Should Pete be fired for taking time off to play house like children do during a major crisis?

Should Pete be fired?

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  • No

  • Every father needs time off to learn how to breast feed.

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So what?? So what if the government moves more and more people onto welfare?

This country is in big trouble largely because liberals see nothing desirable about people working and supporting themselves. Just give everyone UBI!
It is why equal protection of the Laws (for Legal purposes) matters. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in an at-will employment State.
I’m talking about the government child support checks. The woman I know gets $300 a month for her three young ones, and $250 a month for the kid over 6. That’s $1150 a month. With that money coming in every month, she decided to quit her part-time job which paid her $1200 a month.
Yikes. Sounds like she could use a child tax credit, some universal pre-K and some childcare. Not to mention some free govt contraception. Then maybe she could work full time.
It is why equal protection of the Laws (for Legal purposes) matters. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in an at-will employment State.
You’ve already said “so what” if people never work. Of COURSE you want people who decide not to work to get unemployment compensation. We have laws that allows for that, for limited reasons, and for limited time.

You can’t keep paying people not to work, especially when jobs are plentiful, or you will be left with a country that is lazy and unproductive, and shelves are bare. The liberals are moving us there as quickly as they can.
Yikes. Sounds like she could use a child tax credit, some universal pre-K and some childcare. Not to mention some free govt contraception. Then maybe she could work full time.
She’s not paying any rent, either. I believe that ends in December, and then maybe she’ll go back to her part-time job. Just shows that if you had out so much money that people don’t need to work, they won’t.
You’ve already said “so what” if people never work. Of COURSE you want people who decide not to work to get unemployment compensation. We have laws that allows for that, for limited reasons, and for limited time.

You can’t keep paying people not to work, especially when jobs are plentiful, or you will be left with a country that is lazy and unproductive, and shelves are bare. The liberals are moving us there as quickly as they can.
Our First Amendment applies; you need an economic reason to try to deny or disparage our privileges and immunities.
Our First Amendment applies; you need an economic reason to try to deny or disparage our privileges and immunities.

This is not a First Amendment issue. Turning a non-worker down for unemployment money is not disparaging them. They simply don’t qualify. You are entitled to it if ONLY you lost your job under certain circumstances and then only for a short time.

Are you so far along the socialism scale that you think it’s a good idea for people to be able to say, ”hey, I won’t work and instead will just take cash from the ‘money for non-workers’ fund for the rest of my life.”? THIS is the type of socialist, “let’s reward unproductive people who refuse to contribute by giving them other people’s money” that will destroy this country.
This is not a First Amendment issue. Turning a non-worker down for unemployment money is not disparaging them. They simply don’t qualify. You are entitled to it if ONLY you lost your job under certain circumstances and then only for a short time.

Are you so far along the socialism scale that you think it’s a good idea for people to be able to say, ”hey, I won’t work and instead will just take cash from the ‘money for non-workers’ fund for the rest of my life.”? THIS is the type of socialist, “let’s reward unproductive people who refuse to contribute by giving them other people’s money” that will destroy this country.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."
Doesn’t say anything about lazy good-for-nothings to be entitled to unemployment insurance. Just says that employers can fire at will.

You sure are determined to make it so people don’t have to get jobs, aren’t you?
Doesn’t say anything about lazy good-for-nothings to be entitled to unemployment insurance. Just says that employers can fire at will.

You sure are determined to make it so people don’t have to get jobs, aren’t you?
You make it seem like being legal to the law doesn't matter if you are on the right-wing.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
I guarantee he’s in back to back meetings for a good chunk of the day. How can we be this far into covid and people still not understand working remotely?
Or, he's at the Global Warming Summit, dope
You make it seem like being legal to the law doesn't matter if you are on the right-wing.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
And again, nothing in there that says Unemployment Compensation is a “privilege” available to every single person, forever, who just chooses not to work.

This thread is scary. It just shows how determined leftists are to encourage people to live off the government dole for life. If we don’t retake the Congress in 2022, the Dems will turn adults into leeches rather than encourage them to be contributing members of society.

Now, with all due respect, you have demonstrated that you want people to NOT work and be entitled to other people’s money. I can’t tolerate any more of that. Please debate with someone else, because it’s making me sick - and lunchtime is coming.
She’s not paying any rent, either. I believe that ends in December, and then maybe she’ll go back to her part-time job. Just shows that if you had out so much money that people don’t need to work, they won’t.
Yep. She was on the fast train to success with four kids and a part time job making $1200 a month until da gubbmint took that all away from her. Where does she possibly pay rent making that little?
Yep. She was on the fast train to success with four kids and a part time job making $1200 a month until da gubbmint took that all away from her. Where does she possibly pay rent making that little?
She has a husband. But they needed that extra $1000 or so a month to make ends meet. Now she can just get other people to make up the difference, and she quits her job.
And again, nothing in there that says Unemployment Compensation is a “privilege” available to every single person, forever, who just chooses not to work.

This thread is scary. It just shows how determined leftists are to encourage people to live off the government dole for life. If we don’t retake the Congress in 2022, the Dems will turn adults into leeches rather than encourage them to be contributing members of society.

Now, with all due respect, you have demonstrated that you want people to NOT work and be entitled to other people’s money. I can’t tolerate any more of that. Please debate with someone else, because it’s making me sick - and lunchtime is coming.
Dear, this is the Law for Legal purposes:

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."
She’s not paying any rent, either. I believe that ends in December, and then maybe she’ll go back to her part-time job. Just shows that if you had out so much money that people don’t need to work, they won’t.
She would also certainly be getting Free medical and Food stamps as well...she needs to be sterilized..
Why do you think employers should pay someone to stay home exactly? Especially two gay guys who obviously didn't give birth?
Because parents should be able to spend time with their new infant children. See, I'm not a monster like you. Next thing you'll be questioning why employers give people vacation days. After all, you are actually questioning that.

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