Remember when the Bush Tax Cuts were going to expand the economy and creation millions of jobs?

Obama and the Fed spent $13 TRILLION of unpatriotic debt to generate 151,000 "jobs" this month.

Sure, Crusader.......Show me your "math".....
IF you go back to 2008 when Obama inherited the mess left to him by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters, the National Debt was just over 9 trillion dollars(Obama called Bush unpatriotic for that) but today, that National Debt is over 18 trillion(George Bush has been out of office for 7 years now)dollars and the FED(central bank, not a government agency) with QE created 5 trillion of debt that someone MUST pay for.

9 + 5 = 14.
Not common core math, but elementary math.
The Bush Era Tax Cuts Didn't Create The Wealth They Were Supposed To

The Republican Party has long promoted itself as the party of business.

All we need to do is to give those at the very top of the income distribution – the “job creators” – more income through tax breaks, and then sit back and wait for the magic happen.

Our investment in the wealthy will produce remarkable economic growth, and everyone will be better off.

The Bush tax cuts were a test of these claims about supply-side economic policies.

The tax cuts wouldn’t cost us anything. Growth would be so strong that the tax cuts would more than pay for themselves.

The Bush tax cuts have already cost us trillions in revenue, and if they are extended for high income tax payers, they will cost us roughly another trillion over the next decade.

In fact, the Bush tax cuts can be thought of as a loan from the Social Security Trust Fund that was supposed to be paid back with the revenues from higher economic growth, a loan that is presently in default.

However, if the Republican Party is truly the party of business, then surely it will understand that no responsible financial institution would continue to invest in a business that failed meet, or even come close to the growth and revenue projections that justified the investment in the first place.

A true party of business would end our investment in the false promise of supply-side economics. However, a party with a goal of reducing the scale of programs such as Social Security and Medicare along with delivering tax cuts to wealthy political backers would use arguments about the economic effects of tax cuts to disguise its true intentions.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says


Republicans really got us with that one, didn't they? Does the base feel as stupid as their policies? They don't even deny that if they get into office, they will finish the job.

The Bush tax cuts have already cost us trillions in revenue

They saved taxpayers trillions?
That's awesome!!
Just love how a libtard calls taxes, REVENUE". The revolutionary war was started because England put a tea tax on America around 3%, yet today, many WORKING Americans pay over 40% of their wages to some form of government, which then that "REVENUE" is wastefully spent, either on wars, worthless schlobs not looking for work, or padding their own political pockets, like Harry Reid did making him millions. (But as long as the 47% continue to get their government cheese and assisted housing(don't forget their marijuana) they will continue to vote for the very same people who give them FREE stuff.
See typical liberal voter in video.

Obama and the Fed spent $13 TRILLION of unpatriotic debt to generate 151,000 "jobs" this month.

Sure, Crusader.......Show me your "math".....

OK Common Core Boy, Obama added $9T and the Fed added $4T over the same time, what does 9+4 FEEL like to you?

OK...Frank......that is a series of numbers......was "jobs" the only thing on which the sum was spent?

How about Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, servicing the debt, the Pentagon........was that all funded with bake sales?
The Bush Era Tax Cuts Didn't Create The Wealth They Were Supposed To

The Republican Party has long promoted itself as the party of business.

All we need to do is to give those at the very top of the income distribution – the “job creators” – more income through tax breaks, and then sit back and wait for the magic happen.

Our investment in the wealthy will produce remarkable economic growth, and everyone will be better off.

The Bush tax cuts were a test of these claims about supply-side economic policies.

The tax cuts wouldn’t cost us anything. Growth would be so strong that the tax cuts would more than pay for themselves.

The Bush tax cuts have already cost us trillions in revenue, and if they are extended for high income tax payers, they will cost us roughly another trillion over the next decade.

In fact, the Bush tax cuts can be thought of as a loan from the Social Security Trust Fund that was supposed to be paid back with the revenues from higher economic growth, a loan that is presently in default.

However, if the Republican Party is truly the party of business, then surely it will understand that no responsible financial institution would continue to invest in a business that failed meet, or even come close to the growth and revenue projections that justified the investment in the first place.

A true party of business would end our investment in the false promise of supply-side economics. However, a party with a goal of reducing the scale of programs such as Social Security and Medicare along with delivering tax cuts to wealthy political backers would use arguments about the economic effects of tax cuts to disguise its true intentions.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says


Republicans really got us with that one, didn't they? Does the base feel as stupid as their policies? They don't even deny that if they get into office, they will finish the job.

The Bush tax cuts have already cost us trillions in revenue

They saved taxpayers trillions?
That's awesome!!

Supply Side Hucksters will never go extinct as long as they make chumps like you, Toddster.....

Deanie's article was wrong?
Please explain further.

Better yet, here's a picture, Toddster


So his article was right. Good to know.

Atta boy.......
The Bush tax cuts have already cost us trillions in revenue

They saved taxpayers trillions?
That's awesome!!

