Remember how Conservatives complain bitterly about the 47%...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?
No , i don't remember the Conservatives complain bitterly about the 47%, what I do remember is when Mitt Romney had said, that he couldn't persuade the 47% that pay no taxes, to vote for him. Problem is with you dope smoking liberal fucktards who cant remember shit, but then say some thing stupid and actually believe what you say. The woman in the 2nd video is a typical 47% voter of the liberal party. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

If you tax the bottom half more, there will be less consumerism back into the economy...
If you reduced the fucking size of the already over bloated US government, then you wouldn't have to tax anyone any more and probable give back more to the people. But typical of liberals(Very stupid I might add) they must have Uncle Sugar there to give them all their wants and desires, just enough to survive, but punish the rest of US who have used our God given gifts to succeed in life.

Liberalism = Victim = someone took my stuff and the government has to take it back and give it to me for I am too stupid to know better.
Conservatism = Self Reliance = Took it upon themselves to develop skills and knowledge to make it in the world.

See video below for typical liberal.

If you tax the bottom half more, there will be less consumerism back into the economy...
If you reduced the fucking size of the already over bloated US government, then you wouldn't have to tax anyone any more and probable give back more to the people. But typical of liberals(Very stupid I might add) they must have Uncle Sugar there to give them all their wants and desires, just enough to survive, but punish the rest of US who have used our God given gifts to succeed in life.

Liberalism = Victim = someone took my stuff and the government has to take it back and give it to me for I am too stupid to know better.
Conservatism = Self Reliance = Took it upon themselves to develop skills and knowledge to make it in the world.

See video below for typical liberal.

Helping the poor through tax cuts, and government assistance not only helps them to survive, but it helps them spend back into the economy in consumerism.

No one chose to be bought into this World, it seems ridiculous to not take care of our own people.

However, I do have a problem with the poor, criminals, and idiots having kids, and not just kids, but many kids.

The poor, criminals, and idiots should be fined for having Kids, that should deter bringing mistakes into this World.
If you tax the bottom half more, there will be less consumerism back into the economy...

Yeah it is sort the same as to why I don't hear from politicians as many complaints about welfare as I once used to. Most of that money ends up in hands of local businesses. I have heard call for drug testing as means to prevent the dough from ending up it hands of illegal businesses.
Helping the poor through tax cuts, and government assistance not only helps them to survive, but it helps them spend back into the economy in consumerism.
How do income tax cuts help the poor?

As far as the poor getting government assistance helping the economy "in consumerism" where does the money come from to provide that "government assistance"? Isn't it the case that it first has to come out of some other consumers pocket, then be run through a bureaucracy (which takes it cut off the top) at which point the bulk of it is spent on basic necessities (food, housing, clothing) because government assistance doesn't provide enough to spend on higher end consumer items (or even mid level consumer items).
So as far as consumer stimulus effects of "government assistance" it's focused on a narrow section of the economy at the expense of the broad economy.

Are you aware that government spends around 13 cents of every subsidy dollar on people that are actually at or below the poverty line (i.e. the poor) the rest goes to subsidizing people that are NOT poor, doesn't make a real strong case for the effectiveness of "government assistance" for the poor now does it?
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?
Whatever happened to paying your fair share?


Ask Trump if that's your problem.

Trump wants to lower the bottom rate and increase the standard deduction. The result of that will be that many low/moderate income Americans who currently pay some income tax will see their taxable income lowered, which will lower their tax,

then, when they start taking their credits (which come right off the top of your tax bill), such as the big child tax credit,
the lower tax starting point will make them more likely to wipe out all of their tax liability with the credits.

Too complicated? lol
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?

As usual you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

This so called "Tax Reform Plan" hasn't even published the income ranges for the proposed brackets yet so you have no idea of it's effects on the breadth of the tax base.
...who pay no income taxes?

Trump's tax plan would dramatically increase that number. Now you support that?
No , i don't remember the Conservatives complain bitterly about the 47%, ]

That would be attributable either to your being uninformed, or dishonest.

I am still waiting for your Link?

google Trump tax plan

I down loaded it a week ago.

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