Roe overturned

Where women are denied the right to privacy, as far as their baby factory is concerned, in several states already by means of Trigger laws. Some States feel like they should own the women I guess.

Psssft, the Neo-GOP and the Great Pussy Grab. Thanks Donnie.

Never trust the Neo-GOP, ladies. Better vote them out while you still can!

Yes, it was, agreed.
But Precedent does not matter now. The Court could determine that militias are only comprised of members officially in the Guard, and that the state can therefore exclude any non Guard member from owning a firearm. Further, it could find that only Guard issued or approved items fit that bill.

And the State of course can determine who is permitted to be in the Guard.

Agreed. See above.
The 1st is not is a right.

Your militia thing has been well described legally.
The Court is making it clear
Past rulings are off the table

The only thing that matters is the views of 18th century Americans thought we needed

If you did not need in in the 1700s, you don’t need it now

If you did not need in in the 1700s, you don’t need it now
If you weren't entitled to it in the 1700s, you're not entitled to it now.

There, I fixed it for ya.

Where women are denied the right to privacy, as far as their baby factory is concerned, in several states already by means of Trigger laws. Some States feel like they should own the women I guess.

Psssft, the Neo-GOP and the Great Pussy Grab. Thanks Donnie.

Never trust the Neo-GOP, ladies. Better vote them out while you still can!
So you want the King to decide what's right and what's not?

That's why there is a 10th amendment.
Where women are denied the right to privacy, as far as their baby factory is concerned, in several states already by means of Trigger laws. Some States feel like they should own the women I guess.

Psssft, the Neo-GOP and the Great Pussy Grab. Thanks Donnie.

Never trust the Neo-GOP, ladies. Better vote them out while you still can!
I am pro choice all the way....... but I love any decision that would drive you controlling murderers to insanity
Hopefully in the states that will pass common sense abortion laws that precludes a woman from killing a child as a method of birth control for the sake of convenience it will be a driver more personal responsibility.

Keeping from getting pregnant nowadays is not very hard to do. Even in Biden's inflationary economy condoms are still very cheap.

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”. C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

Then maybe these women need to keep their fucking legs closed, huh?
The 1st is not is a right.

Your militia thing has been well described legally.
Yes and Heller changed it. If stare decisis falls then how previous courts interpreted something now has little bearing on how it is interpreted gong forward.

There are legal systems like that, but the laws and legal traditions are tailored around it. Thats fine (vive le France!) but it upends the US system.
Is it legal where you are?..... Sorry for these kind of questions but I'm trying to see what Lebanon does compared to us
it is legal...the doctor wanted me aborted, but my mom refused...i'm not an expert on lebanese law just because i'm lebanese though lol
If you weren't entitled to it in the 1700s, you're not entitled to it now.

There, I fixed it for ya.

Good plan

Clean air and water
Safe food and drugs
Child labor laws
40 hour week
Civil rights protection

Repeal them all
Founders didn’t care about them

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