Supply Side Hucksters will never go extinct as long as they make chumps like you, Toddster.....

Deanie's article was wrong?
Please explain further.

Better yet, here's a picture, Toddster


So his article was right. Good to know.

Atta boy.......

The Bush tax cuts have already cost us trillions in revenue

They saved taxpayers trillions?
That's awesome!!
Glad you agree.
Obama and the Fed spent $13 TRILLION of unpatriotic debt to generate 151,000 "jobs" this month.

Sure, Crusader.......Show me your "math".....

OK Common Core Boy, Obama added $9T and the Fed added $4T over the same time, what does 9+4 FEEL like to you?

OK...Frank......that is a series of numbers......was "jobs" the only thing on which the sum was spent?

How about Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, servicing the debt, the Pentagon........was that all funded with bake sales?
Do you know why Medicare Part D was created? Back in 1993 William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) created the largest tax burden on America, and part of that was enacting that Social Security was then an income. That meant that before 1993 if you earned $2,500 a month for SS, you got $2,500. But after the Democrats in the house, senate and Slick Willie, made that law, now that same $2,500 was $2,000. So elderly had to eat cat food(Tom Daschle's mom) or get prescription drugs. So along came Teddy, and he with George(the liberal republican) Bush, put in the FREE drugs for the elderly(whether they need the drugs or not) because with liberals it is all about redistribution of wealth. Social Security was created so the poor young people can pay for the RICH old people. Now the young poor people can pay for the RICH old people's Viagra and other drugs. Funny , I didn't seem to hear Bill Clinton complain about that benefit.
Supply Side Hucksters will never go extinct as long as they make chumps like you, Toddster.....

Deanie's article was wrong?
Please explain further.

Better yet, here's a picture, Toddster


So his article was right. Good to know.

Atta boy.......

The Bush tax cuts have already cost us trillions in revenue

They saved taxpayers trillions?
That's awesome!!
Glad you agree.

When you pay with a credit card, do you believe your saved that money, Toddster?
Obama and the Fed spent $13 TRILLION of unpatriotic debt to generate 151,000 "jobs" this month.

Sure, Crusader.......Show me your "math".....

OK Common Core Boy, Obama added $9T and the Fed added $4T over the same time, what does 9+4 FEEL like to you?

OK...Frank......that is a series of numbers......was "jobs" the only thing on which the sum was spent?

How about Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, servicing the debt, the Pentagon........was that all funded with bake sales?
Do you know why Medicare Part D was created? Back in 1993 William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) created the largest tax burden on America, and part of that was enacting that Social Security was then an income. That meant that before 1993 if you earned $2,500 a month for SS, you got $2,500. But after the Democrats in the house, senate and Slick Willie, made that law, now that same $2,500 was $2,000. So elderly had to eat cat food(Tom Daschle's mom) or get prescription drugs. So along came Teddy, and he with George(the liberal republican) Bush, put in the FREE drugs for the elderly(whether they need the drugs or not) because with liberals it is all about redistribution of wealth. Social Security was created so the poor young people can pay for the RICH old people. Now the young poor people can pay for the RICH old people's Viagra and other drugs. Funny , I didn't seem to hear Bill Clinton complain about that benefit.

Let me make this don't have the slightest idea what you are babbling about.....

The taxing of Social Security benefits began in 1983.....
They would have but the economy tanked and it had nothing at all to do with tax cuts.

End of this fail thread.
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The portion of Social Security benefits subject to income taxes was raised from 50% to 85%.[4]
You were right, my mistake but funny how liberals always say that the EVIL REPUBLICANS want to take away the elderly SS, but here we see that it was liberals who TOOK MORE. Real nice of them.

and you left out the increase in the income threshold....
So why isn't that they what they take in today, enough? Obama(who promised not to tax anyone under $250,000) wants to tax them with a $10 a barrel oil tax? Or Unaffordable Healthcare tax? Or the energy tax that made electricity rates necessarily skyrocket? Do you think that 3 trillion dollars a year in "REVENUE" would be enough?
Obama and the Fed spent $13 TRILLION of unpatriotic debt to generate 151,000 "jobs" this month.

Sure, Crusader.......Show me your "math".....
IF you go back to 2008 when Obama inherited the mess left to him by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters, the National Debt was just over 9 trillion dollars(Obama called Bush unpatriotic for that) but today, that National Debt is over 18 trillion(George Bush has been out of office for 7 years now)dollars and the FED(central bank, not a government agency) with QE created 5 trillion of debt that someone MUST pay for.

9 + 5 = 14.
Not common core math, but elementary math.
What did Obama spend it on?
Careful, libs

We now have the "'fuel", quite literally, to see what those tax cuts can really do.

The overall economy should grow at a faster rate if oil is cheap plus the Bush tax cuts that was made permanent.

I wonder if the right will take credit if this pans out? But then they blame Obama for the last 7 years so how can they?

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