Fighting terrorism is a police matter. Intelligence and police cooperation with our Muslim allies will win the day.

I have no problem with adding some security measures to our various waiver visa programs. Seems reasonable.

Earmuffs, bitch.

No one is treating all Muslims like they are violent extremists. If they are it is a very small few.
There is more hatred of Jews in this country than Muslims.
That is political rhetoric from the left and media.
This is about all Americans being safe not anti Muslim.
People are sick to death of being treated like children who can't discern the difference between radical Muslims and peaceful Muslims.
Trump is one of those that cannot.

Cannot what?
He wants to do what most of the European countries are starting to do.
It is about safety not anti Muslim.
Discern the difference between radical muslims and peaceful muslims. Do you read your own posts?

Even the peaceful Muslims knows the difference and they call them radical Muslims.
And yet Trump cannot discern the difference.
Trump is one of those that cannot.

Cannot what?
He wants to do what most of the European countries are starting to do.
It is about safety not anti Muslim.
Discern the difference between radical muslims and peaceful muslims. Do you read your own posts?

Even the peaceful Muslims knows the difference and they call them radical Muslims.

In a line-up, could they or you pick the one who plans Jihad?

Q. How can we identify the next mass shooter?
A. A white male

[for the record I'm a white male]

Oh Brother !!!!!!!!!!!!
Use some common sense.
We are not talking about guessing.

What are you talking about? If you're not guessing, how do you know who is a Jihadist and who is a peaceful member of Islam?
Cannot what?
He wants to do what most of the European countries are starting to do.
It is about safety not anti Muslim.
Discern the difference between radical muslims and peaceful muslims. Do you read your own posts?

Even the peaceful Muslims knows the difference and they call them radical Muslims.

In a line-up, could they or you pick the one who plans Jihad?

Q. How can we identify the next mass shooter?
A. A white male

[for the record I'm a white male]

Oh Brother !!!!!!!!!!!!
Use some common sense.
We are not talking about guessing.

What are you talking about? If you're not guessing, how do you know who is a Jihadist and who is a peaceful member of Islam?

When the evidence comes in to prove it.

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