Yes, I am - content, too. But, those damn questions about messy desks mess with my score.From both tests, my left brain is dominant. I doubt that surprises many.
It means you're in the perfect field.
I'm kind of in the middle so I could be decent at both but prefer creativity.
It also means that I tend to be less organized and less rigid.
Funny thing is, some don't realize that there is quite the necessity for some creativity in fields such as mine as well still while having a left dominance. So, I can live with 55-left/45-right.
As others have said, neither way is wrong, no matter how some may want it to be.
Your job demands that you have a structured plan and that you pay great attention to detail.
I'm kind of a free spirit with direction but not enough to do your job. I barely passed Chemistry 101.
I also have a vivid imagination and have creativity but not enough to get rich doing it. Kind of hard for me to write a book when I would rather be doing other things.